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Changes in version 2.0

  1. BLE operation methods (i.e. writeCharacteristic(...), etc.) return the Request class now, instead of boolean.
  2. onLinklossOccur callback has been renamed to onLinkLossOccurred.
  3. GATT callbacks (for example: onCharacteristicRead, onCharacteristicNotified, etc.) inside BleManagerGattCallback has been deprecated. Use Request callbacks instead.
  4. Build-in Battery Level support has been deprecated. Request Battery Level as any other value.
  5. A new callbacks method: onBondingFailed has been added to BleManagerCallbacks.
  6. shouldAutoConnect() has ben deprecated, use useAutoConnect(boolean) in ConnectRequest instead.
  7. Timeout is supported for connect, disconnect and wait for notification/indication. Most BLE operations do not support setting timeout, as receiving the BluetoothGattCallback is required in order to perform the next operation.
  8. Atomic RequestQueue and ReliableWriteRequest are supported.
  9. BLE Library 2.0 uses Java 8. There's no good reason for this except to push the ecosystem to having this be a default. As of AGP 3.2 there is no reason not to do this (via butterknife).

Migration guide

  1. Replace initGatt(BluetoothGatt) with initialize():

    Old code:

    protected Deque<Request> initGatt(final BluetoothGatt gatt) {
      final LinkedList<Request> requests = new LinkedList<>();
      return requests;

    New code:

    protected void initialize() {
        .with(new DataReceivedCallback() {
          public void onDataReceived(@NonNull final BluetoothDevice device, @NonNull final Data data) {

    See changes in Android nRF Toolbox and Android nRF Blinky for more examples.

    Remember to call .enqueue() method for initialization requests!

    ConnectRequest's completion callback is called after the initialization is done (without or with errors).

  2. Move your callback implementation from BleManagerGattCallback to request callbacks.

  3. To split logic from parsing, we recommend to extend DataReceivedCallback interface in a class where your parse your data, and return higher-level values. For a sample, check out nRF Toolbox and Android BLE Common Library. If you are depending on a SIG adopted profile, like Heart Rate Monitor, Proximity, etc., feel free to include the BLE Common Library in your project. It has all the parsers implemented. If your profile isn't there, we are happy to accept PRs.

  4. connect() and disconnect() methods also require calling .enqueue() in asynchronous use.

  5. Replace the shouldAutoConnect() method in the manager with connect(device).useAutConnect(true).enqueue()/await().

Changes in version 2.2

  1. BleManager is no longer a generic class. The BleManagerCallbacks interface, previously used to notify about connection and bond states, battery level (deprecated) and application-level callbacks, has been deprecated, together with BleManager#setGattCallbacks(...). Instead:
    • Use BlaManager#setConnectionObserver(...) to get connection state updates.
    • Use BleManager#setBondingObserver(...) to get bonding events.
    • If required, manage application-level callbacks in your manager (that extends BleManager).
    • To make transition easier, LegacyBleManager class was introduced that can be used pretty much like the old BleManager. It even has mCallbacks property.
  2. Some fields in the BleManager got rid of the Hungarian Notation. In particular, mCallbacks was renamed to callbacks (except in LegacyBleManager), and it got deprecated.
  3. The protected method getGattCallback() in BleManager is now called from the constructor, so can't return a final field of a manager, as they are not initialized yet. Instead, instantiate the BleManagerGattCallback class from there.

Migration guide

Quick migration (using deprecated API)

  1. To make quick transition from 2.1 to 2.2, change the base class of your BleManager implementation to LegacyBleManager and make sure you return an object (not null) from getGattCallback():

    class MyBleManager extends LegacyBleManager<MyBleManagerCallbacks> {
        // [...]
        protected BleManagerGattCallback getGattCallback() {
            // Before 2.2 it was allowed to return a class property here, but properties are initiated
            // after the constructor, so they would still be null here. Instead, create a new object:
            return new MyBleManagerGattCallback();
        // [...]

Proper migration

  1. Remove the type parameter from your BleManager implementation class:

    class MyBleManager extends BleManager {
        // [...]
  2. Replace setGattCallbacks(callbacks) with setConnectionObserver(observer) and optionally setBondingObserver(observer). If you are using androidx.lifecycle.LiveData, consider using$ble-version dependency in your gradle file. In that case, extend ObservableBleManager instead of BleManager and use getState() and getBondingState() (or state and bondingState properties in Kotlin) to get LiveData objects. See nRF Blinky for an example.

    a) The ConnectionObserver no longer has onServicesDiscovered method.

    b) onLinkLossOccurred was replaced with onDeviceDisconnected with reason ConnectionObserver#REASON_LINK_LOSS.

    c) onDeviceNotSupported was replaced with onDeviceDisconnected with reason ConnectionObserver#REASON_NOT_SUPPORTED.

  3. In 2.1.x the implementation of BleManager had access to user defined callbacks (mCallbacks), which could have been used to notify a Service or Activity about incoming notifications, etc. As BleManager is no longer a generic type, you'll have to implement this logic on your own. E.g., nRF Blinky is exposing LED and Button state using LiveData, which are available for the Activity through ViewModel.

Changes in version 2.7

  1. The Android BLE Library 2.7 was migrated to Java 17 due to minimum Java version in current version of Android Studio.