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PostgreSQL/PGVector database using Docker and custom config

Env variables

  1. For security, we will load in secrets using 1password.
  2. See the setup instructions if you do not have 1password CLI.
  3. You can now prefix commands with op run --env-file=op.env -- <your command> and have the secrets loaded automatically. NOTE: you can add the --no-masking flag before -- to avoid 1password masking terminal.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Configure needed env variables, $PG_USER and $PG_HOST, either using your own or op.env, detailed below.
  3. From the root, run:
op run --env-file op.env -- docker compose -f PGv/compose.PGvector.yml up -d --build

(you can remove --build if you don't want to rebuild the image) 5. Now you have PGv database running on localhost:5432 and an adminer interface on localhost:8080

On a remote/shared/production host

As above, except for the launch command, for which instead use:

op run --env-file PGv/op.env -- docker compose -f PGv/compose.PGv_remote.yml up -d --build


  • All the options in pg_configs/postgresql.conf, by default max_connections to 200 and shared_buffers to 128mb
  • Inside of compose.PGvector.yml or compose.PGv_remote.yml
    • POSTGRES_USER: The username used to connect to the database.
    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: The password used to connect to the database.
    • POSTGRES_DB: The name of the database created.
    • Ports can be configured inside compose.PGvector.yml

Database upgrades

From time to time there will be a new tag for the pgvector image. If this bumps PG by a major version, we might decide to delete or migrate the DB.

Danger Zone

To delete & rebuild the DB you can list the volumes

docker volume ls -q

Make sure you're in the correct docker context

The PG one will be in the form "[DBNAME]_db_data"

docker volume rm [VOLUME-ID]

You can slso use docker compose rm -v to remove any anonymous volumes attached to a container when you remove that container.

If you're trying to delete a volume on your local dev laptop, etc. using the Docker Desktop UI might be a safer bet

Docker Desktop Volumes screen