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Raspberry Pi 3

Sequitur Labs did the initial OP-TEE port which at the time also came with modifications in U-Boot, Trusted Firmware A and Linux kernel. Since that initial port more and more patches have found mainline trees and today the OP-TEE setup for Raspberry Pi 3 uses only upstream tree's with the exception of Linux kernel.



This port of Trusted Firmware A and OP-TEE to Raspberry Pi 3 IS NOT SECURE! Although the Raspberry Pi3 processor provides ARM TrustZone exception states, the mechanisms and hardware required to implement secure boot, memory, peripherals or other secure functions are not available. Use of OP-TEE or TrustZone capabilities within this package does not result in a secure implementation. This package is provided solely for educational purposes and prototyping.

What is expected to work?

First, note that all OP-TEE developer builds (ref, :ref:`build`) have rather simple overall goals:

  • Successfully build OP-TEE for certain devices.
  • Run xtest and optee_example binaries successfully with no regressions using UART(s).

I.e., it is important to understand that our "OP-TEE developer builds" shall not be compared with full Linux distributions which supports "everything". As a couple of examples, we don't enable any particular drivers in Linux kernel, we don't include all sorts of daemons, we do not include an X-environment etc. At the same time this doesn't mean that you cannot use OP-TEE in real environments. It is usually perfectly fine to run on all sorts of devices, environments etc. It's just that for the OP-TEE developer builds we have intentionally stripped down the environment to make it rather fast to get all the source code, build it all and run xtest.

We are highlighting this here, since over the years we have had many questions at GitHub about things that people usually find working on their Raspberry Pi devices when they are using Raspbian (which this is not). The table below describes what is officially supported in the Raspberry Pi 3 OP-TEE developer builds and right after that follows sections for each of giving a bit more context to it.

Name Supported?
Buildroot Yes
Random packages Maybe
Raspbian No
Secure boot Maybe
Wi-Fi No


We are using Buildroot as the tool to create a stripped down filesystem for Linux where we also put OP-TEE binaries like Trusted Applications, client libraries and TEE supplicant. If a user wants to add/enable additional packages, then that is also possible by adding new lines in in :ref:`build` (search for BR2_PACKAGE_ in the git to see how it's done).


X isn't enabled and we have not built nor enabled any drivers for graphics.


Works to boot up a Linux root filesystem, more on that further down.

Random packages

See the :ref:`rpi3_support_buildroot` section above. You can enable packages supported by Buildroot, but as mentioned initially in this section, lack of drivers and other daemons etc might make it impossible to run.


We are not using it. However, people (from Sequitur Labs) have successfully been able to add OP-TEE to Raspbian builds. But since we're not using it and haven't tried, we simply don't support it.

Secure boot

First pay attention to the initial warning on this page. I.e., no matter what you are doing with Raspberry Pi and TrustZone / OP-TEE you cannot make it secure. But that doesn't mean that you cannot "enable" secure features as such for prototyping and to learn how to build and use those. That kind of knowledge can later on be transferred and used on other devices which have all the necessary secure capabilities needed to make a secure system. We haven't tested to enable secure boot on Raspberry Pi 3. But we believe that a good starting point would be Trusted Firmware A's documentation about the "Authentication Framework" and RPi3 in TF-A.


When you reach U-Boot (see :ref:`rpi3_boot_sequence`), then you can start using TFTP to load boot firmware etc. Note that if you overwrite armstub8.bin for example and that happens to be faulty, then you will need to re-mount the BOOT partition on the SD-card and put a new working version of it. Also note that changing early boot binaries (TF-A, OP-TEE core etc) will require you to reboot the device see the changes.


Fully supported, for more details look at the UART section further down.


Even though Raspberry Pi 3 has a Wi-Fi chip, we do not support it in our stripped down builds.

What versions of Raspberry Pi will work?

Below is a table of supported hardware in our OP-TEE developer builds. We have only used the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, i.e., the first RPi 3 device that was released. But we know that people have successfully been able to use it with both RPi 2's as well as the newer RPi 3 B+. But as long as we in the core team doesn't have those at hands we cannot guarantee anything, therefore we simply say "No" below.

Hardware Supported?
Raspberry Pi 1 Model A No
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B No
Raspberry Pi 1+ Model A No
Raspberry Pi 1+ Model B No
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B No
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B v1.2 No
Raspberry Pi 3+ Model A No
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Yes
Raspberry Pi 3+ Model B Yes
Raspberry Pi 4 No
Zero - all versions No
Compute module - all versions No

Boot sequence

  • The GPU starts executing the first stage bootloader, which is stored in ROM on the SoC. The first stage bootloader reads the SD-card, and loads the second stage bootloader (bootcode.bin) into the L2 cache, and runs it.
  • bootcode.bin enables SDRAM, and reads the third stage bootloader loader.bin from the SD-card into RAM, and runs it.
  • loader.bin reads the GPU firmware (start.elf).
  • start.elf reads config.txt, pre-loads armstub8.bin (which contains: BL1/TF-A + BL2/TF-A + BL31/TF-A + BL32/OP-TEE + BL33/U-boot) to 0x0 and jumps to the first instruction.
  • A traditional boot sequence of TF-A -> OP-TEE -> U-boot is performed, i.e., BL1 loads BL2, then BL2 loads and run BL31(SM), BL32(OP-TEE), BL33(U-boot) (one after another)
  • U-Boot runs fatload/booti sequence to load from eMMC to RAM both zImage and then DTB and boot.

Build instructions

  1. Start by following the :ref:`get_and_build_the_solution` as described in :ref:`build`, but stop at the ":ref:`build_flash`" step (i.e., don't run the make flash command!).

  2. Next step is to partition and format the memory card and to put the files onto the same. That is something we don't want to automate, since if anything goes wrong, in worst case it might wipe one of your regular hard disks. Instead what we have done, is that we have created another makefile target that will tell you exactly what to do. Run that command and follow the instructions there.

    $ make img-help


    The mention of /dev/sdx1 and /dev/sdx2 when running the command above are just examples. You need to figure out and replace that with the correct name(s) for your computer and SD-card (typically run dmesg and look for the device name matching your SD-card).

  3. Put the SD-card back into the Raspberry Pi 3.

  4. Plug in the UART cable and attach to the UART

    $ picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0


    Install picocom if not already installed $ sudo apt-get install picocom.

  5. Power up the Raspberry Pi 3 and the system shall start booting which you will see on the UART (not :ref:`rpi3_support_hdmi`).

  6. When you have a shell, then it's simply just to follow the ":ref:`build_run_xtest`" instructions.

NFS boot

Booting via NFS is quite useful for several reasons, but the obvious reason when working with Raspberry Pi is that you don't have to move the SD-card back and forth between the host machine and the Raspberry Pi 3 itself when working with Normal World files, like Linux kernel and user space programs. Here we will describe how to setup NFS server, so the rootfs can be mounted via NFS.


This guide doesn't focus on any desktop security, so eventually you would need to harden your setup.

In the description below we will use the following terminology, IP addresses and paths. The reader of this guide is supposed to update this to match his own environment.   <--- This is your desktop computer (NFS server)   <--- This is the Raspberry Pi
/srv/nfs/rpi    <--- Location for the NFS share

Configure NFS

Start by installing the NFS server

$ sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

Then edit the exports file,

$ sudo vim /etc/exports

In this file you shall tell where your files/folder are and the IP's allowed to access the files. The way it's written below will make it available to every machine on the same subnet (again, be careful about security here). Let's add this line to the file (it's the only line necessary in the file, but if you have several different filesystems available, then you should of course add them too, one line for each share).


Next create the folder where you are going to put the root filesystem

$ sudo mkdir /srv/nfs/rpi

After this, restart the NFS kernel server

$ service nfs-kernel-server restart


To see that your shares are correctly setup and that the NFS server is running, you can run: $ showmount --all localhost and you should get a list of IP:<path>'s based on what you have added in your exports file. If you get nothing there, then your NFS server hasn't been setup correctly.

Prepare files to be shared

We are now going to put the root filesystem on the location we prepared in the previous section.


The path to the rootfs.cpio.gz refers to <rpi3-project>, replace this so it matches your setup.

$ cd /srv/nfs/rpi
$ sudo gunzip -cd <rpi3-project>/out-br/images/rootfs.cpio.gz | sudo cpio -idmv
$ sudo rm -rf /srv/nfs/rpi/boot/*

uboot.env configuration

The file uboot.env contains boot configurations that tells what binaries to load and at what addresses. When using NFS you need to tell U-Boot where the NFS server is located (IP and path). Since the exact IP and path varies for each user, we must update uboot.env accordingly.

There are two ways to update uboot.env, one is to update uboot.env.txt (in :ref:`build`) and the other is to update directly from the U-Boot console. Pick the one that you suits your needs. We will cover each of them separately here.

Change uboot.env.txt

In an editor open: <rpi3-project>/build/rpi3/firmware/uboot.env.txt and change:

  • nfsserverip to match the IP address of your NFS server.
  • gatewayip to the IP address of your router.
  • nfspath to the exported filesystem in your NFS share.

As an example a section of uboot.env.txt could look like this:

# NFS/TFTP boot configuraton

Next, you need to re-generate uboot.env:

$ cd <rpi3-project>/build
$ make u-boot-env-clean
$ make u-boot-env

Finally, you need to copy the updated <rpi3-project>/out/uboot.env to the BOOT partition of your SD-card (mount it as described in :ref:`rpi3_build_instructions` and then just overwrite (cp) the file on the BOOT partition of your SD-card).

Update u-boot.env from U-Boot console

Boot up the device until you see U-Boot running and counting down, then hit any key and will see the U-Boot> prompt. You can then update the nfsserverip, gatewayip and nfspath by writing

U-Boot> setenv nfsserverip ''
U-Boot> setenv gatewayip ''
U-Boot> setenv nfspath '/srv/nfs/rpi'

If you want those environment variables to persist between boots, then type.

U-Boot> saveenv

Boot up with NFS

With all preparations above done correctly, you should now be able to boot up the device and kernel, secure side OP-TEE and the entire root filesystem should be loaded from the network shares (NFS). Power up the Raspberry, halt in U-Boot and then type.

U-Boot> run nfsboot

If everything works, you can simply copy paste files like xtest, Trusted Applications and other things that usually resides on the host PC's filesystem, i.e., directly from your build folders to the /srv/nfs/rpi/... folders. By doing so you don't have to reboot the device when doing development and testing. Just rebuild and copy is sufficient.


You cannot make symlinks in the NFS share to the built files, i.e., you must copy them!


To enable JTAG you need to add a line saying enable_jtag_gpio=1 in config.txt. There are two ways you can do this, both requires that you to mount the BOOT partition on the SD-card at your computer (see the make img-help step under :ref:`rpi3_build_instructions`). After you have mounted the BOOT partition continue with whichever way is most suitable for you.

Change config.txt directly

With your editor, open /media/boot/config.txt and add a line enable_jtag_gpio=1, save the file, unmount the BOOT partition and you're good to go after rebooting the device.

Rebuild and untar

  1. With your editor, open <rpi3-project>/build/rpi3/firmware/config.txt and add a line enable_jtag_gpio=1, save the file.

  2. $ cd <rpi3-project>/build && make

  3. $ cd /media

  4. $ sudo gunzip -cd <rpi3-project>/out-br/images/rootfs.cpio.gz | sudo cpio -idmv "boot/*"


    You didn't forget to mount the BOOT partition before trying this step?

  5. Unmount the BOOT partition and you're good to go after rebooting the device.

JTAG/RPi3 cable

We have created our own cables that consists of a standard 20-pin JTAG connector and a 22-pin connector for the Raspberry Pi 3 itself. Then using a ribbon cable we have connected the cables according to the table below (JTAG pin <-> Raspberry Pi 3 Header pin).

JTAG pin Signal GPIO Mode RPi3 Header pin
1 3v3 N/A N/A 1
3 nTRST GPIO22 ALT4 15
5 TDI GPIO26 ALT4 37
7 TMS GPIO27 ALT4 13
9 TCK GPIO25 ALT4 22
11 RTCK GPIO23 ALT4 16
13 TDO GPIO24 ALT4 18
18 GND N/A N/A 14
20 GND N/A N/A 20


Be careful and cross check the wiring as incorrect wiring might damage your device! Also be careful to connect the cable correctly at both ends (don't flip it and don't put it at the wrong pins in the Raspberry Pi 3 side).

UART/RPi3 cable

In addition to the JTAG connections we have also wired up the RX/TX to be able to use the UART. Note, for this you don't need to do JTAG wirings, i.e., it's perfectly fine to just wire up the UART only. There are many ready made cables for this on the net (eBay) and cost almost nothing. Get one of those if you don't intend to use JTAG.

UART pin Signal GPIO Mode RPi3 Header pin
Black (GND) GND N/A N/A 6
White (RXD) TXD GPIO14 ALT0 8
Green (TXD) RXD GPIO15 ALT0 10


Be careful and cross check the wiring as incorrect wiring might damage your device!


Build OpenOCD

Before building OpenOCD, ensure that you have the libusb-dev installed.

$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev

We are using the official OpenOCD release, simply clone that to your computer and then building is like a lot of other software, i.e.,

$ git clone
$ cd openocd
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure
$ make


In recent versions of OpenOCD, the legacy ft2332 support has been depracted. All these devices now uses libftdi instead. From OpenOCD release notes: "GPL-incompatible FTDI D2XX library support dropped (Presto, OpenJTAG and USB-Blaster I are using libftdi only now)".

We leave it up to the reader of this guide to decide if he wants to install it properly (make install) or if he will just run it from the tree directly. The rest of this guide will just run it from the tree.

OpenOCD RPi3 configuration file

Unfortunately, the necessary RPi3 OpenOCD config isn't upstreamed yet into the official OpenOCD repository, so you should use the one stored here <rpi3-project/build/rpi3/debugger/pi3.cfg.

Running OpenOCD

Depending on the JTAG debugger you are using you'll need to find and use the interface file for that particular debugger. We've been using J-Link debuggers and Bus Blaster successfully. To start an OpenOCD session using a J-Link device you type:

$ cd <openocd>
$ ./src/openocd -f ./tcl/interface/jlink.cfg -f <rpi3-project>/build/rpi3/debugger/pi3.cfg

For Bus Blaster type:

$ ./src/openocd -f ./tcl/interface/ftdi/dp_busblaster.cfg \ -f <rpi3_repo_dir>/build/rpi3/debugger/pi3.cfg

To be able to write commands directly to OpenOCD, you simply open up another shell and type:

$ nc localhost 4444

From there you can set breakpoints, examine memory etc ("> help" will give you a list of available commands). Having that said, if you connect to OpenOCD using GDB, then there is not much incentive connecting to OpenOCD directly, since you will be able to do the same in GDB by the monitor command.


OpenOCD will by default listen to GDB connections on port 3333. So after starting OpenOCD, make a connection to GDB.

# Ensure that you have "gdb" in your $PATH
$ aarch64-linux-gnu-gdb -q
(gdb) target remote localhost:3333

To load symbols you just use the symbol-file <path/to/my.elf as usual. For convenience you can create an alias in the ~/.gdbinit file. For TEE core debugging this works:

define jtag_rpi3
  target remote localhost:3333
  symbol-file <rpi3-project>/optee_os/out/arm/core/tee.elf

So, when running GDB, you simply type: (gdb) jtag_rpi3 and it will both connect and load the symbols for TEE core. For Linux kernel and other binaries you would do the same.

Debug session example

After making an initial Raspberry Pi 3 build for OP-TEE where you've enabled JTAG, installed and built OpenOCD, connected the JTAG cable, then you're ready for debugging OP-TEE using JTAG on Raspberry 3. Boot up the Raspberry Pi 3 until you are in Linux and ready to run xtest. Start a new shell (on the host machine) where you run OpenOCD:

$ cd <openocd>
$ ./src/openocd -f ./tcl/interface/jlink.cfg -f <rpi3-project>/build/rpi3/debugger/pi3.cfg

Start another shell, where you run GDB

$ <rpi3-project>/toolchains/aarch64/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-gdb -q
(gdb) target remote localhost:3333
(gdb) symbol-file <rpi3-project>/optee_os/out/arm/core/tee.elf

Next, try to set a breakpoint for the function hmac_init, here use hardware breakpoints (i.e., hb)!

(gdb) hb hmac_init
Hardware assisted breakpoint 2 at 0x1012a178: file core/lib/libtomcrypt/src/mac/hmac/hmac_init.c, line 65.
(gdb) c

In the UART console (RPi3/Linux), run xtest.

# xtest

And shortly thereafter you will see GDB stops on your breakpoint and from there you can debug using normal GDB commands.