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Module 1- Pandas.rst

File metadata and controls

860 lines (759 loc) · 26.1 KB

Module 1

### Welcome to the Answer notebook for Module 1 ! These notebooks have been provided to code and solve all the queries asked in the modules.

This environment has all the necessary libraries pre-installed, and all the Stock, Commodities and Index data files available at the following location -

The problem statements and their corresponding answers are expected to be in the following format -


Query 1.1

Import the csv file of the stock of your choosing using ‘pd.read_csv()’ function into a dataframe. Shares of a company can be offered in more than one category. The category of a stock is indicated in the ‘Series’ column. If the csv file has data on more than one category, the ‘Date’ column will have repeating values. To avoid repetitions in the date, remove all the rows where ‘Series’ column is NOT ‘EQ’. Analyze and understand each column properly. You’d find the head(), tail() and describe() functions to be immensely useful for exploration. You’re free to carry out any other exploration of your own.

#The solution code should start right after the query statement, for example -
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings
df = pd.read_csv('PNB.csv')
  Symbol Series         Date  Prev Close  Open Price  High Price  Low Price  0    PNB     EQ  15-May-2017      169.15      169.95      171.30      166.2
1    PNB     EQ  16-May-2017      166.80      167.35      178.00      164.8
2    PNB     EQ  17-May-2017      174.15      173.00      173.10      164.3
3    PNB     EQ  18-May-2017      165.05      163.40      164.40      157.9
4    PNB     EQ  19-May-2017      158.50      159.50      162.25      154.1

   Last Price  Close Price  Average Price  Total Traded Quantity  0      166.85       166.80         168.94                7476618
1      173.20       174.15         173.13               51532461
2      164.80       165.05         167.27               26536944
3      158.25       158.50         161.06               13905573
4      155.20       155.20         157.59               16311602

       Turnover  No. of Trades  Deliverable Qty  % Dly Qt to Traded Qty
0  1.263123e+09          41641          1352589                   18.09
1  8.921904e+09         254027          5804867                   11.26
2  4.438942e+09         116512          7037498                   26.52
3  2.239613e+09          76746          3245443                   23.34
4  2.570540e+09          82394          2816963                   17.27
    Symbol Series         Date  Prev Close  Open Price  High Price  Low Price  489    PNB     EQ  07-May-2019       86.25       86.70       87.15      83.40
490    PNB     EQ  08-May-2019       83.95       83.75       85.40      83.25
491    PNB     EQ  09-May-2019       83.95       84.10       85.35      82.80
492    PNB     EQ  10-May-2019       84.25       85.00       87.25      84.40
493    PNB     EQ  13-May-2019       86.25       86.15       86.20      79.05

     Last Price  Close Price  Average Price  Total Traded Quantity  489       84.05        83.95          85.62               16356567
490       84.05        83.95          84.43               23380690
491       84.50        84.25          84.30               22934344
492       86.00        86.25          85.53               21821500
493       79.90        79.80          82.13               34293332

         Turnover  No. of Trades  Deliverable Qty  % Dly Qt to Traded Qty
489  1.400418e+09          37679          2333933                   14.27
490  1.974095e+09          52244          2674859                   11.44
491  1.933317e+09          44704          2025433                    8.83
492  1.866353e+09          44879          1950720                    8.94
493  2.816529e+09          88162          7102109                   20.71
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; } .dataframe tbody tr th { vertical-align: top; } .dataframe thead th { text-align: right; }
Prev Close Open Price High Price Low Price Last Price Close Price Average Price Total Traded Quantity Turnover No. of Trades Deliverable Qty % Dly Qt to Traded Qty
count 494.000000 494.000000 494.000000 494.000000 494.000000 494.00000 494.000000 4.940000e+02 4.940000e+02 494.000000 4.940000e+02 494.000000
mean 112.380870 112.576822 114.621255 110.243623 112.187551 112.20000 112.462085 2.515651e+07 2.671164e+09 74657.987854 4.169411e+06 17.631721
std 40.026359 40.144154 41.033817 39.184032 40.033928 39.97115 40.067790 2.501765e+07 3.160705e+09 73820.770037 4.510557e+06 7.346969
min 59.700000 60.000000 63.400000 58.450000 59.750000 59.70000 60.730000 1.148287e+06 1.492829e+08 6684.000000 3.466790e+05 5.180000
25% 79.300000 79.512500 80.850000 78.112500 79.275000 79.30000 79.517500 1.187260e+07 1.275810e+09 39754.250000 1.912565e+06 12.650000
50% 93.400000 93.775000 94.975000 92.350000 93.325000 93.37500 93.625000 1.896336e+07 1.854954e+09 54358.000000 2.932769e+06 16.145000
75% 147.450000 148.400000 150.250000 144.937500 147.137500 147.40000 147.970000 2.825566e+07 2.818940e+09 80766.500000 4.841530e+06 20.817500
max 213.600000 214.000000 231.450000 201.100000 218.000000 213.60000 213.210000 2.107817e+08 3.137858e+10 626019.000000 5.128026e+07 53.840000

Query 1.2

Calculate the maximum, minimum and mean price for the last 90 days. (price=Closing Price unless stated otherwise)

data=np.array(df['Close Price'])
data = data[-90:]
[78.1  79.8  77.85 77.85 81.3  80.55 81.7  80.7  81.25 80.65 82.5  81.95
 84.25 84.55 82.85 80.25 78.6  77.75 78.1  76.6  76.1  77.3  77.25 77.5
 73.9  73.15 73.4  75.2  75.65 71.2  70.85 71.35 69.45 72.25 70.05 69.
 69.95 71.1  73.15 73.2  73.5  71.85 71.5  72.3  76.65 82.65 82.4  85.45
 83.8  85.85 85.4  84.85 84.45 86.05 86.65 90.5  93.55 91.55 90.3  92.5
 93.4  95.35 95.5  97.5  98.3  94.45 93.65 93.1  93.1  94.35 93.35 92.7
 93.35 93.85 92.8  90.05 86.65 87.2  88.35 86.75 88.15 84.9  86.1  87.15
 86.25 83.95 83.95 84.25 86.25 79.8 ]

Query 1.3

Analyse the data types for each column of the dataframe. Pandas knows how to deal with dates in an intelligent manner. But to make use of Pandas functionality for dates, you need to ensure that the column is of type ‘datetime64(ns)’. Change the date column from ‘object’ type to ‘datetime64(ns)’ for future convenience. See what happens if you subtract the minimum value of the date column from the maximum value.

print("\n\nChanged the date column from 'object' type to 'datetime64(ns)''")
Symbol                     object
Series                     object
Date                       object
Prev Close                float64
Open Price                float64
High Price                float64
Low Price                 float64
Last Price                float64
Close Price               float64
Average Price             float64
Total Traded Quantity       int64
Turnover                  float64
No. of Trades               int64
Deliverable Qty             int64
% Dly Qt to Traded Qty    float64
dtype: object

Changed the date column from 'object' type to 'datetime64(ns)''
Symbol                            object
Series                            object
Date                      datetime64[ns]
Prev Close                       float64
Open Price                       float64
High Price                       float64
Low Price                        float64
Last Price                       float64
Close Price                      float64
Average Price                    float64
Total Traded Quantity              int64
Turnover                         float64
No. of Trades                      int64
Deliverable Qty                    int64
% Dly Qt to Traded Qty           float64
dtype: object

Query 1.4

In a separate array , calculate the monthwise VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price ) of the stock. ( VWAP = sum(price*volume)/sum(volume) ) To know more about VWAP , visit - VWAP definition {Hint : Create a new dataframe column ‘Month’. The values for this column can be derived from the ‘Date” column by using appropriate pandas functions. Similarly, create a column ‘Year’ and initialize it. Then use the ‘groupby()’ function by month and year. Finally, calculate the vwap value for each month (i.e. for each group created).

df['Month']=pd.Series([i.month_name() for i in df['Date']])
df['Year']=pd.Series([i.year for i in df['Date']])

new = df
new['price*volume']=new['Close Price']*new['Total Traded Quantity']
new=new.loc[:, ['Month', 'Year','price*volume', 'Total Traded Quantity']].groupby(['Month', 'Year'])
new=new['price*volume', 'Total Traded Quantity'].agg(np.sum)
new['VWAP']=new['price*volume']/new['Total Traded Quantity']
print(new.loc[:, ['VWAP']])
Month     Year
April     2018   98.452684
          2019   92.630680
August    2017  147.583982
          2018   84.404688
December  2017  173.158001
          2018   73.083889
February  2018  119.843376
          2019   72.407841
January   2018  177.425422
          2019   80.117278
July      2017  152.844298
          2018   79.282495
June      2017  146.144594
          2018   84.127327
March     2018   97.928249
          2019   88.435446
May       2017  158.529155
          2018   82.944949
          2019   84.371657
November  2017  193.098141
          2018   70.891962
October   2017  193.005039
          2018   66.537495
September 2017  139.951927
          2018   74.282560

Query 1.5

Write a function to calculate the average price over the last N days of the stock price data where N is a user defined parameter. Write a second function to calculate the profit/loss percentage over the last N days. Calculate the average price AND the profit/loss percentages over the course of last - 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. {Note : Profit/Loss percentage between N days is the percentage change between the closing prices of the 2 days }

def avg_price_lastNdays(df, N):
    X=np.array(df['Close Price'])
    return np.average(X[-N:])#.agg(np.mean)
def profit_loss_Ndays(df, N):
    X=np.array(df['Close Price'])
    return np.absolute(X[-1]-X[-N])*100/X[-N]
index = df.columns.get_loc("Close Price")
print("Profit/Loss percentage over 1 week = % 0.2f%%" %(profit_loss_Ndays(df, 7)))
print("Profit/Loss percentage over 2 weeks = % 0.2f%%" %(profit_loss_Ndays(df, 14)))
print("Profit/Loss percentage over 1 month = % 0.2f%%" %(profit_loss_Ndays(df, 30)))
print("Profit/Loss percentage over 3 months = % 0.2f%%" %(profit_loss_Ndays(df, 90)))
print("Profit/Loss percentage over 6 months = % 0.2f%%" %(profit_loss_Ndays(df, 180)))
print("Profit/Loss percentage over 1 Year = % 0.2f%%" %(profit_loss_Ndays(df, 365)))
print("Average Price over 1 week = % 0.2f" %(avg_price_lastNdays(df, 7)))
print("Average Price over 2 weeks = % 0.2f" %(avg_price_lastNdays(df, 14)))
print("Average Price over 1 month = % 0.2f" %(avg_price_lastNdays(df, 30)))
print("Average Price over 3 months = % 0.2f" %(avg_price_lastNdays(df, 90)))
print("Average Price over 6 months = % 0.2f" %(avg_price_lastNdays(df, 180)))
print("Average Price over 1 Year = % 0.2f" %(avg_price_lastNdays(df, 365)))
Profit/Loss percentage over 1 week =  8.43%
Profit/Loss percentage over 2 weeks =  7.91%
Profit/Loss percentage over 1 month =  14.56%
Profit/Loss percentage over 3 months =  2.18%
Profit/Loss percentage over 6 months =  0.13%
Profit/Loss percentage over 1 Year =  58.18%
Average Price over 1 week =  84.51
Average Price over 2 weeks =  85.69
Average Price over 1 month =  90.15
Average Price over 3 months =  82.72
Average Price over 6 months =  77.99
Average Price over 1 Year =  98.09

Query 1.6

Add a column ‘Day_Perc_Change’ where the values are the daily change in percentages i.e. the percentage change between 2 consecutive day’s closing prices. Instead of using the basic mathematical formula for computing the same, use ‘pct_change()’ function provided by Pandas for dataframes. You will note that the first entry of the column will have a ‘Nan’ value. Why does this happen? Either remove the first row, or set the entry to 0 before proceeding.

Z = df['Close Price'].pct_change()
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; } .dataframe tbody tr th { vertical-align: top; } .dataframe thead th { text-align: right; }
Symbol Series Date Prev Close Open Price High Price Low Price Last Price Close Price Average Price Total Traded Quantity Turnover No. of Trades Deliverable Qty % Dly Qt to Traded Qty Month Year Day_Perc_Change Trend
0 PNB EQ 2017-05-15 169.15 169.95 171.30 166.2 166.85 166.80 168.94 7476618 1.263123e+09 41641 1352589 18.09 May 2017 0.000000 Slight or No change
1 PNB EQ 2017-05-16 166.80 167.35 178.00 164.8 173.20 174.15 173.13 51532461 8.921904e+09 254027 5804867 11.26 May 2017 0.044065 Slight or No change
2 PNB EQ 2017-05-17 174.15 173.00 173.10 164.3 164.80 165.05 167.27 26536944 4.438942e+09 116512 7037498 26.52 May 2017 -0.052254 Slight or No change
3 PNB EQ 2017-05-18 165.05 163.40 164.40 157.9 158.25 158.50 161.06 13905573 2.239613e+09 76746 3245443 23.34 May 2017 -0.039685 Slight or No change
4 PNB EQ 2017-05-19 158.50 159.50 162.25 154.1 155.20 155.20 157.59 16311602 2.570540e+09 82394 2816963 17.27 May 2017 -0.020820 Slight or No change

Query 1.7

Add another column ‘Trend’ whose values are: ‘Slight or No change’ for ‘Day_Perc_Change’ in between -0.5 and 0.5 ‘Slight positive’ for ‘Day_Perc_Change’ in between 0.5 and 1 ‘Slight negative’ for ‘Day_Perc_Change’ in between -0.5 and -1 ‘Positive’ for ‘Day_Perc_Change’ in between 1 and 3 ‘Negative’ for ‘Day_Perc_Change’ in between -1 and -3 ‘Among top gainers’ for ‘Day_Perc_Change’ in between 3 and 7 ‘Among top losers’ for ‘Day_Perc_Change’ in between -3 and -7 ‘Bull run’ for ‘Day_Perc_Change’ >7 ‘Bear drop’ for ‘Day_Perc_Change’ <-7

def getTrend(n):
    if -0.5<n<=0.5:
        return 'Slight or No change'
    if 0.5<n<=1:
        return 'Slight negative'
    if 1<n<=3:
        return 'Positive'
    if -3<n<=-1:
        return 'Negative'
    if 3<n<=7:
        return 'Among top gainers'
    if -7<n<=-3:
        return 'Among top losers'
    if n>7:
        return 'Bull run'
    if n<-7:
        return 'Bear drop'
df['Trend']=pd.Series([getTrend(i) for i in df['Day_Perc_Change']])
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; } .dataframe tbody tr th { vertical-align: top; } .dataframe thead th { text-align: right; }
Symbol Series Date Prev Close Open Price High Price Low Price Last Price Close Price Average Price Total Traded Quantity Turnover No. of Trades Deliverable Qty % Dly Qt to Traded Qty Month Year Day_Perc_Change Trend
0 PNB EQ 2017-05-15 169.15 169.95 171.30 166.2 166.85 166.80 168.94 7476618 1.263123e+09 41641 1352589 18.09 May 2017 0.000000 Slight or No change
1 PNB EQ 2017-05-16 166.80 167.35 178.00 164.8 173.20 174.15 173.13 51532461 8.921904e+09 254027 5804867 11.26 May 2017 0.044065 Slight or No change
2 PNB EQ 2017-05-17 174.15 173.00 173.10 164.3 164.80 165.05 167.27 26536944 4.438942e+09 116512 7037498 26.52 May 2017 -0.052254 Slight or No change
3 PNB EQ 2017-05-18 165.05 163.40 164.40 157.9 158.25 158.50 161.06 13905573 2.239613e+09 76746 3245443 23.34 May 2017 -0.039685 Slight or No change
4 PNB EQ 2017-05-19 158.50 159.50 162.25 154.1 155.20 155.20 157.59 16311602 2.570540e+09 82394 2816963 17.27 May 2017 -0.020820 Slight or No change

Query 1.8

Find the average and median values of the column ‘Total Traded Quantity’ for each of the types of ‘Trend’. {Hint : use ‘groupby()’ on the ‘Trend’ column and then calculate the average and median values of the column ‘Total Traded Quantity’}

print('Group wise Medians:')
print(df.loc[:,['Trend', 'Total Traded Quantity']].groupby('Trend').agg(np.median))
print('\n\nGroup wise Means:')
print(df.loc[:,['Trend', 'Total Traded Quantity']].groupby('Trend').agg(np.mean))
Group wise Medians:
                     Total Traded Quantity
Slight or No change               18963362

Group wise Means:
                     Total Traded Quantity
Slight or No change           2.515651e+07

Query 1.9

SAVE the dataframe with the additional columns computed as a csv file week2.csv. In Module 2, you are going to get familiar with matplotlib, the python module which is used to visualize data.
