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75 lines (62 loc) · 2.66 KB


File metadata and controls

75 lines (62 loc) · 2.66 KB



GET_BYTE$ (#channel,bytes)



This function will read a specific number of bytes from the given channel and return the result as a string. If GET_BYTE$ cannot get the specified number of bytes from that channel, it will wait until there are enough bytes present in the channel or until it detects an End Of File character. GET_BYTE$ does not care which characters are read, so <LF> = CHR$(10) will not cause any problems unlike INPUT.


A program to compare the contents of two files, both of which are the same length. The greater the buffer size (maximum 32767 bytes), the faster will be the execution, but then again the greater the work space which will be needed (maximum 64K). This is an example of the fundamental link between available memory and operation speed:

100 File1$="ram1_a"
110 File2$="ram1_b"
120 Buffer=10000
130 :
140 Pieces=FILE_LEN(File1$) DIV Buffer
150 Rest=FILE_LEN(File1$) MOD Buffer
160 OPEN#3,File1$: OPEN#4,File2$
170 FOR Blk=0 TO Pieces+1
180   IF Blk>Pieces THEN Buffer=Rest
190   One$=GET_BYTE$(#3,Buffer)
200   Two$=GET_BYTE$(#4,Buffer)
210   PRINT "Block"!Blk TO 12;
220   IF One$<>Two$ THEN
230     PRINT "Difference between"!Buffer*Blk!"and"! Buffer*(Blk+1)
240   ELSE
250     PRINT "OK"
260   END IF
270 END FOR Blk
280 CLOSE#3: CLOSE#4


Earlier TinyToolkit versions (pre v1.10) called this function GET$, which unfortunately caused problems with a similar function in the Turbo Toolkit and EASYPTR.


inkey-dlr reads just one byte from the given channel, which is therefore much slower than get-byte-dlr if blocks of bytes are to be read. On the other hand, inkey-dlr allows you to specify a timeout.

The input command combines input/output and reads blocks, but a block must end with <LF>.

The usage of the different keywords depends mainly on the structure of the incoming data. User input and lines in an ASCII file normally terminate with Enter <LF>, while internal data such as disk directory entries are stored as blocks with a fixed length (see fop-dir). Have a look at get, put, bget and bput, too. file-ptrr, file-pos, fpos can be used for movement.