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Scardina: Scalable Join Cardinality Estimatior


All experiments can be run in a docker container.

  • Docker
  • GPU/cuda environment (for Training)

Getting Started


Dependencies are automatically installed while building a docker image.

# on host
git clone
cd Scardina
docker build -t scardina .
docker run --rm --gpus all -v `pwd`:/workspaces/scardina -it scardina bash

# in container
poetry shell

# in poetry env in container



Choose hyperparameter search by optuna or manually specified parameters.

# train w/ hyperparameter search
python scardina/ --train -d=imdb -t=mlp --n-trials=10 -e=20

# train w/o hyperparameter search
python scardina/ --train -d=imdb -t=mlp -e=20 --d-word=64 --d-ff=256 --n-ff=4 --lr=5e-4


# evaluation
# Note: When default (-s=cin), model path should be like:
#       "models/imdb/mlp-cin/yyyyMMddHHmmss/nar-mlp-imdb-{}".
#       "{}" is literally "{}", a placeholder string to specify multiple models
python scardina/ --eval -d=imdb -b=job-light -t=mlp -m={path/to/}

You can find results in results/<benchmark_name> after trial.


Common Options

  • -d/--dataset: Dataset name
  • -t/--model-type: Internal model type (mlp for MLP or trm for Transformer)
  • -s/--schema-strategy: Internal subschema type (cin for Closed In-neighborhood Partitioning (Scardina) or ur for Universal Relation)
  • --seed: Random seed (Default: 1234)
  • --n-blocks: The number of blocks (for Transformer)
  • --n-heads: The number of heads (for Transformer)
  • --d-word: Embedding dimension
  • --d-ff: Width of feedforward networks
  • --n-ff: The number of feedforward networks (for MLP)
  • --fact-threshold: Column factorization threshold (Default: 2000)

Options for Training

  • -e/--epochs: Training epoch
  • --batch-size: Batch size (Default: 1024)

(w/ hyperparameter search)

  • --n-trials: The number of trials for hyperparameter search

(w/ specified parameters)

  • --lr: Learning rate
  • --warmups: Warm-up epoch (for Transformer) (lr and warmups are exclusive)

Options for Evaluation

  • -m/--model: Path to model
  • -b/--benchmark: Benchmark name
  • --eval-sample-size: Sample size for evaluation


  • Datasets
    • IMDb
      • imdb: (almost) All data of IMDb
      • imdb-job-light: Subset of IMDb for JOB-light benchmark
  • Benchmarks
    • IMDb
      • job-light: Real-world 70 queries
      • job-m: Real-world 113 queries
      • job-light_subqueries: Real-world 70 queries for evaluating P-Error (Need DB)
      • job-m_subqueries: Real-world 113 queries for evaluating P-Error (Need DB)
  • Models
    • mlp: MLP-based denoising autoencoder
    • trm: Transformer-based denoising autoencoder


    author = {Ito, Ryuichi and Sasaki, Yuya and Xiao, Chuan and Onizuka, Makoto},
    title = {{Scardina: Scalable Join Cardinality Estimation by Multiple Density Estimators}},
    journal = {{arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.18042}},
    year = {2023}


Some source codes are based on naru/neurocard