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How to install Nuterra

maritaria edited this page Mar 18, 2017 · 4 revisions


Since 0.2.5 Nuterra is deployed using an installer that mods Nuterra.dll into Assembly-CSharp.dll and hooks up the methods. Each release comes with a .zip file containing a copy of the Nuterra.dll and needed resources.

  1. Download the Nuterra-*.zip package from the release you want to install.
  2. Shut down the game if it is running
  3. Unpack the package, when installing over an existing version you may be prompted when overriding existing files.
  4. Run Nuterra.Installer.exe to install Nuterra.

Mac / linux

No support yet, this is being worked on. At the moment you will have get the modded binaries elsewhere. You can download the .zip on the latest release to get access to Nuterra resources the mod requires.


Missing Assembly-CSharp.dll

In the event the original Assembly-CSharp.dll file is missing and no backup made by the installer exists. The solution is to place a clean version of Assembly-CSharp.dll in the TerraTech*_Data/Managed directory. If you have no backup of your own, reinstall the game or verify local game cache through Steam (if possible). Also make sure you are installing Nuterra onto the supported version(s) of the game, these are specified per release.

No TerraTech*_Data folder found

The installer requires that only one folder in the TerraTech root directory matched for the pattern TerraTech*_Data. Please make sure a folder exists that matches this pattern and that no other folder can match this. Alternatively you may have unpacked the installer in the wrong directory.

An error occurred during modding of Assembly-CSharp.dll

This may happen if the dependencies of the installer are missing, please make sure

None of these suggestions were able to help me

Please open an issue stating the nature of your problem and please provide information such as output printed to the console.