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Fix #3193:
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- Made TplParser.restOfTemplLine iterative to avoid stack overflows.

git-svn-id: f25d12d1-65f4-0310-ae8a-bbce733d8d8e
  • Loading branch information
perost committed Mar 7, 2015
1 parent 42447f5 commit 953f298
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 200 deletions.
323 changes: 123 additions & 200 deletions Compiler/Template/
Expand Up @@ -374,6 +374,19 @@ algorithm
end matchcontinue;
end parseErrorPrevPositionOpt;

public function parseErrorPrevPositionOptInfoChars
input LineInfo inLineInfoPrevPos;
input LineInfo inLineInfo;
input Option<String> inErrMessage;
input Boolean isFatal;
output LineInfo outLineInfo;
list<String> sol_chars;
LINE_INFO(startOfLineChars = sol_chars) := inLineInfoPrevPos;
outLineInfo := parseErrorPrevPositionOpt(sol_chars, inLineInfoPrevPos,
inLineInfo, inErrMessage, isFatal);
end parseErrorPrevPositionOptInfoChars;

public function expectChar
input list<String> inChars;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4332,7 +4345,7 @@ algorithm
(chars, lineInd) = lineIndent(startChars,0);
//correct the indent of the line right after << to baseInd
lineInd = lineInd + baseInd;
(chars, linfo, expB) = restOfTemplLine(chars, startLInfo, lesc, resc, false, {}, {}, baseInd, lineInd, {});
(chars, linfo, expB) = restOfTemplLine(chars, startLInfo, lesc, resc, false, {}, {}, baseInd, lineInd);
sinfo = tplSourceInfo(captureStartPosition(startChars, startLInfo, 2), chars, linfo);
then (chars, linfo, (expB, sinfo));
end matchcontinue;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4397,26 +4410,13 @@ public function templateBody
output list<String> outChars;
output LineInfo outLineInfo;
output TplAbsyn.ExpressionBase outExpressionBase;
Integer lindent;
(outChars, outLineInfo, outExpressionBase)
:= match (inChars, inLineInfo, inLeftEsc, inRightEsc, inIsSingleQuote, inExpressionList, inIndentStack, inActualIndent)
list<String> chars;
LineInfo linfo;
String lesc, resc;
Boolean isSQ;
Integer actInd, lineInd;
TplAbsyn.ExpressionBase expB;
list<TplAbsyn.Expression> expLst;
list<tuple<Integer,list<TplAbsyn.Expression>>> indStack;

case (chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd)
(chars, lineInd) = lineIndent(chars,0);
(chars, linfo, expB) = restOfTemplLine(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, {});
then (chars, linfo, expB);

end match;
(outChars, lindent) := lineIndent(inChars, 0);
(outChars, outLineInfo, outExpressionBase) := restOfTemplLine(outChars,
inLineInfo, inLeftEsc, inRightEsc, inIsSingleQuote, inExpressionList,
inIndentStack, inActualIndent, lindent);
end templateBody;

Expand All @@ -4435,23 +4435,10 @@ public function lineIndent
output list<String> outChars;
output Integer outLineIndent;
(outChars, outLineIndent) := match (inChars, inLineIndent)
list<String> chars;
Integer lineInd;

case (" " :: chars, lineInd)
(chars, lineInd) = lineIndent(chars, lineInd + 1);
then (chars, lineInd);

case ("\t" :: chars, lineInd)
(chars, lineInd) = lineIndent(chars, lineInd + TabSpaces);
then (chars, lineInd);

else (inChars, inLineIndent);

(outChars, outLineIndent) := match inChars
case " " :: outChars then lineIndent(outChars, inLineIndent + 1);
case "\t" :: outChars then lineIndent(outChars, inLineIndent + TabSpaces);
else (inChars, inLineIndent);
end match;
end lineIndent;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4507,173 +4494,109 @@ public function restOfTemplLine
input list<tuple<Integer,list<TplAbsyn.Expression>>> inIndentStack;
input Integer inActualIndent;
input Integer inLineIndent;
input list<String> inAccStringChars;

output list<String> outChars;
output LineInfo outLineInfo;
output list<String> outChars = inChars;
output LineInfo outLineInfo = inLineInfo;
output TplAbsyn.ExpressionBase outExpressionBase;
(outChars, outLineInfo, outExpressionBase)
:= matchcontinue (inChars, inLineInfo, inLeftEsc, inRightEsc, inIsSingleQuote, inExpressionList, inIndentStack,
inActualIndent, inLineIndent, inAccStringChars)
list<String> chars, startChars, accChars, solChars;
LineInfo linfo, startLinfo;
String c, lesc, resc;
Option<String> errOpt;
Boolean isSQ;
Integer actInd, lineInd;
TplAbsyn.Expression eexp;
TplAbsyn.ExpressionBase expB;
list<TplAbsyn.Expression> expLst;
list<tuple<Integer,list<TplAbsyn.Expression>>> indStack;

//<# #> or $# #$
case (startChars as (c :: "#" :: chars), startLinfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars)
true = stringEq( c, lesc );
(chars, linfo) = interleave(chars, startLinfo);
(chars, linfo, eexp) = nonTemplateExprWithOpts(chars, linfo, lesc, resc);
(chars, linfo) = interleaveExpectChar(chars, linfo, "#");
(chars, linfo) = expectChar(chars, linfo, resc);
//("#" :: c :: chars) = chars;
// true = stringEq( c, resc );
(chars, linfo, lineInd) = dropNewLineAfterEmptyExp(chars, linfo, lineInd, accChars);
(expLst, indStack, actInd, errOpt) = onEscapedExp(eexp, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars);
LINE_INFO(startOfLineChars = solChars) = startLinfo;
linfo = parseErrorPrevPositionOpt(solChars, startLinfo, linfo, errOpt, false);
(chars, linfo, exp) = restOfTemplLine(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, actInd, {});
then (chars, linfo, exp);

//??? should we allow escaping at all ??
/* experimentally we will disallow it ... use "" constants in like 'hey son<%"'"%>s brother'
// \ will be taken literally, '\\' and <<\\>> are both double-backslash !
case ("\\":: c :: chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars)
true = (c == "\\" or c == "'" or c == lesc or c == resc);
(chars, linfo, exp) = restOfTemplLine(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, c :: accChars);
then (chars, linfo, exp);

// isSingleQuote = true
case ("'" :: chars, linfo, _, _, true, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars)
expLst = onTemplEnd(false, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars);
expB = makeTemplateFromExpList(expLst, "'","'");
then (chars, linfo, expB);

// isDoubleQuote = false => << >>
case (">"::">":: chars, linfo, _, _, false, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars)
expLst = onTemplEnd(true, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars);
expB = makeTemplateFromExpList(expLst, "<<",">>");
then (chars, linfo, expB);

// <% %> empty expression ... i.e. comment or a break in line that is not parsed
case (c :: "%":: chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars)
true = stringEq(c, lesc);
(chars, linfo) = interleave(chars, linfo);
("%" :: c :: chars) = chars;
true = stringEq(c, resc);
(chars, linfo, lineInd) = dropNewLineAfterEmptyExp(chars, linfo, lineInd, accChars);
(chars, linfo, expB) = restOfTemplLine(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars);
then (chars, linfo, expB);

// <% expression %>
case ((c :: "%":: chars), startLinfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars)
true = stringEq(c, lesc);
(chars, linfo) = interleave(chars, startLinfo);
(chars, linfo, eexp) = expression(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, false);
(chars, linfo) = interleaveExpectChar(chars, linfo, "%");
(chars, linfo) = expectChar(chars, linfo, resc);
//(c :: chars) = chars;
// true = stringEq( c , resc );
(expLst, indStack, actInd, errOpt) = onEscapedExp(eexp, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars);
LINE_INFO(startOfLineChars = solChars) = startLinfo;
linfo = parseErrorPrevPositionOpt(solChars, startLinfo, linfo, errOpt, false);
(chars, linfo, expB) = restOfTemplLine(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, actInd, {});
then (chars, linfo, expB);

case (c :: chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars)
(chars, linfo) = newLine(c :: chars, linfo);
(expLst, indStack, actInd, errOpt) = onNewLine(expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars);
LINE_INFO(startOfLineChars = solChars) = linfo;
linfo = parseErrorPrevPositionOpt(solChars, linfo, linfo, errOpt, false);

// adrpo: replace this call with the actual body of templateBody
// (chars, linfo, expB) = templateBody(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd);
(chars, lineInd) = lineIndent(chars, 0);
(chars, linfo, expB) = restOfTemplLine(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, {});
then (chars, linfo, expB);

case (c :: chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars)
(chars, linfo, expB) = restOfTemplLine(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, c :: accChars);
then (chars, linfo, expB);

case ({}, linfo, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)
(linfo) = parseError({}, linfo, "Not able to parse the text template expression from the point.", true);
then ({}, linfo, TplAbsyn.ERROR_EXP());

end matchcontinue;
list<TplAbsyn.Expression> expl = inExpressionList;
Integer lindent = inLineIndent;
Integer aindent = inActualIndent;
list<tuple<Integer, list<TplAbsyn.Expression>>> ind_stack = inIndentStack;

String char, next_char;
Boolean remaining_chars = true;
TplAbsyn.Expression exp;
list<String> chars, sol_chars, acc_chars = {};
Option<String> err_opt;
LineInfo linfo;
while true loop
char :: outChars := outChars;

// isSingleQuote = true
if inIsSingleQuote and char == "'" then
expl := onTemplEnd(false, expl, ind_stack, aindent, lindent, acc_chars);
outExpressionBase := makeTemplateFromExpList(expl, "'", "'");
end if;

// Peek at the next character.
next_char :: chars := outChars;

// isSingleQuote = false => << >>
if not inIsSingleQuote and char == ">" and next_char == ">" then
expl := onTemplEnd(true, expl, ind_stack, aindent, lindent, acc_chars);
outExpressionBase := makeTemplateFromExpList(expl, "<<", ">>");
outChars := chars;
// New line.
elseif char == "\r" or char == "\n" then
(outChars, linfo) := newLine(char :: outChars, outLineInfo);
(expl, ind_stack, aindent, err_opt) := onNewLine(expl, ind_stack, aindent, lindent, acc_chars);
outLineInfo := parseErrorPrevPositionOptInfoChars(outLineInfo, linfo, err_opt, false);
(outChars, lindent) := lineIndent(outChars, 0);
acc_chars := {};
// <% something %>
elseif char == inLeftEsc and next_char == "%" then
(outChars, linfo) := interleave(chars, outLineInfo);
char :: next_char :: chars := outChars;

// <% %> empty expression ... i.e. comment or a break in line that is not parsed.
if char == "%" and next_char == inRightEsc then
(outChars, outLineInfo, lindent) :=
dropNewLineAfterEmptyExp(chars, linfo, lindent, acc_chars);
else // <% expression %>
(outChars, linfo, exp) := expression(outChars, linfo, inLeftEsc, inRightEsc, false);
(outChars, linfo) := interleaveExpectChar(outChars, linfo, "%");
(outChars, linfo) := expectChar(outChars, linfo, inRightEsc);
(expl, ind_stack, aindent, err_opt) :=
onEscapedExp(exp, expl, ind_stack, aindent, lindent, acc_chars);
outLineInfo := parseErrorPrevPositionOptInfoChars(outLineInfo, linfo, err_opt, false);
acc_chars := {};
end if;
// Anything else.
acc_chars := char :: acc_chars;
end if;
end while;
outChars := {};
outLineInfo := parseError({}, inLineInfo, "Not able to parse the text template expression from the point.", true);
outExpressionBase := TplAbsyn.ERROR_EXP();
end try;

// //<# #> or $# #$
// /*
// case (startChars as (c :: "#" :: chars), startLinfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars)
// equation
// equality( c = lesc );
// (chars, linfo) = interleave(chars, startLinfo);
// (chars, linfo, eexp) = nonTemplateExprWithOpts(chars, linfo, lesc, resc);
// (chars, linfo) = interleaveExpectChar(chars, linfo, "#");
// (chars, linfo) = expectChar(chars, linfo, resc);
// //("#" :: c :: chars) = chars;
// //equality( c = resc );
// (chars, linfo, lineInd) = dropNewLineAfterEmptyExp(chars, linfo, lineInd, accChars);
// (expLst, indStack, actInd, errOpt) = onEscapedExp(eexp, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars);
// LINE_INFO(startOfLineChars = solChars) = startLinfo;
// linfo = parseErrorPrevPositionOpt(solChars, startLinfo, linfo, errOpt, false);
// (chars, linfo, exp) = restOfTemplLine(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, actInd, {});
// then (chars, linfo, exp);
// */
// //??? should we allow escaping at all ??
// /* experimentally we will disallow it ... use "" constants in like 'hey son<%"'"%>s brother'
// // \ will be taken literally, '\\' and <<\\>> are both double-backslash !
// case ("\\":: c :: chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars)
// equation
// true = (c == "\\" or c == "'" or c == lesc or c == resc);
// (chars, linfo, exp) = restOfTemplLine(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, c :: accChars);
// then (chars, linfo, exp);
// */
end restOfTemplLine;

/* obsolete
public function restOfTemplLineAfterEmptyExp
input list<String> inChars;
input LineInfo inLineInfo;
input String inLeftEsc;
input String inRightEsc;
input Boolean inIsSingleQuote;
input list<TplAbsyn.Expression> inExpressionList;
input list<tuple<Integer,list<TplAbsyn.Expression>>> inIndentStack;
input Integer inActualIndent;
input Integer inLineIndent;
input list<String> inAccStringChars;
output list<String> outChars;
output LineInfo outLineInfo;
output TplAbsyn.Expression outExpression;
(outChars, outLineInfo, outExpression)
:= matchcontinue (inChars, inLineInfo, inLeftEsc, inRightEsc, inIsSingleQuote, inExpressionList, inIndentStack,
inActualIndent, inLineIndent, inAccStringChars)
list<String> chars, accChars;
LineInfo linfo;
String c, lesc, resc;
Boolean isSQ;
Integer actInd, lineInd;
TplAbsyn.Expression exp;
list<TplAbsyn.Expression> expLst;
list<tuple<Integer,list<TplAbsyn.Expression>>> indStack;
//ignore a pure-empty-exp line
//accChars = {} nothing before the empty exp
//and [space] and newLine() after it
case (chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, _, {})
//try take a space and new line
(chars, linfo) = takeSpaceAndNewLine(chars, linfo);
(chars, linfo, exp) = templateBody(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd);
then (chars, linfo, exp);
//simple restOfTemplLine() otherwise ... i.e. continue parsing after the empty exp
case (chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars)
(chars, linfo, exp) = restOfTemplLine(chars, linfo, lesc, resc, isSQ, expLst, indStack, actInd, lineInd, accChars);
then (chars, linfo, exp);
end matchcontinue;
end restOfTemplLineAfterEmptyExp;

public function dropNewLineAfterEmptyExp
input list<String> inChars;
input LineInfo inLineInfo;
Expand Down

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