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Cellular Automata (CA) represent a parallel computing methodology for modelling complex systems. Well known examples of applications include the simulation of natural phenomena such as lava and debris flows, forest fires, agent based social processes such as pedestrian evacuation and highway traffic problems, besides many others (e.g., theoretical studies).

Many Cellular Automata software environments and libraries exist. However, when non-trivial modelling is needed, only non-open source software are generally available. This is particularly true for eXtended Cellular Automata (XCA), adopted for simulating phenomena at a macroscopic point of view, for which only a significant example of non free software exists, namely the CAMELot Cellular Automata Simulation Environment.

In order to fill this deficiency in the world of free software, the OpenCAL C Library has been developed. Similarly to CAMELot, it allows for a simple and concise definition of both the transition function and the other characteristics of the cellular automaton definition. Moreover, it allows for both sequential and parallel execution, both on CPUs and GPUs (thanks to the adoption of the OpenMP and OpenCL APIs, respectively), hiding most parallel implementation issues to the user.

The library has been tested on both CPUs anf GPUs by considering different Cellular Automata, including the well known Conway’s Game of Life and the SciddicaT XCA debris flows simulation model. Results have demonstrated the goodness the library both in terms of usability and performance.

In the present release 1.0 of the library, 2D and 3D cellular automata can be defined[1]. The library also offers diverse facilities (e.g. it provides many pre-defined cell’s neighborhoods), allows to explicate the simulation main cycle and provides a built in optimization algorithm to speed up your simulation. Moreover, OpenCAL offers you a built in interactive 2D/3D visualization system you can use to graphically represent step by step your simulation based. The visualization system was developed in OpenGL Compatibility Profile, thus is able to run everywhere, also on old workstations.

The present manual reports the main usage of the OpenCAL library related to the sequential, OpenMP and OpenCL versions, the library installation procedure, besides diverse examples of application. In particular, Chapter [ch:installation] deals with OpenCAL download and installation, while Chapter [ch:CA] introduce you to the CA and XCA computational paradigms. If you already know theese topics, you can skip this Chapter. Chapter [ch:opencal] is about serial CA and XCA development with OpenCAL, and introduce the different library features by examples. Chapter [ch:opencal-omp] is about the OpenMP-based parallel version of OpenCAL and also introduces the library by examples. Chapter [ch:opencal-cl] briefly introduces you to General Purpose GPU programmin with OpenCL and then presents you the OpenCL-based version of OpenCAL, still by examples. OpenCAL-GL, whihch is the name that identifies the OpenGL visualization system built into OpenCAL, is introduced at the end of each of the above Chapters, together with computational performaces of some of the implemented CA. Eventually, Chapter [ch:utility] ends this user guide by presenting you some usefull library features that weren’t presented previously, like reduction functions.

Quick Start


The 1.0 release of OpenCAL, here presented, is a collection of four different software libraries. Under the name OpenCAL we identify the serial version of the library. It comes together with two different parallel implementations based on OpenMP and OpenCL, namely OpenCAL-OMP and OpenCAL-CL, respectively. Moreover, OpenCAL-GL identifies a general purpose OpenGL/GLUT visualization library. Many examples are also included into the distribution.

The library can be obtained as source code from GitHub to be compiled in your system. You can chose if compiling all the four different implementations or only some of them, and also if compling the examples. Some dependencies must be satisfied, depending on what you want to compile. Libraries can be compiled both statically (as .lib files) and as shared objects (as .so files). Eventually, you can install headers and libraries in your system and also uninstall them if no longer needed.

In the following Sections we will see all the steps needed to obtain the software and make it working on your computer.

Requirements and dependencies

In order to compile OpenCAL, you essentially need CMake (version 2.8 or greater) and an ANSI C compiler (e.g. gcc 4.9 or greater[2]) installed in your system. CMake is used to generate the makefiles (or even project files for several IDEs) to be used to build OpenCAL.

An OpenCL implementation (e.g. by NVIDIA, AMD, Intel) is also needed to compile OpenCAL-CL. Moreover, still to compile OpenCAL-CL, at least the 3.1 version of CMake is required. Eventually, a GLUT development library is needed to compile OpenCAL-GL. The following is a dependencies list for each of the above software libraries:

CMake version 2.8 or grater, and a quite new C compiler.

A C compiler supporting at least Open-MP version 2.0[3].

CMake version 3.1 or grater and at least one OpenCL implementation installed in your system[4].

OpenGL/GLUT headers and libraries [5];

Eventually, Doxygen and Graphviz are required to build the software documentation, which provides specific information about library’s data structures and functions.

Obtaining OpenCAL

OpenCAL is available as source code you can downoad from GitHub and build into your own system. We suggest you to download the stable software release at the following GitHub url:

Another (not recommended) option is to dowload the development release. It can be obtained as compressed archive at, or by cloning the Git repository through the following commands:

user@machine:-$ cd <gitwd>
user@machine:-$ git clone
user@machine:-$ cd opencal

Here <gitwd> represents the directory in your file system containing your git respositories. If you don’t have a git working directory, we suggest you to create one.

Structure of the Distribution Directory

The software distribution contains the following files and directories:

OpenCAL Authors list;

OpenCAL -
Core and examples code of the serial implementation;

OpenCAL-CL -
Core and examples code of the Open-CL-based parallel implementation;

OpenCAL-GL -
Graphic OpenGL/GLUT-based visualization system library and examples;

Core and examples code of the Open-MP-based parallel implementation;

CMakeLists.txt -
CMake configuration file; -
Uninstall script;

configure.cmake -
File needed by (i.e. included in) CMakeLists.txt;

The GNU LGPL licence;

Other minor files -
Other minor files can also be included into the distribution.

Generating makfiles

Once you have satisfied all necessary dependencies it is time to generate the makefiles (or the project files or for your development environment) needed to build the software distribution. CMake needs to know two paths for this:

  1. The path to the OpenCAL source tree root directory;

  2. The target path for the generated files and compiled binaries.

If these paths are the same, we are in front of an in-tree build, otherwise of an out-of-tree build. We strongly suggest to do an out-of-tree build. One of several advantages of out-of-tree builds is that you can generate files and compile for different development environments using a single source tree.

To make an out-of-tree build you need to:

  1. Enter the source tree root directory (e.g. <gitwd>/opencal/);

  2. Create a directory for the binaries (e.g. <gitwd>/opencal/build/) and enter into it;

  3. Run CMake using zero or more of the options listed in Table [ch:installation:cmakeoptions] to control which features will be enabled in the compiled library. The current directory is used as target path, while the path provided as an argument is used to find the source tree.

If you want to build everything (serial and parallel libraries, examples and documentation), you can use the following commands:

  user@machine:-$ cd <gitwd>/opencal/
  user@machine:-$ mkdir build && cd build
  user@machine:-$ cmake ../ -DBUILD_OPENCAL_SERIAL=ON \
                            -DBUILD_OPENCAL_OMP=ON \
                            -DBUILD_OPENCAL_CL=ON \
                            -DBUILD_OPENCAL_GL=ON \
                            -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON \
                            -DBUILD_DOCUMENTATION=ON \

Each CMake option corresponds to a target. If you are not interested to some of them, simply switch off the corresponding option. For instace, if you set the ENABLE_SHARED option to OFF (that, indeed, is the default value), generated makefiles will be set to build static libraries (.a files under Linux systems) instead of shared objects (.so files). If you omit a CMake option, the default value will be assumed (cf. Table [ch:installation:cmakeoptions]).

BUILD_OPENCAL_SERIAL & Build the OpenCAL serial version & ON
BUILD_OPENCAL_OMP & Build the OpenCAL-OMP OpenMP parallel version (OpenMP required) & OFF
BUILD_OPENCAL_CL & Build the OpenCAL-CL OpenCL parallel version (OpenCL required) &OFF
BUILD_OPENCAL_GL & Build the OpenCAL-GL visualization library (OpenGL and GLUT required) &OFF
BUILD_EXAMPLES & Build the examples for each OpenCAL version &
BUILD_DOCUMENTATION & Build the HTML based API documentation (Doxygen and Graphviz required) & OFF
ENABLE_SHARED & Controls whether the library should be compiles as shared object (.so). If OFF, static objects (.a) will be produced & OFF

Build and Install/Uninstall

Once makefiles have been produced by CMake, everything is set up and ready for compiling. To build use the following command:

  user@machine:-$ make -jn

where n is the number of cores of your machine you want to use for speeding up the compilation process.

You can install the compiled objects (libraries and examples - if enabled during the CMake configuration), headers and API documentation in the appropriate folders using the following command:

  user@machine:-$ sudo - 
  root@machine:-$ make install

or equivalently, if your user is in the sudoers list

  user@machine:-$ sudo make install

By default, files are installed in ... For instance, under Debian, file are installed in... If you want to change the default settings...


If you want to uninstall OpenCAL for some reason, you can simply enter the build directory and call make with the uninstall target, as in the following:

  user@machine:-$ sudo make uninstall

Web Page and Bug Reporting

The Web page for OpenCAL is at and contains up-to-date news and a list of bug reports. OpenCAL’s GitHub homepage is at For further information or bug reports contact or use the submit an issue at the following url

When reporting a bug, please include as much information and documentation as possible. Helpful information would include OpenCAL version, OpenMP/OpenCL implementation and version used, configuration options, type of computer system, problem description, and error message output.

Cellular Automata

Cellular Automata (CA) are parallel computing models, whose evolution is ruled by local rules. They are largely employed in Science and Engineering for a wide range of problems, especially when classic methods (e.g., based on differential equations) can not be conveniently applied. In this Chapter, CA are briefly introduced, together with a recent extension of them, known as eXtended Cellular Automata (XCA), which are widely used for the modelling of physical extended systems.

Informal Definition of Cellular Automata

A cellular automaton can be thought as a d-dimensional space, called cellular space, subdivided in regular cells of uniform shape and size. Each cell embeds a finite automaton, one of the most simple and well known computational models, which can assume a finite number of states. At time t = 0, cells are in arbitrary states and the CA evolves step by step by changing the states of the cells at discrete time steps, by applying the same local rule of evolution, i.e. the cell’s transition function, simultaneously (i.e. in parallel) to each cell of the CA. Input for the cell is given by the states of a predefined (small) set of neighboring cells, which is assumed constant in space and time. It is possible to identify an informal definition of cellular automaton by simply listing its main properties:

  • It is formed by a d-dimensional space (i.e. the cellular space), partitioned into cells of uniform shape and size (e.g. triangles, squares, hexagons, cubes, etc. - see Figure [fig:cellularspaces]);

  • The number of cell’s states is finite;

  • The evolution occurs through discrete steps;

  • Each cell changes state simultaneously to each other (i.e. they change state concurrently, in parallel) thanks to the application of the cell’s transition function;

  • The cell’s state transition depends on the states of a set of neighboring cells;

  • The evolving cell is called central cell and can belong to its neighbourhood;

  • The neighboring relationship is local, uniform and invariant over time (see Figures [fig:1Dneighborhood] and [fig:2Dneighborhood] for examples of 1D and 2D neighborhoods, respectively).

Example of cellular spaces: (a) one-dimensional, (b) two-dimensional with square cells, (c) two-dimensional with hexagonal cells, (d) three-dimensional with cubic cells.

Examples of von Neumann (a) and Moore (b) neighboroods for two-dimensional CA with square cells. Examples of (Moore) neighborhoods are also shows for hexagonal CA, both for the cases of horizontal (c) and vertical (d) cells orientation. Central cell is represented in dark gray, while adjacent cells are in light gray. Note that the central cell can optionally belong to its own neighborhood.

Despite their simple definition, CA can exhibit very interesting complex global behaviors. Moreover, from a computational point of view, they are equivalent to Turing Machines. This means, in principle, that everything that can be computed can also be by means of a cellular automaton (Church–Turing thesis). Thanks to their computational universality, CA gained a great consideration inside the Scientific Community and were employed for solving a great variety of different complex problems.

Formal Definition of Cellular Automata

Cellular Automata are formally defined as a quadruple:

A = <R, X, Q, σ>


  • R = {i = (i0, i1, ....,id − 1) | ik ∈ ℤ  ∀k = 0, 1, ..., d − 1} is the set of points, with integer coordinates, which defines the d-dimensional cellular space;

  • X = {ξ0, ξ1 ...ξm − 1} is the finite set of m d-dimensional vectors ξj = {ξj0, ξj1, ...ξjd − 1} that define the set N(X, i)={i + ξ0, i + ξ1, ..., i + ξm − 1} of coordinates of cells belonging the the central cell’s neighborhood (i.e. the cell with coordinates i = (i1, i2, In other words, X represents the geometrical pattern that specifies the neighbourhood relationship;

  • Q is the finite set of states of the cell;

  • σ : Qm → Q is the cell’s transition function.

Some Applications of Cellular Automata

CA are particularly suited to model and simulate classes of complex systems characterized by a large number of interacting elementary components. The assumption that if a system behaviour is complex, the model that describes it must necessarily be of the same complexity is replaced by the idea that its behavior can be described, at least in some cases, in very simple terms.

Among different fields, fluid-dynamics is one of most important applications for CA and, in this research branch, many different CA-based methods can be found in the literature to simulate fluid flows. For instance, Lattice Gas Automata (LGA) were introduced for describing the motion and collision of particles on a grid and it was shown that such models can reproduce the main fluid dynamical properties. The continuum limit of these models leads to the Navier-Stokes equations. Lattice Gas models can be regarded as microscopic models, as they describe the motion of fluid particles which interact by scattering. An advantage of Lattice Gas models is that the simplicity of particles, and of their interactions, allow for the simulation of a large number of them, making it therefore possible to observe the emergence of flow patterns. Furthermore, since they are CA systems, it is possible to easily run simulations in parallel. A different approach to LGA is represented by Lattice Boltzmann models in which the state variables can take continuous values, as they are supposed to represent the density of fluid particles, endowed with certain properties, located in each cell (space and time are also discrete, as in lattice gas models). Both Lattice Gas and Lattice Boltzmann Models have been applied for the description of fluid turbulence.

Since many complex natural phenomena evolve on very large areas, they are therefore difficult to be modelled at a microscopic level of description. Among these, we can find some real flow-type phenomena like debris and lava flows, as well as floods and pyroclastic flows. Besides rheological complex behaviour, they generally evolve on complex topographies, that can even change during the phenomenon evolution, and are often characterised by branching and rejoining of the flow. In order to better model such kind of phenomena, an extended notion of Cellular Automata (eXtended Cellular Automata, described in the next Section), can represent a valid alternative to classical CA.

eXtended Cellular Automata

As regards the modeling of natural complex phenomena, Prof. Gino ‘Miracle Crisci’ and co-workers from University of Calabria (Italy) proposed a method based on an eXtended notion of CA (XCA), firstly applied to the simulation of basaltic lava flows in the 80’s[6]. It was shown that the approach behind XCA can greatly make more straightforward the modeling of some complex systems.

Informally, XCA, compared to classical CA, are different because of the following reasons:

  • The cell’s state is decomposed in substates, each of them representing the set of admissible values of a given characteristic assumed to be relevant for the modeled system and its evolution (e.g., lava temperature, lava thickness, etc, in the case of ca lava flow model). The set of states for the cell is simply obtained as the Cartesian product of the considered substates.

  • As the cell’s state can be decomposed in substates, also the transition function can be split into elementary processes, each of them representing a particular aspect that rules the dynamic of the considered phenomenon. In turn, elementary processes can be split into local interactions, which refer to rules that deal with interactions among substates of the cell with neighbor ones (e.g., mass exchange with neighbours) and internal transformations, defined as the changes in the values of the substates due only to interactions among substates inside the cell (e.g. the solidi¢cation of the lava inside the cell due to the substate ‘lava temperature’).

  • A set of parameters, commonly used to characterize the dynamic behaviors of the considered phenomenon, can be defined.

  • Global operations can also be allowed (e.g. to model external influences that can not easily be described in terms of local interactions, or to perform reductions over the whole, or a subset of, the cellular space). Such operations go under the name of steering.

Formal Definition of eXtended Cellular Automata

Formally, a XCA is defined as a 7-tuple:

A = <R, X, Q, P, σ, Γ, γ>


  • R is the d-dimensional cellular space.

  • X is the geometrical pattern that specifies the neighbourhood relationship; m = |X| represent the number of elements in the set X, i.e. the number of neighbors for the central cell.

  • Q = Q0 × Q1 × ....×Qn − 1 is the set of cell’s states, expressed as Cartesian product of the n considered substates Q0 × Q1 × ....×Qn − 1.

  • P = p0, p1, ....,pp − 1 is the set of CA parameters.They can allow a fine tuning of the XCA model, with the purpose of reproducing different dynamical behaviours of the phenomenon of interest.

  • σ : Qm → Q is the cell’s transition function. It is splitted in s elementary processes, σ0, σ1, ..., σs − 1, each one describing a particular aspect ruling the dynamic of the considered system.

  • Γ ⊆ R is the region over which the steering function is applied.

  • γ : Q|Γ| → Q|Γ| × ℝ is the (global) steering functions.

In the next Chapters, some examples of XCA will be presented. Their implementations in OpenCAL will also be described, both in serial (Chapter [ch:opencal]) and in parallel (Chapters [ch:opencal-omp] and [ch:opencal-cl]).


With OpenCAL (without any suffix) we identify the sequential version of the OpenCAL software library, which runs on just a single core of your CPU, and represents the basis for the other parallel versions, namely OpenCAL-OMP, based on OpenMP, and OpenCAL-CL, based on OpenCL (and thus able to run on GPUs). Moreover, OpenCAL allows for some unsafe operations, which can significantly speed up your application. Such unsafe operations can also be found in the OpenMP version, while they are not currently available in OpenCAL-CL.

In the following sections, we will introduce OpenCAL by examples. In the first part of the Chapter, we will deal with the OpenCAL’s safe mode, while in the last one, we will go deep inside OpenCAL, discussing unsafe mode operations.

Conway’s Game of Life

In order to introduce you to Cellular Automata development with OpenCAL, we start this section by implementing the Conway’s Game of Life. It represents one of the most simple, yet powerful examples of Cellular Automata, devised by mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970.

The Game of Life can be thought as an infinite two-dimensional orthogonal grid of square cells, each of which is in one of two possible states, dead or alive. Every cell interacts with the eight adjacent neighbors [7] belonging to the Moore neighborhood. At each time step, one of the following transitions occur:

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two alive neighbors dies, as if by loneliness.

  2. Any live cell with more than three alive neighbors dies, as if by overcrowding.

  3. Any live cell with two or three alive neighbors lives, unchanged, to the next generation.

  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors comes to life.

The initial configuration of the system specifies the state (dead or alive) of each cell into the cellular space. The evolution of the system is thus obtained by applying the above rules (which define the cell’s transition function) simultaneously to every cell in the cellular space, so that each new configuration is function of the one at the previous step. The rules continue to be applied repeatedly to create further generations. For more details on the Game of Life, please check Wikipedia at the URL's_Game_of_Life.

OpenCAL’s 2D cellular space and Moore neighborhood. Cells are individuated by a couple of matrix-style integer coordinates (i, j), where i represents the row and j the column. Cell (0,0) is the one located at the upper-left corner. Moore neighborhood is represented in gray scale, with the central cell highlighted in dark gray. Neighboring cells can also be indexed by the integer subscript shown within the cell. Cells indices are implicitly assigned by OpenCAL, both in the case of predefined and custom neighborhoods. In the first case, indices can not be modified, while in the second case, indices are assigned progressively in an automatic way each time a new neighbor is added to the CA by means of the calAddNeighbor2D() function.

The formal definition of the Life CA is reported below.

Lif**e = <R, X, Q, σ>


  • R is the set of points, with integer coordinates, which defines the 2-dimensional cellular space. The generic cell in R is individuated by means of a couple of integer coordinates (i, j), where 0 ≤ i < imax and 0 ≤ j < jmax. The first coordinate, i, represents the row, while the second, j, the column. The cell at coordinates (0, 0) is located at the top-left corner of the computational grid (cf. Figure [fig:LifeNeighborhood]).

  • X = {(0, 0),(−1, 0),(0, −1),(0, 1),(1, 0),(−1, −1),(1, −1),(1, 1),(−1, 1)} is the Moore neighborhood relation, a geometrical pattern which identifies the cells influencing the state transition of the central cell. The neighborhood of the generic cell of coordinate (i, j) is given by N(X, (i, j))= ={(i, j)+(0, 0),(i, j)+(−1, 0),…,(i, j)+(−1, 1)}= ={(i, j),(i − 1, j),…,(i − 1, j + 1)} Here, a subscript operator can be used to index cells belonging to the neighbourhood. Let |X| be the number of elements in X, and n ∈ ℕ, 0 ≤ n < |X|; the notation

    N(X, (i, j),n)

    represents the nt**h neighbourhood of the cell (i, j). Thereby, N(X, (i, j),0)=(i, j), i.e. the central cell, N(X, (i, j),1)=(i − 1, j), i.e. the first neighbour, and so on (cf. Figure [fig:LifeNeighborhood]).

  • Q = {0, 1} is the set of cell’s states.

  • σ : Q9 → Q is the deterministic cell transition function. It is composed by one elementary process, which implements the previously above mentioned transition rules.

The program below shows a simple Game of Life sequential implementation in C with OpenCAL. As you can see, even if Listing [lst:cal_life] is very short, it completely defines the Conway’s Game of Life CA and performs a simulation (actually, only one computational step in this example).

In order to use OpenCAL, you need to include some header files (lines 3-5). Specifically, cal2D.h (line 3) allows you to define the CA object (line 9) and the related substate (line 10), while cal2DRun.h (line 5) allows you to define a CA simulation object (line 11), needed to run the CA model. The cal2DIO.h header file (line 4) provides you some basic input/output functions for reading/writing substates from/to file.

While statements at lines 9-11 just declare the required objects, they are defined later in the main function. In particular, the life CA object is defined at line 29 by the calCADef2D() function. The first 2 parameters define the CA dimensions (the number of rows and columns, respectively), while the third parameter defines the neighbourhood pattern. Here, the predefined Moore neighborhood is selected (cf. Figure [fig:LifeNeighborhood]), among those provided by OpenCAL. See Listings [lst:CALNeighborhood2D] and [lst:CALNeighborhood3D] for a list of OpenCAL’s predefined 2D and 3D neighborhoods, respectively. Custom neighborhoods can also be defined by means of the calAddNeighbor2D() function. In both cases, indices are assigned progressively, starting from 0, each time a new cell is added to the neighborhood.

The fourth parameter specifies the boundary conditions. In this case, the CA cellular space is considered as a torus, with cyclic conditions at boundaries. The last parameter allows you to specify if your model has to use the so called active cells optimization, that is able to restrict the computation to only non-stationary cells. In this case, no optimization is considered.

  struct CALModel2D* calCADef2D (
    int rows,
    int columns,
    enum CALNeighborhood2D CAL_NEIGHBORHOOD_2D,
    enum CALSpaceBoundaryCondition CAL_TOROIDALITY,
    enum CALOptimization CAL_OPTIMIZATION

The complete definition of calCADef2D() is provided in Listing [lst:calCADef2D], here reported together with few other OpenCAL key functions and data types. In particular, the CALNeighborhood2D enum type (Listing [lst:CALNeighborhood2D]) allows you to select one of the square or hexagonal predefined neighbourhoods, or a custom neighbourhood, whose pattern must be defined in the application. In particular, CAL_VON_NEUMANN_NEIGHBORHOOD_2D corresponds to the von Neumann neighbouring pattern, CAL_MOORE_NEIGHBORHOOD_2D to the Moore neighbouring pattern, CAL_HEXAGONAL_NEIGHBORHOOD_2D to the hexagonal neighbouring pattern, and CAL_HEXAGONAL_NEIGHBORHOOD_ALT_2D to the alternative hexagonal neighbouring pattern (cf. Figure [fig:2Dneighborhood], Section [sec:CAInformaDef]). As regards 3D neighbourhoods patterns, they are defined by means of the CALNeighborhood3D enum type (Listing [lst:CALNeighborhood3D]). Here, we can find the 3D equivalent versions of the von Neumann and Moore neighbourhoods, while hexagonal neighbourhoods are (obviously) not defined. Custom neighbourhoods will be discussed later in Section [sec:CustomNeiughbourhoods]. Similarly, the CALSpaceBoundaryCondition enum type (Listing [lst:CALSpaceBoundaryCondition]) allows you to set cyclicality condition at boundaries. Eventually, the CALOptimization enum type (Listing [lst:CALOptimization]) allows you to consider the active cells optimization, discussed later in this Chapter.

  enum CALNeighborhood2D { 

  enum CALNeighborhood3D {

  enum CALSpaceBoundaryCondition{
    CAL_SPACE_FLAT = 0,         

  enum CALOptimization{
    CAL_NO_OPT = 0,

The CA simulation object is defined at line 30 by the calRunDef2D() function. The first parameter is a pointer to a CA object (life in our case), while the second and third parameters specify the initial and last simulation step, respectively. In this case, we just perform one step of computation, being both the first and last step set to 1. The last parameter allows you to specify the substate update policy. It can be implicit or explicit (Listing [lst:CALUpdateMode]). In the first case, OpenCAL does substates’ updates for you, while in the second case the substates’ updates is your responsibility. Note that, in case implicit update policy is applyied, all the CA substates are updated after the execution of each elementary process composing the CA transition function. We will discuss update policies later in this Chapter. The complete definition of calRunDef2D() is provided in Listing [lst:calRunDef2D()]. The CALUpdateMode type (Listing [lst:CALUpdateMode]) enumerates possible update policies.

  struct CALRun2D* calRunDef2D (
    struct CALModel2D* ca2D,
    int initial_step,
    int final_step,
    enum CALUpdateMode UPDATE_MODE

  enum CALUpdateMode {

Line 33 allocates memory and registers the Q substate to the life CA, while line 36 adds an elementary process to the cell transition function. The calAddSubstate2Di() function is very simple and self-explanatory. At the contrary, calAddElementaryProcess2D() must be discussed more in detail. It takes the handle to the CA model to which the elementary process must be attached and a pointer to a callback function, that defines the elementary process itself. In our example, we specified life_transition_function as second parameter, being it the name of a developer-defined function that you can find at lines 14-24. As you can see, the elementary process callback returns void. Moreover, it takes a pointer to a CA object as first parameter, followeb by a couple of integers, representing the coordinates of the generic cell in the CA space. This is the function prototype which is common to each elementary process. Note that, each elementary process is applyed by OpenCAL simultaneously to each cell of the cellular space in a computational step [8]. However, this is completely transparent to the user, so that he/she can concentrate his/her effort on the definition of single cell behaviour.

When the user is going to implement an elementary process, by defining its callback function, he/she can rely on a set of OpenCAL functions that allow to get the substates values of both the central and the neighbouring cells, and to update the substates values of the central cell. In the specific case of the Game of Life, we used the calGet2Di() function to get the central cell’s value of the substate Q (remember that the central cell is identified by the coordinates (i, j), coming from the callback parameters), the calGetX2Di() function to get the value of the n-th neighbour’s substate Q, and the calSet2Di() function to update the value of the substate Q for the central cell. In the Game of Life example, we defined just one elementary process, that therefore represents the whole cell transition function. However, as we will see later, many elementary processes can be defined in OpenCAL by simply calling the calAddElementaryProcess2D() function many times. If you define more than one elementary process, they will be executed in the order they are added to the CA.

The calInitSubstate2Di() function at line 39 sets the whole substate Q to the value 0, i.e. the value of the substate Q is set to 0 in each cell of the cellular space. The following lines, from 42 to 46, set the value of the substate Q for some cells to 1, in order to define a well known glider pattern. In this case, we provided the cells coordinates as the third and fourth parameters. In this way, we define the initial condition of the system direcly inside the main function. However, as we will see later in this Chapter, such kind of initialization can be performed by means of a specific function.

The calSaveSubstate2Di() function (line 49) saves the substate Q to file, while the calRun2D() function (line 52) enters the simulation loop (actually, only one computational step in this example), and returns to the main function when the simulation is complete. The calSaveSubstate2Di() is thus called again at line 55 to save the new (last) configuration of the CA (represented by the only defined substate Q) to file, while the last two functions at lines 58 and 59 release previously allocated memory. The return statement at line 61 ends our first example.

Figures [fig:life_0000] and [fig:life_LAST] show the initial and final configuration of Game of Life as implemented in Listing [lst:cal_life], respectively.

Initial configuration of Game of Life, as implemented in Listing [lst:cal_life].

Final configuration of Game of Life (actually, just one step of computation), as implemented in Listing [lst:cal_life].

OpenCAL statement convention

As you can easily see from a rapid sight to the source code, all the OpenCAL statements are characterized by a prefix and a suffix. All the data types have the CAL prefix, and an optional suffix that identifies the CA dimension (e.g. 2D for a two-dimensional model) and the basic type. For instance, in the case of the Life’s Q substate, the 2Di suffix of the CALSubstate2Di type specifies that it is a two-dimensional substate in which each element is of integer type.

More in detail, OpenCAL comes with three different basic numeric types, which are in lowercase (besides the prefix):

  • CALbyte, corresponding to the char C data type;

  • CALint, corresponding to the int C data type;

  • CALreal, corresponding to the long double C data type;

while the possible substates types are:

  • CALSubstate2Db, corresponding to a CALbyte based substate;

  • CALSubstate2Di, corresponding to a CALint based substate;

  • CALSubstate2Dr, corresponding to a CALreal based substate.

Also the OpenCAL constants have a prefix, namely the CAL_ one, followd by at least one uppercase keyword. In case of more kewords, they are separated by the _ character. Eventually, all the OpenCAL functions start with the cal suffix, followed by at least one capitalized keyword, and end with a suffix specifying the CA dimension and the basic datatype (e.g. the suffix 2Dr is for a two-dimensionale real substate).

Custom Neighbourhoods

In the Game of Life example, we used the predefined Moore neighbourhood. As you already know, OpenCAL also provides other 2D and 3D predefined neighbourhoods. Furthermore, it allows for the definition of custom neighbourhood patterns (cf. Listings [lst:CALNeighborhood2D] and [lst:CALNeighborhood3D]).

  struct CALCell2D*  calAddNeighbor2D(
      struct CALModel2D* ca2D,          // pointer to a 2D CA object
      int i,                            // row coordinate
      int j                             // column coordinate

  struct CALCell3D*  calAddNeighbor3D(
      struct CALModel3D* ca3D,          // pointer to a 3D CA object
      int i,                            // row coordinate
      int j,                            // column coordinate
      int k                             // slice coordinate

In order to define a custom neighbourhood pattern, you need to specify CAL_CUSTOM_NEIGHBORHOOD_2D (or CAL_CUSTOM_NEIGHBORHOOD_3D in case of a 3D CA) as the third parameter of the calCADef2D() function (calCADef3D() for a 3D CA) (cf. Listing [lst:calAddNeighbor2D-3D]). Doing this, you will start with an empty neighbouring pattern. Then call the calAddNeighbor2D() (calAddNeighbor3D() for 3D CA) function to add a cell to the pattern.

  // ...
  int main ()
    // define of the life CA and life_simulation simulation objects
    //add neighbors of the Moore neighborhood
    calAddNeighbor2D(life,   0,   0); // neighbor 0 (central cell)
    calAddNeighbor2D(life, - 1,   0); // neighbor 1
    calAddNeighbor2D(life,   0, - 1); // neighbor 2
    calAddNeighbor2D(life,   0, + 1); // neighbor 3
    calAddNeighbor2D(life, + 1,   0); // neighbor 4
    calAddNeighbor2D(life, - 1, - 1); // neighbor 5
    calAddNeighbor2D(life, + 1, - 1); // neighbor 6
    calAddNeighbor2D(life, + 1, + 1); // neighbor 7
    calAddNeighbor2D(life, - 1, + 1); // neighbor 8


Listing [lst:CustomMooreExample] shows an example of how a custom neighbourhood pattern can be built for the Game of Life CA described above. In particular, the Moore neighburhood is built by using a sequence of nine calls to the calAddNeighbor2D() function. The first time the function is called, it adds the relative coordinates (0,0) to the neighbouring pattern. This first set of coordinates recerives the subscript identifier 0 and therefore can be used later to refer the central cell. For instance, when you call calSet2Di(life,Q,i,j,0); (see e.g. line 23, Listing [lst:cal_life]), the relative coordinates of the neighbor 0 (specified as last parameters), i.e. (0,0), are added to the coordinates of the cells the elementary process is applying to, i.e. (i,j) (cf. second and third to last parameters), by obtaining the cell (i,j) itself, which correspond to the central cell by definition. The subsequent calls to calAddNeighbor2D() add further couples of coordinates to the neighbouring pattern, by progressively assigning an integer subscript identifier to each of them.

Eventually, note that you are free to start from a predefined neighbourhood. For instance, let still consider the above Game of Life example; you can enrich the Moore neighbourhood pattern by simply specifying the value CAL_MOORE_NEIGHBORHOOD_2D as parameter for the calCADef2D function) and then add further neighbours by calling calAddNeighbor2D() as meny times the as the number of cells you want to add is.


In the previous section we illustrated an OpenCAL implementation of a simple cellular automaton, namely the Conway’s Game of Life. Here, we will deal with a more complex example concerning the implementations of the SciddicaT Cellular Automata model for landslide simulation. Different versions will be presented, ranging from a naive to a fully optimized implementation.

Sciddica is a family of two-dimensional XCA (eXtended Cellular Automata

  • see Chapter [ch:CA]) debris flow models, successfully applied to the simulation of many real cases, such as the 1988 Mt. Ontake (Japan) landslide and the 1998 Sarno (Italy) disaster. An oversimplified toy-version of Sciddica (SciddicaT in the following) was here considered to be implemented in OpenCAL, and its application to the 1992 Tessina (Italy) landslide shown.

SciddicaT considers the surface over which the phenomenon evolves as subdivided in square cells of uniform size. Each cell changes its state by means of the transition function, which takes as input the state of the cells belonging to the von Neumann neighborhood. It is formally defined as:

SciddicaT = <R, X, Q, P, σ>


  • R is the set of points, with integer coordinates, which defines the 2-dimensional cellular space over which the phenomenon evolves. The generic cell in R is individuated by means of a couple of integer coordinates (i, j), where 0 ≤ i < imax and 0 ≤ j < jmax. The firt coordinate, i, represents the row, while the second, j, the column. The cell at coodinates (0, 0) is located at the top-left corner of the computational grid.

  • X = {(0, 0),(−1, 0),(0, −1),(0, 1),(1, 0)} is the von Neumann neighborhood relation (cf. Figure [fig:2Dneighborhood]), a geometrical pattern which identifies the cells influencing the state transition of the central cell. The neighborhood of the generic cell of coordinate (i, j) is given by N(X, (i, j))= ={(i, j)+(0, 0),(i, j)+(−1, 0),(i, j)+(0, −1),(i, j)+(0, 1),(i, j)+(1, 0)}= ={(i, j),(i − 1, j),(i, j − 1),(i, j + 1),(i + 1, j)}

    Here, a subscript operator can be used to index cells belonging to the neighbourhood. Let |X| be the number of elements in X, and n ∈ ℕ, 0 ≤ n < |X|; the notation

    N(X, (i, j),n)

    represents the nt**h neighbourhood of the cell (i, j). Thereby, N(X, (i, j),0)=(i, j), i.e. the central cell, N(X, (i, j),1)=(i − 1, j), i.e. the first neighbour, and so on.

  • Q is the set of cell states. It is subdivided in the following substates:

    • Qz is the set of values representing the topographic altitude (i.e. elevation);

    • Qh is the set of values representing the debris thickness;

    • Qo4 are the sets of values representing the debris outflows from the central cell to the neighboring ones.

    The Cartesian product of the substates defines the overall set of state Q:

    Q = Qz × Qh × Qo4 so that the cell state is specified by the following sixtuple:

    q = (qz, qh, qo0, qo1, qo2, qo3) In particular, qo0 represents the outflows from the central cell towards the neighbour 1, qo1 the outflow towards the neighbour 2, and so on.

  • P is set of parameters ruling the CA dynamics:

    • pϵ is the parameter which specifies the thickness of the debris that cannot leave the cell due to the effect of adherence;

    • pr is the relaxation rate parameter, which affects the size of outflows (cf. section above).

  • $\sigma : Q^5 \shortrightarrow Q$ is the deterministic cell transition function. It is composed by two elementary processes, listed below in the same order they are applied:

    • $\sigma_1 : (Q_z \times Q_h)^5 \times p_\epsilon \times p_r\shortrightarrow Q_o^4$ determines the outflows from the central cell to the neighboring ones by applying the minimization algorithm of the differences. In brief, a preliminary control avoids outflows computation for those cells in which the amount of debris is smaller or equal to pϵ, acting as a simplification of the adherence effect. Thus, by means of the minimization algorithm, outflows qo(0, m) (m = 0, …, 3) from the central cell towards its four adjecent cells are evaluated, and the Qo4 substates accordingly updated. Note that, qo(0, 0) represents the aoutflow from the central cell towards the neighbour 1, qo(0, 1) the aoutflow towards the neighbour 2, and so on. In general, qo(0, m) represnets the outflows from the central cell towards the n = (m + 1)t**h neighbouring cell. Eventually, a relaxation rate factor, pr ∈  ]0, 1], is considered in order to obtain the local equilibrium condition in more than one CA step. This can significantly improve the realism of model as, in general, more than one step may be needed to displace the proper amount of debris from a cell towards the adjacent ones. In this case, if f(0, m) (i = 0, …, 3) represent the outgoing flows towards the 4 adjacent cells, as computed by the minimization algorithm, the resulting outflows are given by qo(0, m)=f(0, m)⋅pr (i = 0, …, 3).

    • $\sigma_2: Q_h \times (Q_o^4)^4 \shortrightarrow Q_h$ determines the value of debris thickness inside the cell by considering mass exchange in the cell neighborhood: $h'(0) = h(0) + \sum_{m=0}^3 (q_o(0,m) - q_o(m,0))$. Here, h′(0) is the new debris thickness inside the cell, while qo(m, 0) represents the inflow from the n = (m + 1)t**h neighbouring cell. No parameters are involved in this elementary process.

In the following Listing [lst:cal_sciddicaT], an OpenCAL implementation of SciddicaT is shown.

As for the case of Game of Life, the CA model and the simulation objects are declared as global variables (lines 22 and 35, respectively), and defined later into the main function (lines 147 and 148, respevctively). As you can see, the 2D cellular space is a grid of ROWS rows times COLS columns cells, corresponding to imax and jmax of the formal definition, respectively (cf. lines 10-11), while the von Neumann neighbourhood is adopted. The cellular space is still toroidal, as in Life, and no optimization is considered. Regarding the simulation object, a total of STEPS steps (i.e. 4000 steps - cf. line 14) are set, and implicit substates updating considered.

Substates and parameters are grouped into two different C structures (lines 24-28 and 30-33, respectively). Substates are therefore bound to the CA context by means of the calAddSubstate2Dr() function (lines 155-160), as well as elementary processes are defined as collback functions by means of the calAddElementaryProcess2D() function (lines 151-152).

The topographic altitude and debris thickness substates are initialized from files through the calLoadSubstate2Dr() function (lines 163-164), while the remaining initial state of the CA is set by means of the calRunAddInitFunc2D() function. It registers the sciddicaT_simulation_init() callback, whic is executed once before the execution of the simulation loop, in which the elementary processes are applied to the whole set of cells of the cellular space. Such a callback function must return void and take a pointer to a simulation obect as parameter. Differently to an elementary process, that can only access state values of cells belonging to the neighbourhood, this function can perform global operations on the whole cellular space. In the specific case of the SciddicaT model, the sciddicaT_simulation_init() function (lines 104-130) sets the values of all the outflows from the central cell to its neighbours to zero, by means of the function calInitSubstate2Dr() (lines 110-113). Moreover, it sets the values of the P.r and P.epsilon parameters (lines 116-117) and initializes the debris flow source by simply subtracting the source’s debris thickness to the topographic altitude. For this purpose, a nested double for is executed to check the debris thickness in each cell of the cellular space. Here, the sciddicaT->rows and sciddicaT->cols members of the CA object are used, which represent the cellular spece’s numbers of rows and columns, respectively. Still, the calGet2Dr() and calSet2Dr() functions are here employed to read/update substates’ values inside the cells.

Line 168 defines a steering callback by the calRunAddSteeringFunc2D() function. Steering is executed at the end of each computational step (i.e. after all the elementary processe have been applied to each cell of the cellular space), and can perform global operations over the cellular space. In this case, the sciddicaT_simulation_init() callback is registered; it must return void and takes a pointer to a simulation object as function parameter. It simply reset (to zero) the outflows everywere through the calInitSubstate2Dr() function.

The function calRun2D() (line 171) enters the OpenCAL simulation loop, which exectues a totoal of 4000 steps (cf. lines 14 and 148). Eventually, the final debris flow path is saved to file by means of the calSaveSubstate2Dr() function (line 176) and previously allocated memery is released (lines 179-180).

As regards the elementary processes, the first one, σ1, is defined at lines 38-88, while the second, σ2, at lines 91-101. In both cases, the calGet2Dr() calGetX2Dr() functions are employed to get substes’ values for the central cell and its neighbours, respectively. Moreover, the calSet2Dr() function, updates the central cell’s state.

Figure [fig:sciddicaT] shows the SciddicaT simulation of the 1992 Tessina (Italy) landslide. Both the initial landslide source and the final flow path configruation are shown.

SciddicaT simulation of the 1992 Tessina (Italy) landslide. Topographic altitudes are represented in gray scale. Black represents the lower altitude, while the white color is used for the highest elevation in the study area. Debris thickness is represented with colours ranging from red (for lower values) to yellow (for higher values). (a) Initial configuration. (b) Final debris flow path. Note that the graphic output was generated by using the cal_sciddicaT-glut application, that implements the SciddicaT model and provides a minimal visualization system. You can find it in the examples directoy.

As regards computational preformace, the simulation shown in Figure [fig:sciddicaT] was executed on a Intel Core i7-4702HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz by exploiting only a single core. The simulation lasted a total of 172 seconds for executing a total of 4000 compuational steps.

Figure [fig:opencal_main_loop] shows the OpenCAL main loop. Before entering the loop, if defined, the init function is executed. Afterwards, while the current step is lower or equal to the final step of computation (or this latter is set to CAL_RUN_LOOP), elementary processes are executed concurrently[9]. In this cycle, substates are updated after each elementary process has been applyed, while just before the end of the computational step, if defined, the steering function is executed. At the end of the computational step, a stop condition is checked, which can stop the simulation before the last step is reached. In order to define such a stop condition, the user can use the stopCondition() function, which registers a callback in which the stop condition can be defined.

OpenCAL main loop chart.

SciddicaT with active cells optimization

Here we present a computationally improved version of SciddicaT, which takes advantage of the built-in OpenCAL active cells optimization. As stated above, this optimization is able to restrict computation to a subset of cells which are actually involved in computation, by neglecting those cells for which is sure they will not change state to the next step (stationary cells).

In the case of SciddicaT, only cells containing debris and their neighbours can change state to the next step, as they can be interested in mass variation due to outflows and inflows. At the beginning of the simulation, we can simply initialize the set of active cells to those cells containing debris (i.e. those cells forming the initial landslide source). Moreover, we can add to this set new cells or remove some ones from it. Specifically, if an outflow is computed from an active cell towards a neighbouring non-active cell, this latter can be added to the set of active cells and considered for state change by the remaining elementary processes in the current step of computation[10] (if any), or by the next computational step. Similarly, if a given active cell looses a sufficient amount of debris, it can be eliminated from the set of active cells. In the case of SciddicaT, this appens when its thickness becomes lower than or equal to a given threshold (i.e. pϵ).

In order to account for these processes, we have to slightly revise the SciddicaT definition. In particular we have to add the set of active cells, A. The optimized SciddicaT model is now defined as

SciddicaT = <R, A, X, Q, P, σ> where A ⊆ R is the set of active cells, while the other components are defned as before. The transition function is now defined as:

$$\sigma : A \times Q^5 \shortrightarrow Q \times A$$ denoting that it is applied to only the cells in A and that it can add/remove active cells. More in detail, the σ1 elementary process has to be modified, as it can activate new cell. Moreover, a new elementary process, σ3, has to be added in order to remove cells that cannot produce outflows during the next computational step due to the fact that their debris thickness is negligible. The new sequence of elementary processes is listed below, in the same order they are applied.

  • $\sigma_1 : A \times (Q_z \times Q_h)^5 \times p_\epsilon \times p_r \shortrightarrow Q_o^4 \times A$ determines the outflows from the central cell to the neighboring ones, as before. In addition, each time an outflow is computed, the neighbour receiving the flow is added to the set of active cells.

  • $\sigma_2: A \times Q_h \times (Q_o^4)^4 \shortrightarrow Q_h$ determines the value of debris thickness inside the cell by considering mass exchange in the cell neighborhood. This elementary process does not change with respect to the original version of SciddicaT.

  • $\sigma_3: A \times Q_h \times p_\epsilon \shortrightarrow A$ removes a cell from A if its debris thickness is lower than or equal to the pϵ threshold.

In order to implement the SciddicaT debris flows model in OpenCAL by exploiting the active cells optimization, we have to chage the definition of the CA objet, by also adding the third σ3 elementary process. Moreover, the σ1 elementary process has to be changed. A complete implementation of the sactive cells optimized version of SciddicaT is shown in Listing [lst:cal_Sciddicat-activecells] for the sake of completeness, even if only the differences with respect to the original implementation are commented.

As you can easily see, few modifications to the original source code are needed to add the active cells optimization to SciddicaT. In particular, the active cells optimization is enabled by means of the CAL_OPT_ACTIVE_CELLS parameter at line 159, while the third elementary process added at line 165. As regards the elementary processe σ1, it is the same of the one of the basic SciddicaT version, with the exception that when an outflow is generated, the cell receiving the flow is added to the set A of the active cells (line 88). Moreover, an active cell is eliminated by the set A by means of the σ3 elementary process in the case its debris thickness becomes lower than or equal to the pϵ threshold parameter (lines 107-108).

Regarding the computational preformace, the same simulation shown in Figure [fig:sciddicaT] was executed using the new SciddicaT implementation adopting the active cells implementation. Still, only a single core of the Intel Core i7-4702HQ CPU was used, as we did before. The simulation lasted a total of 22 seconds, versus 172 seconds obtained for the basic (non-optimized) version, which is about 8 times faster. This can be condidered a very good result you can easily obtain when your simulation involves only a limited subset of the computational domain.

SciddicaT as eXtended CA

OpenCAL allows for further optimization of the SciddicaT debris flows simulation model by means of the so called unsafe operations. In fact, in some cases, it is possible to consider an extended definition of the computational model, allowing for operations that are not strictly permitted by the formal definition of Cellular Automata. In particular, we will allow the transition function to update the state of the neighbouring cells, while the CA only allows for state change for the central one. When we will permit such a kind of unsafe operations, we are in front of an XCA eXtended Cellular Automata. Obviously, in order to be well defined, the XCA must be equivalent to the original CA model.

An XCA equivalent version of SciddicaT can be obtained by obseving that, when an outflow is computed from the central cell towards a neighbour, the flow can be immediatly subtracted from the central cell and added to the neighbour. This does not change the state of the system at the current step, which is defined by the current computational plane, since updated values are written to the next computational plane. As a result, the current computational plane is not corrupted by the extended operation, and the next plane is used for progressively accounting mass variation inside the cells. By introducing such feature, ouflows don’t need to be saved (e.g. into additional substates) anymore, as they are used to account mass exchange directly during ouflows computation. As you can figure out, this can give rise to a further performace improvement for the application. The SciddicaT XCA model is formally defined as:

SciddicaT = <R, A, X, Q, P, σ>


  • R is the set of points, with integer coordinates, which defines the 2-dimensional cellular space over which the phenomenon evolves. The generic cell in R is individuated by means of a couple of integer coordinates (i, j), where 0 ≤ i < imax and 0 ≤ j < jmax. The firt coordinate, i, represents the row, while the second, j, the column. The cell at coodinates (0, 0) is located at the top-left corner of the computational grid.

  • A ⊆ R is the set of active cells, i.e. those cells actually involved in computation.

  • X = {(0, 0),(−1, 0),(0, −1),(0, 1),(1, 0)} is the von Neumann neighborhood relation (cf. Figure [fig:2Dneighborhood]), a geometrical pattern which identifies the cells influencing the state transition of the central cell. The neighborhood of the generic cell of coordinate (i, j) is given by N(X, (i, j))= ={(i, j)+(0, 0),(i, j)+(−1, 0),(i, j)+(0, −1),(i, j)+(0, 1),(i, j)+(1, 0)}= ={(i, j),(i − 1, j),(i, j − 1),(i, j + 1),(i + 1, j)}

    Here, a subscript operator can be used to index cells belonging to the neighbourhood. Let |X| be the number of elements in X, and n ∈ ℕ, 0 ≤ n < |X|; the notation

    N(X, (i, j),n)

    represents the nt**h neighbourhood of the cell (i, j). Thereby, N(X, (i, j),0)=(i, j), i.e. the central cell, N(X, (i, j),1)=(i − 1, j), i.e. the first neighbour, and so on (cf. Figure [fig:LifeNeighborhood]).

  • Q is the set of cell states; it is subdivided in the following substates:

    • Qz is the set of values representing the topographic altitude (i.e. elevation);

    • Qh is the set of values representing the debris thickness;

    The Cartesian product of the substates defines the overall set of state Q:

    Q = Qz × Qh so that the cell state is specified by:

    q = (qz, qh)

  • P is set of parameters ruling the CA dynamics:

    • pϵ is the parameter which specifies the thickness of the debris that cannot leave the cell due to the effect of adherence;

    • pr is the relaxation rate parameter, which affects the size of outflows (cf. section above).

  • $\sigma : A \times Q^5 \shortrightarrow Q$ is the deterministic cell transition function. It is composed by two elementary processes:

    • $\sigma_1 : A \times (Q_z \times Q_h)^5 \times p_\epsilon \times p_r\shortrightarrow (A \times Q_h)^5$ determines the outflows from the central cell to the neighboring ones and updates debris thickness inside the central cell and its neighbours accordingly. It also adds the neighbouring cells receining a flow to the set A of the active cells.

    • $\sigma_2: A \times Q_h \times p_\epsilon \shortrightarrow A$ removes the cell from the set A of the active cells if the debris thickness inside the cell is lower than or equal to the pϵ threshold.

Note that, only the topographic altitude and the debris thickness are now considered as model’s substates, as the four outflows substates are no longer needed. Moreover, the number of elementary process now considered is two, instead of three for the previous versions of SciddicaT. The OpenCAL implementation of the further optimized SciddicaT debris flows model is shown in Listing [lst:cal_sciddicaT-unsafe].

As you can see, the definitions of CA and simulation objects doesn’t change from the previous implementation (lines 131-132), while only two elementary processes are considered (lines 135-136). In particular, the firt call to calAddElementaryProcess2D() registers the callbak function implementing the σ1 elementary process. It computes outflows from the (active) central cell to its neighbours (line 83) and updates the debris tickness in both the central cell and the neighbouring cell receiving a flow (lines 84-85). Moreover, neighbouring cells receiving a flow are added to the set A of active cells (line 88) and therefore will be considered for elaboration by the subsuequent elementary process (σ2) in the current step of computation[11]. In particular, the calSetX2Dr() unsafe function is used to update the derbis thickess of the neighbouring cells receiving a flow, while the calAddActiveCellX2D() function is used to add a neighbouring cells receiving a flow to the set A of active cells. The σ2 elementary process, simply removes inactive cells from A (lines 95-86), as in the previous example.

Substates are added to the CA at lines 139-140. Here, the first substate, Qz, is added by menas of the calAddSingleLayerSubstate2Dr() function. It is here considered to allocate memory only for the current computing plane. In fact, topographic altitutde only changes at the simulation initialization stage (cf. lines 147 and 117), while it remains inalterated during computation as its value is never updated by the transition function. This allows for memory space allocation optimization and possibly for computational performance improvements. Note that, at line 117 we used the calSetCurrent2Dr() function, instead of the usual calSet2Dr(). The calSetCurrent2Dr() function allows for updating the current computational plane (the only present in the Qz substate), while calSet2Dr() would update the next computational plane, by producing an access violation error.

Regarding the computational preformace, the same simulation shown in Figure [fig:sciddicaT] was executed by considering the XCA implementation of SciddicaT on a single core of the same processor. The simulation lasted a total of 11 seconds, versus 22 seconds obtained for the active cells optimized version and 172 seconds for the basic (non-optimized) version. The XCA implementation resulted 2 times faster than the active cells optimized version and about 16 times faster with than the basic one.

SciddicaT with explicit simulation loop

Even if results obtained so far can be considered more than satisfying, it is further possibile to improve computational performance of SciddicaT by avoiding unnecessary substates updating. In fact, in some cases, elementary processes don’t affect one or more model’s substates and therefore their updating becomes only a waste of time.

As we stated above, when we use the implicit calRun2D() simulation loop, an update of all the defined substates is executed at the end of each elementary process. However, this behaviour can be modified by making the OpenCAL simulation loop explicit.

In the specific case of the SciddicaT XCA model, the second elementary process, σ2, just remove cells that became inactive from the set A of active cells and doesn’t affect the mode’s substates[12]. As a consequence, no substates updating is needed after the application of σ2. Being substates udating a time comsuming operation, this can further speed up your simulation.

A new OpenCAL implementation of SciddicaT is presented in Listing [lst:cal_sciddicaT-explicit]. It is based on an explicit simulation loop and also defines a stopping criterion for the simulation termination. The complete implementation is shown for the sake of completeness.

As you can see, the calRunAddGlobalTransitionFunc2D() function is called to register a custom transition function callback (line 177). In the specific case of SciddicaT, the sciddicaTransitionFunction() callback (lines 132-143) is used to make the elementary processes application and the substates update explicit. Here, the elementary processes are applied in the same order they are defined by means of the calAddElementaryProcess2D() function (which is the default behaviour of OpenCAL), even if you are free to re-order the call sequence within the explicit transition function callback. In particular, the sciddicaT_flows() elementary process is applied to each (active) cell into the computational domain by means of the calApplyElementaryProcess2D() function. Then, the set A of the active cells and the Qh substate are updated by means of the calUpdateActiveCells2D() and calUpdateSubstate2Dr(), respectively[13]. Eventually, the sciddicaT_remove_inactive_cells() elementary process is applied, which only removes cells that became incative during the current computational step, and the set A is accordingly updated.

As regard the computational performance, this further optimized version lasted 12 seconds to complete the 4000 steps required by the simulation on a single core of the same Intel Core i7 processor used before. The obtained sped up is here quite small (less than the 10%) with respect to the previous implementation of SciddicaT. However, SciddicaT is a very simplyfied model and higer speed up can certainly be obtained for more complex CA made up by more elementary processes, theese latter involving only a small set of model’s substates. Table [tab:speedup] resumes computational performace of all the above illustraed SciddicaT implementations.

Computational performace of the four different implementations of the SciddicaT debris flows model.
CA model Elapsed time [s] Speedup
SciddicaT 240 1
SciddicaT with active cells 23 10.43
SciddicaT XCA (eXtended CA) 13 18.46
SciddicaT XCA explicit update 12 20

A three-dimensional example

In order to introduce you to development with of three-dimensional CA with OpenCAL, we start this section by implementing a simple 3D model, namely the mod2 3D CA. Cells can be in one of two differnt states, 0 or 1, as in Game of Life. The cellular space is a parallelepiped made by cubic cells, while the cell’s neighbourhood is the 3D Moore one, consisting of the central cell and its adjecent cells. The transition function simply evaluates the quantity s as the number of neighbouring cells which are in the state 1 and sets the new state for the central cell as s%2 (i.e. the rest of s divided by 2). This simple example of 3D CA is formally defined as:

mod2 = <R, X, Q, σ>


  • R is the set of points, with integer coordinates, which defines the 3-dimensional cellular space. The generic cell in R is individuated by means of a triple of integer coordinates (i, j, k), where 0 ≤ i < imax, 0 ≤ j < jmax, and 0 ≤ k < kmax. The firt coordinate, i, represents the row, the second, j, the column, while the third coordinate represents the slice. The cell at coodinates (0, 0, 0) is located at the top-left-far corner of the computational grid.

  • X = {(0, 0, 0),…,(−1, 1, 0),(0, 0, −1),…,(−1, 1, −1),(0, 0, 1),…,(−1, 1, 1)} is the Moore neighborhood relation, a geometrical pattern which identifies the cells influencing the state transition of the central cell. The neighborhood of the generic cell of coordinate (i, j) is given by N(X, (i, j, k))= ={(i, j, k)+(0, 0, 0),…,(i, j, k)+(−1, 1, −1)}= ={(i, j, k),…,(i − 1, j + 1, k − 1)} Here, a subscript operator can be used to index cells belonging to the neighbourhood. Let |X| be the number of elements in X, and n ∈ ℕ, 0 ≤ n < |X|; the notation

    N(X, (i, j, k),n)

    represents the nt**h neighbourhood of the cell (i, j, k). Thereby, N(X, (i, j, k),0)=(i, j, k), i.e. the central cell, N(X, (i, j, k),1)=(i − 1, j, k), i.e. the first neighbour, and so on.

  • Q = {0, 1} is the set of cell states.

  • $\sigma : Q^{27} \shortrightarrow Q$ is the deterministic cell transition function. It is composed by one elementary process, which implements the previously descripted transition rules.

As you can imagine, the OpenCAL implementation of the mod2 3D CA is very simple, as the Conway’s game of Life is. The complete source code is shown in Listing [lst:cal_mod2CA3D].

As you can see, even if Listing [lst:cal_life] is very short, it completely defines the mod2 3D CA and perform a simulation (actually, only one step in this example). Lines 3-5 include some header files for the 3D version of OpenCAL, while lines 12-14 declare CA, substate and simulation objects. They are therefore defined later in the main function. In particular, line 30 defines the CA as a parallelepiped having ROWS rows, COLS columns and SLICES slices (cf. lines 7-9). Moreover, the 3D Moore neighbourhood is here set as well as cyclic conditions at boundaries. Eventually, no optimizations are considered. Line 31 defines the simulation object by setting just one step of computation and implicit substate’s update. Finally, the only substate, Q, is defined at line 34. Note that, since it was defined by means of the calInitSubstate3Db() function, each element q ∈ Q results to be of the CALbyte type. Line 37 registers the only CA’s elementary process, namely the mod2_transition_function() function, which is then implemnented at lines 17-25. Line 43 initializes the cell’s substated Q at coordinates (2, 3, 1) to the state 1. The obtained initial configuration is then saved to disk at line 46, and the simulation ran at line 49. The final configuration is therefore saved to disk at line 52 and, eventually, memory previously and implicitly allocated is released at lines 55-56. Note that, diffrently to the previous examples, almost all the OpenCAL functions come in the 3D flower. For instace, this is the case of the alGetX3Db() and calSet3Db() functions at lines 22 and 24, respectively, which take k as third cell’s coordinate, identifying the cellular space’s slice.

Figures [fig:mod2_0000] and [fig:mod2_LAST] show the initial and final configuration of mod2 3D CA as implemented in Listing [lst:cal_mod2CA3D], respectively. A graphical representation after 77 computational step is shown in Figure [fig:cal_mod2CA3D].

Initial configuration of mod2 3D CA, as implemented in Listing [lst:cal_mod2CA3D].

Final configuration of mod2 3D CA (actually, just one step of computation), as implemented in Listing [lst:cal_mod2CA3D].

Graphical representation of the mod2 3D CA after 77 computational steps, as implemented in Listing [lst:cal_mod2CA3D]. CA dimensions were set to (rows, cols, slices) = (65, 65, 65), while the initial seed located at coordinates (12, 12, 12). Cells in black are in the state 0, cell in white are in the state 1.

Combining OpenCAL and OpenCAL-GL

In this section, we will show how you can combine the OpenCAL and OpenCAL-GL libraries to have an immediate graphic output of your simulation. At this purpose, here we re-propose two of the examples presented above, namely the SciddicaT debris flow model and the mod2 CA, by adding them an OpenGL-based visualizer in a straightforward manner. The visualization system provided by OpenCAL-GL is however rather simplyfied and therefore, if you need a more sophisticated graphic system you have to develop an alternative by yourself.

Implementing SciddicaT in OpenCAL and OpenCAL-GL

A new implementation of SciddicaT is presented in Listing [lst:calgl_sciddicaT], which integrates a simple multi-view 2D and 3D visualization system based on OpenCAL-GL. The complete implementation is shown for the sake of completeness in Listing [lst:calgl_sciddicaT]. A screenshot is shown in Figure [fig:calgl_sciddicaT1].

Screenshot of the SciddicaT debris flow model with a multi-view 2D and 3D visualization system based on OpenCAL-GL.

As you can see,

Implementing the mod2 CA in OpenCAL and OpenCAL-GL

OpenCAL Global Functions

OpenCAL comes with some functions you can use to perform global operation over the cellular space. They essentially are reduction function. Note that such functions should not used within elementary processes, but only in the initialization, steering and stop condition functions. The proper use of global functions is your own responsibility.

In ordert to use global functions in your application, simply include the XXXXXX. Table YYYYYY lists the OpenCALì’s global functions.

OpenCAL OpenMP version

Nowadays, parallel computing is the most effective solution to overcome temporal limits of sequential computation. With the name OpenCAL-OMP, we identify the OpenMP implementation of the software library, that can run on all cores for your CPU. If you are lucky and have a shared memory multiptocessor system, OpenCAL-OMP can also exploit all the cores of all your CPUs.

Similarly to the serial version, OpenCAL-OMP allows for some unsafe operations, which can significantly speed up your application. However, when you use OpenCAL-OMP in unsafe mode you must give the utmost attention to avoid race condition issues. For instance, when many threads perform concurrent operations on the same memory locations and such operations are made by more than one atomic machine instruction, it can happen that they can interleave, giving rise to wrong (i.e., non consistent) results. Furthermore, even in the case of atomic operations, the logic order of execution could not be respected. Thus, for instance, a read-write logic sequence of atomic operations can actually become a write-read (wrong) sequence due to the fact that the thread performing the write operation is executed first.

In the following sections we will introduce OpenCAL-OMP by examples, highlighting source code the differences with respect to the serial implementations shown in Chapter [ch:opencal]. In the first part of the Chapter, we will deal with the OpenCAL’s safe mode, while in the last one, we will discuss unsafe operations.

Conway’s Game of Life in OpenCAL-OMP

In Section [sec:cal_life], we described Conway’s Game of Life and shown a possible implementation using the OpenCAL serial library. Here, we present a OpenCAL-OMP implementation of the same cellular automaton (Listing [lst:calomp_life]), by discussing the differences with respect its serial implementation (Listing [lst:cal_life]).

As you can see, the OpenMP-based implementation of Life, which uses only safe operations, is almost identical to the serial one thanks to the seamless parallelization adopted by the library. The only differences can be found at lines 3-5 where, instead of including the OpenCAL header files, you can find the OpenCAL-OMP headers. All the remaining source code is unchanged. Note that also the OpenCAL-OMP statements’ prefix does not change with respect to the OpenCAL’s one (i.e. cal for the functions, CAL for the data types, and CAL_ for the constants). In practice, if you only use OpenCAL-OMP in safe mode, besides including the proper OpenCAL-OMP header files instead of the OpenCAL ones, minimal changes are required to the serial code.


As for the case of Conway’s Game of Life, even the OpenCAL-OMP implementation of the SciddicaT cellular automaton, shown in Lsting [lst:calomp_sciddicaT], does not significantly differ from the serial implementation that you can find in the Section [sec:sciddicaT], Listing [lst:cal_sciddicaT]. As before, the only differences regard the included headers (lines 3-5). Even in this case, as for the Life cellular automaton, due to the fact we used only OpenCAL-OMP safe operations, mimimal code change is required, besides including the proper OpenCAL-OMP header files instead of the OpenCAL ones.

SciddicaT with active cells optimization

Here we present an OpenCAL-OMP implemenation of SciddicaT, which takes advantage of the built-in OpenCAL active cells optimization feature. You can find the complete source code in Listing [lst:calomp_Sciddicat-activecells], while the corresponding serial implementation can be found in Section [sec:sciddicaT_active], Listing [lst:cal_Sciddicat-activecells].

With respect to the Sciddica implementation shown in Listing [lst:calomp_sciddicaT], which is exclusively based on safe OpenCAL-OMP operations, the active cells management as implemented here requires an unsafe operations. Such unsafe operations are performed by means of the calAddActiveCellX2D() function (line 87), which adds a cell belonging to the neighbourhood to the set A of active cells. As evident, such an operation is considered unsafe because it can give rise to race condition. In fact, if more threads try to add the same cell to the set A at the same time, being this a non-atomic operation, threads’ operations can interleave and the outcome be wrong. In order to avoid this possible error, OpenCAL-OMP is able to lock the memory locations involved in the operations so that each thread can entirely perform its own task without the risk that other threads interfere. In order to do this, it is sufficient to place OpenCAL-OMP in unsafe state by calling the calSetUnsafe2D(), as done at line 163. No other modifications to the serial source code are required.

SciddicaT as eXtended CA

Here we present an OpenCAL-OMP implementation of SciddicaT, which takes advantage of the built-in unsafe operations. They belong to the eXtended CA definition and allow for further computational optimizations. You can find the complete source code of SciddicaT implemented as an eXtended CA in Listing [lst:calomp_SciddicaT-unsafe], while the corresponding serial implementation can be found in Section [sec:sciddicaT_extended], Listing [lst:cal_sciddicaT-unsafe].

First of all - from a XCA modeling point of view - note that only the topographic altitude and the debris thickness are now considered as model’s substates (lines 25-28, 147-148), as the four outflows substates are no longer needed. Moreover, the number of elementary process now considered is two (lines 143-144), instead of three for the previous versions of SciddicaT.

The call to the calSetUnsafe2D() function (line 139) places OpenCAL-OMP in unsafe mode, allowing to lock memory locations (i.e. cells) that can be simultaneously accessed by more threads. In order properly exploit the OpenCAL-OMP’s built in lock feature, you have to use specific functions, which are provided by the OpenCAL-OMP/cal2DUnsafe.h header file (line 6). In the specific case, besides the already discussed calAddActiveCellX2D() function, the calAddNext2Dr() and calAddNextX2Dr() functions are employed (lines 88-89), in place of the combination of get-set operations, as done in the corresponding serial implementation (Listing [lst:cal_sciddicaT-unsafe], lines 84-85). In fact, consider the source code snippet in Listing [lst:get-set] (checked out by Listing [lst:cal_sciddicaT-unsafe]). As you can see, for each not-eliminated cell, the algorithm computes a flow, f (line 5) and then subtracts it from the central cell (line 6), adding it to the corresponding neighbour (line 7), in order to accomplish mass balance. In both cases (flow subtraction and adding), a flavor of calGet function is called to read the current value of the Qh substate from the next working plane. Subsequently, a flavor of the calSet function is used to update the previously read value. When a single thread is used to perform such operations, no race conditions can obviously occur. At the contrary, even in the case of two concurrent threads, different undesirable situations can take place, which give rise to a race condition and therefore to a wrong result. For instance, let’s suppose both threads read the value first, and then write their updated values; in this case, the resulting value will correspond to the one written by the thread that writes the value for last, and the contribution of the other thread will be lost.

  // <snip>
  for (n=1; n<sciddicaT->sizeof_X; n++)
  if (!eliminated_cells[n])
    f = (average-u[n])*P.r;
    calSet2Dr (sciddicaT,Q.h,i,j,  calGetNext2Dr (sciddicaT,Q.h,i,j)  -f);
    // <snip>
  // <snip>

In order to avoid such kind of problems when dealing with more threads, the above mentioned calAddNext2Dr() and calAddNextX2Dr() functions lock the cell under consideration and then perform the get-set operations without the risk other threads can interfere. In this way, no race conditions can be triggered. Obviously, there is a side-effect in terms of computational performance. In fact, as expected, locks can slow down threads execution and therefore the entire simulation.

SciddicaT with explicit simulation loop

As for the serial version, also for the OpenMP based release of OpenCAL it is further possible to improve computational performance of SciddicaT by avoiding unnecessary substates updating.

As already reported, the calRun2D() function used so far to run the simulation loop updates all the defined substates at the end of each elementary process. However, in the specific case of the SciddicaT XCA model, no substates updating should be executed after the application of the second elementary process, as this just removes inactive cells from the set A.

A new OpenCAL implementation of SciddicaT is presented in Listing [lst:calomp_sciddicaT-explicit]. It is based on an explicit global transition function, defined by means of calRunAddGlobalTransitionFunc2D(). It registers a callback function within which you can both reorder the sequence of elementary processes to be applied in the generic computational step, and also select which substates have to be updated after the execution of the different elementary processes. The SciddicaT implementation here presented in Listing [lst:calomp_sciddicaT-explicit] also makes explicit the simulation loop and defines a stopping criterion for the simulation termination.

SciddicaT computational performance

Table [tab:speedup] resumes computational performance of all the above illustrated SciddicaT implementations as implemented in OpenCAL-OMP. The considered case of study is the simulation of the Tessina landslide shown in Figure [fig:sciddicaT], which required a total of 4000 computational steps. The adopted CPU is a Intel Core i7-4702HQ @ 2.20GHz 4 cores (8 threads) processor, already considered for the performance evaluation of the corresponding serial SciddicaT implementations described in Chapter [ch:opencal]. Results are provided both in terms of elapsed time and speed up with respect to the corresponding serial version. Elapsed times of the serial simulations are also reported.

Speedup of the four different implementations of the SciddicaS3hex debris flows model accelerated by OpenMP.
T version Serial [s] 1thr 2thr 4thr 6thr 8thr
naive 240s 0.82 (293s) 1.22 (196s) 1.53 (157s) 1.64 (146s) 1.6 (150s)
active cells 23s 0.77 (30s) 1.36 (17s) 1.77 (13s) 2.09 (11s) 2.3 (10s)
eXtended CA 13s 0.77 (17s) 1.86 (7s) 2.6 (5s) 2.17 (6s) 2.6 (5s)
explicit loop 12s 0.75 (16s) 1.2 (10s) 2.4 (5s) 2.4 (5s) 3.0 (4s)

As you can see, results are quite good. In particular, the better results in terms of speed up were obtained for the fully optimized SciddicaT implementation (with the explicit substate updating feature), which runs 3 time faster than the corresponding serial version when executed over 8 threads. Nevertheless, consider that the SciddicaT simulation model here adopted is quite simple and better performance in terms of speed up can certainly be obtained for CA models with more complex transition functions and extended computational domains.

Eventually, please note how progressive optimizations can considerably reduce the overall execution time. In fact, if for the naive (i.e., non optimized at all) serial implementation the elapsed time was 240s, for the fully optimized parallel version the simulation lasted only 3 seconds, corresponding to a speed up value of 80, i.e. the fully optimized parallel version runs 80 times faster than the serial naive implementation.

A three-dimensional example

In Section [sec:mod2], we described the mod2 3D CA and shown a possible implementation using the OpenCAL serial library. Here, we briefly present a OpenCAL-OMP implementation of the same cellular automaton (Listing [lst:calomp_life]), by discussing the differences with respect the corresponding serial implementation (Listing [lst:cal_life]).

As you can see, the OpenMP-based implementation, which uses only safe operations, is almost identical to the serial one. As for the case of the Game of Life CA, the only differences can be found at lines 3-5 where, instead of including the OpenCAL header files, we included the OpenCAL-OMP headers. All the remaining source code is unchanged.

OpenCAL OpenCL version

This chapter introduces OpenCAL-CL, a porting of OpenCAL in OpenCL. OpenCL is a parallel framework originally proposed by Apple and then released as an Open Standard under the Khronos Group management. Besides computational efficiency, one of the main advantages of OpenCL is portability. In fact, you can run your program wherever you want across heterogeneous processors like Central Processing Units (CPUs), Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).

OpenCAL-CL inherits many OpenCAL’s features, by also adding parallel computation capability thanks to the adoption of OpenCL. The application is now subdivided in two parts: the host program, running on the CPU, and the device program, running on a compliant computational device (e.g. an Nvidia or AMD GPU). The CA object is still defined host-side, as in OpenCAL, while elementary processes (and possibly other functions) are defined device-side. Belonging to the device program, CA elementary processes must be defined as OpenCL’s kernels and therefore the programmer has to be able to write some minimal OpenCL code to implement them. Fortunately, OpenCAL-CL hides lots of parallel aspects to the user (e.g. the simulation loop is internally managed by the library) and also simplifies data exchange between host and device. The user’s OpenCL parallel programming background can be therefore limited or even null. In the latter case, the user can learn some basic elements of OpenCL kernel programming thanks to this guide.

This chapter is divided into two parts: the first part is a very brief overview of OpenCL, while the second one introduces OpenCAL-CL by examples.

OpenCL framework

OpenCL enables parallel programming that assigns computational tasks to multiple processing elements to be performed at the same time. These tasks are called kernels. A kernel is a special function that can be executed to different OpenCL-compliant devices. In the CA modeling context, each elementary process of the CA transition function is devised in the OpenCAL library as a kernel. The kernels are sent to the device(s) by the host application. The host application defines a structure called context, needed to manage data exchange and computation on the compliant devices.

In particular, host application links kernels into one or more programs. In the host application, the user can select the kernel’s functions to insert inside a container called program. The program connects the kernel with argument data and dispatches it to a structure called command queue. The command queue is a structure that allows the host to decide what the devices have to do and, when a kernel is enqueued, the device will execute the relative function.

General structure of a OpenCL program

As we can see from the picture above, the context contains all the devices, all the command queues and all the kernels. More in detail, for every device a command queue is associated and every command queue has inside all the kernel functions that the device has to execute.

The structure of OpenCAL-CL

As in OpenCL applications, the OpenCAL-CL library has a set of structures and functions to develop host program and to define kernels. The definition of the CA is specified in the host program. The user can define two types of models, 2D or 3D, as shown in [ch:opencal]. The host program manages the kernels and dispatches the data of the mode (e.g., CA substates, the type of neighbourhood, size of the cellular space, etc) to the computation units. The host program manages the execution loop and which computation unit has to execute the transition functions.
The host program is typically divided in the following sections:

  • definition of the model (Chapter [ch:opencal])

  • management of the OpenCL devices

  • kernels allocation

  • data dispatch from the model to devices

  • execution loop start

Host programming

Definition of the model


Manage of the devices

After the model creation, the user must choose the device for the kernel computation. Inside the library, a structure called CALOpenCL allows the user to manage all available platforms and devices. This structure simplifies the access to the devices compared with the native API of OpenCL. The library supplies other functions to know which platforms and devices are available on the system and to have information about these.
Below you can see a simple program that explains how the CALOpenCL structure can be used.

#include <calCL2D .h>

 int main (){

 CALOpenCL * calOpenCL = calclCreateCALOpenCL (); // get all available
 platforms calclInitializePlatforms ( calOpenCL ); // get all
 available devices calclInitializeDevices ( calOpenCL );

 // get the first device on the first platform CALCLdevice device =
 calclGetDevice ( calOpenCL , 0, 0);

 // create a context CALCLcontext context = calclcreateContext (&
 device , 1);

 return 0; }

Inside the library, the platforms and the devices are stored in a matrix where rows represent the platforms and columns represent the devices. Thus, to choose which one we can use for the computation, it is necessary to specify the index of platform and the index of the device. For example, at lines 12, we chose the platform number 0 and the device number 0. If we have a system with 3 NVIDIA GPUs and 3 AMD GPUs, the library will have a 2 × 3 size matrix, where 2 are the vendors (i.e., the platforms NVIDIA and AMD) and 3 are the GPUs for each platforms. If we want to run the program using the third AMD GPU, we can specify 1 and 2 as indices. If we don’t know how the system identifies the platforms and devices, the library supplies us a function called calclGetPlatformsAndDeviceFromStandardInput that allows us to know the available platforms and devices. First it prints the information on standard output and then we can insert the indexes directly from standard input.
After the device is chosen, the user must specify the path where the kernels and relative headers are. Through the function calclLoadProgramLib(2D/3D) the library reads automatically the kernels and compiles them.

CALCLprogram calclLoadProgramLib(2D|3D) ( CALCLcontext context ,
CALCLdevice device , char * path_user_kernel , char *
path_user_include )

Allocation of kernels

The library doesn’t know which kernels are related to the CA elementary processes, nor their execution order on the available devices. Thus, to create and allocate a kernel it’s necessary to call the function calclGetKernelFromProgram that retrieves an OpenCL kernel given a compiled OpenCL program.

cl_kernel elementaryProcess = calclGetKernelFromProgram(&program,

Send data from the model to devices

To transfer the data from host side to kernel side, the user must define the structure called CALCLToolkit(2D/3D) containing all the buffers (data) of the model. By default, the library sends to all the kernels the data associated to the model. The following list shows the data which is sent:

  • the dimension of cellular space

  • the number of substate for every type (i.e., byte, int, real)

  • the substates allocated from the user

  • the list of active cells

  • the list of active cells flags

  • type, dimension and ID of the neighbourhood

  • the border condition

First, the user must create an instance of the structure CALCLToolkit(2D/3D) by calling the function calclCreateToolkit as shown in the following code snippet.

CALCLToolkit2D * calclCreateToolkit (2D|3D)(struct CALModel (2D|3D)
*model ,CALCLcontext context ,CALCLprogram program ,CALCLdevice device
,CALCLOptimization opt)

The enumerative CALCLOptimization allows the user to choose if she/he wants to use the library without optimization (CALCL_NO_OPT) or with active cells optimization (CALCL_OPT_ACTIVE_CELLS). The structure CALCLToolkit(2D/3D) doesn’t contain only the buffers to transfer data but also the kernels belonging to the execution loop.
To add a new kernel to the execution loop, the user has to call the function calclAddElementaryProcessKernel(2D/3D) that adds the chosen kernel to the list of CA elementary processes; moreover, it sends to the device all the necessary data to execute the kernel.

void calclAddElementaryProcessKernel2D(CALCLToolkit2D * toolkit2d,
struct CALModel2D *model, CALCLkernel * elemProcKernel);

Start execution loop

To start the execution loop, the user has to call the function calclRun(2D/3D). This function executes all the elementary processes previously declared on the specified device.

void calclRun2D(CALCLToolkit2D* toolkit2d, struct CALModel2D * model,
unsigned int initialStep, unsigned maxStep);

Kernel programming

In order to program kernels in OpenCAL, the user needs to include some header files. Specifically, cal2D.h or cal3D.h permit to use some simple functions to interact with the data structures belonging to the model. To create a kernel function in OpenCL, user must place the keyword __kernel before the returning the type of the function. In OpenCAL-CL every time a kernel function, the keyword MODEL_DEFINITION2D must be specified as first parameter and the function initThreads2D() called as first instruction.
The code below shows how to declare a new kernel.

__kernel void kernel(MODEL_DEFINITION2D){ initThreads2D(); ...  ...
    ...  }

When the user implements an elementary process - by defining its kernel function - she/he can rely on a set of OpenCAL functions that allow to get the substates values of both the central and the neighbouring cells, and to update the substates values of the central cell. Every time the user wants to use this function, the keyword MODEL2D must be passed as first parameter. For instance, if we want to retrieve the value of a specific cell we need to use the function calGet2Dr.

	double a = calGet2Dr(MODEL2D, 0, i, j);

The function returns the value of the cell (i, j) of the substate 0.
Since inside OpenCAL-CL one can use all OpenCL features, all memory levels such as global memory, local memory, private memory (XXXcitazione libroXXX) can be exploited. In order to use these memory levels, variables must be declared using this specific syntax respectively __global, __local, __private.

Conway’s Game of Life with OpenCAL-CL

As already reported in [sec:cal_life], to introduce how to develop a Cellular Automata model with OpenCAL-CL we can start by implementing Conway’s Game of Life and specifically its host application part. In order to use OpenCAL-CL, some header files are included (lines 3-8) and, in particular, the OpenCAL library and the OpenCAL-CL library. The OpenCAL library inclusion inside the host application is necessary to define the CA object (line 46) and the related substates (line 49). The cal2DIO.h header file (line 4) provides some basic input/output functions for reading/writing substates from/to file. To run the application with OpenCAL-CL, all the necessary objects have to be declared (line 27-31): specifically, the CALOpenCL structure (line 27), the CALCLcontext, the CALCLdevice, the CALCLprogram and the CALCLToolkit2D. To create and initialize these variables we need to call the function calclCreateCALOpenCL that creates the CALOpenCL structure, the functions calclInitializePlatforms and calclInitializeDevices that initialize all the platforms and devices on the available machine and the calclGetDevice() function, which will return the device where elementary process are computed by choosing the platformNum and deviceNum integers(line 24-25). Moreover, two important functions are here considered: calclcreateContext and calclLoadProgramLib2D. The first returns the context [sec:openclstructure], while the second builds all kernels inside the path specified by kernelSrc(line 15) including the files specified by kernelInc(line 16), and returns a program containing all the compiled kernels.

The definition and declaration of the model (line 46) has the same code that we discussed in [sec:cal_life], and includes all the information to create the model, to create and initialize substates (line 49-52) and to set a initial configuration (line 55-59).

Although the OpenCAL-CL library uses the same functions of the OpenCAL library to create the model and the substates, the execution of the elementary processes is quite different. As known, our elementary processes are implemented on GPU side through kernels, so we need to manage the transfer of memory between host and device sides and to decide which and when run the kernels. In a classical OpenCL application, it’s not trivial to handle all these issues. For this reason, in OpenCAL-CL we decided to introduce an intermediate object (CALCLToolkit) that hides to the user the memory management and handles the compiled chosen kernels. The user must only initialize the CALCLToolkit structure(line 62) and choose which kernel he/she wants to execute by the function calclGetKernelFromProgram specifying the program and kernel names. Once kernels are chosen to be executed, the user must only call the function calclAddElementaryProcessKernel2D (line 71) that adds the specific kernel elementary process inside the CALCLToolkit structure. Finally, to run the simulation the user must call the function calclRun2D specifying the initial and final step.

Below is reported the device side code of Conway’s Game of Life. In this application, we have only one elementary process, defined as a kernel called life_transition_function.
The OpenCAL-CL library will launch exactly a number of threads equal to the entire cellular space, structured like a matrix. In this way, every cell can perform in parallel its own computation. To access to the indexes of the cell the user must call the function getRow and getCol line(14-15). Furthermore, the user can use the function get_columns and get_rows (line 17-18) to retrieve the dimensions of the cellular space. In the specific case of the Game of Life, we used the calGet2Di function to get the central cell’s value of the sub- state Q (remember that the central cell is identified by the coordinates (i, j)), the calGetX2Di function to retrieve the value of the n-th neighbour’s substate Q, and the calSet2Di function to update the value of the substate Q for the central cell.

[1] Indeed, even 1D CA can be defined oas a degenerate case of 2D, or even 3D, CA.

[2] The clang C compiler can also be used, taking in mind that it still does not fully support Open-MP natively.

[3] For a list of OpenMP compliant compilers see the following link:

[4] OpenCAL-CL was tested on the NVIDIA OpenCL implementation. You can find the NVIDIA’s OpenCL implementation, shipped with the CUDA platform, at the following url:

[5] For example freeglut-devel or freeglut3-dev packages on yum/dnf- and apt-based systems, respectively.

[6] XCA are also known as Complex Cellular Automata (CCA), Macroscopic Cellular Automata (MCA), and Multicomponent Cellular Automata (MCA)

[7] Note that, in the case of the Game of Life CA, the central cell does not belong to its own neighborhood.

[8] This characteristic is colled implicit parallelism and is obtained in OpenCAL by considering two different working planes for each registered substate, namely current and next working planes. However, behind the scene, cells are updated sequentially, being OpenCAL a serial software. The current working plane is used to read current values for the cells, while the next working plane is used to write updated values. The implicit parallelism is also used in the parallel versions of OpenCAL, with the difference that more than one cell can be processed and updated concurrently by exploiting mre than one processing unit.

[9] On the serial version of OpenCAL, implicit parallelism is obtained by exploiting the two different computing planes built into OpenCAL’s substates. The first one, that we will call current, is used to read substates’s values for the central cell and its neighbours, while the second, that we will call next, is used to update the new state for the central cell. When all the cells have been processed and the new state values updated, computing planes are switched, i.e. the next plane is assumed as current and the current as next, and the process is reiterated. In this manner, the current computing plane is not corrupted during a computational step, being new values written to the next plane. Note that, even in the case more processing units are used to compute the next CA state and more cells are updated simltaneously, which is the case of OpenCAL-OMP and OpenCAL-CL, the two computing planes are manteined.

[10] Remember that, by default, substates are updated after the application of each alementary process.

[11] This is due to the fact that a substates’ update is performed after the first elementary process has been applied to all the (active) cells of the cellular space. This behaviour is set by menas of the CAL_UPDATE_IMPLICIT parameter used in the definition of the simulation object at line 132 of Listing [lst:cal_sciddicaT-unsafe].

[12] Actually, only Q.h can be update by the transition function, since Q.z is a single-lyered substate.

[13] Note that active cells are updated first otherwise the subsequent substate update could neglect some cells that have become active during the current step. For instance, inactive cells can receive a flow and become active at he current step of computation. If the set of active cells is not updated before any other substates, those new cells will still be considered inactive during the current step and their value will not be updated, by losing debris flow mass.