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improved SolveSimpleEquation using (for loops, reduce number of opera…
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vruge authored and OpenModelica-Hudson committed Nov 18, 2015
1 parent 4b79bb8 commit 997e514
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Showing 2 changed files with 91 additions and 121 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions Compiler/BackEnd/
Expand Up @@ -3123,6 +3123,16 @@ algorithm
end match;
end isComplexEquation;

public function isEquation
input BackendDAE.Equation inEqn;
output Boolean b;
b := match (inEqn)
case BackendDAE.EQUATION() then true;
else false;
end match;
end isEquation;

public function isNotAlgorithm
input BackendDAE.Equation inEqn;
output Boolean b;
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202 changes: 81 additions & 121 deletions Compiler/BackEnd/
Expand Up @@ -66,134 +66,93 @@ protected import BackendDAEUtil;

public function solveSimpleEquations
input BackendDAE.BackendDAE inDAE;
output BackendDAE.BackendDAE outDAE;
(outDAE, _) := BackendDAEUtil.mapEqSystemAndFold(inDAE, findSimpleEquation0, false);
end solveSimpleEquations;

protected function findSimpleEquation0
input BackendDAE.EqSystem isyst;
input BackendDAE.Shared inShared;
input Boolean inChanged;
output BackendDAE.EqSystem osyst;
output BackendDAE.Shared outShared;
output Boolean outChanged;
output BackendDAE.BackendDAE outDAE = inDAE;
BackendDAE.Equation eqn;
BackendDAE.Var var;
Integer iComp;
Integer eindex,vindx;
BackendDAE.StrongComponents comps;
array<Integer> ass1 "eqn := ass1[var]";
array<Integer> ass2 "var := ass2[eqn]";
Boolean solved;

list<BackendDAE.EqSystem> systlst = {};
BackendDAE.EQSYSTEM(matching=BackendDAE.MATCHING(comps=comps)) := isyst;
(osyst, outShared, outChanged) := findSimpleEquation1(isyst, inShared, comps, inChanged);
end findSimpleEquation0;

protected function findSimpleEquation1
input BackendDAE.EqSystem isyst;
input BackendDAE.Shared ishared;
input BackendDAE.StrongComponents inComps;
input Boolean inchanged;
output BackendDAE.EqSystem osyst = isyst;
output BackendDAE.Shared oshared = ishared;
output Boolean changed = inchanged "not used";

for syst in inDAE.eqs loop
BackendDAE.MATCHING(comps=comps,ass1=ass1, ass2=ass2) := syst.matching;
iComp := 1;
for comp in comps loop
if BackendDAEUtil.isSingleEquationComp(comp) then
BackendDAE.SINGLEEQUATION(eqn=eindex,var=vindx) := comp;
eqn := BackendEquation.equationNth1(syst.orderedEqs, eindex);
var := BackendVariable.getVarAt(syst.orderedVars, vindx);

if BackendEquation.isEquation(eqn) then
(eqn,solved) := solveSimpleEquationsWork(eqn, var, outDAE.shared);
syst.orderedEqs := BackendEquation.setAtIndex(syst.orderedEqs, eindex, eqn);

if not solved then
comp := BackendDAE.EQUATIONSYSTEM({eindex}, {vindx}, BackendDAE.EMPTY_JACOBIAN() ,BackendDAE.JAC_NONLINEAR(), false);
comps := List.replaceAt(comp, iComp, comps);
end if;

end if; // isEquation
end if; // isSingleEquationComp
iComp := iComp + 1;
end for; //comp
syst.matching := BackendDAE.MATCHING(ass1, ass2, comps);
systlst := syst :: systlst;
end for; // syst

outDAE.eqs := listReverse(systlst); // listReverse needed?
end solveSimpleEquations;

protected function solveSimpleEquationsWork
input BackendDAE.Equation inEqn;
input BackendDAE.Var var "solve eq with respect to var";
input BackendDAE.Shared shared;
output BackendDAE.Equation outEqn;
output Boolean solved;

Boolean b;
BackendDAE.StrongComponent c;
Integer i = 1;
list<BackendDAE.Var> newVars = {};
for comp in inComps loop
(osyst,oshared, newVars) := findSimpleEquationWork(osyst,oshared,comp, i, newVars);
i := i + 1;
end for;
if not listEmpty(newVars) then
osyst.orderedVars := BackendVariable.addVars(newVars, osyst.orderedVars);
osyst := BackendDAEUtil.setEqSystMatrices(osyst);
end if;
DAE.ComponentRef cr;
DAE.Exp e1,e2,varexp,e;

end findSimpleEquation1;

protected function findSimpleEquationWork
input BackendDAE.EqSystem isyst;
input BackendDAE.Shared ishared;
input BackendDAE.StrongComponent icomp;
input Integer iter;
input list<BackendDAE.Var> iNewVars;
output BackendDAE.EqSystem osyst;
output BackendDAE.Shared oshared;
output list<BackendDAE.Var> oNewVars;
BackendDAE.EquationAttributes attr;
DAE.ElementSource source;
list<DAE.Statement> asserts = {};
matchcontinue (isyst,ishared,icomp)
DAE.ComponentRef cr;
list<DAE.ComponentRef> solveCr;
BackendDAE.Variables vars;
BackendDAE.EquationArray eqns, eqns_;
BackendDAE.Equation eqn_;
BackendDAE.Var var_;
list<BackendDAE.Var> tmpvars;
Integer eindex,vindx;
BackendDAE.EqSystem syst;
BackendDAE.Shared shared;
DAE.ElementSource source;
BackendDAE.Matching matching;
DAE.FunctionTree funcs;
list<BackendDAE.Equation> solveEqns;
DAE.Exp e1,e2,varexp,e;
list<DAE.Statement> asserts;
BackendDAE.EquationAttributes attr;
BackendDAE.StrongComponent comp;
BackendDAE.StrongComponents comps;
array<Integer> ass1, ass2;

case (BackendDAE.EQSYSTEM(orderedVars=vars,orderedEqs=eqns,matching=matching),shared,BackendDAE.SINGLEEQUATION(eqn=eindex,var=vindx))
(eqn_ as BackendDAE.EQUATION(exp=e1, scalar=e2, source=source,attr=attr)) := BackendEquation.equationNth1(eqns, eindex);
(var_ as BackendDAE.VAR(varName = cr)) := BackendVariable.getVarAt(vars, vindx);

varexp := Expression.crefExp(cr);
varexp := if BackendVariable.isStateVar(var_) then Expression.expDer(varexp) else varexp;
BackendDAE.SHARED(functionTree = funcs) := shared;
tmpvars := iNewVars;
//(e, asserts, solveEqns, solveCr) := ExpressionSolve.solve2(e1, e2, varexp, SOME(funcs), SOME(eindex));
(e, asserts, solveEqns, solveCr) := ExpressionSolve.solve2(e1, e2, varexp, SOME(funcs), NONE());
source := DAEUtil.addSymbolicTransformationSolve(true, source, cr, e1, e2, e, asserts);
if listEmpty(solveEqns) then
eqn_ := BackendDAE.EQUATION(varexp, e, source, attr);
solveCr := listReverse(solveCr);
tmpvars := List.appendNoCopy(tmpvars,, BackendVariable.makeVar));
eqn_ := BackendDAE.EQUATION(varexp, e, source, attr);
solveEqns := eqn_::solveEqns;
eqn_ := eqnLst2Alg(solveEqns,source,attr);
end if;
// ExpressionSolve fail!
// try simplify equation
(varexp, e, solveEqns, solveCr, _) := preprocessingSolve(e1, e2, varexp, NONE(), NONE(), 0);
true := listEmpty(solveEqns);
eqn_ := BackendDAE.EQUATION(varexp, e, source, attr);
eqn_ := eqn_;
end try;
// ExressionSolve can't solve eqn -> make equastion system
comp := BackendDAE.EQUATIONSYSTEM({eindex}, {vindx}, BackendDAE.EMPTY_JACOBIAN() ,BackendDAE.JAC_NONLINEAR(), false);
BackendDAE.MATCHING(comps = comps, ass1 = ass1, ass2 = ass2) := matching;
comps := List.replaceAt(comp, iter, comps);
matching := BackendDAE.MATCHING(ass1, ass2, comps);
end try;
eqns_ := BackendEquation.setAtIndex(eqns, eindex, eqn_);
syst := BackendDAEUtil.setEqSystEqs(isyst, eqns_);
syst := BackendDAEUtil.setEqSystMatching(syst, matching);
then(syst, shared, tmpvars);

else (isyst, ishared, iNewVars);
end matchcontinue;
end findSimpleEquationWork;
BackendDAE.EQUATION(exp=e1, scalar=e2, source=source,attr=attr) := inEqn;
BackendDAE.VAR(varName = cr) := var;
varexp := Expression.crefExp(cr);
if BackendVariable.isStateVar(var) then
varexp := Expression.expDer(varexp);
cr := ComponentReference.crefPrefixDer(cr);
end if;

(e1, e2) := preprocessingSolve(e1, e2, varexp, SOME(shared.functionTree), NONE(), 0);
// no number
end try;

(e, asserts) := solve2(e1, e2, varexp, SOME(shared.functionTree), NONE());
source := DAEUtil.addSymbolicTransformationSolve(true, source, cr, e1, e2, e, asserts);
outEqn := BackendEquation.generateEquation(varexp, e, source, attr);
solved := true;
//eqn is change by possible simplification inside preprocessingSolve for solve the eqn with respect to varexp
//source := DAEUtil.addSymbolicTransformationSimplify(true, source, DAE.PARTIAL_EQUATION(e1), DAE.PARTIAL_EQUATION(e2));
outEqn := BackendEquation.generateEquation(e1, e2, source, attr);
solved := false;
end try;

end solveSimpleEquationsWork;

public function eqnLst2Alg
input list<BackendDAE.Equation> eqns;
input DAE.ElementSource source;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,6 +188,7 @@ algorithm
source, expand, attr);
end eqnLst2Alg;

public function solve
"Solves an equation consisting of a right hand side (rhs) and a
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