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Adrian Solis edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 4 revisions

Problems deploying to Azure

1. Resource location doesn't support Application Insights

Error when Application Insights is not supported

The subscription is not registered for the resource type 'components' in the region '<region>'. Please re-register for this provider in order to have access to this location.
  • Creating resources of type "microsoft.insights/components" failed with status "Conflict"

This happens when Application Insights is not available in the Azure datacenter location where you chose to create the app.


Create the resource group in a location where Application Insights is available. For an up-to-date list of these locations, refer to, under "Application Insights".

2. App service name already exists

Error when app service name is not available

Website with given name <name> already exists.
  • Creating resources of type "Microsoft.Web/sites" failed with status "Conflict"

This happens when Azure web apps with the name [BaseResourceName] or [BaseResourceName]-config already exist.


Choose a different "Base Resource Name". You can check if your desired name is available by going to the page to create a new web app in the Azure Portal. Enter your desired name in the "App name" field. An error message will appear if the name you have chosen is taken or invalid.

Problems installing the app in Teams

1. Missing entrypoint to upload custom app

You don't see the entry points to upload an app, either using the Store or using the Apps tab.

This is most likely because sideloading of external apps is not enabled in your tenant. See

2. Error while reading manifest.json

Error while reading manifest.json

Error while reading manifest.json: <validation error message>


Fix the reported manifest.json validation error. For more information, see the manifest schema reference and the Teams documentation.

Problems using the app

1. Signing in to the configuration app is blocked because tenant admin consent is required

Your organization has likely restricted granting permissions to new applications (including permission to sign in a user). Many restrict approving new applications until they have been reviewed and approved by a tenant admin.


If you're not the tenant admin, follow your organization's policy for requesting access to new apps.

If you're the tenant admin, allow users to sign in to the configuration app by granting consent. In the Azure portal, go to "App registrations" and click on the entry for the configuration app. Under “Manage”, click on “API permissions” and then "Grant admin consent for [tenant name]".

Grant admin consent

Didn't find your problem here?

Please report the issue here. Thank you!