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902 lines (735 loc) · 17.5 KB

File metadata and controls

902 lines (735 loc) · 17.5 KB



Parameters and return values

  • Endpoint:

  • Both are POST methods

  • An interface with parameters is required, the parameter is a JSON string, placed in the body, and the header Content-Type is application/json

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {}
    • code: non-zero for exceptions
    • msg: an empty string under normal circumstances, an error text will be returned under abnormal conditions
    • data: may be {}, [] or NULL, depending on the interface


View API token in Settings - About, request header: Authorization: Token xxx


List notebooks

  • /api/notebook/lsNotebooks

  • No parameters

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "notebooks": [
            "id": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn", 
            "name": "Test Notebook",
            "icon": "1f41b",
            "sort": 0,
            "closed": false
            "id": "20210808180117-czj9bvb",
            "name": "SiYuan User Guide",
            "icon": "1f4d4",
            "sort": 1,
            "closed": false

Open a notebook

  • /api/notebook/openNotebook

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Close a notebook

  • /api/notebook/closeNotebook

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Rename a notebook

  • /api/notebook/renameNotebook

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0",
      "name": "New name for notebook"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Create a notebook

  • /api/notebook/createNotebook

  • Parameters

      "name": "Notebook name"
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "notebook": {
          "id": "20220126215949-r1wvoch",
          "name": "Notebook name",
          "icon": "",
          "sort": 0,
          "closed": false

Remove a notebook

  • /api/notebook/removeNotebook

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Get notebook configuration

  • /api/notebook/getNotebookConf

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "box": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn",
        "conf": {
          "name": "Test Notebook",
          "closed": false,
          "refCreateSavePath": "",
          "createDocNameTemplate": "",
          "dailyNoteSavePath": "/daily note/{{now | date \"2006/01\"}}/{{now | date \"2006-01-02\"}}",
          "dailyNoteTemplatePath": ""
        "name": "Test Notebook"

Save notebook configuration

  • /api/notebook/setNotebookConf

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn",
      "conf": {
          "name": "Test Notebook",
          "closed": false,
          "refCreateSavePath": "",
          "createDocNameTemplate": "",
          "dailyNoteSavePath": "/daily note/{{now | date \"2006/01\"}}/{{now | date \"2006-01-02\"}}",
          "dailyNoteTemplatePath": ""
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "name": "Test Notebook",
        "closed": false,
        "refCreateSavePath": "",
        "createDocNameTemplate": "",
        "dailyNoteSavePath": "/daily note/{{now | date \"2006/01\"}}/{{now | date \"2006-01-02\"}}",
        "dailyNoteTemplatePath": ""


Create a document with Markdown

  • /api/filetree/createDocWithMd

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn",
      "path": "/foo/bar",
      "markdown": ""
    • notebook: Notebook ID
    • path: Document path, which needs to start with / and separate levels with / (path here corresponds to the database hpath field)
    • markdown: GFM Markdown content
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": "20210914223645-oj2vnx2"
    • data: Created document ID
    • If you use the same path to call this interface repeatedly, the existing document will not be overwritten, but a new document ending with a random number will be created

Rename a document

  • /api/filetree/renameDoc

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0",
      "path": "/",
      "title": "Document new title"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
    • path: Document path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Remove a document

  • /api/filetree/removeDoc

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0",
      "path": "/"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
    • path: Document path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Move a document

  • /api/filetree/moveDoc

  • Parameters

      "fromNotebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0",
      "fromPath": "/",
      "toNotebook": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn",
      "toPath": "/"
    • fromNotebook: Source notebook ID
    • fromPath: Source path
    • toNotebook: Target notebook ID
    • toPath: Target path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Get human readable path based on path

  • /api/filetree/getHPathByPath

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0",
      "path": "/20210917220500-sz588nq/"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
    • path: Document path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": "/foo/bar"

Get human readable path based on ID

  • /api/filetree/getHPathByID

  • Parameters

      "id": "20210917220056-yxtyl7i"
    • id:Block ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": "/foo/bar"


Upload assets

  • /api/asset/upload

  • The parameter is an HTTP Multipart form

    • assetsDirPath: The folder path where the assets are stored. The arguments have the following three cases

      1. "/assets/": Workspace/data/assets folder
      2. "/Test Notebook/assets/": Assets folder under Test Notebook
      3. "/Test Notebook/foo/assets/": Assets folder under foo folder under Test notebook

      It is recommended to use the first one, which is stored in the workspace assets folder uniformly.

    • file[]: Uploaded file list

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "errFiles": [""],
        "succMap": {
          "foo.png": "assets/foo-20210719092549-9j5y79r.png"
    • errFiles: List of filenames with errors in upload processing
    • succMap: For successfully processed files, the key is the file name when uploading, and the value is assets/foo-id.png, which is used to replace the asset link address in the existing Markdown content with the uploaded address


Insert blocks

  • /api/block/insertBlock

  • Parameters

      "dataType": "markdown",
      "data": "foo**bar**{: style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\"}baz",
      "previousID": "20211229114650-vrek5x6"
    • dataType: The data type to be inserted, the value can be markdown or dom
    • data: Data to be inserted
    • previousID: The ID of the previous block, used to anchor the insertion position
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "doOperations": [
              "action": "insert",
              "data": "<div data-node-id=\"20211230115020-g02dfx0\" data-node-index=\"1\" data-type=\"NodeParagraph\" class=\"p\"><div contenteditable=\"true\" spellcheck=\"false\">foo<strong style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\">bar</strong>baz</div><div class=\"protyle-attr\" contenteditable=\"false\"></div></div>",
              "id": "20211230115020-g02dfx0",
              "parentID": "",
              "previousID": "20211229114650-vrek5x6",
              "retData": null
          "undoOperations": null
    • DOM generated by the newly inserted block
    • ID of the newly inserted block

Prepend blocks

  • /api/block/prependBlock

  • Parameters

      "data": "foo**bar**{: style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\"}baz",
      "dataType": "markdown",
      "parentID": "20220107173950-7f9m1nb"
    • dataType: The data type to be inserted, the value can be markdown or dom
    • data: Data to be inserted
    • parentID: The ID of the parent block, used to anchor the insertion position
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "doOperations": [
              "action": "insert",
              "data": "<div data-node-id=\"20220108003710-hm0x9sc\" data-node-index=\"1\" data-type=\"NodeParagraph\" class=\"p\"><div contenteditable=\"true\" spellcheck=\"false\">foo<strong style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\">bar</strong>baz</div><div class=\"protyle-attr\" contenteditable=\"false\"></div></div>",
              "id": "20220108003710-hm0x9sc",
              "parentID": "20220107173950-7f9m1nb",
              "previousID": "",
              "retData": null
          "undoOperations": null
    • DOM generated by the newly inserted block
    • ID of the newly inserted block

Append blocks

  • /api/block/appendBlock

  • Parameters

      "data": "foo**bar**{: style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\"}baz",
      "dataType": "markdown",
      "parentID": "20220107173950-7f9m1nb"
    • dataType: The data type to be inserted, the value can be markdown or dom
    • data: Data to be inserted
    • parentID: The ID of the parent block, used to anchor the insertion position
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "doOperations": [
              "action": "insert",
              "data": "<div data-node-id=\"20220108003642-y2wmpcv\" data-node-index=\"1\" data-type=\"NodeParagraph\" class=\"p\"><div contenteditable=\"true\" spellcheck=\"false\">foo<strong style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\">bar</strong>baz</div><div class=\"protyle-attr\" contenteditable=\"false\"></div></div>",
              "id": "20220108003642-y2wmpcv",
              "parentID": "20220107173950-7f9m1nb",
              "previousID": "20220108003615-7rk41t1",
              "retData": null
          "undoOperations": null
    • DOM generated by the newly inserted block
    • ID of the newly inserted block

Update a block

  • /api/block/updateBlock

  • Parameters

      "dataType": "markdown",
      "data": "foobarbaz",
      "id": "20211230161520-querkps"
    • dataType: The data type to be updated, the value can be markdown or dom
    • data: Data to be updated
    • id: ID of the block to be updated
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "doOperations": [
              "action": "update",
              "data": "<div data-node-id=\"20211230161520-querkps\" data-node-index=\"1\" data-type=\"NodeParagraph\" class=\"p\"><div contenteditable=\"true\" spellcheck=\"false\">foo<strong>bar</strong>baz</div><div class=\"protyle-attr\" contenteditable=\"false\"></div></div>",
              "id": "20211230161520-querkps",
              "parentID": "",
              "previousID": "",
              "retData": null
          "undoOperations": null
    • DOM generated by the updated block

Delete a block

  • /api/block/deleteBlock

  • Parameters

      "id": "20211230161520-querkps"
    • id: ID of the block to be deleted
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "doOperations": [
              "action": "delete",
              "data": null,
              "id": "20211230162439-vtm09qo",
              "parentID": "",
              "previousID": "",
              "retData": null
         "undoOperations": null


Set block attributes

  • /api/attr/setBlockAttrs

  • Parameters

      "id": "20210912214605-uhi5gco",
      "attrs": {
        "custom-attr1": "line1\nline2"
    • id: Block ID
    • attrs: Block attributes, custom attributes must be prefixed with custom-
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Get block attributes

  • /api/attr/getBlockAttrs

  • Parameters

      "id": "20210912214605-uhi5gco"
    • id: Block ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "custom-attr1": "line1\nline2",
        "id": "20210912214605-uhi5gco",
        "title": "PDF Annotation Demo",
        "type": "doc",
        "updated": "20210916120715"


Execute SQL query

  • /api/query/sql

  • Parameters

      "stmt": "SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE content LIKE'%content%' LIMIT 7"
    • stmt: SQL statement
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
        { "col": "val" }


Render a template



Get file

  • /api/file/getFile

  • Parameters

    json { "path": "/data/20210808180117-6v0mkxr/" }

    • path: the file path under the workspace path
  • Return value

    File content

Put file

  • /api/file/putFile

  • The parameter is an HTTP Multipart form

    • path: the file path under the workspace path
    • isDir: whether to create a folder, when true only create a folder, ignore file
    • modTime: last access and modification time, Unix time
    • file: the uploaded file
  • return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null


Export Markdown

  • /api/export/exportMdContent

  • Parameters

      "id": ""
    • id: ID of the doc block to export
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "hPath": "/Please Start Here",
        "content": "## 🍫 Content Block\n\nIn SiYuan, the only important core concept is..."
    • hPath: human-readable path
    • content: Markdown content


Get boot progress

  • /api/system/bootProgress

  • No parameters

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "details": "Finishing boot...",
        "progress": 100

Get system version

  • /api/system/version

  • No parameters

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": "1.3.5"

Get the current time of the system

  • /api/system/currentTime

  • No parameters

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": 1631850968131
    • data: Precision in milliseconds
