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Upgrade project to use Teams Toolkit 5.0 features

Zhaofeng Xu edited this page Mar 17, 2023 · 81 revisions

Teams Toolkit continuously evolves to offer more powerful features for developers. Teams Toolkit 5.0 provides following new features to help you better build your existing Teams app project using Teams Toolkit:

  • Use an existing Teams app ID
  • Use an existing Azure AD app registration ID
  • Use a different tunneling solution or customize the defaults
  • Use existing infrastructure, resource groups, and more when provisioning
  • Add custom steps to debugging, provisioning, deploying, publishing, etc.

These new features will require an update to your existing project structure. Teams Toolkit can automatically upgrade your project with your consent.

Please note that the new features will be enabled by default in the future release of Teams Toolkit. We thrive to make Teams Toolkit compatible with existing projects but long-term backwards compatibility is not 100% guaranteed, thus we strongly recommend updating your project configurations to continue using the latest Teams Toolkit.

FAQ about the upgrade

Q: Will the upgrade impact my source code?

A: No. The upgrade only changes the files used by Teams Toolkit. You can refer File Structure Change to learn more about the possible changes.

Q: Can I go back to previous project?

A: Yes. The upgrade will backup changed files in your project. You can refer How to roll back to roll back the changes.

Q: Can I postpone the upgrade?

A: If you do not want to upgrade temporary, you can use VS Code Teams Toolkit 4.X / TeamsFx CLI 1.X / Visual Studio 2022 17.4 to develop your projects.

How to Upgrade

Teams Toolkit can automatically upgrade your project with your consent. To trigger upgrade, you can:

  1. Trigger any Teams Toolkit command, Teams Toolkit will pop up dialog to confirm upgrade.

    You need to trigger the expected command again after upgrade.

  2. Open VS Code command palette (Shift + Command + P (Mac) / Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux)) and run Teams: Upgrade project command.
  3. Click Teams Toolkit sidebar in VS Code, and click Upgrade project button.

We recommend using git to track changes during upgrade.

File Structure Change

Teams Toolkit performs the following changes to your project during upgrade.

File changes

  1. Created teamsapp.yml and teamsapp.local.yml in your project's root folder

    These file contains lifecycle configuration for your project

  2. Moved environment files in .fx to .env.{env} in env folder

    The environment files in old project contains state.{env}.json, config.{env}.json

  3. If your project contains file .fx/states/{env}.userdata, the content will be moved to .env.{env}.user in env folder
  4. Moved templates/appPackage to appPackage and updated placeholders in it per latest tooling's requirement.

    This step also renamed appPackage/manifest.template.json to appPackage/manifest.json The tooling now uses ${{ENV_VAR_NAME}} to reference environment variables and all old placeholders have been renamed to environment variable

  5. If your project contains templates/appPackage/aad.template.json, moved it to aad.manifest.json and updated placeholders in it per latest tooling's requirement.

    The tooling now uses ${{ENV_VAR_NAME}} to reference environment variables and all old placeholders have been renamed to environment variable

  6. If your project contains file .vscode/tasks.json and .vscode/launch.json, they will be updated.
  7. Updated .gitignore to ignore new environment files.
  8. Removed .fx folder

    Content under this folder is no longer used.

All existing files will be moved into .backup folder for your reference. You can safely delete the .backup folder after you reviewed the changes.

How to roll back

If you still want to restore your project configuration after the upgrade is successful and continue to use old version Teams Toolkit, you can:

  1. Copy every folder / file under .backup folder to your project root path

    You can safely overwrite any existing files if you didn't change the files after upgrade.

  2. Remove the new folders / files mentioned in File Changes section:
    • teamsapp.yml and teamsapp.local.yml
    • aad.manifest.json
    • env folder
    • appPackage folder

Known issues

STATE__FX_RESOURCE_FRONTEND_HOSTING__ENDPOINT missing error in some projects

If your project only contains a bot, an error might occur saying STATE__FX_RESOURCE_FRONTEND_HOSTING__ENDPOINT is missing when executing commands. Replace this placeholder with a valid URL in appPackage/manifest.json to fix it.

This happens in projects created using very old Teams Toolkit. The old tooling provides a default example URL for your project if this placeholder does not exist. In latest tooling, we want to make everything more transparent so requires you to provide your URL here.

InvalidParameter: Following parameter is missing or invalid for aadApp/create action: name

You may be trying to upgrade a project created by Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code v3.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v0.x / Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.3. Please install Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code v4.x / Teams Toolkit CLI v1.x / Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio v17.4 and run upgrade first.

Feature changes that impact your development flow

There're some changes to existing features you should be aware of:

Environment management

  1. All the environment files will be gitignored by default. You need to sync the environment variables in .env.{env_name} files under teamsfx folder by yourselves to other machines to operate corresponding environments.
  2. When creating new environments, you need to fill customized fields in the new .env.{env_name} file. Usually you need to provide values for all environment values with CONFIG__ prefix.
  3. When creating new environments, you need to manually create templates/azure/azure.parameters.{env_name}.json as Azure provision parameters and fill the parameter values accordingly.
  4. Some additional steps are required if you added SQL or APIM to your project. Refer Provision SQL databases and Provision APIM service section to learn more.

Launch your app

  1. When launching your app for a remote environment in VS Code, Teams Toolkit will no longer ask you to select an environment. You need to manually change environment name for ${dev:teamsAppId} in .vscode/launch.json to launch your app for a certain environment.

Provision SQL databases

If you didn't use Teams Toolkit to add SQL databases to your project, these changes won't impact your project.

  1. When you provision a new environment, you need to provide values for STATE__FX_RESOURCE_AZURE_SQL__ADMIN and SECRET_FX_RESOURCE_AZURE_SQL__ADMINPASSWORD in .env.{env_name} which are required inputs for creating SQL databases.

    If you're provisioning an existing environment, you don't need this step.

  2. You need to grant permission to user assigned identity manually after provisioning a new environment. Here're the steps:
    1. Go to env/.env.{envName} and find SQL Server resource id. The resource id usually saved in PROVISIONOUTPUT__AZURESQLOUTPUT__SQLRESOURCEID environment variable and has this pattern: /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{sql_server_name}. Record the resource group name and SQL Server name, they will be used later.

    2. Go to env/.env.{envName} and find SQL Server database name. The database name usually saved in PROVISIONOUTPUT__AZURESQLOUTPUT__DATABASENAME environment variable.

    3. Go to env/.env.{envName} and find User Assigned Identity resource id. The resource id usually saved in PROVISIONOUTPUT__IDENTITYOUTPUT__IDENTITYRESOURCEID environment variable and has this pattern /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{user_assigned_identity_name}. Record the User Assigned Identity name, it will be used later.

    4. Configure AAD admin in SQL Database. You can follow set AAD admin to set AAD admin for the SQL Server found in step i. Usually you can use the account logged-in Azure as AAD admin.

    5. Go to your SQL Database found in step ii, login using the AAD admin image

    6. Create contained database users. Replace {user_assigned_identity_name} with the value from step iii in following Transact-SQL and execute:

      CREATE USER [{user_assigned_identity_name}] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER;
      sp_addrolemember  'db_datareader',  '{user_assigned_identity_name}';
      sp_addrolemember  'db_datawriter',  '{user_assigned_identity_name}';
    7. If there are multiple databased in your project, add User Assigned Identity to all of them.

Provision APIM service

If you didn't use Teams Toolkit to add API Management service to your project, these changes won't impact your project.

  1. When you provision an environment, you need to provide values for APIM__PUBLISHEREMAIL and APIM__PUBLISHERNAME in .env.{env_name} which are required inputs for creating or updating APIM services.
  2. You need to manually create an Azure Active Directory app for APIM service when provisioning a new environment. This document includes tutorials about how to create an Azure Active Directory app for APIM service.
  3. Teams Toolkit no longer support deploy API spec to APIM any more. Teams Toolkit will reuse your provisioned resource when upgrading (except Bot Service), when you wish to add a new environment after project upgrading, please remember to change resource name in azure.parameters.{your_env_name}.json to avoid name conflicts.

Upgrade your projects manually

This section helps you understand how to upgrade the old project template (created by Teams Toolkit 4.X) to latest structure. If you have customized the project after creation, you can make additional changes during the upgrade steps for your customized part.


In general, the upgrade process contains 2 steps:

  1. Create a new project using latest Teams Toolkit and copy your source code to it

    Refer Step 1: create a new project and copy your source code to it for detailed steps

  2. Transform the placeholders used by old Teams Toolkit to new format

    Refer Step 2: transform the placeholders to new format for detailed steps

Step 1: create a new project and copy your source code to it

Based on the Teams capabilities in your project, choose the guide that suitable to your project:

Project with single Teams capability that hosted on Azure

The steps in this section is prepared for project that contains only 1 capability (tab, bot or message extension).

  1. Trigger "Teams: Create a new app" command using Teams Toolkit 5.0.0 to create a new project with same capability or same scenario as your current project.

  2. Remove source code in the new project and copy your current project's source code to the new project

    1. If your project is a tab app, copy everything under tab folder to the new project's root folder

    2. If your project is a bot app or message extension app, copy everything under bot folder to the new project's root folder

  3. Find project id under .fx/configs/projectSettings.json, put the value to the new project's teamsapp.yml's projectId property

  4. Copy your ARM template to the new project

    1. Remove everything under the new project's infra folder.

    2. Copy everything under templates/azure in your current project to the new project's infra folder.

    3. Rename main.bicep to azure.bicep.

    4. Copy .fx/configs/azure.parameters.{env}.json to the new project's infra folder.

    5. Update the new project's teamsapp.yml file, change parameters: ./infra/azure.parameters.json to parameters: ./infra/azure.parameters.${{TEAMSFX_ENV}}.json

  5. Copy your Teams manifest to the new project

    1. Remove everything under the new project's appPackage folder

    2. Copy everything except aad.template.json (if have) under your existing project's templates/appPackage folder to appPackage in your new project

    3. Rename appPackage/manifest.template.json to appPackage/manifest.json.

  6. If your existing project contains templates/appPackage/aad.template.json, copy the content of this file to aad.manifest.json (under root of the project folder) in your new project.

  7. Refer Step 2: transform the placeholders to new format to update placeholders in appPackage/manifest.json, aad.manifest.json (if have) and infra/azure.parameters.{env}.json.

Project with multiple Teams capability that hosted on Azure

The steps in this section is prepared for project that contains multiple 1 capabilities (tab, bot or message extension), or contains a backend api.

  1. Download sample project based on your project's capabilities

    Capabilities Sample project location
    tab, api, SSO sample project
    tab, bot / message extension sample project
    tab, bot / message extension, SSO sample project
    tab, api, bot / message extension, SSO sample project
  2. Copy your project's source code to the new project

    1. If your project contains a tab, copy everything under tab folder to the new project's tab folder
    2. If your project contains api, copy everything under api folder to the new project's api folder
    3. If your project contains a bot or/and message extension, copy everything under bot folder to the new project's bot folder
  3. Find project id under .fx/configs/projectSettings.json, put the value to the new project's teamsapp.yml's projectId property

  4. Copy your ARM template to the new project

    1. Remove everything under the new project's infra folder.

    2. Copy everything under templates/azure in your current project to the new project's infra folder.

    3. Rename main.bicep to azure.bicep.

    4. Copy .fx/configs/azure.parameters.{env}.json to the new project's infra folder.

  5. Copy your Teams manifest to the new project

    1. Remove everything under the new project's appPackage folder

    2. Copy everything except aad.template.json (if have) under your existing project's templates/appPackage folder to appPackage in your new project

    3. Rename appPackage/manifest.template.json to appPackage/manifest.json.

  6. If your existing project contains templates/appPackage/aad.template.json, copy the content of this file to aad.manifest.json (under root of the project folder) in your new project.

  7. Refer Step 2: transform the placeholders to new format to update placeholders in appPackage/manifest.json, aad.manifest.json (if have) and infra/azure.parameters.{env}.json.

SPFx tab project

The steps in this section is prepared SPFx tab project.

  1. Trigger "Teams: Create a new app" command using Teams Toolkit 5.0.0 to create a new SPFx tab project

  2. Copy everything under your project's SPFx folder to the new project's root folder

  3. Find project id under .fx/configs/projectSettings.json, put the value to the new project's teamsapp.yml's projectId property

  4. Copy your Teams manifest to the new project

    1. Copy your existing project's templates/appPackage/resources folder to appPackage in your new project

    2. Record the values of contentUrl and configurationUrl in the new project's appPackage/manifest.json file and appPackage/manifest.local.json file

    3. Copy content of your existing project's template/appPackage/manifest.template.json file to the new project's appPackage/manifest.json and appPackage/manifest.local.json

    4. Copy the value of contentUrl and configurationUrl recorded in step 2 back to appPackage/manifest.json and appPackage/manifest.local.json

  5. Refer Step 2: transform the placeholders to new format to update placeholders in appPackage/manifest.json, appPackage/manifest.local.json.

Step 2: transform the placeholders to new format

The latest Teams Toolkit can resolve environment variables in your manifest / parameter files, which can be easily integrated with different engineering system. This requires you to update the placeholders in your existing manifest / parameter files.


For every manifest or parameter file, you need to do following things. This is just an overview, you can find more details in Steps to update the old placeholders. If you're not familiar with

  1. Add new environment variables to env/.env.{env} files. Each environment variable represents an old placeholder in your project.

    If .fx/configs/config.{env}.json or .fx/states/state.{env}.json contains value for the old placeholder, you also need to copy the value to corresponding environment variable in env/.env.{env} files.

  2. Replace the old placeholders {{xxx}} and {{{xxx}}} in your manifest / parameter files with new format ${{xxx}}. The name used in the new placeholder should be same with the environment variable name you added in above step.

Steps to update the old placeholders

  1. Replace {{}} placeholders in appPackage/manifest.json, aad.manifest.json and infra/azure.parameters.{env}.json files.

    1. Copy following sample snippet to env/.env.{env}.

      DESCRIPTION_SHORT=Short description of myapp
      DESCRIPTION_FULL=Full description of myapp
      APP_NAME_FULL=Full name for myapp

      You need to change the values to the actual one for your project. The values can be found in .fx/configs/config.{env}.json. You can also change the environment variable names as you want. Your project may not use all the placeholders in the sample, you can delete the unused one.

    2. Open manifest.json, aad.manifest.json and azure.parameters.{env}.json, replace every old placeholder in below table to the new one.

      Old placeholder New placeholder
      {{config.manifest.icons.color}} ${{COLOR_ICON}}
      {{config.manifest.icons.outline}} ${{OUTLINE_ICON}}
      {{config.manifest.appName.short}} ${{DESCRIPTION_SHORT}}
      {{config.manifest.appName.full}} ${{DESCRIPTION_FULL}}
      {{config.manifest.description.short}} ${{APP_NAME_SHORT}}
      {{config.manifest.description.full}} ${{APP_NAME_FULL}}

      If your project uses additional {{}} placeholders, you can refer the sample to add additional environment variables.

  2. Replace {{{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.applicationIdUris}}} placeholder in appPackage/manifest.json, aad.manifest.json and infra/azure.parameters.{env}.json files.

    • If you do not use any SSO functionality and your project does not require an AAD application, you can remove following redundant things in your project
      1. Remove aad.manifest.json file
      2. Remove aadApp/create and aadApp/update actions in teamsapp.yml and teamsapp.local.yml
      3. Remove webApplicationInfo property in appPackage/manifest.json
    • If your project only enables SSO for tab, convert it to api://{{state.fx-resource-frontend-hosting.domain}}/${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}}
    • If your project only enables SSO for bot or message extension, convert it to api://botid-${{BOT_ID}}
    • If your project enables SSO for both and bot / message extension, convert it to api://{{state.fx-resource-frontend-hosting.domain}}/botid-${{BOT_ID}}

    The {{state.fx-resource-frontend-hosting.domain}} with be replaced again in later step, don't worry on having this placeholder temporary

  3. Replace following placeholders to the new one in aad.manifest.json file.

    Old placeholder New placeholder
    {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.frontendEndpoint}} {{state.fx-resource-frontend-hosting.endpoint}}
    {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.botEndpoint}} {{state.fx-resource-bot.siteEndpoint}}

    The new placeholder will be replaced again in later step, don't worry on having this placeholder temporary

  4. Replace {{}} placeholders in appPackage/manifest.json, aad.manifest.json and infra/azure.parameters.{env}.json files.

    1. Copy following sample snippet to env/.env.{env} and update your manifest / parameter files to reference the environment variables in the samples.

      TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # use ${{TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID}} to replace the old placeholder {{state.fx-resource-appstudio.tenantId}}
      TEAMS_APP_ID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # use ${{TEAMS_APP_ID}} to replace the old placeholder {{state.fx-resource-appstudio.teamsAppId}}
      AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # use ${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}} to replace the old placeholder {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.clientId}} or {{state.aad-app.clientId}}
      SECRET_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET=your-aad-app-secret # use ${{SECRET_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}} to replace the old placeholder {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.clientSecret}} or {{state.aad-app.clientSecret}}
      AAD_APP_OBJECT_ID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # use ${{AAD_APP_OBJECT_ID}} to replace the old placeholder {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.objectId}} or {{state.aad-app.objectId}}
      AAD_APP_ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # use ${{AAD_APP_ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID}} to replace the old placeholder {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.oauth2PermissionScopeId}} or {{state.aad-app.oauth2PermissionScopeId}}
      AAD_APP_TENANT_ID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # use ${{AAD_APP_TENANT_ID}} to replace the old placeholder {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.tenantId}} or {{state.aad-app.tenantId}}
      AAD_APP_OAUTH_AUTHORITY_HOST= # use ${{AAD_APP_OAUTH_AUTHORITY_HOST}} to replace the old placeholder {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.oauthHost}} or {{state.aad-app.oauthHost}}
      AAD_APP_OAUTH_AUTHORITY= # use ${{AAD_APP_OAUTH_AUTHORITY}} to replace the old placeholder {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.oauthAuthority}} or {{state.aad-app.oauthAuthority}}
      BOT_ID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # use ${{BOT_ID}} to replace the old placeholder {{state.fx-resource-bot.botId}} or {{state.teams-bot.botId}}
      SECRET_BOT_PASSWORD=your-aad-app-secret # use ${{SECRET_BOT_PASSWORD}} to replace the old placeholder {{state.fx-resource-bot.botPassword}} or {{state.teams-bot.botPassword}}

      You need to change the values to the actual one for your project. The values can be found in .fx/states/state.{env}.json. If there is no state.{env}.json file or state.{env}.json does not contain a property for the placeholder, leave the environment variable value empty.

      Value of SECRET_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET and SECRET_BOT_PASSWORD can be found in .fx/states/{env}.userdata. You can copy the encrypted value to new place directly.

      You should not change the environment variable names in above sample.

      Your project may not use all the placeholders in the sample, you can delete the unused one.

    2. Open appPackage/manifest.json, aad.manifest.json and infra/azure.parameters.{env}.json, replace every old placeholder in below table to the new one.

      Old placeholder New placeholder
      {{state.fx-resource-appstudio.tenantId}} ${{TEAMS_APP_TENANT_ID}}
      {{state.fx-resource-appstudio.teamsAppId}} ${{TEAMS_APP_ID}}
      {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.clientId}} ${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}}
      {{state.aad-app.clientId}} ${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}}
      {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.clientSecret}} ${{SECRET_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}}
      {{state.aad-app.clientSecret}} ${{SECRET_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}}
      {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.objectId}} ${{AAD_APP_OBJECT_ID}}
      {{state.aad-app.objectId}} ${{AAD_APP_OBJECT_ID}}
      {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.oauth2PermissionScopeId}} ${{AAD_APP_ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID}}
      {{state.aad-app.oauth2PermissionScopeId}} ${{AAD_APP_ACCESS_AS_USER_PERMISSION_ID}}
      {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.tenantId}} ${{AAD_APP_TENANT_ID}}
      {{state.aad-app.tenantId}} ${{AAD_APP_TENANT_ID}}
      {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.oauthHost}} ${{AAD_APP_OAUTH_AUTHORITY_HOST}}
      {{state.aad-app.oauthHost}} ${{AAD_APP_OAUTH_AUTHORITY_HOST}}
      {{state.fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams.oauthAuthority}} ${{AAD_APP_OAUTH_AUTHORITY}}
      {{state.aad-app.oauthAuthority}} ${{AAD_APP_OAUTH_AUTHORITY}}
      {{state.fx-resource-bot.botId}} ${{BOT_ID}}
      {{state.teams-bot.botId}} ${{BOT_ID}}
      {{state.fx-resource-bot.botPassword}} ${{SECRET_BOT_PASSWORD}}
      {{state.teams-bot.botPassword}} ${{SECRET_BOT_PASSWORD}}
  5. Replace remaining {{}} placeholders in appPackage/manifest.json, aad.manifest.json and infra/azure.parameters.{env}.json files. There placeholders are generated during ARM deployment.

    1. Understand the rule to convert ARM deployment to environment variable names. The rule is: PROVISIONOUTPUT__{output name in infra/provision.bicep}__{output property name in infra/provision.bicep}. For example, if you have following output in infra/provision.bicep:

      output azureStorageTabOutput object = {
          teamsFxPluginId: 'teams-tab'
          domain: azureStorageTabProvision.outputs.domain
          endpoint: azureStorageTabProvision.outputs.endpoint
          indexPath: azureStorageTabProvision.outputs.indexPath
          storageResourceId: azureStorageTabProvision.outputs.storageResourceId

      Teams Toolkit will transform them to following environment variables based on the rule:

    2. Understand how to map {{}} to ARM deployment output. The middle part in {{}} represents the teamsFxPluginId in infra/provision.bicep. For example, {{state.fx-resource-frontend-hosting.endpoint}} comes from output with teamsFxPluginId=fx-resource-frontend-hosting. Follow this rule to find outputs in infra/provision.bicep for old placeholders and figure out their new environment variable names. Add the new environment variables to env/.env.{env} and replace the old placeholders to reference the new environment variables in appPackage/manifest.json, aad.manifest.json and infra/azure.parameters.{env}.json files.

      If you don't find plugin ID in infra/provision.bicep, map the plugin ID from {{}} to the new one based on following table

      old plugin ID new plugin ID
      fx-resource-frontend-hosting teams-tab
      fx-resource-function teams-api
      fx-resource-bot teams-bot
      fx-resource-aad-app-for-teams aad-app

      For example, the steps to replace placeholder {{{state.fx-resource-frontend-hosting.endpoint}}} are: 1. The plugin id for this placeholder is fx-resource-frontend-hosting. 2. Refer above table, find bicep output azureStorageTabOutput that contains plugin id fx-resource-frontend-hosting or teams-tab. 3. The environment variable name should be PROVISIONOUTPUT__AZURESTORAGETABOUTPUT__ENDPOINT 4. Replace {{{state.fx-resource-frontend-hosting.endpoint}}} with {{PROVISIONOUTPUT__AZURESTORAGETABOUTPUT__ENDPOINT}}

    3. Find file/updateEnv in teamsapp.local.yml, add the new environment variables you figured out in previous step, and provide expected values for them when you run your app locally. For example, PROVISIONOUTPUT__AZURESTORAGETABOUTPUT__ENDPOINT is expected to be https://localhost:53000 when you run your tab app locally:

      - uses: file/updateEnv
          PROVISIONOUTPUT__AZURESTORAGETABOUTPUT__ENDPOINT: https://localhost:53000 # the value is just an example
          # other environment variables ...
    4. Find Start local tunnel in .vscode/tasks.json, update the output to output endpoint and domain to the new environment variables for bot. For example:

          "label": "Start local tunnel",
          "type": "teamsfx",
          "command": "debug-start-local-tunnel",
          "args": {
              "ngrokArgs": "http 3978 --log=stdout --log-format=logfmt",
              "env": "local",
              "output": {
                  "endpoint": "PROVISIONOUTPUT__AZUREWEBAPPBOTOUTPUT__SITEENDPOINT", // you need to update the environment variable name here
                  "domain": "PROVISIONOUTPUT__AZUREWEBAPPBOTOUTPUT__DOMAIN" // you need to update the environment variable name here
          "isBackground": true,
          "problemMatcher": "$teamsfx-local-tunnel-watch"

      This step is only required when your project contains bot or message extension.

    5. Open teamsapp.yml, for any placeholder not added by you, replace them based on their meaning. For example, azureStorage/deploy requires an Azure Storage resource id, so you need to change the placeholder to ${{PROVISIONOUTPUT__AZURESTORAGETABOUTPUT__STORAGERESOURCEID}}:

      - uses: azureStorage/deploy
          distributionPath: ./build

After above steps, you should be able to develop your Teams app with Teams Toolkit 5.0. Please read Feature changes that impact your development flow to understand how development flow changes in Teams Toolkit 5.0.



The project to be upgraded has no appPackage folder under templates which is required for Upgrade. You can refer to upgrade your projects manually to upgrade your project manually.


The project to be upgraded has no manifest.template.json file under templates/appPackage which is required for Upgrade. You can refer to upgrade your projects manually to upgrade your project manually.


The project to be upgraded has no aad.template.json file under templates/appPackage which is required for your project. You may be trying to upgrade a project created by Teams Toolkit <= v3.8.0. Please install Teams Toolkit v4.x and run upgrade first, or refer to upgrade your projects manually to upgrade your project manually.

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