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Trusted Applications

This document tells how to implement a Trusted Application for OP-TEE, using OP-TEE's so called TA-devkit to both build and sign the Trusted Application binary. In this document, a Trusted Application running in the OP-TEE os is referred to as a TA.

TA Mandatory files

The Makefile for a Trusted Application must be written to rely on OP-TEE TA-devkit resources in order to successfully build the target application. TA-devkit is built when one builds :ref:`optee_os`.

.. todo::

    Joakim: We need to add CMake instructions also.

To build a TA, one must provide:

  • Makefile, a make file that should set some configuration variables and include the TA-devkit make file.
  •, a make file that lists the sources to build (local source files, subdirectories to parse, source file specific build directives).
  • user_ta_header_defines.h, a specific ANSI-C header file to define most of the TA properties.
  • A implementation of at least the TA entry points, as extern functions: TA_CreateEntryPoint(), TA_DestroyEntryPoint(), TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint(), TA_CloseSessionEntryPoint(), TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint()

TA file layout example

As an example, :ref:`hello_world` looks like this:

├── ...
└── ta
    ├── Makefile                  BINARY=<uuid>
    ├──                Android way to invoke the Makefile
    ├──                    srcs-y += hello_world_ta.c
    ├── include
    │   └── hello_world_ta.h      Header exported to non-secure: TA commands API
    ├── hello_world_ta.c          Implementaion of TA entry points
    └── user_ta_header_defines.h  TA_UUID, TA_FLAGS, TA_DATA/STACK_SIZE, ...

TA Makefile Basics

Required variables

The main TA-devkit make file is located in in :ref:`optee_os` at ta/mk/ The make file supports make targets such as all and clean to build a TA or a library and clean the built objects.

The make file expects a couple of configuration variables:

Base directory of the TA-devkit. Used the TA-devkit itself to locate its tools.
These are exclusive, meaning that you cannot use both at the same time. If building a TA, BINARY shall provide the TA filename used to load the TA. The built and signed TA binary file will be named ${BINARY}.ta. In native OP-TEE, it is the TA UUID, used by tee-supplicant to identify TAs. If one is building a static library (that will be later linked by a TA), then LIBNAME shall provide the name of the library. The generated library binary file will be named lib${LIBNAME}.a
Cross compiler for the TA or the library source files. CROSS_COMPILE32 is optional. It allows to target AArch32 builds on AArch64 capable systems. On AArch32 systems, CROSS_COMPILE32 defaults to CROSS_COMPILE.

Optional variables

Some optional configuration variables can be supported, for example:

Base directory for build objects filetree. If not set, TA-devkit defaults to ./out from the TA source tree base directory.

Example Makefile

A typical Makefile for a TA looks something like this

# Append specific configuration to the C source build (here log=info)
# The UUID for the Trusted Application

# Source the TA-devkit make file
include $(TA_DEV_KIT_DIR)/mk/ directives

The make file expects that current directory contains a file that is the entry point for listing the source files to build and other specific build directives. Here are a couple of examples of directives one can implement in a make file:

# Adds /hello_world_ta.c from current directory to the list of the source
# file to build and link.
srcs-y += hello_world_ta.c

# Includes path **./include/** from the current directory to the include
# path.
global-incdirs-y += include/

# Adds directive -Wno-strict-prototypes only to the file hello_world_ta.c
cflags-hello_world_ta.c-y += -Wno-strict-prototypes

# Removes directive -Wno-strict-prototypes from the build directives for
# hello_world_ta.c only.
cflags-remove-hello_world_ta.c-y += -Wno-strict-prototypes

# Adds the static library foo to the list of the linker directive -lfoo.
libnames += foo

# Adds the directory path to the libraries pathes list. Archive file
# libfoo.a is expectd in this directory.
libdirs += path/to/libfoo/install/directory

# Adds the static library binary to the TA build dependencies.
libdeps += path/to/greatlib/libgreatlib.a

Android Build Environment

.. todo::

    Joakim: Move this to the AOSP page?

OP-TEE's TA-devkit supports building in an Android build environment. One can write an file for the TA (stored side by side with the Makefile). Android's build system will parse the file for the TA which in turn will parse a TA-devkit Android make file to locate TA build resources. Then the Android build will execute a make command to built the TA through its generic Makefile file.

A typical file for a TA looks like this ( for :ref:`hello_world` is used as an example here).

# Define base path for the TA sources filetree
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

# Define the module name as the signed TA binary filename.
local_module := 8aaaf200-2450-11e4-abe2-0002a5d5c51b.ta

# Include the devikt Android mak script
include $(OPTEE_OS_DIR)/mk/

TA Mandatory Entry Points

A TA must implement a couple of mandatory entry points, these are:

TEE_Result TA_CreateEntryPoint(void)
    /* Allocate some resources, init something, ... */

    /* Return with a status */
    return TEE_SUCCESS;

void TA_DestroyEntryPoint(void)
    /* Release resources if required before TA destruction */

TEE_Result TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint(uint32_t ptype,
                                    TEE_Param param[4],
                                    void **session_id_ptr)
    /* Check client identity, and alloc/init some session resources if any */

    /* Return with a status */
    return TEE_SUCCESS;

void TA_CloseSessionEntryPoint(void *sess_ptr)
    /* check client and handle session resource release, if any */

TEE_Result TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint(void *session_id,
                                      uint32_t command_id,
                                      uint32_t parameters_type,
                                      TEE_Param parameters[4])
    /* Decode the command and process execution of the target service */

    /* Return with a status */
    return TEE_SUCCESS;

TA Properties

Trusted Application properties shall be defined in a header file named user_ta_header_defines.h, which should contain:

  • TA_UUID defines the TA uuid value
  • TA_FLAGS define some of the TA properties
  • TA_STACK_SIZE defines the RAM size to be reserved for TA stack
  • TA_DATA_SIZE defines the RAM size to be reserved for TA heap (TEE_Malloc() pool)

Refer to :ref:`ta_properties` to understand how to configure these macros.

Example of a property header file


#define TA_UUID
    { 0x8aaaf200, 0x2450, 0x11e4, \
        { 0xab, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b} }

#define TA_FLAGS                    (TA_FLAG_EXEC_DDR | \
                        TA_FLAG_SINGLE_INSTANCE | \
#define TA_STACK_SIZE                       (2 * 1024)
#define TA_DATA_SIZE                        (32 * 1024)

    { "gp.ta.description", USER_TA_PROP_TYPE_STRING, "Foo TA for some purpose." }, \
    { "gp.ta.version", USER_TA_PROP_TYPE_U32, &(const uint32_t){ 0x0100 } }



It is recommended to use the TA_CURRENT_TA_EXT_PROPERTIES as above to define extra properties of the TA.

Checking TA parameters

GlobalPlatforms TEE Client APIs TEEC_InvokeCommand() and TEE_OpenSession() allow clients to invoke a TA with some invocation parameters: values or references to memory buffers. It is mandatory that TA's verify the parameters types before using the parameters themselves. For this a TA can rely on the macro TEE_PARAM_TYPE_GET(param_type, param_index) to get the type of a parameter and check its value according to the expected parameter.

For example, if a TA expects that command ID 0 comes with params[0] being a input value, params[1] being a output value, and params[2] being a in/out memory reference (buffer), then the TA should implemented the following sequence:

TEE_Result handle_command_0(void *session, uint32_t cmd_id,
                            uint32_t param_types, TEE_Param params[4])
    if ((TEE_PARAM_TYPE_GET(param_types, 0) != TEE_PARAM_TYPE_VALUE_IN) ||
        (TEE_PARAM_TYPE_GET(param_types, 1) != TEE_PARAM_TYPE_VALUE_OUT) ||
        (TEE_PARAM_TYPE_GET(param_types, 2) != TEE_PARAM_TYPE_MEMREF_INOUT) ||
        (TEE_PARAM_TYPE_GET(param_types, 3) != TEE_PARAM_TYPE_NONE)) {

    /* process command */

TEE_Result TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint(void *session, uint32_t command_id,
                      uint32_t param_types, TEE_Param params[4])
    switch (command_id) {
    case 0:
        return handle_command_0(session, param_types, params);
