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File metadata and controls

939 lines (746 loc) · 41.5 KB

Configuration Options and Caveats

This tutorial shows how to use flux-data-qaqc with climate data of various formats and generally covers formatting rules of input data and extra options that can be set in a config file. The major differences when using flux-data-qaqc for different input data lie in the config file declarations therefore the entire workflow from :ref:`Tutorial` will work just the same once your config file is set up correctly.

Example data description

The data used in :ref:`Configuration Options and Caveats` is provided with flux-data-qaqc and can be downloaded here. There are two datasets used in the following examples, the data used for showing quality based filtering of data based on QC flags is from the FLUXNET 2015 dataset for site "ARM USDA UNL OSU Woodward Switchgrass 1" which contains switchgrass, more information on this site can be found here. The site that contains multiple soil heat flux measurements for weighted averaging and soil moisture measurements for plotting is a subset (shortened for reduced disk space) of the "ARM Southern Great Plains site- Lamont" AmeriFlux site dataset, more information on this site can be found here.

A reproducible Jupyter Notebook with minor differences of this tutorial can be found here.

Setting up a config file

flux-data-qaqc starts with the creation of a configuration file, a text file with extension ".ini" or ".INI" that follows the rules set here. A config file for flux-data-qaqc requires the sections: 1. METADATA 2. DATA although you may provide additional for custom uses.

In METADATA you may enter any metadata that you wish so long as the entrie's key is followed by an equal sign and the assigned value, i.e.

key = value

Here are the mandatory metadata entries unique to flux-data-qaqc:

  • climate_file_path
  • station_elevation
  • station_longitude
  • station_latitude
  • site_id

The “climate_file_path” is the full or relative file path of the input climate file (excel or CSV, more on formatting this below) containing the climatic data to be analyzed. The “station_elevation” (meters) and latitude/longitude (decimal degrees) fields are used to calculate clear sky potential solar radiation using an ASCE formulation and to locate the nearest gridMET cell centroid when downloading reference ET. “site_id” is used for saving output files.

Optional metadata entries that are used by flux-data-qaqc include “missing_data_value”, “qc_threshold”, “qc_flag”, "var_name_delim", "skiprows", "date_parser", and "gridmet_file_path". “missing_data_value” is used to correctly parse missing values in the input climate time series. All other optional metadata that can be used by flux-data-qaqc except "gridmet_file_path" (which is simply the path to a file that is downloaded by :meth:`.QaQc.download_gridMET`) are explained within this page.

The DATA section of the config file is where you specify climate variables and their units following the same approach explained above.

Here is a list of all the “expected” climate variable names in the DATA section of a config file, where keys are the keys in the config file and values are the internal names used by flux-data-qaqc. This list can be accessed at any time from :attr:`.Data.variable_names_dict`:

>>> from fluxdataqaqc import Data
>>> Data.variable_names_dict
    {'datestring_col' : 'date' ,
    'net_radiation_col' : 'Rn' ,
    'ground_flux_col' : 'G' ,
    'latent_heat_flux_col' : 'LE' ,
    'latent_heat_flux_corrected_col' : 'LE_user_corr' ,
    'sensible_heat_flux_col' : 'H' ,
    'sensible_heat_flux_corrected_col' : 'H_user_corr' ,
    'shortwave_in_col' : 'sw_in' ,
    'shortwave_out_col' : 'sw_out' ,
    'shortwave_pot_col' : 'sw_pot' ,
    'longwave_in_col' : 'lw_in' ,
    'longwave_out_col' : 'lw_out' ,
    'vap_press_col' : 'vp' ,
    'vap_press_def_col' : 'vpd' ,
    'avg_temp_col' : 't_avg' ,
    'precip_col' : 'ppt' ,
    'wind_spd_col' : 'ws'}

You may view these climate entry keys and values (as found in the config file) from within Python using the :attr:`.Data.config` property which contains all information listed in the config file as a :obj:`configparser.ConfigParser` instance.

>>> config_path = 'config_for_QC_flag_filtering.ini'
>>> d = Data(config_path)
>>> # loop through a list of tuples with keys and values from DATA section
>>> for each in d.config.items('DATA'):
>>>     print(each)
    ('datestring_col', 'date')
    ('net_radiation_col', 'Rn')
    ('net_radiation_units', 'w/m2')
    ('ground_flux_col', 'G')
    ('ground_flux_units', 'w/m2')
    ('latent_heat_flux_col', 'LE')
    ('latent_heat_flux_qc', 'a_qc_value')
    ('latent_heat_flux_units', 'w/m2')
    ('latent_heat_flux_corrected_col', 'LE_corrected')
    ('latent_heat_flux_corrected_units', 'w/m2')
    ('sensible_heat_flux_col', 'H')
    ('sensible_heat_flux_qc', 'a_qc_value')
    ('sensible_heat_flux_units', 'w/m2')
    ('sensible_heat_flux_corrected_col', 'H_corrected')
    ('sensible_heat_flux_corrected_units', 'w/m2')
    ('shortwave_in_col', 'sw_in')
    ('shortwave_in_qc', 'swrad_flag')
    ('shortwave_in_units', 'w/m2')
    ('shortwave_out_col', 'sw_out')
    ('shortwave_out_units', 'w/m2')
    ('shortwave_pot_col', 'sw_pot')
    ('shortwave_pot_units', 'w/m2')
    ('longwave_in_col', 'lw_in')
    ('longwave_in_units', 'w/m2')
    ('longwave_out_col', 'lw_out')
    ('longwave_out_units', 'w/m2')
    ('vap_press_col', 'na')
    ('vap_press_units', 'na')
    ('vap_press_def_col', 'vpd')
    ('vap_press_def_units', 'hPa')
    ('avg_temp_col', 't_avg')
    ('avg_temp_units', 'C')
    ('precip_col', 'ppt')
    ('precip_units', 'mm')
    ('wind_spd_col', 'ws')
    ('wind_spd_units', 'm/s')

You can also access the data from the :attr:`.Data.config` as a dictionary, for example if your METADATA section has an entry for "land_cover", e.g.

land_cover = CROP

then access this value with :meth:`configparser.ConfigParser.get` which returns the value of "land_cover" in the config file's METADATA section

>>> d.config.get('METADATA', 'land_cover')


If you are unsure if your config file's metadata contains a specific entry you can pass the fallback keyword-only argument to the :meth:`configparser.ConfigParser.get` method similar to a Python dictionary.

Here is an example,

>>> d.config.get('METADATA', 'land_cov', fallback='not given')
    "not given"

Input formatting and caveats

Missing data

For parsing data gaps in input time series assign the “missing_data_value” to the METADATA section of the config file. The value should be numeric, e.g.

missing_data_value = -999

If the input time series file does not contain all climate variables that are expeced by flux-data-qaqc, then specify them as missing (‘na’) in the config file or simply do not list them in the config. Missing variables will be ignored for the most part and will not be present in output files/plots, however if key variables for the energy balance are not present (LE, H, G, and Rn) then you will not be able to run energy balance closure correction routines.

Data file format

flux-data-qaqc accepts Microsoft Excel files (.xlx and .xlsx) and comma separated value (CSV) text files containing time series input. The input file should have a column with combined date and time. Currently there is no restriction on the temporal frequency of input data however it is automatically resampled to daily frequency before running correction routines. Lastly, there should be a single header row containing all variable names followed by the first entry of climatic variables.

Here is an example of a valid input file’s first 5 rows and 8 columns:

date t_avg sw_pot sw_in lw_in vpd ppt ws
2009-01-01 2.803 186.71 123.108 261.302 1.919 0 3.143
2009-01-02 2.518 187.329 121.842 268.946 0.992 0 2.093
2009-01-03 5.518 188.008 124.241 268.004 2.795 0 4.403
2009-01-04 -3.753 188.742 113.793 246.675 0.892 0 4.336


If the the input datas temporal frequency is not recognized flux-data-qaqc will attempt to resample it to daily frequency when it is used to create a :obj:`.QaQc` object. Also, if a value is not recognized a numeric in any data column it will be forced to a null value.

Data header formatting

A common format of some time series data is that the header row may not start on the first line of the file. If this is the case you must add an entry to the METADATA section of the config file "skiprows" which states the number of rows to skip before finding the header row. A caveat is that if using CSV data files you may have any number of comment lines before the header so long as they start with a hashtag symbol "#" (comment), in this case you should not add "skiprows" to METADATA.

Optimize data load time

flux-data-qaqc utilizes the :mod:`pandas` for most time series data management, specifically the usage of :obj:`datetime.datetime` objects for advanced temporal analysis tools. If your file is large you can specify the datetime format in the METADATA section of the config file to potentially greatly speedup the loading of data. For example if your date column contains strings in the format year month day hour minute with no delimiters, e.g. 201401010000 for 2014 January 1st at midnight, then in the flux-data-qaqc config file you would enter:

date_parser = %Y%m%d%H%M

For more information of the correct date parser string for your date format see the directives of the :meth:`datetime.datetime.strptime` here.

Quality-based data filtering

Currently flux-data-qaqc supports filtering out poor quality data based on user-provided quality control (QC) values (numeric) or flags (characters) using the :meth:`.Data.apply_qc_flags` method. This feature helps to facilitate manual or semi-manual data filtering which is sometimes necessary during data preprocessing.

Flag-based filtering

Let’s say that you have a column in your input data named ‘QC_flag’ that contains character strings signifying the assigned data quality for a climate time series. The flag is either ‘g’ meaning a data point is ‘good’ or if the flag is ‘b’ the data point is bad quality and you would like to filter it. Further let's say that you want the filter to apply to your latent energy and and sensible heat variables, then in your config file you would need to declare the flag for 'bad' data ('b') to be filtered out in the METADATA section:

qc_flag = b

and in the DATA section of your config you will state that the ‘QC_flag’ column should be applied to your LE and H variables:

latent_heat_flux_qc = QC_flag
sensible_heat_flux_qc = QC_flag

Now, when the :meth:`.Data.apply_qc_flags` method is used the all date entries of LE and H that have a "QC_flag" value of 'b' will be forced to null in the :attr:`.Data.df` property of a :obj:`.Data` instance.

Threshold-based filtering

Another option is to use a numeric quality control value that exists in your input data along with a threshold value which means that when the quality control value falls below this threshold you would like to exclude it from the analysis. Let’s assume the column containing the quality control values is named ‘QC_values’ and it contains values between 0 and 1 with 0 meaning the poorest quality data and 1 being the highest and that you would like to remove all data for select variables with a quality control value below 0.5. Let’s further assume that you would like this to apply to your incoming solar radiation variable. Then you would declare the threshold in the METADATA section of your config file:

qc_threshold = 0.5

and in the DATA section of your config you will state that the ‘QC_value’ column should be applied to your incoming shortwave radiation variable:

shortwave_in_qc = QC_value

Now you are all set to use the functionality, note that you may apply the same quality control value or flag column to multiple climate variables (as shown in the first example). You may also use both numeric qualtiy control values and character string flags for the same input dataset although they cannot both be applied to the same variable. In other wordsf, if you have a column of quality control numeric values it cannot also have character strings mixed in. Another option that is used in the example below is to declare multiple quality control flags that should be filtered out using a comma separated list. For example in the provided example config the flags ‘x’ and ‘b’ are used to remove select days from incoming shorwave radiation,

qc_flag = x, b

There is another option for specifying variables quality control values/flags. Name the column containing the qualtiy control value/flag in your input climate file the same as the variable it corresponds to with the suffix "_QC". For example if your sensible heat column was named sens_h then your qualtiy control column should be named sens_h_QC. If you use this option you do not need to specify the names in your config file.

Example with flags and thresholds

This example uses the provided time series and config files for QC flag filtering on GitHub. The data is from the FLUXNET 2015 site "ARM USDA UNL OSU Woodward Switchgrass 1". This location exhibits switchgrass fields, more information on this site can be found here.

Because this dataset did not originally contain character Qa/Qc flags they were added for demonstration and applied to shortwave radiation. To view the list of string flags specified in the config file,

>>> config_path = 'config_for_QC_flag_filtering.ini'
>>> d = Data(config_path)
>>> # view or reassign the numeric threshold specified in the config file
>>> d.qc_threshold

And to view the character QC flags if assigned in the config,

>>> d.qc_flag
    ['x', 'b']

The :attr:`.Data.qc_var_pairs` attribute shows you which variables were found in your input file that have quality control values assigned, it uses the names as found in the input file,

>>> d.qc_var_pairs
    {'LE': 'a_qc_value', 'H': 'a_qc_value', 'sw_in': 'swrad_flag'}


The :attr:`.Data.qc_var_pairs` dictionary can be updated in Python to assign different columns of QC values to different time series variables.

Now let's apply the QC values.

Note that in this example we mixed both numeric values and threshold with character flags, the numeric values are being applied to LE and H whereas the flags (‘x’ and ‘b’) are applied to incoming shortwave radiation.

>>> # make copys of before and after the QC filter is applied
>>> no_qc = d.df.input_LE.copy()
>>> no_qc_swrad = d.df.input_sw_in.copy()
>>> # apply QC flags/values
>>> d.apply_qc_flags()
>>> qc_def = d.df.input_LE.copy()
>>> qc_flag_swrad = d.df.input_sw_in.copy()
    WARNING: renaming column Rn to input_Rn
    WARNING: renaming column G to input_G
    WARNING: renaming column LE to input_LE
    WARNING: renaming column H to input_H
    WARNING: renaming column sw_in to input_sw_in
    WARNING: renaming column sw_out to input_sw_out
    WARNING: renaming column sw_pot to input_sw_pot
    WARNING: renaming column lw_in to input_lw_in
    WARNING: renaming column lw_out to input_lw_out
    WARNING: renaming column vpd to input_vpd
    WARNING: renaming column t_avg to input_t_avg
    WARNING: renaming column ppt to input_ppt
    WARNING: renaming column ws to input_ws


This is a good time to point out that flux-data-qaqc may change the names of your input variables if they exactly match the internal names used by the software (see :attr:`.Data.variable_names_dict`, if this is the case (as is above) a warning message is printed when reading in the data (accessing the df or monthly_df properties of :obj:`.Data` or :obj:`.QaQc` for the first time) and the names will be modified with a prefix of "_input" as shown above.

Here is a plot showing the data before and after applying the filter.

>>> from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, figure, show
>>> from bokeh.models.formatters import DatetimeTickFormatter
>>> p = figure(x_axis_label='date', y_axis_label='swrad with data removed based on QC value')
>>> p.line(no_qc_swrad.index, no_qc_swrad, color='red', legend="no flag", line_width=2)
>>> p.line(no_qc_swrad.index, qc_flag_swrad, color='black', legend="flag = b or x", line_width=2)
>>> p.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(days="%d-%b-%Y")
>>> show(p)

And for LE,

>>> p = figure(x_axis_label='date', y_axis_label='LE with data removed based on QC value')
>>> p.line(no_qc.index, no_qc, color='red', legend="no QC", line_width=2)
>>> p.line(no_qc.index, qc_def, color='black', legend="QC=0.5", line_width=2)
>>> p.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(days="%d-%b-%Y")
>>> show(p)

Alternative naming method for QC data

In this case the climate variables QC columns are named with the same base name as the climate variables with the ‘_QC’ suffix. For example if LE is named ‘LE_F_MDS’ in your input files header then the QC column is named ‘LE_F_MDS_QC’. If your time series data has qualtiy control header names which follow this convention they will automatically be detected and used when you apply them using :meth:`.Data.apply_qc_flags`, i.e. the column names and variables they should be assigned to do not need to be declared in the config.ini file.

>>> import os
>>> config_path = os.path.join('..','Basic_usage','fluxnet_config.ini')
>>> d = Data(config_path)
>>> # view input files header, note the QC columns
>>> d.header
    Index(['TIMESTAMP', 'TA_F', 'TA_F_QC', 'SW_IN_POT', 'SW_IN_F', 'SW_IN_F_QC',
           'LW_IN_F', 'LW_IN_F_QC', 'VPD_F', 'VPD_F_QC', 'PA_F', 'PA_F_QC', 'P_F',
           'P_F_QC', 'WS_F', 'WS_F_QC', 'USTAR', 'USTAR_QC', 'NETRAD', 'NETRAD_QC',
           'PPFD_IN', 'PPFD_IN_QC', 'PPFD_OUT', 'PPFD_OUT_QC', 'SW_OUT',
           'SW_OUT_QC', 'LW_OUT', 'LW_OUT_QC', 'CO2_F_MDS', 'CO2_F_MDS_QC',
           'TS_F_MDS_1', 'TS_F_MDS_1_QC', 'SWC_F_MDS_1', 'SWC_F_MDS_1_QC',
           'G_F_MDS', 'G_F_MDS_QC', 'LE_F_MDS', 'LE_F_MDS_QC', 'LE_CORR',
           'LE_CORR_25', 'LE_CORR_75', 'LE_RANDUNC', 'H_F_MDS', 'H_F_MDS_QC',
           'H_CORR', 'H_CORR_25', 'H_CORR_75', 'H_RANDUNC', 'NEE_VUT_REF',
           'NEE_VUT_REF_QC', 'NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC', 'NEE_VUT_25', 'NEE_VUT_50',
           'NEE_VUT_75', 'NEE_VUT_25_QC', 'NEE_VUT_50_QC', 'NEE_VUT_75_QC',
           'RECO_NT_VUT_REF', 'RECO_NT_VUT_25', 'RECO_NT_VUT_50', 'RECO_NT_VUT_75',
           'GPP_NT_VUT_REF', 'GPP_NT_VUT_25', 'GPP_NT_VUT_50', 'GPP_NT_VUT_75',
           'RECO_DT_VUT_REF', 'RECO_DT_VUT_25', 'RECO_DT_VUT_50', 'RECO_DT_VUT_75',
           'GPP_DT_VUT_REF', 'GPP_DT_VUT_25', 'GPP_DT_VUT_50', 'GPP_DT_VUT_75',
           'RECO_SR', 'RECO_SR_N'],

Verify that the QC columns have been paired with corresponding climate variables

>>> d.qc_var_pairs
     'G_F_MDS': 'G_F_MDS_QC',
     'LE_F_MDS': 'LE_F_MDS_QC',
     'H_F_MDS': 'H_F_MDS_QC',
     'SW_IN_F': 'SW_IN_F_QC',
     'SW_OUT': 'SW_OUT_QC',
     'LW_IN_F': 'LW_IN_F_QC',
     'LW_OUT': 'LW_OUT_QC',
     'VPD_F': 'VPD_F_QC',
     'TA_F': 'TA_F_QC',
     'P_F': 'P_F_QC',
     'WS_F': 'WS_F_QC'}


FLUXNET files include their own qualtiy control flags for sensible heat and other variables where quality threshold columns are named the same as the climate variable they correspond to with the "_QC" suffix. Therefore they do not need to be defined in a config file before applying them.

For the dataset defined in the example "FLUXNET_config.ini" we did not specify a QC threshold or flag(s) in the config file, therefore we must assign it when calling the :meth:`.Data.apply_qc_flags` method (shown in :ref:`Example of threshold filtering`).

>>> # view the QC threshold specified in the config file
>>> print(d.qc_threshold, type(d.qc_threshold))
    None <class 'NoneType'>

Alternatively, you may assign the threshold of flag values at any time directly to a :obj:`.Data` instance:

>>> d.qc_threshold = .75

Example of threshold filtering

Be sure to validate QC thresholds or flags before applying them to make sure everything seems correct. Below we see that the lowest QC values correspond with poor quality gap-fill data near the begining of the time series of sensible heat (H).

>>> from bokeh.models import LinearAxis, Range1d
>>> p = figure(x_axis_label='date', y_axis_label='sensible heat flux (w/m2)')
>>> p.extra_y_ranges = {"sec": Range1d(start=-0.1, end=1.1)}
>>> p.line(d.df.index, d.df['H_F_MDS'], color='red', line_width=1, legend='data')
>>> p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="sec", axis_label='QC value'), 'right')
>>>, d.df['H_F_MDS_QC'], line_width=2, y_range_name="sec", legend='QC')
>>> p.x_range=Range1d(d.df.index[0], d.df.index[365])
>>> p.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(days="%d-%b-%Y")
>>> p.legend.location = "top_left"
>>> show(p)
    WARNING: Insufficient data to calculate mean for multiple G measurements
    WARNING: Insufficient data to calculate mean for multiple THETA measurements

As a reminder, the routine provided for numeric or theshold filtering removes all data entries that have been assigned to a QC column and have a QC value that falls below some threshold.

>>> # apply QC numeric threshold filters
>>> d.apply_qc_flags(threshold=0.5)

Values with QC values < 0.5 are now removed (null) for any variable listed in :attr:`.Data.qc_var_pairs`.


The :meth:`.Data.apply_qc_flags()` method applies the filter to all variables in the climate file that have a QC column if columns are not specified in the config file.

To see all columns (variables) that may have been affected by the previous filter or to constrain them, modify the declarations in the config file or within :attr:`.Data.qc_var_pairs`, i.e.

>>> d.qc_var_pairs
    'G_F_MDS': 'G_F_MDS_QC',
    'LE_F_MDS': 'LE_F_MDS_QC',
    'H_F_MDS': 'H_F_MDS_QC',
    'SW_IN_F': 'SW_IN_F_QC',
    'SW_OUT': 'SW_OUT_QC',
    'LW_IN_F': 'LW_IN_F_QC',
    'LW_OUT': 'LW_OUT_QC',
    'VPD_F': 'VPD_F_QC',
    'TA_F': 'TA_F_QC',
    'P_F': 'P_F_QC',
    'WS_F': 'WS_F_QC'}

Now let's view the same sesnible heat flux time series after applying the threshold filter, notice the strange oscillating artifact near the beginning of the time series as been removed:

>>> p = figure(x_axis_label='date', y_axis_label='sensible heat flux (w/m2)')
>>> p.extra_y_ranges = {"sec": Range1d(start=-0.1, end=1.1)}
>>> p.line(d.df.index, d.df['H_F_MDS'], color='red', line_width=1, legend='data')
>>> p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="sec", axis_label='QC value'), 'right')
>>>, d.df['H_F_MDS_QC'], line_width=2, y_range_name="sec", legend='QC')
>>> p.x_range=Range1d(d.df.index[0], d.df.index[365])
>>> p.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(days="%d-%b-%Y")
>>> p.legend.location = "top_left"
>>> show(p)
.. seealso::
   :ref:`Step 0, manual cleaning of poor quality data` for an example that shows   how to filter poor quality data after loading data into a :obj:`.QaQc`

Averaging data from multiple sensors

Non-weighted averaging

If the climate station being analyzed has multiple sensors for the same variable (e.g. sensible heat flux) you can easily tell flux-data-qaqc to use their non-weighted average of for flux-data-qaqc routines including energy balance closure corrections or interactive visualizations. To do so simply list the variable names (as found in the file header) with a delimiter of your choice and then list the delimiter in the METADATA section. Example, if you have three sensible heat variables named "h_1", "sens_h_2", and "sensible heat, (w/m2)" then in your config file's METADATA you would write:

var_name_delim = ;

and the sensible heat assignment in the DATA section would read:

sensible_heat_flux_col = h_1;sens_h_2;sensible heat, (w/m2)


Because there is a comma in the last variable name we cannot use a comma as the name delimiter. Also, if you do not state the delimiter of variable names in the METADATA section of the config file, flux-data-qaqc will look for the single variable name "h_1;sens_h_2;sensible heat, (w/m2)" in the header which will not be found.

flux-data-qaqc will name the average in this case as H_mean, in general it will add the suffix "_mean" to the internal name of the variable used by flux-data-qaqc which can be found in the keys of the :attr:`.Data.variable_names_dict` dictionary.


If you use any averaging option for an energy balance component, i.e. latent energy, sensible heat, net radiation, or soil heat flux, the average will also be used in energy balance closure corrections.

Weighted averaging

flux-data-qaqc provides the ability to read in multiple soil heat flux/moisture variables for a given station location, calculate their weighted or non weighted average, and write/plot their daily and monthly time series. Currently weighted averaging is only provided for soil heat flux and soil moisture variables, using this config option is also the only way to automatically produce time series plots of these variables when using :meth:`.QaQc.plot`. This may be useful for comparing/validating multiple soil heat/moisture probes at varying locations or depths or varying instrumentation.

Here is what you need to do to use this functionality:

  1. List the multiple soil variable names in your config file's DATA section following the convention:
  • For multiple soil heat flux variables config names should begin with “G_” or “g_” followed by an integer starting with 1,2,3,… i.e. g_[number]. For example:
g_1 = name_of_my_soil_heat_flux_variable

For soil moisture variables the name of the config variable should follow “theta_[number]” for example:

theta_1 = name_of_my_soil_moisture_variable
  1. List the units of each variable. To specify the units of your soil flux/moisture variables add "_units" to the config name you assigned:
g_1_units = w/m2
theta_1_units = cm
  1. To set weights for multiple variables to compute weighted averages assign the "_weight" suffix to their names in the config file. For example, to set weights for multiple soil heat flux variables:
g_1_weight = 0.25
g_2_weight = 0.25
g_3_weight = 0.5


If weights are not given the arithmetic mean will be calculated. Or if the weights do not sum to 1, they will be automatically normalized so that they do.

As in the case for non-weighted averaging for any energy balance component, if you use this option for soil heat flux (G), the weighted average will also be used in energy balance closure corrections.

Weighted average example

This example uses time series data recorded from the "ARM Southern Great Plains site- Lamont" AmeriFlux eddy covariance tower, more information on this site can be found here.

Here is the DATA section of the config file that defines the multiple G variables in the input data file used for the example below, we put a much higher weight on the G sensors "G_2_1_1" and "G_3_1_1",

g_1 = G_1_1_1
g_1_units = w/m2
g_1_weight = 1
g_2 = G_2_1_1
g_2_units = w/m2
g_2_weight = 10
g_3 = G_3_1_1
g_3_units = w/m2
g_3_weight = 10
g_4 = G_4_1_1
g_4_units = w/m2
g_4_weight = 1

Note, the naming system of these variables (from AmeriFlux conventions) indicates that the multiple G sensors are spaced in differing horizontal locations from one another.

There are many soil moisture sensors at this site, because we are not using these variables within any calculations and simply want them to be loaded in and later plotted we will not assign weights to them and therefore the arithmetic mean will be calculated and added to output plots and time series files. Here is what is listed in the DATA section of the config file for multiple soil moisture recordings in this case:

theta_1 = SWC_1_1_1
theta_1_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_2 = SWC_2_1_1
theta_2_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_3 = SWC_1_2_1
theta_3_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_4 = SWC_2_2_1
theta_4_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_5 = SWC_3_1_1
theta_5_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_6 = SWC_4_1_1
theta_6_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_7 = SWC_3_2_1
theta_7_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_8 = SWC_4_2_1
theta_8_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_9 = SWC_1_3_1
theta_9_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_10 = SWC_1_4_1
theta_10_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_11 = SWC_1_5_1
theta_11_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_12 = SWC_1_6_1
theta_12_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_13 = SWC_2_3_1
theta_13_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_14 = SWC_2_3_2
theta_14_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_15 = SWC_2_2_2
theta_15_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100
theta_16 = SWC_2_1_2
theta_16_units = (%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100


The units for soil moisture variables will be used in the y-axis daily and monthly time series plots when they are created by :meth:`.QaQc.plot`.

Now that the config file has been setup, let's verify that everything was read in correctly,

>>> # read in the data
>>> config_path = 'config_for_multiple_soil_vars.ini'
>>> d = Data(config_path)
>>> # note the newly added multiple g and theta variables
>>> d.variables
    {'date': 'TIMESTAMP_START',
    'Rn': 'NETRAD_1_1_1',
    'LE': 'LE_1_1_1',
    'H': 'H_1_1_1',
    'sw_in': 'SW_IN_1_1_1;SW_IN_1_1_2',
    'sw_out': 'SW_OUT_1_1_1',
    'lw_in': 'LW_IN_1_1_1',
    'lw_out': 'LW_OUT_1_1_1',
    'vpd': 'VPD_PI_1_1_1',
    't_avg': 'T_SONIC_1_1_1',
    'ws': 'WS_1_1_1;WS_1_2_1',
    'g_1': 'G_1_1_1',
    'g_2': 'G_2_1_1',
    'g_3': 'G_3_1_1',
    'g_4': 'G_4_1_1',
    'theta_1': 'SWC_1_1_1',
    'theta_2': 'SWC_2_1_1',
    'theta_3': 'SWC_1_2_1',
    'theta_4': 'SWC_2_2_1',
    'theta_5': 'SWC_3_1_1',
    'theta_6': 'SWC_4_1_1',
    'theta_7': 'SWC_3_2_1',
    'theta_8': 'SWC_4_2_1',
    'theta_9': 'SWC_1_3_1',
    'theta_10': 'SWC_1_4_1',
    'theta_11': 'SWC_1_5_1',
    'theta_12': 'SWC_1_6_1',
    'theta_13': 'SWC_2_3_1',
    'theta_14': 'SWC_2_3_2',
    'theta_15': 'SWC_2_2_2',
    'theta_16': 'SWC_2_1_2'}

Note, the windspeed and shortwave incoming radtiation columns were assigned multiple variables as well, these will be used to calculate the non-weighted mean as described in :ref:`Non-weighted averaging`.

Check the units assignment:

>>> d.units
    {'Rn': 'w/m2',
     'LE': 'w/m2',
     'H': 'w/m2',
     'sw_in': 'w/m2',
     'sw_out': 'w/m2',
     'lw_in': 'w/m2',
     'lw_out': 'w/m2',
     'vpd': 'hPa',
     't_avg': 'C',
     'ws': 'm/s',
     'g_1': 'w/m2',
     'g_2': 'w/m2',
     'g_3': 'w/m2',
     'g_4': 'w/m2',
     'theta_1': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_2': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_3': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_4': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_5': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_6': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_7': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_8': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_9': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_10': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_11': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_12': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_13': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_14': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_15': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100',
     'theta_16': '(%): Soil water content (volumetric), range 0-100'}

View these variables and their weights as written in the config file:

>>> d.soil_var_weight_pairs
    {'g_1': {'name': 'added_G_col', 'weight': '6'},
     'g_2': {'name': 'another_G_var', 'weight': '2'},
     'g_3': {'name': 'G', 'weight': '0.5'},
     'g_4': {'name': 'final_G_var', 'weight': '0.25'},
     'g_5': {'name': 'yet_another_G', 'weight': '0.25'},
     'theta_1': {'name': 'soil_moisture_z1', 'weight': '0.25'},
     'theta_2': {'name': 'soil_moisture_z10', 'weight': '0.75'}}

When the data is first loaded into memory the weighted (and non-weighted) averages are calculated. At this stage weights will be automatically normalized so that they sum to one and the new weights will be printed if this occurs.

>>> # load daily or monthly dataframe to calculate the weighted averages if they exist
>>> d.df.head();
    g weights not given or don't sum to one, normalizing
    Here are the new weights:
     G_1_1_1:0.05, G_2_1_1:0.45, G_3_1_1:0.45, G_4_1_1:0.05
    Calculating mean for var: THETA from columns: ['SWC_1_1_1', 'SWC_2_1_1', 'SWC_1_2_1', 'SWC_2_2_1', 'SWC_3_1_1', 'SWC_4_1_1', 'SWC_3_2_1', 'SWC_4_2_1', 'SWC_1_3_1', 'SWC_1_4_1', 'SWC_1_5_1', 'SWC_1_6_1', 'SWC_2_3_1', 'SWC_2_3_2', 'SWC_2_2_2', 'SWC_2_1_2']
    Calculating mean for var: sw_in
     from columns: ['SW_IN_1_1_1', 'SW_IN_1_1_2']
    Calculating mean for var: ws
     from columns: ['WS_1_1_1', 'WS_1_2_1']

In this example, shortwave incoming radiation and windspeed were also averaged (non-weighted) from multiple recordings as described in :ref:`Non-weighted averaging`.

The weights have been changed and updated as we would expect for G, you may ignore the weights for soil moisture in this case- because they were not assigned the arithmetic mean is calculated and the weights are not used.

>>> d.soil_var_weight_pairs
    {'g_1': {'name': 'G_1_1_1', 'weight': 0.045454545454545456},
     'g_2': {'name': 'G_2_1_1', 'weight': 0.45454545454545453},
     'g_3': {'name': 'G_3_1_1', 'weight': 0.45454545454545453},
     'g_4': {'name': 'G_4_1_1', 'weight': 0.045454545454545456},
     'theta_1': {'name': 'SWC_1_1_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_2': {'name': 'SWC_2_1_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_3': {'name': 'SWC_1_2_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_4': {'name': 'SWC_2_2_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_5': {'name': 'SWC_3_1_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_6': {'name': 'SWC_4_1_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_7': {'name': 'SWC_3_2_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_8': {'name': 'SWC_4_2_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_9': {'name': 'SWC_1_3_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_10': {'name': 'SWC_1_4_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_11': {'name': 'SWC_1_5_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_12': {'name': 'SWC_1_6_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_13': {'name': 'SWC_2_3_1', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_14': {'name': 'SWC_2_3_2', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_15': {'name': 'SWC_2_2_2', 'weight': 1},
     'theta_16': {'name': 'SWC_2_1_2', 'weight': 1}}

Now the dataframe also has the weighted means that will be named g_mean and theta_mean,

>>> d.df.columns
    Index(['input_t_avg', 'input_sw_pot', 'input_sw_in', 'input_lw_in',
           'input_vpd', 'input_ppt', 'input_ws', 'input_Rn', 'input_sw_out',
           'input_lw_out', 'input_G', 'input_LE', 'LE_corrected', 'input_H',
           'H_corrected', 'added_G_col', 'another_G_var', 'final_G_var',
           'yet_another_G', 'soil_moisture_z1', 'soil_moisture_z10', 'a_qc_value',
           'swrad_flag', 'g_mean', 'theta_mean'],


Even though we did not specify "ground_flux_col" in the config file, the weighted average value has now been used to update this variable. Therefore the weighted mean will be used in energy balance closure correction routines if they are subsequently run.

Check which variable will be used as G later if closure corrections are used:

>>> d.variables.get('G')

Now, let's visualize the resulting weighted average of multiple G measurements and their individual daily time series,

>>> # get just G columns for plot arguments
>>> G_cols = [c for c in d.df.columns if c.startswith(('g_','G_'))]
>>> G_cols
    ['G_1_1_1', 'G_2_1_1', 'G_3_1_1', 'G_4_1_1', 'g_mean']

The example below creates the time series plot with a short span of data for easier visibility of weighted mean, it also used the plot routines provided by :obj:`.Data` and :obj:`.QaQc` which are inhereted from the :obj:`.Plot` class within flux-data-qaqc. Specifically this example utilizes :meth:`.Plot.add_lines` which makes the time series plotting of multiple variables more efficient and automatically handles the hover tooltips.

>>> from fluxdataqaqc.plot import ColumnDataSource # for hover tooltips
>>> # shorter period for visualization
>>> df = d.df.loc['01/01/2008':'05/01/2008', G_cols]
>>> plt_vars = G_cols
>>> colors = ['blue', 'red', 'orange', 'green', 'black']
>>> x_name = 'date'
>>> source = ColumnDataSource(df)
>>> fig = figure(x_axis_label='date', y_axis_label='Soil heat flux (w/m2)')
>>> Data.add_lines(fig, df, plt_vars, colors, x_name, source, labels=G_cols)
>>> show(fig)

Note, the weighted mean is closer to 'G_2_1_1' and 'G_3_1_1' as we gave them weights of 10 versus 1 to 'G_1_1_1' and 'G_4_1_1'.

Lastly, the code snippets below run the Energy Balance Ratio closure correction and creating the default plots in order to view the daily and monthly time series of multiple soil moisture variables. It also shows how to upload the output plot file into a Jupyter Notebook for viewing.

>>> # in order to correctly view the output in a Jupyter notebook
>>> from import output_notebook
>>> output_notebook()

Within the set of default plots created by the :meth:`.QaQc.plot` method will include interactive daily and monthly time series of multiple G and soil moisture variables if they were assigned in the input config file (as in this example), scroll down to view them.

>>> from fluxdataqaqc import QaQc
>>> q = QaQc(d)
>>> q.correct_data()
>>> # this will NOT save the plot file, use output_type='save'
>>> q.plot(output_type='show')