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The Skrellian Diplomatic Fleet

Ikky edited this page Feb 21, 2021 · 9 revisions


Aptly known as just the Skrellian Diplomatic Fleet, or SDF. The Skrellian government is made up of two bodies. The Skrellian Interest League that's responsible for all domestic affairs and oversight, and the Skrellian Diplomatic Fleet that oversees foreign affairs, first contact and colonization expansion efforts. While both are under the Skrell's tried and true caste system, the divide of power is a product of the large territory and population of the Skrell.


The Skrell were an anomaly in reaching spaceflight earlier than most species, only a century or so after their industrial revolution. Mostly pressed by widespread pollution, while being no more intelligent than most other type 1.5 species today. However the resource and metal composition of Qerr’balak afforded them a much needed leg-up in production of atmos-escaping rockets. Yet while they had escaped their planet relativity early in their time. Systems outside of Qerr'Zrx'qwi were a mere pipe dream - much like humanity, no colonist wanted to be stranded generations from any help.

The Skrell however were the first to have discovered the curiosity that is Bluespace, even if they didn't call it such. Much like humanity and the Tajaran the Skrell discovered it's more applicable use, relatively safe FTL travel, short range teleportation and quantum matter containment. Being so early in the bluespace race, it's unclear what other applications or discoveries the Skrell have made ahead of others - if so, they're very much secrets they have not, or will not share.

The Skrellian Interest League formed out of the varying bloodlines of the Qerr-Katish caste, with the goal of keeping outer-system colonies and governments under 'guidance' of the Skrellian culture, while they were free to self-govern to an extent. Total independence or self-reliance was harshly discouraged, and still is today despite the SIL's diminishing control over so much territory.

The Skrellian Diplomatic Fleet however was a product of contact with the Unathi. Having no prior engagement, or even inkling other life existed, the SDF grew out of a scientific and military detachment meant to try and make peaceful contact with the Unathi. Met with overwhelming success in the form of a defense pact, the SDF soon grew in skrellpower and funding to become the SIL's foreign powers branch responsible for first contact and external naval affairs.




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