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Syft CLI


Install the syftcli package in editable mode

pip install -e "packages/syftcli[dev]"
syftcli hello

Run as a module

cd packages/syftcli
python -m syftcli.cli hello

Debug in VSCode with the following launch.json

    "name": "Python: Syft CLI",
    "type": "python",
    "request": "launch",
    "module": "syftcli.cli",
    "args": ["bundle", "create"], # CLI command to run
    "console": "integratedTerminal",
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/packages/syftcli",
    "justMyCode": true

Building a standalone executable


  • Python >= 3.8

The fast way

tox -re

NOTE: The -re flag is neecessary to re-create tox environment for the build.

Once the build is successful, the executable will be at packages/syft/dist

The manual way

Keep the working directory as packages/syftcli


It is recommended to create a fresh virtual environment for the build process.

cd packages/syftcli

rm -rf .venv
python -m venv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

pip install -e ".[build]"


pyinstaller --onefile src/ --name=syftcli


pyinstaller --onefile src\\ --name=syftcli


To able to build a binary for you current platform (Intel or Apple Silicon) run

pyinstaller --onefile src/ --name=syftcli

Universal binary for Mac

Universal binary is a single executable that can run on both Intel and Apple Silicon.

Make sure you have Universal2 Python installed on your macOS:

Check if you have universal2 python

lipo -info `which python3`

This should return the output mentioning both arm and x86

Architectures in the fat file: .venv/bin/python3 are: x86_64 arm64

Once confirmed, run the following to create a universal2 binary

pyinstaller --onefile src/ --target-arch universal2 --name=syftcli

TThe binary executable could be found under packages/syftcli/dist/syftcli