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How to release GRASS GIS binaries and source code


  • You have communicated with other developers, e.g., through grass-dev mailing list.
  • You have communicated with a development coordinator.
  • You have evaluated status of issues and PRs associated with the relevant milestone.
  • You have already cloned the repo with Git.
  • Your own fork is the remote called "origin".
  • The OSGeo repo is the remote called "upstream".
  • You don't have any local un-pushed or un-committed changes.
  • You are using Bash or a similar shell.

Note: Some later steps in this text are to be done by the development coordinator (currently Markus Neteler and Martin Landa) due to needed logins.

Prepare the local repo

Update your remotes and switch to branch:

git fetch --all --prune && git checkout releasebranch_8_2

Confirm that you are on the right branch and have no local changes and that you have no local unpushed commits:

# Should show no changes:
git status
# Should give no output at all:
git diff
git diff --staged
# Should give no output:
git log upstream/releasebranch_8_2..HEAD
# Should give the same as last commits visible on GitHub:
git log --max-count=5

Now you can merge (or rebase) updates from the remote your local branch and optionally update your own fork:

git merge upstream/releasebranch_8_2 && git push origin releasebranch_8_2

Verify the result:

# Should give no output:
git log upstream/releasebranch_8_2..HEAD
# Should give the same as last commits visible on GitHub:
git log --max-count=5

Now or any time later, you can use git log and git show to see the latest commits and the last commit including the changes.

git log --max-count=5
git show

Update VERSION file to release version number

Modify the VERSION file use the dedicated script, for RC1, e.g.:

./utils/ status
./utils/ rc 1

The script will compute the correct version string and print a message containing it into the terminal (e.g., "version: GRASS GIS 8.2.0RC1").

Commit with a commit message suggested by the script, e.g.:

git diff
git commit include/VERSION -m "version: GRASS GIS 8.2.0RC1"

Check that there is exactly one commit on your local branch and that it is the version change:

git status
git show

Push the tag to the upstream repo:

git push upstream

Create variables

For convenience, create Bash variables with the version update script:

# Get VERSION and TAG as variables.
eval $(./utils/ status --bash)

Version and tag are the same for all releases:

echo "$VERSION"
echo "$TAG"

If in doubt, run the script without eval $(...) to see all the variables created.

Create release tag

The tag is created locally, while the release draft is created automatically by GitHub Actions and can be later edited on GitHub. For background on GitHub releases, see:

Tag release

Before creating the tag, it is a good idea to see if the CI jobs are not failing. Check on GitHub or use GitHub CLI:

gh run list --branch releasebranch_8_2

Some time was needed to run the checks, so before getting back to creating the tag, confirm that you are on the right branch which is up to date:

git status
git log --max-count=5

Create an annotated tag (a lightweight tag is okay too, but there is more metadata stored for annotated tags including a date; message is suggested by the version script):

git tag $TAG -a -m "GRASS GIS 8.2.0RC1"

List all tags (annotated will be at the top of both lists):

git tag -n --sort=-creatordate
git tag -n --sort=-taggerdate

Now push the tag upstream - this will trigger the automated workflows linked to tags:

git push upstream $TAG

If any of the tag-related jobs fails, open an issue and see what you can do manually so that you can continue in the release process.

Create release notes

Generate a draft of release notes using a script. The script uses configuration files which are in the utils directory and the script needs to run there, so change the current directory:

cd utils

For major and minor releases, GitHub API gives good results for the first release candidate because it contains contributor handles and can identify new contributors, so use with the api backend, e.g.:

python ./ api releasebranch_8_2 8.0.0 $VERSION

For micro releases, GitHub API does not give good results because it uses PRs while the backports are usually direct commits without PRs. The git log command operates on commits, so use use the log backend:

python ./ log releasebranch_8_2 8.2.0 $VERSION

In between RCs and between last RC and final release, the log backend is useful for showing updates since the last RC:

python ./ log releasebranch_8_2 8.2.0RC1 $VERSION

For the final release, the changes accumulated since the first RC need to be added manually to the result from the api backend.

The script sorts them into categories defined in utils/release.yml. However, these notes need to be manually edited to collapse related items into one. Additionally, a Highlights section needs to be added with manually identified new major features for major and minor releases. For all releases, a Major section may need to be added showing critical fixes or breaking changes if there are any.

Change directory back to the root directory of the repo:

cd ..

Modify the release draft

After the automated release job completes, a new release draft will be available in the GitHub web interface. You can copy-paste the created release notes to GitHub and further modify as needed.

Older release description may or may not be a good inspiration:

If RC, mark it as a pre-release, check:

[x] This is a pre-release

Save the modified draft, but do not publish the release yet.

Reset include/VERSION file to git development version

Use a dedicated script to edit the VERSION file.

After an RC, switch to development version:

./utils/ dev

After a final release, switch to development version for the next micro, minor, or major version, e.g., for micro version, use:

./utils/ micro

Use major and minor operations for the other version updates. Use --help for details about the options.

Commit with the suggested commit message and push, e.g.:

git show
git commit include/VERSION -m "version: Back to 8.2.0dev"
git push upstream

Upload to OSGeo servers

This part requires extra permissions and needs to be done by one of the development coordinators.

Get the tagged version

For the automation, the tagged version of the source code is needed. First, update the repo to get the tag locally:

git fetch upstream

Get the tagged source code, e.g.:

git checkout 8.2.0RC1

Create the Bash variables for version numbers:

eval $(./utils/ status --bash)

Confirm the version (it should match exactly the tag specified above):

echo "$VERSION"

Create a changelog file

There is also a large changelog file we produce and publish, create it with a script (it takes several minutes to complete):

python3 utils/
mv ChangeLog ChangeLog_$VERSION
head ChangeLog_$VERSION
gzip ChangeLog_$VERSION

Get the source code tarball

Fetch a tarball from GitHub we also publish on OSGeo servers:

wget${VERSION}.tar.gz -O grass-${VERSION}.tar.gz
md5sum grass-${VERSION}.tar.gz > grass-${VERSION}.md5sum

Upload source code tarball to OSGeo servers

Note: servers 'osgeo8-grass' and 'osgeo7-download' only reachable via jumphost (managed by OSGeo-SAC) - see

# Store the source tarball (twice) in (use scp -p FILES grass:):

# upload along with associated files:
scp -p grass-$VERSION.* AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog_$VERSION.gz \

scp -p grass-$VERSION.* AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog_$VERSION.gz \

# Only at full release (i.e., not for RCs)!
# generate link to "latest" source code
ssh $USER@$SERVER1 "cd $SERVER1DIR ; rm -f grass-$MAJOR.$MINOR-latest.tar.gz"
ssh $USER@$SERVER1 "cd $SERVER1DIR ; ln -s grass-$VERSION.tar.gz grass-$MAJOR.$MINOR-latest.tar.gz"
ssh $USER@$SERVER1 "cd $SERVER1DIR ; rm -f grass-$MAJOR.$MINOR-latest.md5sum"
ssh $USER@$SERVER1 "cd $SERVER1DIR ; ln -s grass-$VERSION.tar.md5sum grass-$MAJOR.$MINOR-latest.md5sum"

# verify
echo "$MAJOR$MINOR/source/"

Update winGRASS related files

Update the winGRASS version at

vim wingrass-maintenance-scripts/grass_packager_release.bat
vim wingrass-maintenance-scripts/
vim wingrass-maintenance-scripts/
vim wingrass-maintenance-scripts/       # major/minor release only

Update addon builders

Add the new version to repos which build or test addons:

Close milestone

For a final release (not release candidate), close the related milestone at If there are any open issues or PRs, move them to another milestone in the milestone view (all can be moved at once).

Publish the release

When the above is done and the release notes are ready, publish the release at

Release is done.

Improve release description

For final releases only, go to Zenodo a get a Markdown badge for the release which Zenodo creates with a DOI for the published released.

For all releases, click the Binder badge to get Binder to build. Use it to test it and to cache the built image. Add more links to (or badges for) more notebooks if there are any which show well specific features added or updated in the release.

Create entries for the new release

Trac Wiki release page

Add entry in

Update Hugo web site to show new version

For a (final) release (not release candidate), write announcement and publish it:

Software pages:

Only in case of new major release

Packaging notes

WinGRASS notes

  • Update grass_packager_release.bat, eg.
     set MAJOR=8
     set MINOR=2
     set PATCH=0RC1
  • Update addons ( rules, eg.
     compile $GIT_PATH/grass8 $GISBASE_PATH/grass820RC1  $ADDON_PATH/grass820RC1/addons
  • Modify accordingly, eg.
     copy_addon 820RC1 8.2.0RC1

Ubuntu Launchpad notes

Other notes

Tell others about release

Via Web / Social media: