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- clenup pattern of createOdeSystem2
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git-svn-id: f25d12d1-65f4-0310-ae8a-bbce733d8d8e
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lochel committed Nov 10, 2014
1 parent ecd3174 commit 126efba
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 63 deletions.
113 changes: 50 additions & 63 deletions Compiler/SimCode/
Expand Up @@ -3868,7 +3868,7 @@ algorithm
var_lst_1 =, BackendVariable.transformXToXd);
vars_1 = BackendVariable.listVar1(var_lst_1);
eqns_1 = BackendEquation.listEquation(eqn_lst);
(equations_, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars) = createOdeSystem2(false, skipDiscInAlgorithm, vars_1, knvars, eqns_1, jacobian, jac_tp, funcs, vars, iuniqueEqIndex, itempvars, ei);
(equations_, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars) = createOdeSystem2(false, vars_1, knvars, eqns_1, jacobian, jac_tp, funcs, vars, iuniqueEqIndex, itempvars, ei);
uniqueEqIndexMapping = uniqueEqIndex-1; //a system with this index is created that contains all the equations with the indeces from iuniqueEqIndex to uniqueEqIndex-2
//tmpEqSccMapping = List.fold1(List.intRange2(iuniqueEqIndex, uniqueEqIndex - 1), appendSccIdx, isccIndex, ieqSccMapping);
tmpEqSccMapping = List.fold1(List.intRange2(uniqueEqIndexMapping, uniqueEqIndex - 1), appendSccIdx, isccIndex, ieqSccMapping);
Expand All @@ -3893,7 +3893,6 @@ end createOdeSystem;

protected function createOdeSystem2
input Boolean mixedEvent "true if generating the mixed system event code";
input Boolean skipDiscInAlgorithm;
input BackendDAE.Variables inVars;
input BackendDAE.Variables inKnVars;
input BackendDAE.EquationArray inEquationArray;
Expand All @@ -3908,13 +3907,9 @@ protected function createOdeSystem2
output Integer ouniqueEqIndex;
output list<SimCodeVar.SimVar> otempvars;
(equations_, ouniqueEqIndex, otempvars) :=
(mixedEvent, skipDiscInAlgorithm, inVars, inKnVars, inEquationArray, inJacobian, inJacobianType, inFuncs, inAllVars, iuniqueEqIndex, itempvars, iei)
(equations_, ouniqueEqIndex, otempvars) := matchcontinue (inJacobian, inJacobianType)
Integer uniqueEqIndex, uniqueEqIndex2;
BackendDAE.Variables v, kv, emptyVars;
BackendDAE.EquationArray eqn, emptyEqns;
Integer uniqueEqIndex;
list<BackendDAE.Equation> eqn_lst;
list<DAE.ComponentRef> crefs;
list<SimCode.SimEqSystem> resEqs;
Expand All @@ -3936,67 +3931,59 @@ algorithm
// constant jacobians. Linear system of equations (A x = b) where
// A and b are constants. TODO: implement symbolic gaussian elimination
// here. Currently uses dgesv as for next case
case (_, _, v, kv, eqn, BackendDAE.FULL_JACOBIAN(SOME(jac)), BackendDAE.JAC_CONSTANT(), _, _, _, _, _)
if Flags.isSet(Flags.FAILTRACE) then
Debug.trace("./Compiler/BackEnd/ function createOdeSystem2 create linear system(const jacobian).\n");
end if;
((simVars, _)) = BackendVariable.traverseBackendDAEVars(v, traversingdlowvarToSimvar, ({}, kv));
simVars = listReverse(simVars);
(beqs, sources) = BackendDAEUtil.getEqnSysRhs(eqn, v, SOME(inFuncs));
beqs = listReverse(beqs);
rhsVals = ValuesUtil.valueReals(, Ceval.cevalSimple));
jacVals = SymbolicJacobian.evaluateConstantJacobian(listLength(simVars), jac);
(solvedVals, linInfo) = System.dgesv(jacVals, rhsVals);
names =, varName);
checkLinearSystem(linInfo, names, jacVals, rhsVals);
// TODO: Move these to known vars :/ This is done in the wrong phase of the compiler... Also, if done as an optimization module, we can optimize more!
sources = List.map1(sources, DAEUtil.addSymbolicTransformation, DAE.LINEAR_SOLVED(names, jacVals, rhsVals, solvedVals));
(equations_, uniqueEqIndex) = List.thread3MapFold(simVars, solvedVals, sources, generateSolvedEquation, iuniqueEqIndex);
(equations_, uniqueEqIndex, itempvars);
case (BackendDAE.FULL_JACOBIAN(SOME(jac)), BackendDAE.JAC_CONSTANT()) equation
if Flags.isSet(Flags.FAILTRACE) then
Debug.trace("./Compiler/BackEnd/ function createOdeSystem2 create linear system(const jacobian).\n");
end if;
((simVars, _)) = BackendVariable.traverseBackendDAEVars(inVars, traversingdlowvarToSimvar, ({}, inKnVars));
simVars = listReverse(simVars);
(beqs, sources) = BackendDAEUtil.getEqnSysRhs(inEquationArray, inVars, SOME(inFuncs));
beqs = listReverse(beqs);
rhsVals = ValuesUtil.valueReals(, Ceval.cevalSimple));
jacVals = SymbolicJacobian.evaluateConstantJacobian(listLength(simVars), jac);
(solvedVals, linInfo) = System.dgesv(jacVals, rhsVals);
names =, varName);
checkLinearSystem(linInfo, names, jacVals, rhsVals);
// TODO: Move these to known vars :/ This is done in the wrong phase of the compiler... Also, if done as an optimization module, we can optimize more!
sources = List.map1(sources, DAEUtil.addSymbolicTransformation, DAE.LINEAR_SOLVED(names, jacVals, rhsVals, solvedVals));
(equations_, uniqueEqIndex) = List.thread3MapFold(simVars, solvedVals, sources, generateSolvedEquation, iuniqueEqIndex);
then (equations_, uniqueEqIndex, itempvars);

// Time varying linear jacobian. Linear system of equations that needs to be solved during runtime.
case (_, _, v, kv, eqn, BackendDAE.FULL_JACOBIAN(SOME(jac)), BackendDAE.JAC_LINEAR(), _, _, _, _, _)
if Flags.isSet(Flags.FAILTRACE) then
Debug.trace("./Compiler/BackEnd/ function createOdeSystem2 create linear system with jacobian.\n");
end if;
((simVars, _)) = BackendVariable.traverseBackendDAEVars(v, traversingdlowvarToSimvar, ({}, kv));
simVars = listReverse(simVars);
(beqs, sources) = BackendDAEUtil.getEqnSysRhs(eqn, v, SOME(inFuncs));
beqs = listReverse(beqs);
simJac = List.map1(jac, jacToSimjac, v);
({SimCode.SES_LINEAR(iuniqueEqIndex, mixedEvent, simVars, beqs, simJac, {}, NONE(), sources, 0)}, iuniqueEqIndex+1, itempvars);
case (BackendDAE.FULL_JACOBIAN(SOME(jac)), BackendDAE.JAC_LINEAR()) equation
if Flags.isSet(Flags.FAILTRACE) then
Debug.trace("./Compiler/BackEnd/ function createOdeSystem2 create linear system with jacobian.\n");
end if;
((simVars, _)) = BackendVariable.traverseBackendDAEVars(inVars, traversingdlowvarToSimvar, ({}, inKnVars));
simVars = listReverse(simVars);
(beqs, sources) = BackendDAEUtil.getEqnSysRhs(inEquationArray, inVars, SOME(inFuncs));
beqs = listReverse(beqs);
simJac = List.map1(jac, jacToSimjac, inVars);
then ({SimCode.SES_LINEAR(iuniqueEqIndex, mixedEvent, simVars, beqs, simJac, {}, NONE(), sources, 0)}, iuniqueEqIndex+1, itempvars);

// Time varying nonlinear jacobian. Non-linear system of equations.
case (_, _, v, _, eqn, jacobian, BackendDAE.JAC_GENERIC(), _, _, _, _, _)
if Flags.isSet(Flags.FAILTRACE) then
Debug.trace("./Compiler/BackEnd/ function createOdeSystem2 create non-linear system with jacobian.");
end if;
eqn_lst = BackendEquation.equationList(eqn);
crefs = BackendVariable.getAllCrefFromVariables(v);
(resEqs, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars) = createNonlinearResidualEquations(eqn_lst, iuniqueEqIndex, itempvars);
// create symbolic jacobian for simulation
(jacobianMatrix, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars) = createSymbolicSimulationJacobian(jacobian, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars);
(_, homotopySupport) = BackendDAETransform.traverseBackendDAEExpsEqnList(eqn_lst, containsHomotopyCall, false);
({SimCode.SES_NONLINEAR(uniqueEqIndex, resEqs, crefs, 0, jacobianMatrix, false, homotopySupport)}, uniqueEqIndex+1, tempvars);
case (jacobian, BackendDAE.JAC_GENERIC()) equation
if Flags.isSet(Flags.FAILTRACE) then
Debug.trace("./Compiler/BackEnd/ function createOdeSystem2 create non-linear system with jacobian.");
end if;
eqn_lst = BackendEquation.equationList(inEquationArray);
crefs = BackendVariable.getAllCrefFromVariables(inVars);
(resEqs, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars) = createNonlinearResidualEquations(eqn_lst, iuniqueEqIndex, itempvars);
// create symbolic jacobian for simulation
(jacobianMatrix, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars) = createSymbolicSimulationJacobian(jacobian, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars);
(_, homotopySupport) = BackendDAETransform.traverseBackendDAEExpsEqnList(eqn_lst, containsHomotopyCall, false);
then ({SimCode.SES_NONLINEAR(uniqueEqIndex, resEqs, crefs, 0, jacobianMatrix, false, homotopySupport)}, uniqueEqIndex+1, tempvars);

// No analytic jacobian available. Generate non-linear system.
case (_, _, v, _, eqn, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)
if Flags.isSet(Flags.FAILTRACE) then
Debug.trace("./Compiler/BackEnd/ functioncreateOdeSystem2 create non-linear system without jacobian.");
end if;
eqn_lst = BackendEquation.equationList(eqn);
crefs = BackendVariable.getAllCrefFromVariables(v);
(resEqs, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars) = createNonlinearResidualEquations(eqn_lst, iuniqueEqIndex, itempvars);
(_, homotopySupport) = BackendDAETransform.traverseBackendDAEExpsEqnList(eqn_lst, containsHomotopyCall, false);
({SimCode.SES_NONLINEAR(uniqueEqIndex, resEqs, crefs, 0, NONE(), false, homotopySupport)}, uniqueEqIndex+1, tempvars);
case (_, _) equation
if Flags.isSet(Flags.FAILTRACE) then
Debug.trace("./Compiler/BackEnd/ functioncreateOdeSystem2 create non-linear system without jacobian.");
end if;
eqn_lst = BackendEquation.equationList(inEquationArray);
crefs = BackendVariable.getAllCrefFromVariables(inVars);
(resEqs, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars) = createNonlinearResidualEquations(eqn_lst, iuniqueEqIndex, itempvars);
(_, homotopySupport) = BackendDAETransform.traverseBackendDAEExpsEqnList(eqn_lst, containsHomotopyCall, false);
then ({SimCode.SES_NONLINEAR(uniqueEqIndex, resEqs, crefs, 0, NONE(), false, homotopySupport)}, uniqueEqIndex+1, tempvars);

// failure
else equation
Expand Down

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