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When merging annotation, consider the order
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Previously, annotations did not consider the order of submods.
These are now considered such that code does not move around when
adding graphical annotations. If you want to change the order
explicitly, this can be done by first removing the old annotation.
  • Loading branch information
sjoelund authored and OpenModelica-Hudson committed Sep 10, 2015
1 parent 3b35f13 commit 1eda356
Showing 1 changed file with 67 additions and 30 deletions.
97 changes: 67 additions & 30 deletions Compiler/FrontEnd/
Expand Up @@ -5582,50 +5582,87 @@ algorithm
match (inAnnotation1,inAnnotation2)
list<ElementArg> neweltargs,oldrest,eltargs,eltargs_1;
ElementArg mod;
list<ElementArg> oldmods,newmods;
Annotation a;
Path p;

case (ANNOTATION(elementArgs = ((mod as MODIFICATION(path = p)) :: oldrest)),ANNOTATION(elementArgs = eltargs))
ANNOTATION(neweltargs) = mergeAnnotations(ANNOTATION(oldrest), ANNOTATION(eltargs));
if modificationInElementargs(eltargs, p)
then ANNOTATION(neweltargs)
else ANNOTATION(mod :: neweltargs);

case (ANNOTATION(elementArgs = {}),a) then a;

case (ANNOTATION(elementArgs = oldmods),ANNOTATION(elementArgs = newmods))
then ANNOTATION(mergeAnnotations2(oldmods, newmods));
end match;
end mergeAnnotations;

protected function modificationInElementargs

function mergeAnnotations2
input list<ElementArg> oldmods;
input list<ElementArg> newmods;
output list<ElementArg> res = listReverse(oldmods);
list<ElementArg> mods;
Boolean b;
Path p;
ElementArg mod1,mod2;
for mod in newmods loop
MODIFICATION(path=p) := mod;
mod2 := List.find(res, function isModificationOfPath(path=p));
mod1 := subModsInSameOrder(mod2, mod);
(res, true) := List.replaceOnTrue(mod1, res, function isModificationOfPath(path=p));
res := mod::res;
end try;
end for;
res := listReverse(res);
end mergeAnnotations2;

function isModificationOfPath
"returns true or false if the given path is in the list of modifications"
input list<ElementArg> inAbsynElementArgLst;
input Path inPath;
input ElementArg mod;
input Path path;
output Boolean yes;
yes := match (inAbsynElementArgLst,inPath)
yes := match (mod,path)
String id1,id2;
ElementArg m;
list<ElementArg> xs;
Boolean b;

case ((MODIFICATION(path = IDENT(name = id1)) :: xs),IDENT(name = id2))
b = match(stringEq(id1, id2))
case (true) then true;
case (false) then modificationInElementargs(xs, inPath);
end match;

case (MODIFICATION(path = IDENT(name = id1)),IDENT(name = id2)) then id1==id2;
else false;
end match;
end isModificationOfPath;

function subModsInSameOrder
input ElementArg oldmod;
input ElementArg newmod;
output ElementArg mod;
mod := match (oldmod,newmod)
list<ElementArg> args1,args2,res;
ElementArg arg2;
EqMod eq1,eq2;
Path p;

// mod1 or mod2 has no submods
case (_, MODIFICATION(modification=NONE())) then newmod;
case (MODIFICATION(modification=NONE()), _) then newmod;
// mod1
case (MODIFICATION(modification=SOME(CLASSMOD(args1,eq1))), arg2 as MODIFICATION(modification=SOME(CLASSMOD(args2,eq2))))
// Delete all items from args2 that are not in args1
res := {};
for arg1 in args1 loop
MODIFICATION(path=p) := arg1;
if List.exist(args2, function isModificationOfPath(path=p)) then
res := arg1::res;
end if;
end for;
res := listReverse(res);
// Merge the annotations
res := mergeAnnotations2(res, args2);
arg2.modification := SOME(CLASSMOD(res,eq2));
then arg2;
end match;
end modificationInElementargs;
end subModsInSameOrder;

public function annotationToElementArgs
input Annotation ann;
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