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Replace recursions with loops
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lochel committed May 26, 2015
1 parent fac1d4e commit 837ddfb
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 83 deletions.
136 changes: 53 additions & 83 deletions Compiler/BackEnd/
Expand Up @@ -502,29 +502,19 @@ protected function generateInactiveWhenEquationForInitialization "author: lochel
input list<DAE.ComponentRef> inCrLst;
input DAE.ElementSource inSource;
input list<BackendDAE.Equation> inEqns;
output list<BackendDAE.Equation> outEqns;
output list<BackendDAE.Equation> outEqns = inEqns;
DAE.Type identType;
DAE.Exp crefExp, crefPreExp;
BackendDAE.Equation eqn;
outEqns := match (inCrLst)
DAE.Type identType;
DAE.Exp crefExp, crefPreExp;
DAE.ComponentRef cr;
list<DAE.ComponentRef> rest;
BackendDAE.Equation eqn;
list<BackendDAE.Equation> eqns;
BackendDAE.Variables vars;

case {}
then inEqns;

case cr::rest equation
identType = ComponentReference.crefTypeConsiderSubs(cr);
crefExp = DAE.CREF(cr, identType);
crefPreExp = Expression.makePureBuiltinCall("pre", {crefExp}, DAE.T_BOOL_DEFAULT);
eqn = BackendDAE.EQUATION(crefExp, crefPreExp, inSource, BackendDAE.EQ_ATTR_DEFAULT_DYNAMIC);
eqns = generateInactiveWhenEquationForInitialization(rest, inSource, eqn::inEqns);
then eqns;
end match;
for cr in inCrLst loop
identType := ComponentReference.crefTypeConsiderSubs(cr);
crefExp := DAE.CREF(cr, identType);
crefPreExp := Expression.makePureBuiltinCall("pre", {crefExp}, DAE.T_BOOL_DEFAULT);
eqn := BackendDAE.EQUATION(crefExp, crefPreExp, inSource, BackendDAE.EQ_ATTR_DEFAULT_DYNAMIC);
outEqns := eqn::outEqns;
end for;
end generateInactiveWhenEquationForInitialization;

// =============================================================================
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1074,14 +1064,14 @@ protected function preBalanceInitialSystem1 "author: lochel"
input BackendDAE.IncidenceMatrix mt;
input BackendDAE.Variables inVars;
input BackendDAE.EquationArray inEqs;
input Boolean iB;
input Boolean inB;
input list<BackendDAE.Var> inDumpVars;
output BackendDAE.Variables outVars;
output BackendDAE.EquationArray outEqs;
output Boolean oB;
output Boolean outB;
output list<BackendDAE.Var> outDumpVars;
(outVars, outEqs, oB, outDumpVars) := match (n, mt, inVars, inEqs, iB, inDumpVars)
(outVars, outEqs, outB, outDumpVars) := match (n, inB)
list<Integer> row;
Boolean b, useHomotopy;
Expand All @@ -1092,16 +1082,16 @@ algorithm
DAE.ComponentRef cref;
list<BackendDAE.Var> dumpVars;

case (0, _, _, _, false, _)
case (0, false)
then (inVars, inEqs, false, inDumpVars);

case (0, _, _, _, true, _) equation
case (0, true) equation
vars = BackendVariable.listVar1(BackendVariable.varList(inVars));
then (vars, inEqs, true, inDumpVars);

case (_, _, _, _, _, _) equation
else equation
true = n > 0;
(vars, eqs, b, dumpVars) = preBalanceInitialSystem2(n, mt, inVars, inEqs, iB, inDumpVars);
(vars, eqs, b, dumpVars) = preBalanceInitialSystem2(n, mt, inVars, inEqs, inB, inDumpVars);
(vars, eqs, b, dumpVars) = preBalanceInitialSystem1(n-1, mt, vars, eqs, b, dumpVars);
then (vars, eqs, b, dumpVars);

Expand All @@ -1113,14 +1103,14 @@ protected function preBalanceInitialSystem2 "author: lochel"
input BackendDAE.IncidenceMatrix mt;
input BackendDAE.Variables inVars;
input BackendDAE.EquationArray inEqs;
input Boolean iB;
input Boolean inB;
input list<BackendDAE.Var> inDumpVars;
output BackendDAE.Variables outVars;
output BackendDAE.EquationArray outEqs;
output Boolean oB;
output Boolean outB;
output list<BackendDAE.Var> outDumpVars;
(outVars, outEqs, oB, outDumpVars) := matchcontinue(n, mt, inVars, inEqs, iB, inDumpVars)
(outVars, outEqs, outB, outDumpVars) := matchcontinue(n, mt, inVars, inEqs, inB, inDumpVars)
list<Integer> row;
Boolean b, useHomotopy;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1156,7 +1146,7 @@ algorithm
case (_, _, _, _, _, _) equation
row = mt[n];
false = listEmpty(row);
then (inVars, inEqs, iB, inDumpVars);
then (inVars, inEqs, inB, inDumpVars);

else equation
Error.addInternalError("function preBalanceInitialSystem1 failed", sourceInfo());
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1466,66 +1456,46 @@ protected function addStartValueEquations "author: lochel"
input list<BackendDAE.Var> inVarLst;
input BackendDAE.EquationArray inEqns;
input list<BackendDAE.Var> inDumpVars;
output BackendDAE.EquationArray outEqns;
output list<BackendDAE.Var> outDumpVars "this are the variables that get fixed (not the same as inVarLst!)";
output BackendDAE.EquationArray outEqns = inEqns;
output list<BackendDAE.Var> outDumpVars = inDumpVars "this are the variables that get fixed (not the same as inVarLst!)";
BackendDAE.Var dumpVar;
BackendDAE.Equation eqn;
DAE.Exp e, crefExp, startExp;
DAE.ComponentRef cref;
DAE.Type tp;
Boolean isPreCref;
(outEqns, outDumpVars) := matchcontinue(inVarLst, inEqns, inDumpVars)
BackendDAE.Var var, dumpVar;
list<BackendDAE.Var> vars, dumpVars;
BackendDAE.Equation eqn;
BackendDAE.EquationArray eqns;
DAE.Exp e, crefExp, startExp;
DAE.ComponentRef cref, preCref;
DAE.Type tp;

case ({}, _, _) then (inEqns, inDumpVars);

case (var::vars, _, _) equation
preCref = BackendVariable.varCref(var);
true = ComponentReference.isPreCref(preCref);
cref = ComponentReference.popPreCref(preCref);
tp = BackendVariable.varType(var);

crefExp = DAE.CREF(preCref, tp);
for var in inVarLst loop
cref := BackendVariable.varCref(var);
tp := BackendVariable.varType(var);
crefExp := DAE.CREF(cref, tp);
isPreCref := ComponentReference.isPreCref(cref);

if isPreCref then
cref := ComponentReference.popPreCref(cref);
end if;

e = Expression.crefExp(cref);
tp = Expression.typeof(e);
startExp = Expression.makePureBuiltinCall("$_start", {e}, tp);
e := Expression.crefExp(cref);
tp := Expression.typeof(e);
startExp := Expression.makePureBuiltinCall("$_start", {e}, tp);

eqn = BackendDAE.EQUATION(crefExp, startExp, DAE.emptyElementSource, BackendDAE.EQ_ATTR_DEFAULT_INITIAL);
eqns = BackendEquation.addEquation(eqn, inEqns);
eqn := BackendDAE.EQUATION(crefExp, startExp, DAE.emptyElementSource, BackendDAE.EQ_ATTR_DEFAULT_INITIAL);
outEqns := BackendEquation.addEquation(eqn, outEqns);

dumpVar = BackendVariable.copyVarNewName(cref, var);
if isPreCref then
dumpVar := BackendVariable.copyVarNewName(cref, var);
// crStr = BackendDump.varString(dumpVar);
// fcall(Flags.INITIALIZATION, Error.addCompilerWarning, " " + crStr);

(eqns, dumpVars) = addStartValueEquations(vars, eqns, inDumpVars);
then (eqns, dumpVar::dumpVars);

case (var::vars, _, _) equation
cref = BackendVariable.varCref(var);
tp = BackendVariable.varType(var);

crefExp = DAE.CREF(cref, tp);

e = Expression.crefExp(cref);
tp = Expression.typeof(e);
startExp = Expression.makePureBuiltinCall("$_start", {e}, tp);

eqn = BackendDAE.EQUATION(crefExp, startExp, DAE.emptyElementSource, BackendDAE.EQ_ATTR_DEFAULT_INITIAL);
eqns = BackendEquation.addEquation(eqn, inEqns);

outDumpVars := dumpVar::outDumpVars;
// crStr = BackendDump.varString(var);
// fcall(Flags.INITIALIZATION, Error.addCompilerWarning, " " + crStr);

(eqns, dumpVars) = addStartValueEquations(vars, eqns, inDumpVars);
then (eqns, var::dumpVars);

else equation
Error.addInternalError("function addStartValueEquations failed", sourceInfo());
then fail();
end matchcontinue;
outDumpVars := var::outDumpVars;
end if;
end for;
end addStartValueEquations;

// =============================================================================
Expand Down

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