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API2:2023 Broken Authentication

Threat agents/Attack vectors Security Weakness Impacts
API Specific : Exploitability 3 Prevalence 2 : Detectability 2 Technical 3 : Business Specific
Authentication in APIs is a complex and confusing mechanism. Software and security engineers might have misconceptions about what are the boundaries of authentication and how to implement it correctly. In addition, the authentication mechanism is an easy target for attackers, since it's exposed to everyone. These two points make the authentication component potentially vulnerable to many exploits. There are two sub-issues: 1. Lack of protection mechanisms: API endpoints that are responsible for authentication must be treated differently from regular endpoints and implement extra layers of protection; 2. Misimplementation of the mechanism: The mechanism is used / implemented without considering the attack vectors, or for the wrong use case (e.g. an authentication mechanism designed for IoT clients might not be the right choice for web applications). Attackers can gain control of other users' accounts in the system, read their personal data, and perform sensitive actions on their behalf, like money transactions and sending personal messages.

Is the API Vulnerable?

Authentication endpoints and flows are assets that need to be protected. Additionally, "Forgot password / reset password" should be treated the same way as authentication mechanisms.

A public-facing API is vulnerable if it:

  • Permits credential stuffing where the attacker uses brute force with a list of valid usernames and passwords.
  • Permits attackers to perform a brute force attack on the same user account, without presenting captcha/account lockout mechanism.
  • Permits weak passwords.
  • Sends sensitive authentication details, such as auth tokens and passwords in the URL.
  • Allows users to change their email address, current password, or do any other sensitive operations without asking for password confirmation.
  • Doesn't validate the authenticity of tokens.
  • Accepts unsigned/weakly signed JWT tokens ({"alg":"none"})
  • Doesn't validate the JWT expiration date.
  • Uses plain text, non-encrypted, or weakly hashed passwords.
  • Uses weak encryption keys.

On top of that, a microservice is vulnerable if:

  • Other microservices can access it without authentication
  • Uses weak or predictable tokens to enforce authentication

Example Attack Scenarios

Scenario #1

In order to perform user authentication the client has to issue an API request like the one below with the user credentials:

POST /graphql
  "query":"mutation {
    login (username:\"<username>\",password:\"<password>\") {

If credentials are valid, then an auth token is returned which should be provided in subsequent requests to identify the user. Login attempts are subject to restrictive rate limiting: only three requests are allowed per minute.

To brute force log in with a victim's account, bad actors leverage GraphQL query batching to bypass the request rate limiting, speeding up the attack:

POST /graphql

Scenario #2

In order to update the email address associated with a user's account, clients should issue an API request like the one below:

PUT /account
Authorization: Bearer <token>

{ "email": "<new_email_address>" }

Because the API does not require the user to confirm their identity by providing their current password, bad actors are able to put themselves in a position to steal the auth token.They also might be able to take over the victim's account by starting the reset password workflow after updating the email address of the victim's account.

How To Prevent

  • Make sure you know all the possible flows to authenticate to the API (mobile/ web/deep links that implement one-click authentication/etc.). Ask your engineers what flows you missed.
  • Read about your authentication mechanisms. Make sure you understand what and how they are used. OAuth is not authentication, and neither are API keys.
  • Don't reinvent the wheel in authentication, token generation, or password storage. Use the standards.
  • Credential recovery/forgot password endpoints should be treated as login endpoints in terms of brute force, rate limiting, and lockout protections.
  • Require re-authentication for sensitive operations (e.g. changing the account owner email address/2FA phone number).
  • Use the OWASP Authentication Cheatsheet.
  • Where possible, implement multi-factor authentication.
  • Implement anti-brute force mechanisms to mitigate credential stuffing, dictionary attacks, and brute force attacks on your authentication endpoints. This mechanism should be stricter than the regular rate limiting mechanisms on your APIs.
  • Implement account lockout/captcha mechanisms to prevent brute force attacks against specific users. Implement weak-password checks.
  • API keys should not be used for user authentication. They should only be used for API clients authentication.


