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File metadata and controls

346 lines (219 loc) · 17.7 KB

Project 2: User Programs

Group member:

11611712 杨寒梅

11611725 朱怀生

Task1 argument passing

1.1 Data structure and functions

In this task, we mainly modify process.c and deal with strings. However, to test the correctness of our algorithm in this task, we must also implement syscall_write in syscall.c.

1.1.1 Data structure

No complex data structure, only use strings and ints

1.1.1 Functions

  • <process.c> :
    • modify process_execute (const char *file_name)
    • modify start_process (void *file_name_)
    • add push_argument(void **esp,int argc, int argv[])
    • modify process_wait (tid_t child_tid)
  • <syscall.c>
    • add sys_write(int fd, const void *buffer, unsigned size, int* ret)

1.2 Algorithms

Since the implementations of process_wait (tid_t child_tid) and syscall_write(struct intr_frame *f) are just for testing the algorithm of argument passing. So we won't get into much details about them in this section, we'll discuss it in the task2.

<process.c> :

The function process_execute provides file_name, which includes command and arguments string.

First, split the file_name to separate the command and arguments. We take this command as the new thread's name and then, pass the arguments to function start_process, load and setup_stack.

After analysing the original pintos code, we know that after process_execute creates the thread, user program doesn't execute immediately, it enters the start_process and this function invoke load, which will allocate memory for user programs. So the time to set up the stack is after load.

To set up the stack, we first memcpy the arguments and command name and save their address for future usage. Then add alignment, and argv's address stored before also make sure argv[argc] is a null pointer. Next add the address of argv, argc and finally a return address.

We create function push_argument to do split the argument by argv in the start_process.

1.3 Synchronization

When parsing the command line, we use strtok_r given by pintos rather than strtok. The difference between strtok and strtok_r is that the latter is threadsafe. The save_ptr in strtok_r is provided by the caller but strtok relies on a pointer to remember where it was looking for. Thread may be interrupted at any time, so it's important to be threadsafe.

We use the filesys_lock to do file operation by adding method in thread.c and thread.h.

/*Do file lock operation*/
void acquire_lock_f(){
void release_lock_f(){

1.4 Rationale

In this task, we split the command name and other arguments and pass them to the function load and add them into the stack with correct order. The main purpose of this task is to assign the parameters to a specific stack in a specific order and the logic is clear.

Task 2 Process Control Syscalls

2.1 Data structures and functions

2.1.1 Data structure

  • <thread.h>

    • We create a new struct called child
    struct child
        tid_t tid;                           /* tid of the thread */
        bool isrun;                          /* whether the child's thread is run successfully */
        struct list_elem child_elem;         /* list of children */
        struct semaphore sema;               /* semaphore to control waiting */
        int store_exit;                      /* the exit status of child thread */
    • We add some new attributes to the struct thread
    struct list childs;                 /* The list of childs */
    struct child * thread_child;        /* Store the child of this thread */
    int st_exit;                        /* Exit status */
    struct semaphore sema;              /* Control the child process's logic, finish parent waiting for child */
    bool success;                       /* Judge whehter the child's thread execute successfully */
    struct thread* parent;              /* Parent thread of the thread */
  • <syscall.c>

    • We create a new struct called syscalls
    struct list files;                  /* List of opened files */
    int file_fd;                        /* File's descriptor */
    struct file * file_owned;           /* The file opened */

2.1.2 Functions

  • <syscall.c>
    • add get_user (const uint8_t *uaddr)
    • modify syscall_handler (struct intr_frame *f)
    • modify syscall_init (void)
    • add sys_halt (intr_frame* f), sys_exit (intr_frame* f), sys_exec (intr_frame* f), sys_write(intr_frame* f), int sys_wait(intr_frame* f);

2.2 Algorithms

In this task, we need to finish 4 syscalls

SYS_HALT, /* shutdown the system */
SYS_EXEC, /* start a new program with process_execute() */
SYS_WAIT, /* wait for a specific child process to exit */
SYS_PRACTICE /* adds 1 to its first argument, and returns the result */


In function process_execute, invoke sema_down for the current thread to synchronize its execution. If the process is executed successfully, return the child process’s tid; else return TID_ERROR.

In function process_wait, we'll check if child_tid exists in thread_current()->childs . If not this function will return -1, else we'll check if the child has been waited before, since the document stipulates that a child should only been waited for at most once. If it has been waited before, return -1, else set the waiting flag true(success). After checking, we down the semaphore sema to block the process until the child terminates, Finally we remove the child process from childs and return its store_exit.


we have a function syscall_handler with switch-case to execute corresponding code. The system call type is read from the user process’s stack. However, since they are in the user process's virtual address space, we should check whether the address is pointed to a valid address before executing system calls. The specific verification includes check if the address is below PHYS_BASE, if the address is mapped, or if it is null. If the address is invalid, then we need to free the memory page and release any locks or semaphores from this process before exiting.


Implemented by function sys_halt (intr_frame* f), just call function shutdown_power_off.


Implemented by function sys_exec (intr_frame* f), first to check if the file referred by file_name is valid (whether the pointer to memeory address, page and content of page are valid). If it is invalid, return -1, else we call function process_execute (const char *file_name).


Implemented by function sys_wait(pid_t pid), first check if the argument it passed (the pid) is valid. If it is invalid, return -1, else we call function process_wait (tid_t child_tid) implemented in task 1.


The practice syscall just adds 1 to its first argument argv[0], and returns the result

2.3 Synchronization

In the process of execution of process, execute will return -1 if the process fails, it can't return. To solve this, we add success to struct thread to record whether the thread exectue successfully. What' more, we use struct thread parent to get its parent and set its status according to the result of loading. It's a good design to record child's executing result in parent instead of child. Last but not least, we use semaphore to realize "parent" waits for "child". When a child process is created, it will down sema to block the parent. When the child finish, it will up sema to wake up his parent.

In the process of wating of process(we realize the waiting process by semaphore), when a "parent" need to wait his "child", sema_down is called to block the parent. And when the "child" finishes, the "parent" will wake up.

2.4 Rationale

In this task, we finish three kernel system calls and one for practice. To achieve the goal, we create a new structure named child and add some atrributes to the struct thread. Semaphores are used in this task to prevent race condition. What's more, we store a thread's parent for it and such kind of design make us more eficient to find parent thread (we will change the status of parent more quickly).

Task 3 File Operation Syscalls

3.1 Data structure and functions

3.1.1 Data structure


  • We add some new attributes to the struct thread
struct list files; /* the list of opened files */
int file_fd; /* File's number thread has */
struct file * file_owned; /* the file opened */


  • We create a new struct called process_file
struct thread_file{
    int fd;
    struct file* file;
    struct list_elem file_elem;

3.1.2 Functions

  • <syscall.c>
    • modify syscall_handler (struct intr_frame *)

    • modify syscall_init (void)

    • add syscall functions

      void sys_create(struct intr_frame* f); /* syscall create */
      void sys_remove(struct intr_frame* f); /* syscall remove */
      void sys_open(struct intr_frame* f);/* syscall open */
      void sys_wait(struct intr_frame* f); /*syscall wait */
      void sys_filesize(struct intr_frame* f);/* syscall filesize */
      void sys_read(struct intr_frame* f);  /* syscall read */
      void sys_write(struct intr_frame* f); /* syscall write */
      void sys_seek(struct intr_frame* f); /* syscall seek */
      void sys_tell(struct intr_frame* f); /* syscall tell */
      void sys_close(struct intr_frame* f); /* syscall close */
    • add is_valid_pointer(void* esp,uint8_t argc)

    • add find_file_id(int file_id)

    • add check_ptr2(const void *vaddr)

  • <thread.c> && <thread.h>
    • add a global file lock to gurantee the safety of thread
    /*Use a lock to lock process when do file operation*/
    static struct lock c;
    • add file lock functions
    void acquire_lock_f(){
    void release_lock_f(){
    • modify some initialization function in the thread.c

3.2 Algorithms

In this task, we need to implement another 9 syscalls concerning file operation syscalls: create, remove, open, filesize, read, write, seek, tell, and close. When a user program is running, we must ensure that nobody can modify its executable file on the disk. For this task, we use a global lock to ensure the file syscalls is thread safe. When every syscall is called, it must acquire lock and after then, release the lock.

Besides, the filesystem of Pintos is not thread-safe, file operation syscalls cannot call multiple filesystem functions concurrently. To ensure this, we add a new variable file_fd into struct thread to keep the file desciptor larger than STDIN_FILENO and STDOUT_FILENO, file_owned is to keep a thread’s opened files.

The function syscall_handler will determine which kind of syscall function to execute. All arguments are already in the stack when a user program invoke a syscall. So, we just need to get the parameter from the stack. Each file syscalls will call the corresponding functions in the file system library in filesys.c after it acquires global file system lock, this lock will be released at last.

The function syscall_init (void) will initialize syscalls to store the function of syscalls in this task.

The function is_valid_pointer(void* esp,uint8_t argc) is used to do unknown bugs in test bad-read. This function is just used to check whether the memory is valid and it is just used in sys_read

The function special_eixt is used to pass the special test which have invalid memory,page and wrong content of page. We will kill the process and exit with -1 by printf.

The function check_ptr2 is used to check whether there is some mistakes like invalid memory, page and wrong content of page for each syscall.


Implemented by function sys_create(struct intr_frame* f), just call function filesys_create and acquire lock by acquire_lock_f(), release it after finishing by release_lock_f(). This lock process will be used in other filesystem operation in the following methods.


Implemented by function sys_remove(struct intr_frame* f), just call function filesys_remove (const char *name).


Implemented by function sys_open(struct intr_frame* f),fisrt we need to open the file first by function filesys_open (const char *name). Then we need to push the file with structure thread_file to the thread's opened file's list files.


Implemented by function sys_write(struct intr_frame* f), first we need to judge whether we will write to stdout or files. If it will be written to stdout, we use function putbuf (const char *buffer, size_t n) to finish it. If it will be written to files, first we find the file by id find_file_id(int file_id) in current thread, then do write operation by file_write (struct file *file, const void *buffer, off_t size) .


Implemented by function sys_seek(struct intr_frame* f), just call function file_seek (struct file *file, off_t new_pos).


Implemented by function sys_tell(struct intr_frame* f), first find the file from find_file_id(int file_id). Then call function file_tell (struct file *file) to do syscall tell.


Implemented by function sys_close(struct intr_frame* f), first find the file from find_file_id(int file_id). Then call function file_close (struct file *file) to do syscall close. Finally, we remove the file in the thread's list and free the file.


Implemented by function sys_filesize(struct intr_frame* f), first find the file from find_file_id(int file_id). Then call function file_length (struct file *file) to do syscall filesize.

3.3 Synchronization

All the file operations are protected by the global file system lock, which can prevent I/O on the same fd at the same time. First, we'll check whether the current thread is holding the global lock lock_f . If so, we release it. Then we have to close all the file the current thread opens and free all its child. Also, we disable the interruption, when we go through thread_current()->parent->childs or thread_current()->files, to prevent unpredictable error or race condition in context switch. So they will not cause race conditions.

3.4 Rationale

In this task, we finish nine kernel system calls for file systems. To achieve the goal, we create a new structure named thread_file and add some atrributes to the struct thread. Locks are used in this task to prevent race condition. What's more,some special situation like invalid memory, page and file has been considered by killing the process by special_exit.


We pass all 80 tests.
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Q1: A reflection on the project–what exactly did each member do? What went well, and what could be improved?

  • Task1 :
    • Code : Hanmei Yang
    • Report : Hanmei Yang
  • Task2:
    • Code : Huaisheng Zhu & Hanmei Yang
    • Report : Hanmei Yang
  • Task3:
    • Code: Huaisheng Zhu
    • Report: Huaisheng Zhu

What went well: We have a good division and cooperation. Every people focus on his/her job and if someone have problems, we discuss with each other and share our ideas. Due to the good teamwork, we finish this project quickly.

What could be improved: The time schedule for this project is really tight, we should start earier to make a more thorough design. When we finish task 1, it took many times to figure out the reason why it didn't work, that is we didn't implement the system write. Orginally we thought the thread creation is to blame and this misdirected idea affected the progress of this project.

Q2: Does your code exhibit any major memory safety problems (especially regarding C strings), memory leaks, poor error handling, or race conditions?

Yes. When we do test exec-bound-2 and sc-boundary-2, the invalid memory pointer(doesn't at the first argument) and syscall causes memory leak. So we use method check_ptr to check it.

Q3: Did you use consistent code style? Your code should blend in with the existing Pintos code. Check your use of indentation, your spacing, and your naming conventions.

Yes. Our codes are consistent with the style of existing Pintos code. Take the methods' definition for example, the return type and other keywords are in one line, and the method name and parameters are in the next line. We leave each left parentheses ( a space between the before character. And each left brace { occupies one line. In terms of naming conventions, we notice that the functions and variables in pintos both use underline-naming principle, so we also use this kind of convention.

Q4: Is your code simple and easy to understand?

Yes. The codes we implement are consistent with the algorithm part discussed before, we don't add a redundant line. We add comments to important algorithm and parameters(The process to finish this project is also shown in the comment). And as the algorithm part shows, our algorithm is simple enough and readable.

Q5: If you have very complex sections of code in your solution, did you add enough comments to explain them?

Yes. We explain every parameter and the important line in these complex sections.

Q6: Did you leave commented-out code in your final submission?

No. We remove them in the final version.

Q7: Did you copy-paste code instead of creating reusable functions?

No. If some codes will repeat, we encapsulate the codes into a function and just invoke the function when needed. We will check the invalid memory for each system call, but different system calls need to check different things. So we use function check_ptr2 for all system calls (check_ptr2 is a new version to solve special situation).

Q8: Are your lines of source code excessively long? (more than 100 characters)


Q9: Did you re-implement linked list algorithms instead of using the provided list manipu- lation?
