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302 lines (44 loc) · 3.15 KB


File metadata and controls

302 lines (44 loc) · 3.15 KB

vgl.boundingObject (class)

.. js:class:: vgl.boundingObject ()

   .. ============================== constructor details ====================

   Create a new instance of class boundingObject


     :rtype: vgl.boundingObject

   .. ============================== properties summary =====================

   .. ============================== events summary ========================

   .. ============================== field details ==========================

   .. ============================== method details =========================

   .. js:function:: vgl.boundingObject.bounds()

       Get current bounds of the object

   .. js:function:: vgl.boundingObject.setBounds(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ)

       :param  minX:

       :param  maxX:

       :param  minY:

       :param  maxY:

       :param  minZ:

       :param  maxZ:

       Set current bounds of the object

   .. js:function:: vgl.boundingObject.resetBounds()

       Reset bounds to default values

   .. js:function:: vgl.boundingObject.computeBounds()

       Compute bounds of the object

       Should be implemented by the concrete class

   .. js:function:: vgl.boundingObject.computeBoundsTimestamp()

       Return bounds computation modification time


       :rtype: vgl.timestamp

   .. js:function:: vgl.boundingObject.boundsDirtyTimestamp()

       Return bounds dirty timestamp


       :rtype: vgl.timestamp

   .. ============================== event details =========================

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