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File metadata and controls

109 lines (79 loc) · 3.92 KB


This library offers an implementation of the :class:`skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider` interface against an Atramhasis backend. This allows you to use an Atramhasis instance as a central SKOS repository that can easily be called by other applications. Either through using this Skosprovider, or by using the services provided by Atramhasis directly.

While this library works with Atramhasis, the services that Atramhasis exposes are in fact provided by pyramid_skosprovider. So, if you're not using Atramhasis, but do have a backend that implements the services offered by pyramid_skosprovider, you can use :mod:`skosprovider_atramhasis` as well.

Finally, if you have a backend that does not implement :mod:`pyramid_skosprovider`, but implements exactly the same services, you could use that as well.


To be able to use this library you need to have a modern version of Python installed. Currently we're supporting the last 3 versions of Python 3.

This easiest way to install this library is through :command:`pip` or :command:`easy install`:

$ pip install skosprovider_atramhasis

This will download and install :mod:`skosprovider_atramhasis` and a few libraries it depends on.

Using the providers

For demonstration purposes of :class:`~skosprovider_atramhasis.providers.AtramhasisProvider`, the following examples use the Flanders Heritage thesauri hosted at it's own thesaurus website. You can adapt the examples with your own instance of Atramhasis, by changing the base_url and scheme_id.

Using AtramhasisProvider

The :class:`~skosprovider_atramhasis.providers.AtramhasisProvider` is a general provider for the Atramhasis vocabularies. It's use is identical to all other SKOSProviders. A base_url of the Atramhasis instance and a scheme_id are required to indicate the vocabulary to be used. Please consult :ref:`supported_thesauri` for a complete list.

For better perfomance in an environment with a :class:`skosprovider.registry.Registry` we recommend manually providing the uri parameter as metadata. This can cut out the need for a call to the backend upon initialisation.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
   :language: python

Finding concepts

See the :meth:`skosprovider_atramhasis.providers.AtramhasisProvider.find` method for a detailed description of how this works.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
   :language: python

Using expand()

The expand method return the id's of all the concepts that are narrower concepts of a certain concept or collection.

See the :meth:`skosprovider_atramhasis.providers.AtramhasisProvider.expand` method for a detailed description of how this works.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
   :language: python

Adding a cache

Skosprovider_atramhasis has to do a lot of HTTP requests. Depending on your use case, this might cause a lot of overhead. Therefor we've made it possible to add a Dogpile cache <>_. To configure the cache, simple add a cache_config key when instantiating the provider. This config will de passed to the Dogpile CacheRegion's configure_from_config method.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
   :language: python

Supported thesauri

Currently the only known publically available backed is Flanders Heritage Ageny's own thesaurus website. It offers a range of thesauri dealing with cultural heritage in general and specifically in Flanders. Examples are a thesaurus of heritage types, a thesaurus of cultures and periods, a thesaurus of heritage even types, ...