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SimpleDBus should work on any Linux environment supporting DBus. Please follow the instructions below to build and run SimpleDBus in your specific environment.

System Requirements

When building SimpleDBus from source, you will need some dependencies based on your current operating system.

General Requirements

  • CMake (Version 3.21 or higher)


APT-based Distros

  • libdbus-1-dev (install via sudo apt install libdbus-1-dev)

RPM-based Distros

  • dbus-devel
    • On Fedora, install via sudo dnf install dbus-devel
    • On CentOS, install via sudo yum install dbus-devel

Building and Installing the Library (Source)

Compiling the library is done using CMake and relies heavily on plenty of CMake functionality. It is strongly suggested that you get familiarized with CMake before blindly following the instructions below.

Building SimpleDBus

You can use the following commands to build SimpleDBus: :

cmake -H <path-to-simpledbus> -B build_simpledbus
cmake --build build_simpledbus -j7

Note that if you want to modify the build configuration, you can do so by passing additional arguments to the cmake command. For example, to build a shared library set the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS CMake variable to TRUE :

cmake -H <path-to-simpledbus> -B build_simpledbus -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=TRUE

To modify the log level, set the SIMPLEDBUS_LOG_LEVEL CMake variable to one of the following values: VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL :

cmake -H <path-to-simpledbus> -B build_simpledbus -DSIMPLEDBUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG

To force the usage of the DBus session bus, enable the SIMPLEDBUS_USE_SESSION_DBUS flag :

cmake -H <path-to-simpledbus> -B build_simpledbus -DSIMPLEDBUS_USE_SESSION_DBUS=TRUE

Installing SimpleDBus

To install SimpleDBus, you can use the following commands: :

cmake --install build_simpledbus

Note that if you want to modify the installation configuration, you can do so by passing additional arguments to the cmake command. For example, to install the library to a specific location, set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX CMake variable to the desired location :

cmake --install build_simpledbus --prefix /usr/local

Note that on Linux and MacOS, you will need to run the cmake --install command with sudo privileges. :

sudo cmake --install build_simpledbus

Usage with CMake (Installed)

Once SimpleDBus has been installed, it can be consumed from within CMake:

find_package(simpledbus REQUIRED CONFIG)
target_link_libraries(<your-target> simpledbus::simpledbus)

Usage with CMake (Local)

You can add the simpledbus library directory into your project and include it in your CMakeLists.txt file :

add_subdirectory(<path-to-simpledbus> ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/simpledbus)
target_link_libraries(<your-target> simpledbus::simpledbus)

Usage with CMake (Vendorized)

If you want to use a vendorized copy of SimpleDBus, you can do so by using FetchContent and specifying the location from where SimpleDBus should be consumed from. :

    GIT_REPOSITORY <simpledbus-git-repository>
    GIT_TAG <simpledbus-git-tag>

# Note that here we manually do what FetchContent_MakeAvailable() would do,
# except to ensure that the dependency can also get what it needs, we add
# custom logic between the FetchContent_Populate() and add_subdirectory()
# calls.
if(NOT simpledbus_POPULATED)
    list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${simpledbus_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/find")
    add_subdirectory("${simpledbus_SOURCE_DIR}/simpledbus" "${simpledbus_BINARY_DIR}")

set(simpledbus_FOUND 1)

You can put this code inside Findsimpledbus.cmake and add it to your CMake module path, as depicted in cmake-init-fetchcontent.

Once vendorized using the above approach, you can consume SimpleDBus from within CMake as you'd normally do :

find_package(simpledbus REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(<your-target> simpledbus::simpledbus)

One key security feature of SimpleDBus is that it allows the user to specify the URLs and tags of all internal dependencies, thus allowing compilation from internal or secure sources without the risk of those getting compromised.

Currently, the following libraries are included as part of SimpleDBus, with the following CMake options available:

  • fmtlib
    • LIBFMT_VENDORIZE: Enable vendorization of fmtlib. (Default: True)
    • LIBFMT_GIT_REPOSITORY: The git repository to use for fmtlib.
    • LIBFMT_GIT_TAG: The git tag to use for fmtlib. (Default: v8.1.1)
    • LIBFMT_LOCAL_PATH: The local path to use for fmtlib. (Default: None)

Build Examples

Use the following instructions to build the provided SimpleDBus examples: :

cmake -H <path-to-simpledbus>/examples/simpledbus -B build_simpledbus_examples -DSIMPLEDBUS_LOCAL=ON
cmake --build build_simpledbus_examples -j7


To build and run unit and integration tests, the following packages are required: :

sudo apt install libgtest-dev libgmock-dev python3-dev
pip3 install -r <path-to-simpledbus>/test/requirements.txt

Unit Tests

To run the unit tests, run the following command: :

cmake -H <path-to-simpledbus> -B build_simpledbus_test -DSIMPLEDBUS_TEST=ON
cmake --build build_simpledbus_test -j7

Address Sanitizer Tests

To run the address sanitizer tests, run the following command: :

cmake -H <path-to-simpledbus> -B build_simpledbus_test -DSIMPLEDBUS_SANITIZE=Address -DSIMPLEDBUS_TEST=ON
cmake --build build_simpledbus_test -j7
PYTHONMALLOC=malloc ./build_simpledbus_test/bin/simpledbus_test

It's important for PYTHONMALLOC to be set to malloc, otherwise the tests will fail due to Python's memory allocator from triggering false positives.

Thread Sanitizer Tests

To run the thread sanitizer tests, run the following command: :

cmake -H <path-to-simpledbus> -B build_simpledbus_test -DSIMPLEDBUS_SANITIZE=Thread -DSIMPLEDBUS_TEST=ON
cmake --build build_simpledbus_test -j7