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Releases: OnsenUI/OnsenUI-dist


20 Jun 15:32
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Bug Fixes

  • Revert a recent change that creates ons-tabbar issues. Fixed #2082.


19 Jun 19:37
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Bug Fixes

  • ons.notification.prompt: Only returns input value if the clicked button is primary. Otherwise, returns null. Fixed #2050.
  • ons-input, ons-search-input: Fixed #2075.
  • ons-icon: Its class attribute is now recovered after modifications.


  • css-components: Removed .text-input--transparent modifier (same as default style).


14 Jun 12:42
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New Features

  • core: Separated files are now cached after the first request. This improves performance when pushing pages.
  • core: Added ons.preload method to manually cache templates. This improves performance when pushing pages.
  • core: Support for HTMLTemplateElement (<template>). The former <ons-template> is still supported for backward compatibility.
  • core: Added page life-cycle hooks (similar to life-cycle events). <template> elements allow <script> tags in their content, which is useful for initialising pages. Therefore, hooks like pageElement.onInit, pageElement.onShow, etc. have been added.
  • ons-progress-bar, ons-progress-circular: Added new appearances for iOS.

Bug Fixes

  • css-components: Fixed incorrect image path (select, search input).
  • ons-tabbar, ons-lazy-repeat, ons-carousel: ons-tabbar now applies visibility:hidden instead of display:none to pages. This fixes issues for ons-lazy-repeat and ons-carousel inside ons-tabbar.
  • ons-carousel: Fixed #2065.


  • css-components: Refined the appearance of checkbox on iOS.
  • css-components: Refined the appearance of radio-button on iOS.
  • css-components: Refined the appearance of button on Android.
  • css-components: Refined the appearance of progress-bar on Android.
  • css-components: Refined the appearance of progress-circular on Android.
  • css-components: Refined the appearance of checkbox animation on Android.
  • css-components: Refined the appearance of list-item--chevron.
  • core: Updated font-awesome icon library.
  • ons-toast: Improved ascend animator performance.


  • ons-input: It has been split into different elements: ons-input for text types; ons-checkbox for checkboxes; ons-radio for radio buttons; and ons-search-input for styled search inputs.
    • <ons-input type="radio" checked> => <ons-radio checked>


07 Jun 03:21
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New Features

  • onsenui.d.ts: Enabled import * as ons from 'onsenui'; in TypeScript.
  • onsenui.d.ts: Added definitions for Onsen UI 2.3.x.


  • core: Added warning which is shown when Onsen UI is loaded more than once.


31 May 03:46
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New Features

  • css-components: Added --material modifier on notification CSS components.

Bug Fixes

  • ons-page: Fixed iOS status-bar-fill not added in initially opened modals (#1944).
  • ons-splitter: Fixed reveal animation glitch.
  • ons-action-sheet: Fixed glitch when hiding on iOS.


  • css-components: Refined the appearance of select. Fixed #2017.
  • css-components: Refined the appearance of range on iOS.
  • core: Excluded test cases from onsenui package.


22 May 12:25
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  • Remove module property from package.json temporarily.


18 May 10:01
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New Features

  • css-components: Added action-sheet component.
  • css-components: Added toast component.
  • css-components: Added card component.
  • css-components: Added segment component.
  • core: Added ons-action-sheet and ons-action-sheet-button elements.
  • core: Added ons-toast element.
  • core: Added ons-card element.
  • core: Added new method ons.openActionSheet(...) for creating inline ons-action-sheet elements.
  • core: Added new method ons.notification.toast(...) for creating inline and queued ons-toast elements.
  • core: Added new method ons.createElement(...) that allows creating new elements from templates or inline HTML.
  • core: onsenui is now available as ES Modules.
  • core: A fake device back button event is now fired on ESC press.
  • ons-navigator: Added removePage method.
  • ons-input: Added styling support for type='search'.
  • angular1: Added ons-action-sheet bindings.
  • angular1: Added ons-toast bindings.
  • angular1: Added ons-card bindings.
  • angular1: Added ons-list-title bindings.

Bug Fixes

  • css-components: Fixed color of range component in Firefox. Fixed #1964.
  • core: Fixed broken sourcemap of onsenui.js (#1958).
  • ons-carousel: Fixed #1952.
  • ons-carousel: refresh event is now triggered when resized.
  • ons-dialog: Fixed disabled attribute.
  • ons-dialog: Fixed mask-color attribute.
  • ons-splitter: Fixed animation attribute issue.
  • angular1: Page loader now throws destroy event when page is unloaded.
  • angular1: should now be ready by the time the controller runs. Fixed #1854.



  • ons-navigator: Removed options.refresh. prepop event and removePage can be used instead.
  • ons-template, external files: ons-page tag is not added automatically anymore as a wrapper of the target template. It must be manually specified.
  • ons.createDialog, ons.createPopover, ons.createAlertDialog: Tags like <ons-dialog>, <ons-alert-dialog> or <ons-popover> are not added automatically anymore to the target template, they must be manually specified instead.
  • ons.notification: Canceled notifications do not reject the returned promise anymore. Instead, when canceled they resolve to -1 for alert and confirm, or null for prompt.
  • angular1: Removed onsSlidingMenu and onsSplitView directives.


30 Apr 18:28
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Bug Fixes

  • ons-splitter: Fixed timing for initial animations in bindings (#1979, #1985).
  • ons-tabbar: Minor fix for situations where the '.page__content' is provided (#1978).
  • ons-input: Fixed #1974.
  • Device back button: Fixed possible crash in old platforms (#1983).


25 Apr 04:28
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New Features

  • css-components: Added list-title component (#1960).
  • core: Added ons-list-title element.
  • ons-splitter: Added push and reveal animations (#1916).

Bug Fixes

  • core: Polyfill Set and Map in order to support old browsers (#1967).
  • ons-navigator: Discard toolbars inside tabbars for ios-slide.
  • ons-carousel: Fixed #1952.
  • ons-pull-hook: Fixed #1970.
  • angular1: Page loader now throws destroy event when page is unloaded (#1934).
  • angular1: should now be ready by the time the controller runs. Fixed #1854.


  • Restored bower.json.
  • Refactored ons-alert-dialog, ons-dialog, ons-modal and ons-popover (#1935).


10 Apr 11:31
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Bug Fixes

  • core: Fixed broken parts of CE1 polyfill which caused a broken behavior of vue-onsenui (#1925).
  • ons-splitter-content: Fixed #1772 and #1930.
  • ons-input: Added initial date value support. Fixed #1603.
  • ons-switch: Fixed #1920.
  • ons-progress-circular: Fixed #1921.


  • Removed bower.json.