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Unity Android SDK Plugin WebView

This unity android plugin provides android WebView implementation.

Plugin Functions/Features :

  • Launch WebView with a from your app Url
  • Override the in your Unity Manifest to implement deep link handling for your app.
  • Customize WebView UI (Toolbar visibility, color, etc.)

Plugin Usage :

In your unity project, you can use this plugins in your C# scripts. Download the plugin .aar file (pluginwebview-debug.aar or pluginwebview-release.aar based on development environment) from releases or build it by yourself and paste the .aar file in your Unity project's Assets/Plugins/Android directory. (Follow main for plugin setup info)

Common code required to access all functions

    const string pluginName = "com.arupakaman.pluginwebview.WebViewActivity";             // Constant of WebViewActivity class location

    AndroidJavaClass jc = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
    AndroidJavaObject jo = jc.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");            // jo will be used for Context param
    AndroidJavaClass ajcWebView = new AndroidJavaClass(pluginName);                       // ajcWebView will be used to access WebViewActivity class

To launch WebView

                "startWebViewActivity",                 // function name to launch WebView Activity
                jo,                                     // first param context defined above
                "My GitHub Profile",                    // WebView Title (can keep empty if )
                "",           // Web url to load (can also load .pdf)
                true,                                   // true to show Toolbar with title, back button and refresh button (Optional param, by default it's true)
                1,                                      // To set WebView orientation portrait only (1), for landscape only (0) (Optional param, by default it's -1 which will keep orientation auto)
                true,                                   // true to enable refresh option (Optional param, by default it's true)
                true);                                  // true to enable JavaScript on WebView (Optional param, by default it's true)

To configure deep links

To configure deep links for your app override the WebView activity in your Unity project Manifest like below example :

        android:theme="@style/Theme.WebViewTheme"             <!-- You can also change the theme here ->
        <!-- Customize the host and pathPrefix in your Unity project Manifest file (override the <activity>) for deep link handling, like below example -->
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            <data android:scheme="https"/>
            <data android:scheme="http"/>
            <data android:host=""/>
            <data android:pathPrefix="/Noddy20"/>


Customize error message

Override the below string resource in your Unity project to customize the error message :

    <string name="err_msg_general_error_web_view">Something went wrong!\nSwipe down to refresh.</string>

Customize Theme or colors

     <style name="Theme.WebViewTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar">
                <!-- Use theme Theme.WebViewTheme to Override the WebView Activity theme in your Unity project -->

                <!-- If you want to use different theme or just want to override the colors then define these attributes in that theme with your colors in your Unity project -->
                <item name="colorWebViewToolbarBackground">#00C43E</item>
                <item name="colorWebViewToolbarText">#ffffff</item>
                <item name="colorWebViewToolbarIcon">#ffffff</item>

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