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23 lines (15 loc) · 1.24 KB


Info Value
Categories #Misc #Easy
Final Score 87
Total Solve (Rate) 95/692 (13.7%)


We considered giving you a free flag. However, we decided against it. In general, we would never do that! Or would we? That's the beginning of a good CTF! Discord is the new Twitter.

To be able to solve this challenge, you'll need to join our discord. Link in the Rules page.


Upon checking, the message that is suspicous and at the "beginning of a good CTF" is located at #general, which contains the content of:

I don't think sο eⅰther. Τhey should work harder for these flags! When I was theіr age, I had to traνel
thοusands οf miles to get them!

By the tips/reminder from the challenge authour in Discord, we know that there are a way to hide messages in Twitter's tweets, we googled it and found the tool, entering the message and we get: th1s_5t3g0_fl4g_w45_n0t_h1dden_w3ll , putting it in the flag format and removing the spaces, we get the flag!

