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ORCID API v2.0 Peer Review Guide

This guide is deprecated please refer to latest guide at Here.

Starting in v2.0, the ORCID API now supports a new activity type: peer-review.

The peer-review activity type is intended to allow for recognition of and exchange of data about peer review service contributed by researchers.

The peer-review activity type follows the CASRAI Peer Review Services data profile, which was developed by the Peer Review Services Working Group (PRS-WG), led by ORCID and F1000. More details about ORCID's implementation of this recommendation, and the Early Adopter program for Peer Review can be found on the Peer Review Early Adopter page.

Peer Review XML

XML for the peer-review activity follows the peer-review-2.0.xsd and consists of the following sections:

###The fields


  • reviewer-role (required) The role played by a person in their contribution to a review. This field is selected from a list containing the following values: chair, editor, member, organizer, reviewer


  • review-identifiers (required) Unique identifier(s) of the review. This identifier refers to the review itself, NOT to the item that was reviewed. At least one identifier is required. In the case where there is no persistent unique identifier for the review, the source providing the data should generate a locally-sourced unique identifier for the review (e.g., type "source-work-id"). This field will be checked when adding new reviews to prevent double counting of review activity.

  • review-url (optional) A link to a representation of the review on the web. This URL refers to the review itself, NOT to the item that was reviewed.

  • review-type (required) The kind of review applied to the subject type reviewed. This field is selected from a list containing the following values: evaluation, review

  • review-completion-date (required) The date on which the review was completed (formatted to ISO 8601). Allowable values: yyyy; yyyy-mm; yyyy-mm-dd, formatted using the ORCID fuzzy date format.

  • review-group-id (required) Identifier for the group that this review should be a part of for aggregation purposes. The Group ID must be pre-registered before use. (see Group ID Registration below for more information.)


  • subject-external-identifier (optional) The unique ID of the object that was reviewed. This identifier refers to the SUBJECT of the review, not of the review itself.

  • subject-container-name (optional) The name of the journal, conference, grant review panel, or other applicable object of which the review subject was a part.

  • subject-type (optional) The type of object that the review subject is (for example, a journal article, grant, etc)

  • subject-name (optional) The name/title of the subject object that was reviewed.

  • subject-url (optional) The URL of the subject object that was reviewed. This URL points to the SUBJECT of the review, not to the review itself.


  • convening-organization (required) Information about the organization convening the review (journal publisher, conference organizer, funding agency, etc.). Whenever possible, this organization is identified by a unique identifier like the Ringgold ID or Crossref Funder Registry ID.

###Example file

For an example XML file, see peer-review-2.0.xml

Note: Sample files contain system-generated elements/attributes that are returned when reading items from ORCID. The following items should not be included when posting items to ORCID:

  • put-code (exception: include put-code when updating items using the PUT method)
  • source
  • created-date
  • last-modified-date

##Peer Review API Reference peer-review is available only in ORCID API v2.0_rcX, which uses a slightly different data structure from previous API versions.

In v2.0_rcX, activities are read, added, and modified on an individual basis (rather than as a list), using a put-code, which is a system-generated identifier used within the ORCID database.

The put-code for a specific item can be obtained by reading a summary of a user's ORCID record.

Other notable differences between v2.0_rcX previous versions include:

  • Only 2 scopes are used: /read-limited and /activities/update
  • An explicit DELETE method is used to remove record items

###Read Activities Summary

Action HTTP method Scope URL
Read activities summary GET /read-limited[ORCID-iD]/activities

###Read/Modifiy Peer Review Activities

Action HTTP method Scope URL
Add peer-review item POST /activities/update[ORCID-iD]/peer-review
Read peer-review item GET /read-limited[ORCID-iD]/peer-review/[PUT-CODE]
Update peer-review item PUT /activities/update[ORCID-iD]/peer-review/[PUT-CODE]
Delete peer-review item DELETE /activities/update[ORCID-iD]/peer-review/[PUT-CODE]
  • [ORCID-iD] is the ORCID iD for the record, formatted as XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
  • [PUT-CODE] is the put-code attribute for the specific peer-review activity that you wish to read or modify.

###Example cURL Statements ####Read Activities Summary

curl -i -H "Accept: application/orcid+xml" \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer dd91868d-d29a-475e-9acb-bd3fdf2f43f4' \

####Add Peer-Review Activity

curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/orcid+xml’ \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer dd91868d-d29a-475e-9acb-bd3fdf2f43f4' \
	-d '@[FILE-PATH]/peer-review-item.xml' \
	-X POST '[ORCID]/peer-review'

####Read Peer-Review Activity

curl -i -H "Accept: application/orcid+xml" \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer dd91868d-d29a-475e-9acb-bd3fdf2f43f4' \

####Update Peer-Review Activity

curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/orcid+xml’ \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer dd91868d-d29a-475e-9acb-bd3fdf2f43f4' \
	-d '@[FILE-PATH]/peer-review-item-updated.xml' \
	-X PUT '[ORCID]/peer-review/[PUT-CODE]'

####Delete Peer-Review Activity

curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/orcid+xml’ \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer dd91868d-d29a-475e-9acb-bd3fdf2f43f4' \
	-X DELETE '[ORCID]/peer-review/[PUT-CODE]'