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Use this cli to deploy PyGrid Domain and Network nodes on your local machine.

A Hagrid is a HAppy GRID!

Installation Linux and MacOS


$ pip install -U hagrid


$ docker run -it -v ~/:/root openmined/hagrid:latest hagrid

Then simply run hagrid as you would normally:

$ docker run -it -v ~/:/root openmined/hagrid:latest hagrid launch slytherin domain to azure

Installation Windows


  • docker


You can manually install Docker Desktop:

or alternatively use the windows package manager chocolatey.


To install chocolatey you need to open "Windows PowerShell" in Administrator mode. You can type powershell into the search bar and right-click and select "Run as administrator". If when you start Powershell in Administrator mode it asks you whether you want to allow powershell to make changes to your computer, select "Yes". Then copy and paste this command and run it.

Run this inside PowerShell (Admin Mode):

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

You should now be able to type: choco in PowerShell terminal to use the tool.

Docker with Chocolatey

To install Docker Desktop with chocolatey run this inside PowerShell (Admin Mode):

choco install docker-desktop -y

You will likely need to restart after installing Docker Desktop for the first time. Also occasionally Powershell looks like its taking for ever but if you hit then it'll show that the command is actually done.

Restart the computer and start Docker Desktop

After you've rebooted your Windows machine, launch the application "Docker Desktop" and continue.

Docker Backend

Docker on Windows has two possible backends, one which uses a virtual machine and the other which uses Windows Subsystem for Linux 2.

Try running Docker Desktop and seeing that it starts. If you get an error saying "Docker Engine failed to start..." you may not have Virtualization enabled. Either have it enabled in your BIOS if your CPU supports it, or you may need to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 backend.

To install WSL2 with chocolately run this inside PowerShell (Admin Mode):

choco install wsl2 -y

If you needed to install wsl2, restart docker by clicking the little whale in the bottom right corner, clicking "Stop" and then starting Docker Desktop application again.

Enable Docker Compose v2

Inside Docker Desktop click on the settings wheel in the top right. Click on the menu item "Experimental Features" on the left. Check the box that says: "Use Docker Desktop V2".

SSH Keys

HAGrid allows you to select an SSH key, to setup a remote node. When using Docker on Windows we recommend you mount your Users %USERPROFILE% directory into the container so that any keys you already have can be accessed. If you have a key inside C:\Users\John Smith.ssh\mykey.pem then when asked for the path to your key you would enter: ~/mykey.pem.

If HAGrid complains that you have no key, it can generate one for you, or you can always generate one yourself manually using the ssh-keygen.exe tool.

To generate a key using ssh-keygen run in a Powershell:


Unless you know what the options are simply pressing enter and going with the defaults is perfectly fine. This will create a file called ~/.ssh/id_rsa which is also the default that HAGrid asks you if you want to use.

Run HAGrid Docker Container

docker run -it -v "$($env:USERPROFILE):/root" openmined/hagrid:latest hagrid

Then simply run hagrid as you would normally:

docker run -it -v "$($env:USERPROFILE):/root" openmined/hagrid:latest hagrid launch slytherin to azure


Step 1 Dev Setup

If you want hagrid to launch nodes based on your live-updating codebase, then install it using one of the live-updating install commands. This will mean that the codebase will hot-reload based on the current project.

pip install -e .

Launch a Node

alt text

A Few Example Commands

Start a node with:

hagrid launch slytherin

... and then stop it with:

hagrid land slytherin

You can specify ports if you want to:

hagrid launch hufflepuff_house to docker:8081+

... but if you don't it'll find an open one for you

// finds hufflepuff already has 8081... tries 8082
hagrid launch ravenclaw

You can also specify the node type (domain by default)

hagrid launch gryffendor network to docker


Testing HAGrid Remotely

Sometimes you need to install HAGrid directly from source while developing and testing on a remote machine. You can use the pip git syntax like so:

$ pip install "git+"

Deploying HAGrid to a running Linux Machine (Ubuntu 20.x)

Log into your linux machine and run the following:

pip install -U hagrid

Often on a remote linux box hagrid will not by default show up in the path. Re-login via SSH terminal and hagrid should appear.

hagrid launch <node name> domain to localhost

Then folllow the instructions in the prompt. Note that occasionally you'll see a harmless (but red and scary looking) error at the very end of the deploy which looks something like:

"Container slytherin_flower_1  Starting", "Container slytherin_db_1  Starting", "Container slytherin_proxy_1  Starting", "Container slytherin_queue_1  Starting", "Container slytherin_queue_1  Started", "Container slytherin_db_1  Started", "Container slytherin_backend_1  Starting", "Container slytherin_celeryworker_1  Starting", "Container slytherin_pgadmin_1  Starting", "Container slytherin_proxy_1  Started", "Container slytherin_flower_1  Started", "Container slytherin_backend_1  Started", "Container slytherin_celeryworker_1  Started", "Container slytherin_pgadmin_1  Started", "Container slytherin_backend_stream_1  Starting", "Container slytherin_frontend_1  Starting", "Container slytherin_frontend_1  Started", "Container slytherin_backend_stream_1  Started", "Error response from daemon: cannot start a stopped process: unknown"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
: cannot start a stopped process: unknown"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************               : ok=26   changed=21   unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0

If you see this don't worry about it.

Post install checks.

Log into the openmined user.

sudo su - om

Check that the autoupdater is running correctly and pointed to the branch you specified.

sudo crontab -l

Should return something like

#Ansible: Update PySyft Repo
* * * * * /home/om/PySyft/packages/grid/scripts/ /home/om/PySyft The-PET-Lab-at-the-UN-PPTTT/PySyft ungp_pet_lab om om domain slytherin

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