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Name Type Description Notes
id Option<String> The device's OneSignal ID [optional][readonly]
invalid_identifier Option<bool> If true, this is the equivalent of a user being Unsubscribed [optional][readonly]
app_id Option<String> [optional]
device_type i32 Required The device's platform: 0 = iOS 1 = Android 2 = Amazon 3 = WindowsPhone (MPNS) 4 = Chrome Apps / Extensions 5 = Chrome Web Push 6 = Windows (WNS) 7 = Safari 8 = Firefox 9 = MacOS 10 = Alexa 11 = Email 13 = For Huawei App Gallery Builds SDK Setup. Not for Huawei Devices using FCM 14 = SMS
external_user_id Option<String> a custom user ID [optional]
external_user_id_auth_hash Option<String> Only required if you have enabled Identity Verification and device_type is NOT 11 email. [optional]
email_auth_hash Option<String> Email - Only required if you have enabled Identity Verification and device_type is email (11). [optional]
identifier Option<String> Recommended: For Push Notifications, this is the Push Token Identifier from Google or Apple. For Apple Push identifiers, you must strip all non alphanumeric characters. Examples: iOS: 7abcd558f29d0b1f048083e2834ad8ea4b3d87d8ad9c088b33c132706ff445f0 Android: APA91bHbYHk7aq-Uam_2pyJ2qbZvqllyyh2wjfPRaw5gLEX2SUlQBRvOc6sck1sa7H7nGeLNlDco8lXj83HWWwzV... For Email Addresses, set the full email address and make sure to set device_type to 11. [optional]
language Option<String> Language code. Typically lower case two letters, except for Chinese where it must be one of zh-Hans or zh-Hant. Example: en [optional]
timezone Option<i32> Number of seconds away from UTC. Example: -28800 [optional]
game_version Option<String> Version of your app. Example: 1.1 [optional]
device_model Option<String> Device make and model. Example: iPhone5,1 [optional]
device_os Option<String> Device operating system version. Example: 7.0.4 [optional]
ad_id Option<String> The ad id for the device's platform: Android = Advertising Id iOS = identifierForVendor WP8.0 = DeviceUniqueId WP8.1 = AdvertisingId [optional]
sdk Option<String> Name and version of the sdk/plugin that's calling this API method (if any) [optional]
session_count Option<i32> Number of times the user has played the game, defaults to 1 [optional]
tags Option<serde_json::Value> Custom tags for the player. Only support string and integer key value pairs. Does not support arrays or other nested objects. Setting a tag value to null or an empty string will remove the tag. Example: {"foo":"bar","this":"that"} Limitations: - 100 tags per call - Android SDK users: tags cannot be removed or changed via API if set through SDK sendTag methods. Recommended to only tag devices with 1 kilobyte of data Please consider using your own Database to save more than 1 kilobyte of data. See: Internal Database & CRM [optional]
amount_spent Option<f32> Amount the user has spent in USD, up to two decimal places [optional]
created_at Option<i64> Unixtime when the player joined the game [optional]
playtime Option<i64> Seconds player was running your app. [optional]
badge_count Option<i32> Current iOS badge count displayed on the app icon NOTE: Not supported for apps created after June 2018, since badge count for apps created after this date are handled on the client. [optional]
last_active Option<i32> Unixtime when the player was last active [optional]
notification_types Option<i32> 1 = subscribed -2 = unsubscribed iOS - These values are set each time the user opens the app from the SDK. Use the SDK function set Subscription instead. Android - You may set this but you can no longer use the SDK method setSubscription later in your app as it will create synchronization issues. [optional]
test_type Option<i32> This is used in deciding whether to use your iOS Sandbox or Production push certificate when sending a push when both have been uploaded. Set to the iOS provisioning profile that was used to build your app. 1 = Development 2 = Ad-Hoc Omit this field for App Store builds. [optional]
long Option<f32> Longitude of the device, used for geotagging to segment on. [optional]
lat Option<f32> Latitude of the device, used for geotagging to segment on. [optional]
country Option<String> Country code in the ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 format [optional]

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