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Noodlewitt edited this page Jan 16, 2015 · 7 revisions

There's a number of field types. Each one has a field parameters column, where you can customise the field add in validation, add in a tooltip etc.:




    "validation": {
    "tooltip": "",
    "count": 1


    "values": {
      "checked": "1",
      "unchecked": "0"
    "tooltip": ""


for printing static fields


Textarea boxes

dropdown (todo)

Values and labels for the options can be customised by adding values like this:

    "values": {
      "": "Please Select",
      "customise": "You need to cusomise the values from field_parameters"
    "tooltip": ""

TODO: we might need a way of populating the dropdown values from db values? ###datepicker uses plugin here: - as such, options can go into the options object like this..

        "data-date-format": "dd/mm/yyyy",
        "data-date-today-button": "true"
    "tooltip": ""


This shows a tinymce editor so they can add in links, images etc as content. It's based off the tinymce plugin. Advanced options will eventually be in here too.


A colour picker that sets a hex colour value into the cms.


will be tabulated data for multiple fields

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