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Genie Convenience

What is Convenience?

.NET library which provides collection of methods and classes useful in different everyday programming tasks. Rather then writing boilerplate code over and over I'm consolidating what I find useful into a library. Some of the code found in this library is written by other authors.

Library is not very extensive at this point but it will be extended as my projects raise need for other methods and I get a chance to write unit tests. If you wich to contribute, feel free to send me suggestions to send pull requests.

What do you mean?

Do you need to get a value using long chain of property accessors and fear null references?

This will be obsolete in .NET 4.6 due to introduction of null conditional operator, but I need it a current .NET 4 project.

var firstDescription = equipment.Description.First().Value.Text;
// BAM! Null reference exception when accessing Value property!
// Use below code instead:
var firstDescription = equipment.ValueOrDefault(e => e.Description.First().Value.Text);
AssertUtils.IsTrue(firstDescription == null, "...since description collection is empty");

Do you often serialize and deserialize objects? Don't you hate having to create Stream and BinaryFormatter objects for such simple feat? Or make a deep clone_

Product product = ...;
byte[] bytes = SerializationUtils.Serialize(product);
Product product2 = SerializationUtils.Deserialize<Product>(bytes);
Product product2 = SerializationUtils.DeepClone(product);

Need to compare collections for equality or equivalence?

int[] data1 = new int[] { 42, 1389, 1999, 1945, 1676 };
List<int> data2 = new List<int>(data1);
var equal = CollectionUtils.ContentEqual(data1, data2); // returns true

equal = CollectionUtils.ContentEqual(data1, data2); // returns false
equivalent = CollectionUtils.ContentEquivalent(data1, data2); // returns true

Make sure method parameters are provided

public int CountPrimes(IEnumerable<int> nums)
    // Throws ArgumentNullException stating 'Object nums is required but it holds a null reference.'
    AssertUtils.NotNull( () => nums );

How do I get it?

Open your NuGet package management console and run

PM> install-package Convenience

Include it's namespace (using Convenience;) and explore. There is no documentation at this point, but method names are mostly descriptive enough and there are unit tests if you wan't to get better idea.

Can't you make more appropriate icon?

I'm not as talented as guys at Icons8 which created this icon. If you have a better idea or you can make a custom icon I'd like to hear from you!

Convenience library is Copyright © 2013-2014 Nikola Radosavljević and other contributors under the MIT license