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Noodlewitt edited this page Nov 27, 2014 · 7 revisions

There's a number of field types. Each one has a field parameters column, where you can customise the field add in validation, add in a tooltip etc.:




    "validation": {
    "tooltip": "",
    "count": 1


    "values": {
      "checked": "1",
      "unchecked": "0"
    "tooltip": ""


for printing static fields


Textarea boxes

dropdown (todo)

Values and labels for the options can be customised by adding values like this:

    "values": {
      "": "Please Select",
      "customise": "You need to cusomise the values from field_parameters"
    "tooltip": ""

TODO: we might need a way of populating the dropdown values from db values? ###datepicker uses plugin here: - as such, options can go into the options object like this..

        "data-date-format": "dd/mm/yyyy",
        "data-date-today-button": "true"
    "tooltip": ""


This shows a tinymce editor so they can add in links, images etc as content. It's based off the tinymce plugin. Advanced options will eventually be in here too.


will be tabulated data for multiple fields

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