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Create a DC/OS Cluster using an existing VPC

In this example we will create an DC/OS cluster using an already existing VPC. The file in this repository is our example implementation using the default VPC which is predefined in any account.

Requiered Variables

  • admin_ips List of CIDR addresses who get access to the cluster.
  • ssh_public_key SSH public key to be used for deploying the cluster.

Suggested commands

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan -var "admin_ips=[\"$(curl\"]" -var "ssh_public_key=\"$(cat ~/.ssh/\"" -out cluster.plan
$ terraform apply "cluster.plan"

Local Variables

We've added intermediate local variables for all module output and inputs. This will make it easy replacing parts of the modules with your own code.


In this example you see the local variable elb_masters_dns_name is used as in input in the end instead of directly mentioning module.dcos-elb.masters_dns_name the benefit of this is you can replace this variable with a static string or with a completely different output. E.g. a data resources of an already existing load balancer.

module "dcos-elb" {
  source  = "dcos-terraform/elb-dcos/aws"
  version = "~> 0.0"

  providers = {
    aws = "aws"


  tags = "${var.tags}"

locals {
  elb_masters_dns_name = "${module.dcos-elb.masters_dns_name}"

output "elb.masters_dns_name" {
  description = "This is the load balancer address to access the DC/OS UI"
  value       = "${local.elb_masters_dns_name}"