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shaunagm edited this page Sep 13, 2014 · 26 revisions

Here are the projects for the Open Source workshop at UMM, Saturday Sept 13th:

FreeDOS Wiki cleanup

  • Language: no specific language required.
  • Mentor: Jim Hall
  • Description: The FreeDOS website has a bunch of Technical Notes that were originally saved from emails directly into text files. I prefer to move these into the FreeDOS Wiki where they can be more useful. The Technical Notes will need to be wiki-ized (i.e. editing, so they are short articles instead of long emails). There are 327 Technical Notes, but not all of them will make it into the FreeDOS Wiki. For each Technical Note, we'll need to read through the note, see if there's a topic about it already in the wiki - if not, we might create one based on the Technical Note.
  • See

FreeDOS News page

  • Language: PHP
  • Mentor: Jim Hall, Alex Jarvis
  • Description: moving off the old code, and promoting the new News code as the basis of the front page news feed. This will require some refactoring of the existing News code, since it's a little kludgy. It's not very big code (it just displays a news feed, using MagpieRSS as the RSS aggregator) and should be do-able within an hour. The FreeDOS News page should display a feed of all news items from the SourceForge project news RSS, at The SourceForge RSS links back to items in the SourceForge news system (no surprise there) but I prefer to have the FreeDOS News page link back to items on the FreeDOS News page. For example, rather than having a FreeDOS News item link to it should link to something like I wrote code to munge the SourceForge RSS to do this but it was a quick effort, and I never went back to completely update the FreeDOS News page to use the new code. I'm still using a kludge mix of old and new code, so FreeDOS News items aren't actually linking back to the FreeDOS News page.
  • See

Senetgame (GNU GPL).

  • Language: Java (but item 4 is a possible artistic contribution; no language required)
  • Mentor: Elena Machkasova (suggested by Jim Hall), Alex Jarvis
  • Description: some known bugs/enhancements include:
  1. Fix the build.

  2. Remove the dependency to switch between menu and game.

  3. Update the program to use completely Free audio files.

  4. Update images.

  5. Add different themes.

  6. Add achievements.

Interface with an ARDrone using AngularJS & NodeJS (Learn about: AngularJS directives)

  • Language: Javascript
  • Mentors: Noah Keitel, Bejamin Kitt, KK Lamberty, Joe Einertson
  • Description: Currently developers who can work with the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) are in high demand and low supply. We were thinking we could give student’s a glimpse of AngularJS by working with or creating an open source directive. This would provide an encapsulated project which could be finished in a day, while also providing the students an opportunity to have their work get used in other Angular projects.

Ideas for python projects

  • Language: python
  • Mentors: shauna (I am not at Morris, but you can ping me as shauna on IRC)
  • WelcomeBot is a friendly IRCbot that welcomes newcomers into a channel. There's more detail in the README. This is a good project for folks who are interested in Python, how IRC works, or how to write test code.
  • Issues to work on:
  1. Add a function that registers your nick - This is a good issue if you want to learn more about how IRC works.
  2. Making a mockup of the time variable - This is a good issue if you want to learn more about how unit testing works in python.
  3. These two issues need to be reproduced: spacing issue and "connection reset by peer"

Looking for more projects? Not sure where to start? Here are some more resources:

Finding A Project

Here are some tasks well suited to newcomers: