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221 lines (152 loc) · 10.2 KB


Welcome and thank you for your interest in contributing to TeamsFX SDK! Before contributing to this project, please review this document for policies and procedures which will ease the contribution and review process for everyone. If you have questions, please raise your issue on github.

Setting up development environment

Make sure you have installed following prerequisites. To test the SDK, you'd better install Visual Studio Code and TeamsFx VS Code Extension.


  • Git
  • Node 18 or higher (Node 18 is recommended)
  • PNPM 8 or higher

Building SDK

  1. Clone this repo locally. (git clone
  2. Open a terminal and move into your local copy. (cd TeamsFx)
  3. Because the monorepo is managed by PNPM, you need to setup at the first time. (npm run setup or pnpm install && npm run build in root folder) All dependencies will be installed.

Debugging SDK

Use pnpm-pack to test the SDK. If you use a project created by TeamsFx VS Code extension, remove the @microsoft/teamsfx in package.json first.

cd packages/sdk                             # go into the SDK package directory
pnpm pack                                    # create local packed file
cd ../test-project-using-sdk                # go into test project directory.
npm install ../microsoft-teamsfx-x.x.x.tgz  # install the local built package

Run npm run build and npm pack under packages/sdk after any updates of SDK.

Add or remove dependency for SDK

run pnpm install XXX to add dependency, run pnpm remove XXX to remove dependency.

Running test cases

All tests are under test/ folder. The filename ends with ".spec.ts".

E2E tests need environment variables that are configured in GitHub Action. To run SDK E2E tests locally, environment variables are required to be set manually in the .env file under packages/sdk.

  • Use npm run test:unit to run all unit tests.
  • Use npm run test:e2e to run all e2e tests.

Test folder structure

  • test/unit/: unit tests for both browser and NodeJS.
  • test/unit/browser/: unit tests for browser only.
  • test/unit/node/: unit tests for NodeJS only.
  • test/e2e/browser/: end-to-end tests related to Azure resources for browser only.
  • test/e2e/node/: end-to-end tests related to Azure resources for NodeJS only.

Prepare values for required environment variables to run E2E test cases

All the environment variables are extracted by the function extractIntegrationEnvVariables() defined in helper.browser.ts and helper.ts under test/ folder.


  1. Create an Azure SQL database.
  2. Set the environment variable SDK_INTEGRATION_TEST_SQL with the Azure SQL Database you just created, and the configs are separated by semicolons.
# SQL related (NodeJS)


  1. Open Teams Toolkit, and sign into M365 by clicking the Sign in to M365 under the ACCOUNTS section from sidebar with your test account. After you signed in, create a new Teams SSO-enabled tab app. Start debugging the project by hitting the F5 key in the Visual Studio Code.

  2. Set the environment variable SDK_INTEGRATION_TEST_ACCOUNT with the test account name and password, separated by semicolons.

    # AAD Account (NodeJS & browser)


  1. Open Azure Portal with your test account, go to App Registrations under Azure Active Directory, and find the app created and debugged in the previous section.

  2. Click on the app name, and then go to Authentication under the Manage section from sidebar.

  3. Uncheck Access tokens and check ID tokens under the Implicit grant and hybrid flows section. Set Allow public client flows to Yes.

  4. Go to API Permissions under the Manage section from sidebar, and click add a permission. Select Microsoft Graph API and then select Delegated permissions. Scroll down to the bottom and expand User, and check User.Read.All. Permission of User.Read.All requires Admin consent.

  5. Navigate to Overview, AAD_TENANT_ID and AAD_CLIENT_ID can be found under Essentials section.


  7. AAD_CLIENT_SECRET can be found under .fx/states/local.userdata. Click Decrypt secret to get the value.

  8. Follow the link to find USER_OBJECT_ID .

  9. To setup the certificate, execute following commands to generate self signed certificates for test. The command requires OpenSSL.

    # Skip the Export Password with ENTER
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout PrivateKey.pem -out Cert.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj "//CN=SdkIntegrationTest"
    openssl pkcs12 -export -out keyStore.pfx -inkey PrivateKey.pem -in Cert.pem
    openssl pkcs12 -in keyStore.pfx -out keyStore.pem -nodes
  10. In the directory that executes step 9's commands, execute following js script. AAD_CERTIFICATE_CONTENT is the contents of certificate.txt.

    const fs = require("fs");
    var cert_key = fs.readFileSync("keyStore.pem", "utf8");
    cert_key = cert_key.replace(/\r/g, "");
    fs.writeFileSync("certificate.txt", JSON.stringify(cert_key));
  11. Go to Certificates & secrets of the app under App registrations, and upload Cert.pem by clicking Upload certificate under Certificate section.

  12. Set the environment variable SDK_INTEGRATION_TEST_AAD with the following sequence, separated by semicolons.

    # AAD Application (NodeJS & browser)


  1. Execute following commands to generate self signed certificates for test. The command requires OpenSSL.

    # Generate certs to for test server that supports certificate auth
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -days 365 -keyout server_key.pem -out server_cert.pem  -subj "//CN=localhost"
    # Generate client cert (both PEM and PFX) to test certificate auth support. Press "ENTER" when asked for "Export Password".
    openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout client_key.pem -out client_csr.pem -nodes -days 365 -subj "//CN=test client"
    openssl x509 -req -in client_csr.pem -CA server_cert.pem -CAkey server_key.pem -out client_cert.pem -set_serial 01 -days 365
    openssl pkcs12 -inkey client_key.pem -in client_cert.pem -certfile server_cert.pem -export -out client_pfx.pfx
    # Create password protected private key file
    openssl rsa -aes256 -in client_key.pem -out client_key_encrypted.pem
    # Create password protected pfx file. Record the cert password for use in step 2.
    openssl pkcs12 -inkey client_key.pem -in client_cert.pem -certfile server_cert.pem -export -out client_pfx_encrypted.pfx
  2. In the directory that executes step 1's commands, execute following js script to generate values to be configured to the environment variable. You need to fill in the cert password you provided in step 1 before running the script.

    const fs = require("fs");
    let certs = {};
    certs.serverCert = fs.readFileSync("server_cert.pem", "utf8");
    certs.serverKey = fs.readFileSync("server_key.pem", "utf8");
    certs.clientCert = fs.readFileSync("client_cert.pem", "utf8");
    certs.clientKey = fs.readFileSync("client_key.pem", "utf8");
    certs.clientKeyEncrypted = fs.readFileSync("client_key_encrypted.pem", "utf8");
    certs.clientPfx = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync("client_pfx.pfx")).toString("base64");
    certs.clientPfxEncrypted = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync("client_pfx_encrypted.pfx")).toString(
    certs.passphrase = ""; // fill your password before executing the script
    certs.clientCN = "test client"; // update the value if you specifies another CN when generating test certs
    fs.writeFileSync("certs.json", JSON.stringify(certs));
  3. Copy the contents of certs.json to environment variable SDK_INTEGRATION_TEST_API_CERTPROVIDER.

Style Guidelines

This project use eslint and prettier to check format and code style. Use npm run format to fix format issues and npm run lint to check lint issues.

Pull Request Process

  1. Check out a new branch from "dev".
  2. Update code in correct place. Supporting Browser and NodeJS
  3. Make sure modified codes are covered by unit tests. Running test cases
  4. Ensure code style check has no error. Style Guidelines
  5. Add comment for public class/method. Please check comment template for details.
  6. Merge your changes to "dev" branch.
  7. At least one approve from code owners is required.

Supporting Browser and NodeJS

  1. If a new class behaves differently under two environments. Create a new file named xxx.browser.ts that works only in browser and xxx.ts that works only in NodeJS.
  2. Export files in index.ts and index.browser.ts, they are entries for NodeJS and browser.
  3. Keep the exported functions and public ones of class consistent in 2 files.

For example:

// onBehalfOfUserCredential.browser.ts
export class OnBehalfOfUserCredential implements TokenCredential {
  async getToken(
    scopes: string | string[],
    options?: GetTokenOptions
  ): Promise<AccessToken | null> {
    // browser version implementation.

// onBehalfOfUserCredential.ts
export class OnBehalfOfUserCredential implements TokenCredential {
  async getToken(
    scopes: string | string[],
    options?: GetTokenOptions
  ): Promise<AccessToken | null> {
    // nodejs version implementation.

Please check onBehalfOfUserCredential.browser.ts and onBehalfOfUserCredential.ts to see the details.