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KOMBIT adgangsstyring

OS2IoT supports authentification using "KOMBIT Adgangsstyring". This is a OIOSAML based solution, this is implemented in OS2IoT using the passport-saml library.


In order to use KOMBIT adgangsstyring in your OS2IoT installation, it is required that you do some configuration.


  1. A service agreement with KOMBIT, and access to "serviceplatformen", or another way of configuring an "It-system".
  2. A NemID FOCES or VOCES (FOCES is preferred) for production use (Issued by: TRUST2408 OCES CA). If the OS2IoT installation is a TEST system, and the test environment for KOMBIT adgangsstyring is being used, then a FOCES/VOCES for the NemID integration environment is sufficent (Issued by: TRUST2408 Systemtest).
  3. The public certificate from the KOMBIT IDP. Can be retrieved from
    1. KOMBIT Test endpoint:
    2. KOMBIT Prod endpoint:

Once the prerequisites are in order the configuration can begin.


  1. Extract the private key and certificate from the FOCES/VOCES certificate.
    1. Using openssl:
      1. Certificate: openssl pkcs12 -in "my-foces.p12" -clcerts -nokeys -out os2iot-certificate.cer
      2. Private key: openssl pkcs12 -in "my-foces.p12" -nocerts -nodes -out os2iot-private-key.pem
  2. Make a local copy of the SAML EntityDescriptor Metadata file, located in the resources folder of the OS2IoT-backend repository.
    1. Edit the file with a suiteable text editor, such as: VSCode, SublimeText or notepad++.

    2. Replace all instances of {YOUR_BASE_URL} with your actual base url, i.e.

    3. Replace all instances of {YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_AS_BASE64} with the base64 encoded part of the certificate (without newlines), i.e. <X509Certificate>MIIGJDCCBQygAwIBAgIEXd/ZTjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBAMQswCQYDVQQGEwJESzESMBAGA1UECgwJVFJVU1QyNDA...=</X509Certificate>

      (Tip: {YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_AS_BASE64} is the extracted certificate)

  3. Create an IT-system in KOMBIT adgangsstrying:
    1. Stamdata:
      1. Name: A suitable name, i.e. "OS2IoT-Aarhus-Kommune"
      2. E-mail: The e-mail of the operations responsible for hosting.
      3. Type: "Anvendersystem" and "Brugervendt system"
    2. Anvendersystem:
      1. Upload the "os2iot-certificate.cer" file from earlier. (You might have to remove the bag attributes of the file, using a text editor)
    3. Brugervendt system:
      1. "Krævet assurance level": "Niveau 3"
      2. "SAML metadatafiler": Upload the file created in step two.
      3. Check that the info shown in the pop-up is correct for your certificate.
    4. Accept terms and save.
  4. Create a pair of brugersystemroller og jobfunktionsroller.
    1. In IT-systemer choose the IT-system created above and go to the Brugervendt System tab. Under Brugersystemroller create a new one.
      1. Navn: os2iot-adgang-brugersystemrolle
      2. Domæne:
      3. Rollenavn: adgang
      4. Version: Choose a unique number (If its already in use you will get an error)
      5. This must yield the URI:, if another one is wished then pass the environment variable KOMBIT_ROLE_NAME to the backend (default:
      6. Save the IT-system

    image1 (

    1. Create a Jobfunktionsrolle (or update existing)
      1. Navn and Rollenavn is decided by you.
      2. Press "Tilknyt brugersystemrolle" and locate the IT-system and brugersystemrolle created above and save it.
      3. Save the jobfunktionsrolle.
    2. Update your IdP to give the relevant users the jobfunktionsrolle created here.
  5. Configure OS2IoT-backend to support KOMBIT adgangsstrying:
    1. You need to add two environment variables to the command running the backend server in your environment.
      1. This can be using the .env file, or by setting them in some other manner.

      2. The variable BACKEND_BASEURL must be set to the URL a users browser will access the backend at, including the protocol, i.e. The domain must be identical to the value you put into the metadata file above: {YOUR_BASE_URL}. a. An example for .env could be:

      3. The variable KOMBIT_CERTIFICATEPRIVATEKEY must be set to the private key from earlier. Since this file contains newlines, it might be easier to use \n inside a string to set this variable.

      1. An example for .env could be:
      KOMBIT_CERTIFICATEPRIVATEKEY="-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEoQIBAFAKEAQEAlgq4JESby9DF7l73hViKZJ1/l9iIjCndQdjXNf0mOe9uMrWJ\nrDi0few9jFAKEIb0v33UmH20yFe7FiozjRBAgvml+lfZP2DN583evs6rGfHPNQHLb\nLP2g/2cehFAKE4asddasdsadsadX+hnYVJjnzOYmiPAAK418Tnq6g1tk4upPx9O\nlHgWWaDMwFAKEuKczbx/ALy9FxDk7x25Mpxqi3pUg35sMy76/JrdlEfuQzdjpaxp5\n4j29LqjPoFAKElpBJ6DjZotIcV9BL9rjNgZTb4N6jqHUqbyYOGfHAydFnJmeMYRMX\nViYkxag0WFAKEJ/P5YP9bCA3eYIbwJgyi6srT+wIDAQABAoIBAQCUmz1SvplIPxkr\nROgHLHC1wFAKEFoX3vSclpq1Rasdasda+7IJa9LF1v6z9VJWSCz9ZBnuIM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\nT5XZL2YlXFAKEW5IcI8RKEYCHsNJIkPlh6LfNyrdAj56x2/w9Ew==\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
      iiii. The variable KOMBIT_ENTRYPOINT must be set to the entrypoint of KOMBIT. If unset, it will be set to:, which is the test environment.
      1. An example for .env could be:
      iiiii. The variable KOMBIT_CERTIFICATEPUBLICKEY must be set to the public key of the KOMBIT idp. If unset, the backend will not validate responses from KOMBIT, even if they are valid. Must be one line, with only the key part as shown below
      1. An example for .env could be:


To test the functionality, press the "Login med KOMBIT Adgangsstyring" button from the login page (/auth).