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add List.mapFold* varaiants with more InOut arguments
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needed to be able to avoid tuples in some places
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hkiel authored and OpenModelica-Hudson committed May 10, 2016
1 parent 09c5a1c commit 19d7c97
Showing 1 changed file with 90 additions and 0 deletions.
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions Compiler/Util/
Expand Up @@ -3709,6 +3709,96 @@ algorithm
outList := listReverseInPlace(outList);
end mapFold2;

public function mapFold3<TI, TO, FT1, FT2, FT3>
"Takes a list, a function, and three extra arguments. The function will be applied
to each element in the list, and the extra arguments will be passed to the
function and updated."
input list<TI> inList;
input FuncType inFunc;
output list<TO> outList = {};
input output FT1 inArg1;
input output FT2 inArg2;
input output FT3 inArg3;

partial function FuncType
input TI inElem;
output TO outResult;
input output FT1 inArg1;
input output FT2 inArg2;
input output FT3 inArg3;
end FuncType;
TO res;
for e in inList loop
(res, inArg1, inArg2, inArg3) := inFunc(e, inArg1, inArg2, inArg3);
outList := res::outList;
end for;
outList := listReverseInPlace(outList);
end mapFold3;

public function mapFold4<TI, TO, FT1, FT2, FT3, FT4>
"Takes a list, a function, and four extra arguments. The function will be applied
to each element in the list, and the extra arguments will be passed to the
function and updated."
input list<TI> inList;
input FuncType inFunc;
output list<TO> outList = {};
input output FT1 inArg1;
input output FT2 inArg2;
input output FT3 inArg3;
input output FT4 inArg4;

partial function FuncType
input TI inElem;
output TO outResult;
input output FT1 inArg1;
input output FT2 inArg2;
input output FT3 inArg3;
input output FT4 inArg4;
end FuncType;
TO res;
for e in inList loop
(res, inArg1, inArg2, inArg3, inArg4) := inFunc(e, inArg1, inArg2, inArg3, inArg4);
outList := res::outList;
end for;
outList := listReverseInPlace(outList);
end mapFold4;

public function mapFold5<TI, TO, FT1, FT2, FT3, FT4, FT5>
"Takes a list, a function, and five extra arguments. The function will be applied
to each element in the list, and the extra arguments will be passed to the
function and updated."
input list<TI> inList;
input FuncType inFunc;
output list<TO> outList = {};
input output FT1 inArg1;
input output FT2 inArg2;
input output FT3 inArg3;
input output FT4 inArg4;
input output FT5 inArg5;

partial function FuncType
input TI inElem;
output TO outResult;
input output FT1 inArg1;
input output FT2 inArg2;
input output FT3 inArg3;
input output FT4 inArg4;
input output FT5 inArg5;
end FuncType;
TO res;
for e in inList loop
(res, inArg1, inArg2, inArg3, inArg4, inArg5) := inFunc(e, inArg1, inArg2, inArg3, inArg4, inArg5);
outList := res::outList;
end for;
outList := listReverseInPlace(outList);
end mapFold5;

public function map1Fold<TI, TO, FT, ArgT1>
"Takes a list, an extra argument, an extra constant argument, and a function.
The function will be applied to each element in the list, and the extra
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