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[NF] Fix type check of if-expressions.
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- Handle if-expressions where the type of one of the branches can't be
  • Loading branch information
perost committed May 18, 2020
1 parent a6054a5 commit 217dd97
Showing 1 changed file with 101 additions and 53 deletions.
154 changes: 101 additions & 53 deletions OMCompiler/Compiler/NFFrontEnd/
Expand Up @@ -324,29 +324,49 @@ function checkConditionalBinaryOperator
input SourceInfo info;
output Expression outExp;
output Type outType;
Type tty1, fty1, tty2, fty2, ty1, ty2;
Expression e1, e2;
Boolean valid1, valid2;
NFType.Branch branch;
(outExp, outType) := match (type1, type2)
Type ty1, ty2;

(tty1, fty1, tty2, fty2, branch) := match (type1, type2)
case (Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(), _)
(outExp, ty1) := checkBinaryOperation(exp1, type1.trueType, var1, op, exp2, type2, var2, info);
( _, ty2) := checkBinaryOperation(exp1, type1.falseType, var1, op, exp2, type2, var2, info);
outType := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(ty1, ty2, type1.matchedBranch);
outExp := Expression.setType(outType, outExp);
(outExp, outType);

then (type1.trueType, type1.falseType, type2, type2, type1.matchedBranch);
case (_, Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY())
(outExp, ty1) := checkBinaryOperation(exp1, type1, var1, op, exp2, type2.trueType, var2, info);
( _, ty2) := checkBinaryOperation(exp1, type1, var1, op, exp2, type2.falseType, var2, info);
outType := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(ty1, ty2, type2.matchedBranch);
outExp := Expression.setType(outType, outExp);
(outExp, outType);
then (type1, type1, type2.trueType, type2.falseType, type2.matchedBranch);
end match;

(e1, ty1) := checkBinaryOperation(exp1, tty1, var1, op, exp2, tty2, var2, info);
valid1 := true;
valid1 := false;
end try;

(e2, ty2) := checkBinaryOperation(exp1, fty1, var1, op, exp2, fty2, var2, info);
valid2 := true;
valid2 := false;
end try;

if valid1 and valid2 then
outType := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(ty1, ty2, branch);
outExp := e1;
elseif valid1 then
outType := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(ty1, Type.UNKNOWN(), NFType.Branch.TRUE);
outExp := e1;
elseif valid2 then
outType := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(Type.UNKNOWN(), ty2, NFType.Branch.FALSE);
outExp := e2;
printUnresolvableTypeError(exp1, {type1, type2}, info);
end if;

outExp := Expression.setType(outType, outExp);
end checkConditionalBinaryOperator;

function checkOverloadedBinaryArrayAddSub
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2743,34 +2763,49 @@ function matchConditionalArrayExp
Type true_ty, false_ty, cond_ty;
Expression e1, e2;
NFType.Branch branch;
// The two types in a conditional array type should have the same element type
// but different dimensions, so only one of them can match. If either type
// matches we note which one in the new type, to allow us to check that the
// correct branch is selected later when the condition can be evaluated.
Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(trueType = true_ty, falseType = false_ty) := condType;
Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(trueType = true_ty, falseType = false_ty, matchedBranch = branch) := condType;

(e1, e2, compatibleType, matchKind) :=
matchExpressions(condExp, true_ty, otherExp, otherType, allowUnknown);
if branch == NFType.Branch.NONE then
(e1, e2, compatibleType, matchKind) :=
matchExpressions(condExp, true_ty, otherExp, otherType, allowUnknown);

if isCompatibleMatch(matchKind) then
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(compatibleType, false_ty, NFType.Branch.TRUE);
condExp := Expression.setType(cond_ty, e1);
otherExp := e2;
end if;
if isCompatibleMatch(matchKind) then
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(compatibleType, false_ty, NFType.Branch.TRUE);
condExp := Expression.setType(cond_ty, e1);
otherExp := e2;
end if;

(e1, e2, compatibleType, matchKind) :=
matchExpressions(condExp, false_ty, otherExp, otherType, allowUnknown);
(e1, e2, compatibleType, matchKind) :=
matchExpressions(condExp, false_ty, otherExp, otherType, allowUnknown);

if isCompatibleMatch(matchKind) then
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(true_ty, compatibleType, NFType.Branch.FALSE);
condExp := Expression.setType(cond_ty, e1);
otherExp := e2;
end if;
if isCompatibleMatch(matchKind) then
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(true_ty, compatibleType, NFType.Branch.FALSE);
condExp := Expression.setType(cond_ty, e1);
otherExp := e2;
end if;
if branch == NFType.Branch.TRUE then
(condExp, otherExp, compatibleType, matchKind) :=
matchExpressions(condExp, true_ty, otherExp, otherType, allowUnknown);
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(compatibleType, false_ty, branch);
(condExp, otherExp, compatibleType, matchKind) :=
matchExpressions(condExp, false_ty, otherExp, otherType, allowUnknown);
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(true_ty, compatibleType, branch);
end if;

matchKind := MatchKind.NOT_COMPATIBLE;
if isCompatibleMatch(matchKind) then
condExp := Expression.setType(cond_ty, condExp);
end if;
end if;
end matchConditionalArrayExp;

function matchConditionalArrayTypes
Expand All @@ -2783,32 +2818,45 @@ function matchConditionalArrayTypes
Type true_ty, false_ty, cond_ty;
Expression e;
NFType.Branch branch;
// The two types in a conditional array type should have the same element type
// but different dimensions, so only one of them can match. If either type
// matches we note which one in the new type, to allow us to check that the
// correct branch is selected later when the condition can be evaluated.
Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(trueType = true_ty, falseType = false_ty) := condType;
Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(trueType = true_ty, falseType = false_ty, matchedBranch = branch) := condType;

(e, compatibleType, matchKind) :=
matchTypes(true_ty, expectedType, exp, allowUnknown);
if branch == NFType.Branch.NONE then
(e, compatibleType, matchKind) :=
matchTypes(true_ty, expectedType, exp, allowUnknown);

if isCompatibleMatch(matchKind) then
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(compatibleType, false_ty, NFType.Branch.TRUE);
exp := Expression.setType(cond_ty, e);
end if;
if isCompatibleMatch(matchKind) then
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(compatibleType, false_ty, NFType.Branch.TRUE);
exp := Expression.setType(cond_ty, e);
end if;

(e, compatibleType, matchKind) :=
matchTypes(false_ty, expectedType, exp, allowUnknown);
(e, compatibleType, matchKind) :=
matchTypes(false_ty, expectedType, exp, allowUnknown);

if isCompatibleMatch(matchKind) then
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(true_ty, compatibleType, NFType.Branch.FALSE);
exp := Expression.setType(cond_ty, e);
end if;
if isCompatibleMatch(matchKind) then
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(true_ty, compatibleType, NFType.Branch.FALSE);
exp := Expression.setType(cond_ty, e);
end if;
if branch == NFType.Branch.TRUE then
(exp, compatibleType, matchKind) := matchTypes(true_ty, expectedType, exp, allowUnknown);
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(compatibleType, false_ty, branch);
(exp, compatibleType, matchKind) := matchTypes(false_ty, expectedType, exp, allowUnknown);
cond_ty := Type.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY(true_ty, compatibleType, branch);
end if;

matchKind := MatchKind.NOT_COMPATIBLE;
if isCompatibleMatch(matchKind) then
exp := Expression.setType(cond_ty, exp);
end if;
end if;
end matchConditionalArrayTypes;

function matchTypes_cast
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