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Any In & Output

(FunWithAny.cs, FB1WithAny.cs, FB2WithAny.cs)

FunWithAny.cs is an example how to use the IEC 61131-3 ANY parameter in a C# function.
First we have the partly optional attribute DataType(). This attribute is only necessary if you have an IEC type as in/output, which does not have a unique mapping to a C# data type. For example, uint in C# is UDINT in IEC. But if you want an input to be DWORD, which is also uint in C#, the DataType("DWORD") attribute is needed. For ANY parameters, the DataType() attribute must always be used. For more information on data type mapping, read the Readme.txt, available in every Visual Studio eCLR project.

[Function, DataType("ANY_NUM")]
public static class Fun_with_ANY

In Functions all ANY parameters must be passed by reference.

    public unsafe static void __Process(
        [Output] ref Any Fun_with_ANY,
        [Input, DataType("ANY_NUM")] ref Any VALUE,
        [Input, DataType("ANY_NUM")] ref Any MIN,
        [Input, DataType("ANY_NUM")] ref Any MAX)

Use the runtime type handle to identify the element type.

code = (Eclr.TypeCode)Eclr.TypeInfo.GetTypeCode(VALUE.pRuntimeTypeHandle);

FB1WithAny.cs is an example of using ANY in a function block. There, you don't need to reference your fields. But ANY as an Output parameter is not supported. For this, the FB2WithAny.cs shows how to use an InOut parameter instead.