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Cleaned up BackendDAETransform
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lochel committed Sep 18, 2015
1 parent 0de2ae0 commit 707bc0b
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Showing 3 changed files with 109 additions and 251 deletions.
284 changes: 74 additions & 210 deletions Compiler/BackEnd/
Expand Up @@ -82,32 +82,29 @@ public function strongComponentsScalar "author: PA
(outSystem, outComps) := matchcontinue inSystem
list<list<Integer>> comps_m;
array<Integer> ass1, ass2;
BackendDAE.EqSystem syst;
BackendDAE.IncidenceMatrixT mt;
BackendDAE.EquationArray eqs;
BackendDAE.Variables vars;
array<Integer> markarray;
BackendDAE.StrongComponents comps;
BackendDAE.EqSystem syst;
case syst as BackendDAE.EQSYSTEM(orderedEqs=eqs, m=SOME(_), mT=SOME(mt), matching=BackendDAE.MATCHING(ass1=ass1, ass2=ass2))
comps_m := Sorting.TarjanTransposed(mt, ass2);
array<Integer> ass1, ass2;
array<Integer> markarray;
list<list<Integer>> comps_m;

markarray := arrayCreate(BackendDAEUtil.equationArraySize(eqs), -1);
comps := analyseStrongComponentsScalar(comps_m, inSystem, inShared, ass1, ass2, mapEqnIncRow, mapIncRowEqn, 1, markarray);
ass1 := varAssignmentNonScalar(ass1, mapIncRowEqn);
case syst as BackendDAE.EQSYSTEM(mT=SOME(mt), matching=BackendDAE.MATCHING(ass1=ass1, ass2=ass2)) algorithm
comps_m := Sorting.TarjanTransposed(mt, ass2);

// noscalass2 = eqnAssignmentNonScalar(1, arrayLength(mapEqnIncRow), mapEqnIncRow, ass2, {});
// Frenkel TUD: Do not hand over the scalar incidence Matrix because following modules does not check if scalar or not
syst.m := NONE(); syst.mT := NONE(); syst.matching := BackendDAE.MATCHING(ass1, ass2, comps);
(syst, comps);
Error.addInternalError("function strongComponentsScalar failed (sorting strong components)", sourceInfo());
markarray := arrayCreate(BackendDAEUtil.equationArraySize(inSystem.orderedEqs), -1);
comps := analyseStrongComponentsScalar(comps_m, inSystem, inShared, ass1, ass2, mapEqnIncRow, mapIncRowEqn, 1, markarray);
ass1 := varAssignmentNonScalar(ass1, mapIncRowEqn);

// Frenkel TUD: Do not hand over the scalar incidence Matrix because following modules does not check if scalar or not
syst.m := NONE();
syst.mT := NONE();
syst.matching := BackendDAE.MATCHING(ass1, ass2, comps);
then (syst, comps);

else algorithm
Error.addInternalError("function strongComponentsScalar failed (sorting strong components)", sourceInfo());
then fail();
end matchcontinue;
end strongComponentsScalar;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,11 +158,11 @@ protected
Integer mark = imark;
for comp in inComps loop
(acomp, mark) := analyseStrongComponentScalar(comp, syst, shared, inAss1, inAss2, mapEqnIncRow, mapIncRowEqn, mark, markarray);
outComps := acomp :: outComps;
(acomp, mark) := analyseStrongComponentScalar(comp, syst, shared, inAss1, inAss2, mapEqnIncRow, mapIncRowEqn, mark, markarray);
outComps := acomp :: outComps;
end for;
outComps := listReverse(outComps);

outComps := listReverse(outComps);
end analyseStrongComponentsScalar;

protected function analyseStrongComponentScalar "author: Frenkel TUD 2011-05"
Expand All @@ -188,21 +185,22 @@ protected
list<BackendDAE.Equation> eqn_lst;
BackendDAE.EquationArray eqns;
BackendDAE.EQSYSTEM(orderedVars=vars, orderedEqs=eqns) := syst;
vlst := List.map1r(inComp, arrayGet, inAss2);
vlst := List.select1(vlst, intGt, 0);
varlst := List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, vars);
var_varindx_lst := List.threadTuple(varlst, vlst);
// get from scalar eqns indexes the indexes in the equation array
comp := List.map1r(inComp, arrayGet, mapIncRowEqn);
comp := List.fold2(comp, uniqueComp, imark, markarray, {});
//comp = List.unique(comp);
eqn_lst := List.map1r(comp, BackendEquation.equationNth1, eqns);
outComp := analyseStrongComponentBlock(comp, eqn_lst, var_varindx_lst, syst, shared);
Error.addInternalError("function analyseStrongComponentScalar failed", sourceInfo());
BackendDAE.EQSYSTEM(orderedVars=vars, orderedEqs=eqns) := syst;
vlst := List.map1r(inComp, arrayGet, inAss2);
vlst := List.select1(vlst, intGt, 0);
varlst := List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, vars);
var_varindx_lst := List.threadTuple(varlst, vlst);

// get from scalar eqns indexes the indexes in the equation array
comp := List.map1r(inComp, arrayGet, mapIncRowEqn);
comp := List.fold2(comp, uniqueComp, imark, markarray, {});
//comp = List.unique(comp);
eqn_lst := List.map1r(comp, BackendEquation.equationNth1, eqns);
outComp := analyseStrongComponentBlock(comp, eqn_lst, var_varindx_lst, syst, shared);
Error.addInternalError("function analyseStrongComponentScalar failed", sourceInfo());
end try;
end analyseStrongComponentScalar;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -419,30 +417,13 @@ protected function transformXToXd "author: PA
this function transforms x variables (in the state vector)
to corresponding xd variable (in the derivatives vector)"
input BackendDAE.Var inVar;
output BackendDAE.Var outVar;
output BackendDAE.Var outVar = inVar;
outVar := match (inVar)
DAE.ComponentRef cr;
DAE.VarDirection dir;
DAE.VarParallelism prl;
BackendDAE.Type tp;
Option<DAE.Exp> exp;
Option<Values.Value> v;
list<DAE.Dimension> dim;
Option<DAE.VariableAttributes> attr;
Option<BackendDAE.TearingSelect> ts;
Option<SCode.Comment> comment;
DAE.ConnectorType ct;
DAE.ElementSource source;
DAE.VarInnerOuter io;

case BackendDAE.VAR(varName=cr, varKind=BackendDAE.STATE(), varDirection=dir, varParallelism=prl, varType=tp, bindExp=exp, bindValue=v, arryDim=dim, source=source, values=attr, tearingSelectOption=ts, comment=comment, connectorType=ct, innerOuter=io) equation
cr = ComponentReference.crefPrefixDer(cr);
then BackendDAE.VAR(cr, BackendDAE.STATE_DER(), dir, prl, tp, exp, v, dim, source, attr, ts, comment, ct, io, false);

else inVar;
end match;
if BackendVariable.isStateVar(inVar) then
outVar.varName := ComponentReference.crefPrefixDer(inVar.varName);
outVar.varKind := BackendDAE.STATE_DER();
outVar.unreplaceable := false;
end if;
end transformXToXd;

public function getEquationAndSolvedVar "author: PA
Expand All @@ -455,60 +436,57 @@ public function getEquationAndSolvedVar "author: PA
output list<BackendDAE.Var> outVar;
output Integer outIndex;
(outEquation, outVar, outIndex) := matchcontinue (inComp, inEquationArray, inVariables)
(outEquation, outVar, outIndex) := match inComp
Integer v, e;
list<Integer> elst, vlst;
BackendDAE.Equation eqn;
BackendDAE.Var var;
list<BackendDAE.Equation> eqnlst, eqnlst1;
list<BackendDAE.Var> varlst, varlst1;
BackendDAE.EquationArray eqns;
BackendDAE.Variables vars;
BackendDAE.StrongComponent comp;
list<tuple<Integer, list<Integer>>> eqnvartpllst;

case (BackendDAE.SINGLEEQUATION(eqn=e, var=v), eqns, vars) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(eqns, e);
var = BackendVariable.getVarAt(vars, v);
case BackendDAE.SINGLEEQUATION(eqn=e, var=v) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(inEquationArray, e);
var = BackendVariable.getVarAt(inVariables, v);
then ({eqn}, {var}, e);

case (BackendDAE.EQUATIONSYSTEM(eqns=elst, vars=vlst), eqns, vars) equation
eqnlst = BackendEquation.getEqns(elst, eqns);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, vars);
case BackendDAE.EQUATIONSYSTEM(eqns=elst, vars=vlst) equation
eqnlst = BackendEquation.getEqns(elst, inEquationArray);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, inVariables);
e = listHead(elst);
then (eqnlst, varlst, e);

case (BackendDAE.SINGLEARRAY(eqn=e, vars=vlst), eqns, vars) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(eqns, e);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, vars);
case BackendDAE.SINGLEARRAY(eqn=e, vars=vlst) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(inEquationArray, e);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, inVariables);
then ({eqn}, varlst, e);

case (BackendDAE.SINGLEIFEQUATION(eqn=e, vars=vlst), eqns, vars) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(eqns, e);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, vars);
case BackendDAE.SINGLEIFEQUATION(eqn=e, vars=vlst) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(inEquationArray, e);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, inVariables);
then ({eqn}, varlst, e);

case (BackendDAE.SINGLEALGORITHM(eqn=e, vars=vlst), eqns, vars) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(eqns, e);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, vars);
case BackendDAE.SINGLEALGORITHM(eqn=e, vars=vlst) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(inEquationArray, e);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, inVariables);
then ({eqn}, varlst, e);

case (BackendDAE.SINGLECOMPLEXEQUATION(eqn=e, vars=vlst), eqns, vars) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(eqns, e);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, vars);
case BackendDAE.SINGLECOMPLEXEQUATION(eqn=e, vars=vlst) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(inEquationArray, e);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, inVariables);
then ({eqn}, varlst, e);

case (BackendDAE.SINGLEWHENEQUATION(eqn=e, vars=vlst), eqns, vars) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(eqns, e);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, vars);
case BackendDAE.SINGLEWHENEQUATION(eqn=e, vars=vlst) equation
eqn = BackendEquation.equationNth1(inEquationArray, e);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, inVariables);
then ({eqn}, varlst, e);

case (BackendDAE.TORNSYSTEM(BackendDAE.TEARINGSET(tearingvars=vlst, residualequations=elst, otherEqnVarTpl=eqnvartpllst)), eqns, vars) equation
eqnlst = BackendEquation.getEqns(elst, eqns);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, vars);
eqnlst1 = BackendEquation.getEqns(, Util.tuple21), eqns);
varlst1 = List.map1r(List.flatten(, Util.tuple22)), BackendVariable.getVarAt, vars);
case BackendDAE.TORNSYSTEM(BackendDAE.TEARINGSET(tearingvars=vlst, residualequations=elst, otherEqnVarTpl=eqnvartpllst)) equation
eqnlst = BackendEquation.getEqns(elst, inEquationArray);
varlst = List.map1r(vlst, BackendVariable.getVarAt, inVariables);
eqnlst1 = BackendEquation.getEqns(, Util.tuple21), inEquationArray);
varlst1 = List.map1r(List.flatten(, Util.tuple22)), BackendVariable.getVarAt, inVariables);
eqnlst = listAppend(eqnlst, eqnlst1);
varlst = listAppend(varlst, varlst1);
e = listHead(elst);
Expand All @@ -518,7 +496,7 @@ algorithm
true = Flags.isSet(Flags.FAILTRACE);
Debug.traceln("BackendDAETransform.getEquationAndSolvedVar failed!");
then fail();
end matchcontinue;
end match;
end getEquationAndSolvedVar;

public function getEquationAndSolvedVarIndxes "author: Frenkel TUD
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -576,50 +554,10 @@ end getEquationAndSolvedVarIndxes;
// =============================================================================

public function traverseExpsOfEquation "author: Frenkel TUD 2010-11
Traverse all expressions of a list of Equations. It is possible to change the equations
and the multidim equations and the algorithms."
replaceable type Type_a subtypeof Any;
input BackendDAE.Equation inEquation;
input FuncExpType func;
input Type_a inTypeA;
output BackendDAE.Equation outEquation;
output Type_a outTypeA;
partial function FuncExpType
input DAE.Exp inExp;
input Type_a inTypeA;
output DAE.Exp outExp;
output Type_a outA;
end FuncExpType;
(outEquation, (_, outTypeA)) := traverseBackendDAEExpsEqnWithSymbolicOperation(inEquation, traverseBackendDAEExpsEqnWithoutSymbolicOperationHelper, (func, inTypeA));
end traverseExpsOfEquation;

protected function traverseBackendDAEExpsEqnWithoutSymbolicOperationHelper
replaceable type Type_a subtypeof Any;
input DAE.Exp inExp;
input tuple<list<DAE.SymbolicOperation>, tuple<FuncExpType, Type_a>> inTpl;
output DAE.Exp exp;
output tuple<list<DAE.SymbolicOperation>, tuple<FuncExpType, Type_a>> outTpl;
partial function FuncExpType
input DAE.Exp inExp;
input Type_a inTypeA;
output DAE.Exp outExp;
output Type_a outA;
end FuncExpType;
FuncExpType func;
Type_a arg;
list<DAE.SymbolicOperation> ops;
(ops, (func, arg)) := inTpl;
(exp, arg) := func(inExp, arg);
outTpl := (ops, (func, arg));
end traverseBackendDAEExpsEqnWithoutSymbolicOperationHelper;

public function traverseBackendDAEExpsEqnWithSymbolicOperation
"Traverse all expressions of a list of Equations. It is possible to change the equations
and the multidim equations and the algorithms."
and the multidim equations and the algorithms.
// TODO: remove this together with removeEqualFunctionCall"
replaceable type Type_a subtypeof Any;
input BackendDAE.Equation inEquation;
input FuncExpType func;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -865,79 +803,5 @@ algorithm
outStmtLst := listReverse(outStmtLst);
end traverseBackendDAEExpsWhenOperatorWithSymbolicOperation;

protected function traverseBackendDAEExpsWhenOperator<ArgT> "author: Frenkel TUD 2010-11
Traverse all expressions of a list of Equations. It is possible to change the equations
and the multidim equations and the algorithms."
input list<BackendDAE.WhenOperator> inReinitStmtLst;
input FuncExpType func;
input ArgT inArg;
output list<BackendDAE.WhenOperator> outReinitStmtLst = {};
output ArgT outArg = inArg;
partial function FuncExpType
input DAE.Exp inExp;
input ArgT inArg;
output DAE.Exp outExp;
output ArgT outArg;
end FuncExpType;
for rs in inReinitStmtLst loop
rs := match(rs)
DAE.ComponentRef cr;
DAE.Exp cond, msg, level, exp;
DAE.ElementSource src;

case BackendDAE.ASSIGN(cr, cond, src) equation
(cond, outArg) = func(cond, outArg);
(DAE.CREF(componentRef = cr), outArg) = func(Expression.crefExp(cr), outArg);
then BackendDAE.ASSIGN(cr, cond, src);

case BackendDAE.REINIT(cr, cond, src) equation
(cond, outArg) = func(cond, outArg);
(DAE.CREF(componentRef = cr), outArg) = func(Expression.crefExp(cr), outArg);
then BackendDAE.REINIT(cr, cond, src);

case BackendDAE.ASSERT(cond, msg, level, src) equation
(cond, outArg) = func(cond, outArg);
then BackendDAE.ASSERT(cond, msg, level, src);

case BackendDAE.NORETCALL(exp, src) equation
(exp, outArg) = Expression.traverseExpBottomUp(exp, func, outArg);
then BackendDAE.NORETCALL(exp, src);

else rs;
end match;

outReinitStmtLst := rs::outReinitStmtLst;
end for;

outReinitStmtLst := listReverse(outReinitStmtLst);
end traverseBackendDAEExpsWhenOperator;

public function traverseExpsOfEquationList<ArgT> "author: Frenkel TUD 2010-11
Traverse all expressions of a list of Equations. It is possible to change the equations
and the multidim equations and the algorithms."
input list<BackendDAE.Equation> inEquations;
input FuncExpType func;
input ArgT inArg;
output list<BackendDAE.Equation> outEquations = {};
output ArgT outArg = inArg;

partial function FuncExpType
input DAE.Exp inExp;
input ArgT inArg;
output DAE.Exp outExp;
output ArgT outArg;
end FuncExpType;
for eq in inEquations loop
(eq, outArg) := traverseExpsOfEquation(eq, func, outArg);
outEquations := eq :: outEquations;
end for;

outEquations := listReverse(outEquations);
end traverseExpsOfEquationList;

end BackendDAETransform;

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