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Closure Methodologies

flux-data-qaqc currently provides two routines which ultimately adjust turbulent fluxes in order to improve energy balance closure of eddy covariance tower data, the Energy Balance Ratio and the Bowen Ratio method.

Closure methods are assigned as keyword arguments to the .QaQc.correct_data method, and for a list of provided closure options see .QaQc.corr_methods. For example, if you would like to run the Bowen Ratio correction routine assuming you have succesfully created a .QaQc object,

# q is a QaQc instance

The other keyword argument for .QaQc.correct_data allows for gap filling corrected evapotranspiration (ET) which is calculated from corrected latent energy (LE). By default the gap filling option is set to True, more details on this below in Step 9, optionally gap fill corrected ET using gridMET reference ET and reference ET fraction.


All interactive visualizations in this page were created using .Plot.line_plot, .Plot.add_lines, and .Plot.scatter_plot which automatically handle issues with utilizing the mouse hover tooltips and other bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure features.

Data description

The data for this example comes from the "Twitchell Alfalfa" AmeriFlux eddy covariance flux tower site in California. The site is located in alfalfa fields and exhibits a mild Mediterranean climate with dry and hot summers, for more information on this site or to download data click here.

Energy Balance Ratio method

The Energy Balance Ratio method (default) is modified from the FLUXNET methodology (step 3 daily heat processing). The method involves filtering out of extreme values of the daily Energy Balance Ratio time series, smoothing, and gap filling. Then the inverse of the filtered and smoothed time series is used as a series of correction factors for the initial time series of latent energy (LE) and sensible heat (H) flux time series.

All steps, abbreviated

Below is a step-by-step description of the Energy Balance Ratio correction routine used by flux-data-qaqc. More details and visual demonstration of steps are shown below.

Step 0 (optional): optionally filter out poor quality data first if quality control (QC) values or flags are provided with the dataset or other means. For example, FLUXNET data includes QC values for H and LE, e.g. H_F_MDS_QC and LE_F_MDS_QC are QC values for gap filled H and LE. This allows for manual pre-QaQc of data.

Step 1: calculate the Energy Balance Ratio (EBR = $\frac{H + LE}{Rn – G}$) daily time series from raw data.

Step 2: filter EBR values that are outside 1.5 times the interquartile range.

Step 3: for each day in the daily time series of filtered EBR, a sliding window of +/- 7 days (15 days) is used to select up to 15 values.

Step 4: for each day take a percentile (default 50) of the 15 EBR values. Check if the inverse of the EBR value is  > |2| or if the the inverse of the ratio multiplied by the measured LE would result in a flux greater than 850 or less than -100 w/m2, if so leave a gap for filling later.

Step 5: if less than +/- 5 days exist in the sliding 15 day window, use the mean EBR for all days in a +/- 5 day (11 day) sliding window. Apply same criteria for an extreme EBR value as in step 4.

Step 6: if no EBR data exist in the +/- 5 sliding window to average, fill remaining gaps of EBR with the mean from a +/- 5 day sliding window over the day of year mean for all years on record, i.e. 5 day climatology. Calculate the 5 day climatology from the filtered and smoothed EBR as produced from step 5. Apply same criteria for an extreme EBR value as in steps 4 and 5.

Step 7: use the filtered EBR time series from previous steps to correct LE and H by multiplying by the energy balance closure correction factor ${EBC_{CF}} = \frac{1}{EBR}$, where EBR has been filtered by the previous steps. Use the corrected LE and H to calculate the corrected EBR.

Step 8: calculate corrected ET from corrected LE using average air temperature to adjust the latent heat of vaporization.

Step 9 (optional): if desired, fill remaining gaps in the corrected ET time series with ET that is calculated by gridMET reference ET (ETr or ETo) multiplied by the filtered and smoothed fraction of reference ET (ETrF or EToF).

Step 0, manual cleaning of poor quality data

Below we can see that the daily time series of net radiation (Rn) has some periods of poor quality data. This is a common issue due, e.g. to instrumentation problems, that cannot always be avoided. In this case the sensor did not record values at night (or they were not provided with the data) when Rn values are lower for several days (e.g. around 8/26/2014) which resulted in overestimates of daily mean Rn during these periods. Although these days can automatically be filtered out by the .QaQc class, the example below shows a way of manually filtering them because in other cases outliers in the daily data may not be caused by resampling of sub-daily data with systematic measurement gaps. The main point is that manual inspection and potentially pre-filtering of poor quality data before proceeding with energy balance closure corrections is often necessary.

There are several ways to conduct manual pre-filtering of poor quality meterological time series data, to filter data based on input quality flags or numeric quality values see Quality-based data filtering.

flux-data-qaqc also allows for filtering of poor quality data on the fly as shown in this example. In other words, we simply filter out the periods we think have bad data for Rn within Python before running the closure correction. After manually determing the date periods with poor quality Rn, here is how they were filtered oiut before running the correction:

>>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> from fluxdataqaqc import Data, QaQc >>> d = Data('Path/to/config.ini') >>> # days with sub daily gaps can be filtered out automatically here, >>> # see "Tip" below the following plot >>> q = QaQc(d, drop_gaps=False) >>> # rename dataframe columns for ease of variable access, adjust >>> df = q.df.rename(columns=q.inv_map)

Here were the dates chosen and one way to filter them,

>>> # make a QC flag column for Rn >>> df['Rn_qc'] = 'good' >>> df.loc[pd.date_range('2/10/2014','2/10/2014'), 'Rn_qc'] = 'bad' >>> df.loc[pd.date_range('8/25/2014','9/18/2014'), 'Rn_qc'] = 'bad' >>> df.loc[pd.date_range('10/21/2015','10/26/2015'), 'Rn_qc'] = 'bad' >>> df.loc[pd.date_range('10/28/2015','11/1/2015'), 'Rn_qc'] = 'bad' >>> df.loc[pd.date_range('7/23/2016','7/23/2016'), 'Rn_qc'] = 'bad' >>> df.loc[pd.date_range('9/22/2016','9/22/2016'), 'Rn_qc'] = 'bad' >>> df.loc[pd.date_range('3/3/2017','3/3/2017'), 'Rn_qc'] = 'bad' >>> # filter (make null) based on our QC flag column for Rn >>> df.loc[df.Rn_qc == 'bad', 'Rn'] = np.nan >>> # reassign to use pre-filtered data for corrections >>> q.df = df

The resulting energy balance component plot with Rn filtered:


In this case, the issues with Rn were caused by resampling 30 minute data with systematic night-time gaps. These sort of issues can be automatically handled when creating a .QaQc object; the keyword arguments drop_gaps and daily_frac to the .QaQc class are used to automatically filter out days with measurement gaps of varying size, i.e.,

>>> d = Data('path/to/config.ini') >>> q = QaQc(d, drop_gaps=True, daily_frac=0.8) >>> q.correct_data()

This would produce very similar energy balance closure results as the manual filter above. Another more fine-grained option would have been to flag the days with gaps in the sub-daily input time series that you would like to filter by .Data.apply_qc_flags.


The remaining step-by-step explanation in this page uses the pre-filtered input time series, however results of the energy balance closure correction without pre-filtering outliers of Rn are also shown in plots for the final steps (8 and 9) for comparison. If you now ran:

>>> q.df = df >>> q.correct_data() >>> q.plot(output_type='show')

This will directly produce the same output of step 9 using the pre-filtered data.

Steps 1 and 2, filtering outliers of EBR

Calculate daily EBR = $\frac{H + LE}{Rn - G}$ time series and filter out extreme values that are outside 1.5 the interquartile range. Note, in flux-data-qaqc this is named as “ebr”.

Steps 3, 4, and 5, further filtering of EBR using moving window statistics

Filter the EBR time series using statistics performed over multiple moving windows. Specifically, take the median EBR from a +/- 7 day moving window, if less than 11 days exist in this window take the mean from a +/- 5 day moving window. In both of these cases check the resulting value before retaining based on the following criteria:

  • the inverse of the EBR value must be  > |2|
  • the the inverse of the ratio multiplied by the measured LE should result in a flux less than 850 and greater than -100 w/m2

If either of these criteria are not met leave a gap for the day for filling in later steps.

Step 6, calculate the 5 day climatology of EBR

Compute the 5 day climatology of daily EBR (as adjusted from previous steps) to fill in remaining gaps of 11 or more days. Specifically, calculate the the day of year mean of the EBR for all years in record and then extract the day of year mean using a moving +/- 5 day (11 day) moving window. The resulting value is also checked against the same criteria described in steps 3-5:

  • the inverse of the EBR value must be  > |2|
  • the the inverse of the ratio multiplied by the measured LE should result in a flux less than 850 and greater than -100 w/m2

Note, this step is only used for remaining gaps which should be larger than 11 days in the EBR time series following step 5. This example has a few time periods that were filled with the 5 day climatology of EBR which can be seen as the thin blue line in the plot below.

flux-data-qaqc also keeps a record of the 5 day climatology of the Energy Balance Ratio as calculated at this step (shown below), it is named by flux-data-qaqc as ebr_5day_clim.

Steps 7 and 8 correct turbulent fluxes, EBR, and ET

Calculate corrected LE and H by multiplying by $\frac{1}{EBR}$ where EBR is the filtered EBR time series from previous steps:

$$LE_{corr} = LE \times \frac{1}{EBR}$$


$$H_{corr} = H \times \frac{1}{EBR}.$$

Use corrected LE and H to calculate the corrected EBR,

$$EBR_{corr} = \frac{H_{corr} + LE_{corr}}{Rn - G}.$$

Calculate ET from LE using average air temperature to adjust the latent heat of vaporization following the method of Harrison, L.P. 1963,

$$ET_{mm \cdot day^{-1}} = 86400_{sec \cdot day^{-1}} \times \frac{LE_{w \cdot m^{-2}}}{2501000_{MJ \cdot kg^{-1}} - (2361 \cdot T_{C})},$$

where evapotransipiration (ET) in mm ⋅ day − 1, LE is latent energy flux in w ⋅ m − 2, and T is air temperature in degrees celcius. The same approach is used to calculate corrected ET (ETcorr) using LEcorr.

The plot below shows the time series of the initial and corrected ET (ET and ETcorr).

There were not significant gaps in the energy balance components for this dataset and therefore step 9 was not used, although it is still demonstrated with an artificial gap in the next step.

The following plot shows the energy balance closure of the initial and corrected data after applying the steps above, including the manual pre-filtering of Rn,

Notice the mean daily corrected energy balance ratio (slope of corrected) is 1 or near perfect closure. However, the same plot below shows the results if we skipped the manual pre-filtering of outlier Rn values. In this case the resulting corrected mean closure is only 0.93:


These and other interactive visualizations of energy balance closure results are provided by default via the .QaQc.plot method.

In flux-data-qaqc new variable names from these steps are: LE_corr, H_corr, ebr, ebr_corr, ebc_cf, ET, ET_corr, ebr_corr, and ebr_5day_clim. The inverse of the corrected EBR (filtered from previous steps) is named ebc_cf which is short for energy balance closure correction factor as described by the FLUXNET methodology (step 3 daily heat processing).

Step 9, optionally gap fill corrected ET using gridMET reference ET and reference ET fraction

This is done by downloading ETr or ETo (default is ETr) for the overlapping gridMET cell (site must be in CONUS) and then calculating,

ETfill = ETrF × ETr,


$$ETrF = \frac{ET_{corr}}{ET_r}$$

ETcorr is the corrected ET produced by step 8 and ETrF is the fraction of reference ET. ETrF if first filtered to remove outliers outside of 1.5 times the interquartile range, it is then smoothed with a 7 day moving average (minimum of 2 days must exist in window) and lastly it is linearly interpolated to fill any remaining gaps.

The same gap filling procedure can easily be done using gridMET grass reference ET (ETo) as opposed to alfalfa reference ET (ETr).


The filtered and raw versions of ETrF/EToF, gridMET ETr, gridMET ETo, gap days, and monthly total number of gap filled days are tracked for post-processing and visualized by the .QaQc.plot and .QaQc.write methods.

Since the data used in this example does not have gaps, for illustration we have created the following large gap in the measured energy balance components from May through August, 2014:

The resulting time series of ETcorr using the optional gap filling method described is shown below.

Note, the gap filled values of ET (green line) do not accurately catch the harvesting cycles of alfalfa however the ETcorr values (blue line) do, this is because the gap filled values are based from gridMET reference ET which is not locally representative. If this is hard to see, try using the box zoom tool on the right of the plot to zoom in on the gap-filled period.

This ET gap-filling step is used by default when running flux-data-qaqc energy balance closure correction routines, to disable it set the etr_gap_fill argument of QaQc.correct_data to False, e.g.

# q is a QaQc instance
q.correct_data(meth='ebr', etr_gap_fill=False)

In flux-data-qaqc new variable names from this step are: ETrF, ETrF_filtered, gridMET_ETr, ET_gap, ET_fill, and ET_fill_val. The difference between ET_fill and ET_fill_val is that the latter is masked (null) on days that the fill value was not used to fill gaps in ETcorr. Also, ET_gap is a daily series of True and False values indicating which days (from step 8) of ETcorr were gaps that were subsequently filled.


When using the ETr-based gap-filling option, any gap filled days will also be used to fill in gaps of LEcorr, therefore the mean closure as found in the daily and monthly closure scatter plot outputs (from .QaQc.plot) will be updated to reflect the influence of the gap-filled days.

Bowen Ratio method

The Bowen Ratio energy balance closure correction method implemented here follows the typical approach where the corrected latent energy (LE) and sensible heat (H) fluxes are adjusted the following way

$$LE_{corr} = \frac{(Rn - G)}{(1 + \beta)},$$


Hcorr = LEcorr × β

where β is the Bowen Ratio, the ratio of sensible heat flux to latent energy flux,

$$\beta = \frac{H}{LE}.$$

This routine forces energy balance closure for each day in the time series.

Here is the resulting ETcorr time series using the pre-filtered (Rn) energy balance time series and the Bowen Ratio method:

And here is the energy balance closure scatter plot which shows the forced closure of the method:

New variables produced by flux-data-qaqc by this method include: br (Bowen Ratio), ebr, ebr_corr, LE_corr, H_corr, ET, ET_corr, energy, flux, and flux_corr.