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Fix scaling of getHighestDerivation
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sjoelund committed Mar 20, 2016
1 parent b9f7f01 commit 6b8ad0f
Showing 1 changed file with 72 additions and 36 deletions.
108 changes: 72 additions & 36 deletions Compiler/SimCode/
Expand Up @@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ protected
list<list<SimCode.SimEqSystem>> odeEquations; // --> functionODE
list<tuple<Integer, Integer>> equationSccMapping, eqBackendSimCodeMapping;
list<tuple<Integer, tuple<DAE.Exp, DAE.Exp, DAE.Exp>>> delayedExps;
constant Boolean debug = false;
execStat("Backend phase and start with SimCode phase");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,28 +276,39 @@ algorithm
(uniqueEqIndex, odeEquations, algebraicEquations, allEquations, equationsForZeroCrossings, tempvars,
equationSccMapping, eqBackendSimCodeMapping, backendMapping, sccOffset) :=
createEquationsForSystems(contSysts, shared, uniqueEqIndex, zeroCrossings, tempvars, 1, backendMapping);
if debug then execStat("simCode: createEquationsForSystems"); end if;
(clockedPartitions, uniqueEqIndex, backendMapping, equationSccMapping, eqBackendSimCodeMapping, tempvars) :=
translateClockedEquations(clockedSysts, dlow.shared, sccOffset, uniqueEqIndex,
backendMapping, equationSccMapping, eqBackendSimCodeMapping, tempvars);
if debug then execStat("simCode: translateClockedEquations"); end if;
outMapping := (uniqueEqIndex /* highestSimEqIndex */, equationSccMapping);
execStat("simCode: created simulation system equations");

//(remEqLst, paramAsserts) := List.fold1(BackendEquation.equationList(removedEqs), getParamAsserts, knownVars,({},{}));
//((uniqueEqIndex, removedEquations)) := BackendEquation.traverseEquationArray(BackendEquation.listEquation(remEqLst), traversedlowEqToSimEqSystem, (uniqueEqIndex, {}));
((uniqueEqIndex, removedEquations)) := BackendEquation.traverseEquationArray(removedEqs, traversedlowEqToSimEqSystem, (uniqueEqIndex, {}));
if debug then execStat("simCode: traversedlowEqToSimEqSystem"); end if;
// Assertions and crap
// create parameter equations
((uniqueEqIndex, startValueEquations)) := BackendDAEUtil.foldEqSystem(dlow, createStartValueEquations, (uniqueEqIndex, {}));
if debug then execStat("simCode: createStartValueEquations"); end if;
((uniqueEqIndex, nominalValueEquations)) := BackendDAEUtil.foldEqSystem(dlow, createNominalValueEquations, (uniqueEqIndex, {}));
if debug then execStat("simCode: createNominalValueEquations"); end if;
((uniqueEqIndex, minValueEquations)) := BackendDAEUtil.foldEqSystem(dlow, createMinValueEquations, (uniqueEqIndex, {}));
if debug then execStat("simCode: createMinValueEquations"); end if;
((uniqueEqIndex, maxValueEquations)) := BackendDAEUtil.foldEqSystem(dlow, createMaxValueEquations, (uniqueEqIndex, {}));
if debug then execStat("simCode: createMaxValueEquations"); end if;
((uniqueEqIndex, parameterEquations)) := BackendDAEUtil.foldEqSystem(dlow, createVarNominalAssertFromVars, (uniqueEqIndex, {}));
if debug then execStat("simCode: createVarNominalAssertFromVars"); end if;
(uniqueEqIndex, parameterEquations) := createParameterEquations(uniqueEqIndex, parameterEquations, inPrimaryParameters, inAllPrimaryParameters);
if debug then execStat("simCode: createParameterEquations"); end if;
//((uniqueEqIndex, paramAssertSimEqs)) := BackendEquation.traverseEquationArray(BackendEquation.listEquation(paramAsserts), traversedlowEqToSimEqSystem, (uniqueEqIndex, {}));
//parameterEquations := listAppend(parameterEquations, paramAssertSimEqs);

((uniqueEqIndex, algorithmAndEquationAsserts)) := BackendDAEUtil.foldEqSystem(dlow, createAlgorithmAndEquationAsserts, (uniqueEqIndex, {}));
if debug then execStat("simCode: createAlgorithmAndEquationAsserts"); end if;
discreteModelVars := BackendDAEUtil.foldEqSystem(dlow, extractDiscreteModelVars, {});
if debug then execStat("simCode: extractDiscreteModelVars"); end if;
makefileParams := SimCodeFunctionUtil.createMakefileParams(includeDirs, libs, libPaths, false, isFMU);
(delayedExps, maxDelayedExpIndex) := extractDelayedExpressions(dlow);
execStat("simCode: created of all other equations (e.g. parameter, nominal, assert, etc)");
Expand All @@ -309,9 +321,11 @@ algorithm

// state set stuff
(dlow, stateSets, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars, numStateSets) := createStateSets(dlow, {}, uniqueEqIndex, tempvars);
if debug then execStat("simCode: createStateSets"); end if;

// create model info
modelInfo := createModelInfo(inClassName, dlow, inInitDAE, functions, {}, numStateSets, inFileDir, listLength(clockedSysts));
if debug then execStat("simCode: createModelInfo"); end if;
modelInfo := addTempVars(tempvars, modelInfo);
execStat("simCode: created modelInfo and variables");

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5749,11 +5763,13 @@ protected
list<SimCodeVar.SimVar> states1, states_lst, states_lst2, der_states_lst;
list<SimCodeVar.SimVar> states_2, derivatives_2;
Boolean hasLargeEqSystems;
constant Boolean debug = false;
// name = Absyn.pathStringNoQual(class_);
directory := System.trim(fileDir, "\"");
vars := createVars(dlow, inInitDAE);
if debug then execStat("simCode: createVars"); end if;
BackendDAE.DAE(shared=BackendDAE.SHARED(info=BackendDAE.EXTRA_INFO(description=description))) := dlow;
nx := listLength(vars.stateVars);
ny := listLength(vars.algVars);
Expand All @@ -5774,11 +5790,15 @@ algorithm
next := listLength(vars.extObjVars);
numOptimizeConstraints := listLength(vars.realOptimizeConstraintsVars);
numOptimizeFinalConstraints := listLength(vars.realOptimizeFinalConstraintsVars);
if debug then execStat("simCode: get lengths"); end if;
varInfo := createVarInfo(dlow, nx, ny, ndy, np, na, next, numOutVars, numInVars,
ny_int, np_int, na_int, ny_bool, np_bool, na_bool, ny_string, np_string, na_string,
numStateSets, numOptimizeConstraints, numOptimizeFinalConstraints);
if debug then execStat("simCode: createVarInfo"); end if;
maxDer := getHighestDerivation(dlow);
if debug then execStat("simCode: getHighestDerivation"); end if;
hasLargeEqSystems := hasLargeEquationSystems(dlow, inInitDAE);
if debug then execStat("simCode: hasLargeEquationSystems"); end if;
modelInfo := SimCode.MODELINFO(class_,, directory, varInfo, vars, functions,
labels, maxDer, arrayLength(dlow.shared.partitionsInfo.basePartitions),
arrayLength(dlow.shared.partitionsInfo.subPartitions), hasLargeEqSystems);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -11898,50 +11918,66 @@ author: waurich TUD 2015-05"
list<BackendDAE.Var> vars, states;
list<Integer> idcs;
array<Boolean> markVars;
array<Integer> ders, depth;
BackendDAE.Variables allStates;
BackendDAE.Var var;
Integer index, pos, length, curIndex;
DAE.ComponentRef derCref;
vars := BackendDAEUtil.getAllVarLst(inDAE);
states := List.filterOnTrue(vars, BackendVariable.isStateVar);
if listEmpty(states) then
length := listLength(states);
if length==0 then
highestDerivation := 0;
markVars := arrayCreate(listLength(states),false);
idcs := List.map3(states,getHighestDerivation1,BackendVariable.listVar1(states),markVars,0);
highestDerivation := List.fold(idcs,intMax,0);
end if;
ders := arrayCreate(length,-1 /* Has no derivative */);
depth := arrayCreate(length,-1 /* Not visited */);
allStates := BackendVariable.listVar1(states);
// Setup data structures for a dynamic programming algorithm
curIndex := 1;
for state in states loop
// (_, {curIndex}) := BackendVariable.getVar(state.varName, allStates); // They are all already in order
_ := matchcontinue state
case BackendDAE.VAR(varKind=BackendDAE.STATE(index=index /* TODO: Do we need the number of times it was differentiated? */, derName = SOME(derCref)))
({var},{pos}) := BackendVariable.getVar(derCref, allStates);
if not BackendVariable.varEqual(state, var) then
arrayUpdate(ders, curIndex, pos);
arrayUpdate(depth, curIndex, 0);
end if;
then ();
case BackendDAE.VAR()
arrayUpdate(depth, curIndex, 0);
then ();
end matchcontinue;
curIndex := curIndex+1;
end for;
// Visit all states, calculating the depth of each one, remembering the result
for i in 1:length loop
getHighestDerivationVisit(i, ders, depth);
end for;
highestDerivation := max(i for i in depth);
end getHighestDerivation;

protected function getHighestDerivation1"checks if a state is the derivative of another state and so on.
author: waurich TUD 2015-05"
input BackendDAE.Var stateIn;
input BackendDAE.Variables allStates;
input array<Boolean> markVarsIn;
input Integer derivationIn;
output Integer derivationOut;
protected function getHighestDerivationVisit "Uses stack depth of at most max depth"
input Integer i;
input array<Integer> ders;
input array<Integer> depth;
output Integer d=arrayGet(depth, i);
derivationOut := matchcontinue(stateIn,allStates,markVarsIn,derivationIn)
Integer index, pos;
array<Boolean> markVars;
BackendDAE.Var var;
DAE.ComponentRef derCref;
case(BackendDAE.VAR(varKind=BackendDAE.STATE(index=index,derName = SOME(derCref))),_,_,_)
// try to find the derivative in the states
({var},{pos}) := BackendVariable.getVar(derCref, allStates);
// has this var already been checked or is the derivative the var itself?
false := arrayGet(markVarsIn,pos);
false := BackendVariable.varEqual(stateIn,var);
markVars := arrayUpdate(markVarsIn,pos,true);
then getHighestDerivation1(var,allStates,markVars,derivationIn+1);
for i in List.intRange(arrayLength(markVarsIn)) loop
_ := arrayUpdate(markVarsIn,i,false);
end for;
then derivationIn+1;
end matchcontinue;
end getHighestDerivation1;
if d >= 0 then
elseif d == -2 then
d := 0;
end if;
arrayUpdate(depth, i, -2);
d := getHighestDerivationVisit(arrayGet(ders,i), ders, depth);
arrayUpdate(depth, i, d);
end getHighestDerivationVisit;

protected function hasLargeEquationSystems "Returns true if the model contains large linear or nonlinear equation
systems that are crucial for performance. If the model has a large linear or nonlinear system, the use of Lapack is prefered.
Expand Down

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