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File metadata and controls

86 lines (62 loc) · 2.43 KB


Another serverless example is a public app to help you to start with AWS serverless services.

You can find the apps running on :

Structure of the project

Three mains directories back, cdk, front.

back : microservices using AWS lambda

cdk : AWS infrastucture of the project

front : the front app using React and MUI

Back application

The application uses AWS lambda. If you want to build the backend App you need to install node on your computer.

install :

Currently I use nodejs 16.04 but higher version most likely be compatible

In the "back" directory use these commands to respectivly : install dependencies, build project, run test.

npm i
npm run build
npm run test

Note : if you are on Windows you need to install 7z and add it tou your PATH. Then in the webpack.config.js you need to uncomment two lines (l. 60-65)

Default and linux:

    Object.keys(entry).forEach(name => {
              exec(`zip ${name}.zip ${name}.js`, { cwd: distPath })
              //exec(`7z a ${name}.zip ${name}.js`, { cwd: distPath })// FOR WINDOWS
            exec(`rm *.js`, { cwd: distPath })
            //exec(`del *.js`, { cwd: distPath }); //FOR WINDOWS


    Object.keys(entry).forEach(name => {
              //exec(`zip ${name}.zip ${name}.js`, { cwd: distPath })
              exec(`7z a ${name}.zip ${name}.js`, { cwd: distPath })// FOR WINDOWS
            //exec(`rm *.js`, { cwd: distPath })
            exec(`del *.js`, { cwd: distPath }); //FOR WINDOWS


If you want more information about CDK read

In the "cdk" directory use "npm i" to install dependencies.

The stack contains :

  • 1 Dynamo table
  • 1 S3 for static website
  • A cloudfront distribution
  • 7 Lambdas for back end microservices
  • A cognito user pool
  • An api gateway

Useful commands

  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run watch watch for changes and compile
  • npm run test perform the jest unit tests
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template

Front app

Front app made with React and Material ui, read the readme inside the "front" directory for more information.

Useful commands

npm i
npm start