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Maria Font edited this page Sep 28, 2020 · 51 revisions

New ESPD-EDM Working Group Meeting

We would like to invite you to join us for the next ESPD data model maintenance working group meeting on: Thursday 1st October 2020 at 10:00h CET.

Check out the agenda of the meeting here:

If you know someone who would be interested please send an email to indicating your name, surname, and organisation.


Article 59 of the new Public Procurement Directive 2014/24/EC introduced a new concept, the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) which is a self-declaration document intended for preliminary evidence in a public procurement procedure. By mapping out equivalent certificates between Member States, the ESPD replaces certificates issued by public authorities or a third party involved in a procedure. It is thus a valuable facilitator for cross-border participation of a greater number of potential operators in public procurement procedures and a valuable tool for integrating the European Single Market.

The European Commission (EC) has developed a data model and 'semantic assets' for the exchange of the ESPD between any Procurement stakeholder’s system. This Wiki aims to be a first landing point for organisations interested in using the model and assets in compliance with the Directive.

Road Map

ESPD Developing timeline

v2.1.1 release (December 13th 2019)

v2.1.1 focuses mainly on correcting minor errors and implementing the backwards-compatible-changes suggested by Member States and other Stakeholders in the ESPD-EDM in the GitHub issues workspace.

ESPD nomenclature for, now former, ESPD Regulated and ESPD Self-Contained has been changed to ESPD Basic and Extended, respectively.

The Directive

The model, named ESPD-EDM (standing for European Single Procurement Document - Exchange Data Model) is regulated by the above-mentioned Public Procurement Directive 2014/24/EC and the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/7.

The EMD defines two electronic (XML) documents:

The ESPD Request, a document providing information about the contracting authority, the procurement procedure and the exclusion and selection criteria established for the procurement procedure. For more information about it, please refer to III. The ESPD Request Document section of the online documentation.

The ESPD Response, the document that is filled-in by the Economic Operators stating whether they fulfil or not the criteria required in the ESPD Request, and providing the sources where evidences can be obtained to prove that the criteria are met.

This Wiki is intended to facilitate the understanding of the model underlying the implementation of the ESPD Request and ESPD Response XML documents. For that purpose, examples and rules relating to how the content of ESPD XML document should look like and be processed are provided.

The content of the Wiki is mainly addressed to the development teams from the Member States, economic operators, information providers or any other party interested in understanding how the ESPD Exchange Data Model works and how to use it to produce XML instances of ESPD Request and ESPD Response documents.

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