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Hello World - Scala using Akka HTTP sample

A microservice which demonstrates how to get set up and running with Knative Serving when using Scala and Akka HTTP. It will respond to a HTTP request with a text specified as an ENV variable named MESSAGE, defaulting to "Hello World!".


  • A Kubernetes cluster installation with Knative Serving up and running.
  • Docker installed locally, and running, optionally a Docker Hub account configured or some other Docker Repository installed locally.
  • Java JDK8 or later installed locally.
  • Scala's standard build tool sbt installed locally.

Configuring the sbt build

If you want to use your Docker Hub repository, set the repository to "".

If you use Minikube, you first need to run:

eval $(minikube docker-env)

If want to use the Docker Repository inside Minikube, either set this to "dev.local" or if you want to use another repository name, then you need to run the following command after docker:publishLocal:

docker tag yourreponame/helloworld-scala:<version> dev.local/helloworld-scala:<version>

Otherwise Knative Serving won't be able to resolve this image from the Minikube Docker Repository.

You specify the repository in build.sbt:

dockerRepository := Some("your_repository_name")

You can learn more about the build configuration syntax here.

Configuring the Service descriptor

Importantly, in helloworld-scala.yaml change the image reference to match up with the repository, name, and version specified in the build.sbt in the previous section.

kind: Service
  name: helloworld-scala
  namespace: default
            image: "your_repository_name/helloworld-scala:0.0.1"
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
              - name: MESSAGE
                value: "Scala & Akka on Knative says hello!"
              - name: HOST
                value: "localhost"

Publishing to Docker

In order to build the project and create and push the Docker image, run either:

sbt docker:publishLocal


sbt docker:publish

Which of them to use is depending on whether you are publishing to a remote or a local Docker Repository.

Deploying to Knative Serving

Locate the Knative Serving gateway address:

# In Knative 0.2.x and prior versions, `knative-ingressgateway` service was used instead of `istio-ingressgateway`.

kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway --namespace istio-system

Example output, see the address under EXTERNAL-IP:

NAME                     TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP       PORTS)                                      AGE
xxxxxxx-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer   123.456.789.01   80:32380/TCP,443:32390/TCP,32400:32400/TCP   1m

Then export the external address obtained for ease of reuse later:

export SERVING_GATEWAY=<replace this with the address obtained>

If you use Minikube, then you will likely have to do the following instead:

export SERVING_GATEWAY=$(minikube ip):$(kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway --namespace istio-system --output 'jsonpath={.spec.ports[?(@.port==80)].nodePort}')

Apply the Service yaml definition:

kubectl apply --filename helloworld-scala.yaml

Then find the service host:

kubectl get ksvc helloworld-scala \,DOMAIN:.status.domain

# It will print something like this, the DOMAIN is what you're going to use as HTTP Host header:
# NAME                DOMAIN
# helloworld-scala

Finally, to try your service, use the obtained address in the Host header:

curl -v -H "Host:" http://$SERVING_GATEWAY


kubectl delete --filename helloworld-scala.yaml