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Fix bug with hash sets (#8654)
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phannebohm committed Mar 10, 2022
1 parent dd4e4ae commit 195f215
Showing 1 changed file with 106 additions and 139 deletions.
245 changes: 106 additions & 139 deletions OMCompiler/Compiler/NFFrontEnd/
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ encapsulated uniontype NFAlgorithm
// Util imports
import Error;
import Flags;
import UnorderedSet;

import Algorithm = NFAlgorithm;
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statement in the algorithm and an output is a variables belonging to the
variables that are assigned a value in the algorithm. If a variable is an
input and an output it will be treated as an output."
input list<Statement> statements "statements of the algorithm";
input list<Statement> statements;
output list<ComponentRef> inputs_lst;
output list<ComponentRef> outputs_lst;
HashSet.HashSet inputs_hs = HashSet.emptyHashSet();
HashSet.HashSet outputs_hs = HashSet.emptyHashSet();
UnorderedSet<ComponentRef> inputs_set =, ComponentRef.isEqual);
UnorderedSet<ComponentRef> outputs_set =, ComponentRef.isEqual);
(inputs_hs, outputs_hs) := List.fold(statements, function statementInputsOutputs(iters = HashSet.emptyHashSet()), (inputs_hs, outputs_hs));
inputs_lst := BaseHashSet.hashSetList(inputs_hs);
outputs_lst := BaseHashSet.hashSetList(outputs_hs);
for statement in statements loop
statementInputsOutputs(statement, inputs_set, outputs_set);
end for;
inputs_lst := UnorderedSet.toList(inputs_set);
outputs_lst := UnorderedSet.toList(outputs_set);
Error.addMessage(Error.INTERNAL_ERROR, {getInstanceName() + " failed."});
end try;
Expand All @@ -191,88 +194,76 @@ protected
function statementInputsOutputs "Helper for getInputsOutputs.
Traverse statements and find inputs and outputs"
input Statement statement;
input HashSet.HashSet iters "iterators from FOR-loops";
input output tuple<HashSet.HashSet, HashSet.HashSet> hashSets "inputs and outputs";
input UnorderedSet<ComponentRef> inputs_set;
input UnorderedSet<ComponentRef> outputs_set;
hashSets := match statement
_ := match statement
HashSet.HashSet inputs_hs, outputs_hs;
Expression lhs, rhs;
list<Expression> elements;
list<Statement> stmts;
list<tuple<Expression, list<Statement>>> branches;
InstNode iterator;
HashSet.HashSet iters_;

// a := expr;
case Statement.ASSIGNMENT(lhs = lhs as Expression.CREF(), rhs = rhs)
(inputs_hs, outputs_hs) := hashSets;
// TODO extend for array, matrix?
// TODO has to be scalarized if scalarize
inputs_hs := Expression.fold(rhs, function expressionInputs(iters = iters, outputs_hs = outputs_hs), inputs_hs);
then expressionOutput(lhs, iters, (inputs_hs, outputs_hs));
case Statement.ASSIGNMENT(lhs = lhs as Expression.CREF(), rhs = rhs) algorithm
// TODO extend for array, matrix?
// TODO has to be scalarized if scalarize
Expression.apply(rhs, function expressionInputs(inputs_set = inputs_set, outputs_set = outputs_set));
expressionOutput(lhs, inputs_set, outputs_set);
then ();

// (a, b, c, ...) := expr;
case Statement.ASSIGNMENT(lhs = Expression.TUPLE(elements = elements), rhs = rhs)
(inputs_hs, outputs_hs) := hashSets;
// TODO extend for array, matrix?
inputs_hs := Expression.fold(rhs, function expressionInputs(iters = iters, outputs_hs = outputs_hs), inputs_hs);
hashSets := (inputs_hs, outputs_hs);
for exp in elements loop
hashSets := expressionOutput(exp, iters, hashSets);
end for;
then hashSets;
case Statement.ASSIGNMENT(lhs = Expression.TUPLE(elements = elements), rhs = rhs) algorithm
// TODO extend for array, matrix?
Expression.apply(rhs, function expressionInputs(inputs_set = inputs_set, outputs_set = outputs_set));
for exp in elements loop
expressionOutput(exp, inputs_set, outputs_set);
end for;
then ();

// ToDo: Statement.ASSIGNMENT(lhs=lhs as Expression.RECORD_ELEMENT())

case Statement.FOR(body = stmts, iterator = iterator)
iters_ := BaseHashSet.add(ComponentRef.makeIterator(iterator), iters);
for stmt in stmts loop
hashSets := statementInputsOutputs(stmt, iters_, hashSets);
end for;
then hashSets;

case Statement.IF(branches = branches)
for branch in branches loop
(_, stmts) := branch;
// what about using unassigned outputs in condition?
for stmt in stmts loop
hashSets := statementInputsOutputs(stmt, iters, hashSets);
end for;
end for;
// TODO input in one branch can't be output in another etc...
then hashSets;
case Statement.FOR(body = stmts) algorithm
for stmt in stmts loop
statementInputsOutputs(stmt, inputs_set, outputs_set);
end for;
then ();

case Statement.WHEN(branches = branches)
for branch in branches loop
(_, stmts) := branch;
// what about using unassigned outputs in condition?
for stmt in stmts loop
hashSets := statementInputsOutputs(stmt, iters, hashSets);
end for;
case Statement.IF(branches = branches) algorithm
for branch in branches loop
(_, stmts) := branch;
// TODO warn about using unassigned outputs in condition -> const eval?
for stmt in stmts loop
statementInputsOutputs(stmt, inputs_set, outputs_set);
end for;
// TODO input in one branch can't be output in another etc...
then hashSets;
end for;
// TODO input in one branch can't be output in another etc...
then ();

case Statement.WHILE(body = stmts)
case Statement.WHEN(branches = branches) algorithm
for branch in branches loop
(_, stmts) := branch;
// what about using unassigned outputs in condition?
for stmt in stmts loop
hashSets := statementInputsOutputs(stmt, iters, hashSets);
statementInputsOutputs(stmt, inputs_set, outputs_set);
end for;
then hashSets;

case Statement.ASSERT() then hashSets;
case Statement.TERMINATE() then hashSets;
case Statement.NORETCALL() then hashSets;
case Statement.RETURN() then hashSets;
case Statement.BREAK() then hashSets;
case Statement.FAILURE() then hashSets; // does this need to do sth ?
end for;
// TODO input in one branch can't be output in another etc...
then ();

case Statement.WHILE(body = stmts) algorithm
// TODO warn about using unassigned outputs in condition -> const eval?
for stmt in stmts loop
statementInputsOutputs(stmt, inputs_set, outputs_set);
end for;
then ();

case Statement.ASSERT() then ();
case Statement.TERMINATE() then ();
case Statement.NORETCALL() then ();
case Statement.RETURN() then ();
case Statement.BREAK() then ();
case Statement.FAILURE() then ();

case Statement.FUNCTION_ARRAY_INIT()
Expand All @@ -292,108 +283,84 @@ protected
function expressionInputs
"finds all inputs on the rhs of a statement"
input Expression exp;
input HashSet.HashSet iters "iterators from FOR-loops";
input HashSet.HashSet outputs_hs "outputs from previous statements";
input output HashSet.HashSet inputs_hs;
input UnorderedSet<ComponentRef> inputs_set;
input UnorderedSet<ComponentRef> outputs_set "outputs from previous statements";
inputs_hs := match exp
_ := match exp
ComponentRef cr;
Type ty;

// Skip time
case Expression.CREF(cref = cr) guard(ComponentRef.isTime(cr)) then inputs_hs;

// Skip external Objects
case Expression.CREF(ty = ty) guard(Type.isExternalObject(ty)) then inputs_hs;
case Expression.CREF(cref = cr) guard(ComponentRef.isTime(cr)) then ();

// Skip iterators
case Expression.CREF(cref = cr)
guard ComponentRef.isIterator(cr) and BaseHashSet.has(cr, iters)
then inputs_hs;
case Expression.CREF(cref = cr) guard ComponentRef.isIterator(cr) then ();

// Skip iterators from list comprehensions
// FixMe: this currently skips all iterators blindly
case Expression.CREF(cref = cr)
guard ComponentRef.isIterator(cr)
then inputs_hs;

case Expression.CREF(cref = cr)
// since outputs get stripped, also strip inputs
cr := ComponentRef.stripSubscriptsExceptModel(cr);
if not BaseHashSet.has(cr, outputs_hs) then
inputs_hs := BaseHashSet.add(cr, inputs_hs);
end if;
then inputs_hs;

else inputs_hs;
// Skip external Objects
case Expression.CREF(ty = ty) guard(Type.isExternalObject(ty)) then ();

case Expression.CREF(cref = cr) algorithm
// since outputs get stripped, also strip inputs
// otherwise uninitialized output detection doesn't work properly
cr := ComponentRef.stripSubscriptsExceptModel(cr);
if not UnorderedSet.contains(cr, outputs_set) then
UnorderedSet.add(cr, inputs_set);
end if;
then ();

else ();
end match;
end expressionInputs;

function expressionOutput "author: Frenkel TUD 2012-06
detects outputs by looking at crefs in the lhs of a statement"
input Expression exp "should be a cref, otherwise fail";
input HashSet.HashSet iters "iterators from FOR-loops";
input output tuple<HashSet.HashSet, HashSet.HashSet> hashSets "inputs and outputs";
input UnorderedSet<ComponentRef> inputs_set;
input UnorderedSet<ComponentRef> outputs_set;
hashSets := match exp
_ := match exp
ComponentRef cr;
Type ty;
HashSet.HashSet inputs_hs, outputs_hs;

// Skip wild
case Expression.CREF(cref = ComponentRef.WILD()) then hashSets;
case Expression.CREF(cref = ComponentRef.WILD()) then ();

// time is not an output in algorithms
case Expression.CREF(cref = cr) guard(ComponentRef.isTime(cr))
Error.addMessage(Error.COMPILER_ERROR, {"Trying to assign to time."});
case Expression.CREF(cref = cr) guard(ComponentRef.isTime(cr)) algorithm
Error.addMessage(Error.COMPILER_ERROR, {"Trying to assign to time."});
then fail();

// Iterators are not outputs in algorithms
case Expression.CREF(cref = cr)
guard ComponentRef.isIterator(cr) and BaseHashSet.has(cr, iters)
Error.addMessage(Error.COMPILER_ERROR, {"Trying to assign to iterator " + ComponentRef.toString(cr) + "."});
case Expression.CREF(cref = cr) guard ComponentRef.isIterator(cr) algorithm
Error.addMessage(Error.COMPILER_ERROR, {"Trying to assign to iterator " + ComponentRef.toString(cr) + "."});
then fail();

// Skip external Objects
// or error?
case Expression.CREF(ty = ty) guard(Type.isExternalObject(ty)) then hashSets;

case Expression.CREF(cref = cr)
(inputs_hs, outputs_hs) := hashSets;
/* mahge:
Modelica spec 3.3 rev 11.1.2
"If at least one element of an array appears on the left hand side of
the assignment operator, then the complete array is initialized in
this algorithm section"
So we strip the all subs except for model subs and send the whole array to expansion. i.e. we consider the whole array as modified.
cr := ComponentRef.stripSubscriptsExceptModel(cr);

/* Modelica spec 3.4 11.1.2
"A non-discrete variable is initialized with its start value (i.e. the
value of the start-attribute)."
phannebohm: This is very weird behavior. TODO change the spec!
if BaseHashSet.has(cr, inputs_hs) then
if Flags.isSet(Flags.FAILTRACE) then
Error.addMessage(Error.COMPILER_WARNING, {"Using output variable in RHS before it is assigned (former occurences will be set to initial value): " + Expression.toString(exp)});
end if;
inputs_hs := BaseHashSet.delete(cr, inputs_hs);
outputs_hs := BaseHashSet.add(cr, outputs_hs);
outputs_hs := BaseHashSet.add(cr, outputs_hs);
case Expression.CREF(ty = ty) guard(Type.isExternalObject(ty)) then ();

case Expression.CREF(cref = cr) algorithm
/* mahge:
Modelica spec 3.3 rev 11.1.2
"If at least one element of an array appears on the left hand side of
the assignment operator, then the complete array is initialized in
this algorithm section"
So we strip the all subs except for model subs and send the whole array to expansion. i.e. we consider the whole array as modified.
cr := ComponentRef.stripSubscriptsExceptModel(cr);
if UnorderedSet.remove(cr, inputs_set) then
if Flags.isSet(Flags.FAILTRACE) then
Error.addMessage(Error.COMPILER_WARNING, {"Using output variable in RHS before it is assigned (former occurences will be set to initial value): " + Expression.toString(exp)});
end if;
then (inputs_hs, outputs_hs);
// TODO add to outputs that need to be initialized / partially replaced by initial value?
end if;
UnorderedSet.add(cr, outputs_set);
then ();

Error.addMessage(Error.INTERNAL_ERROR, {getInstanceName() + " failed due to wrong expression type in LHS of algorithm statement: " + Expression.toString(exp)});
else algorithm
Error.addMessage(Error.INTERNAL_ERROR, {getInstanceName() + " failed due to wrong expression type in LHS of algorithm statement: " + Expression.toString(exp)});
then fail();
end match;
end expressionOutput;
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