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- Improved Util.stringWrap.
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git-svn-id: f25d12d1-65f4-0310-ae8a-bbce733d8d8e
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perost committed Oct 29, 2014
1 parent a174a59 commit 9b94e29
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 83 deletions.
161 changes: 78 additions & 83 deletions Compiler/Util/
Expand Up @@ -1391,94 +1391,89 @@ algorithm
end stringPadLeft;

public function stringWrap
"Breaks the given string into multiple parts which are no longer than the
given wrap length. The string is broken at word boundaries, i.e. at spaces, so
that words are not split. The delimiter is prefixed to all result strings
except for the first one. Example:
stringWrap('this is a somewhat long string', 12, '\n ') =>
{'this is a', '\n somewhat', '\n long string'}"
"Breaks the given string into segments which are no longer than the given wrap
length. The string is broken at word boundaries, i.e. at spaces, so that
words are not split. It also wraps the string at any newline characters it
finds. It also takes an optional delimiter which is prefixed to all segments
except the first one. The length of the delimiter is taken into account when
wrapping the string, so it must be shorter than the wrap length or the
function will fail. Example:
stringWrap('this is a somewhat long string with new\nlines', 20, '\n ') =>
{'this is a somewhat', '\n long string with', '\n new', '\n lines'}"
input String inString;
input Integer inWrapLength;
input String inDelimiter;
output list<String> outStrings;
output list<String> outStrings := {};
list<String> str;
Integer dl;
str := stringListStringChar(inString);
dl := stringLength(inDelimiter);
outStrings := stringWrap2(str, inWrapLength, inDelimiter, dl, {}, 0, {});
end stringWrap;

protected function stringWrap2
"Helper function to stringWrap."
input list<String> inString;
input Integer inWrapLength;
input String inDelimiter;
input Integer inDelimiterLength;
input list<String> inAccumString;
input Integer inStringLength;
input list<String> inAccumStrings;
output list<String> outStrings;
outStrings := matchcontinue(inString, inWrapLength, inDelimiter,
inDelimiterLength, inAccumString, inStringLength, inAccumStrings)
String char, str, delim;
list<String> rest_str, acc_strl, acc_str;
Integer wl, sl, dl, pos;

// The case when the given string is a multiple of the wraplength, i.e. both
// the string and the accumulated string is empty.
case ({}, _, _, _, _, 0, _) then listReverse(inAccumStrings);

// Wrap on newline (the newline will be thrown away).
case ("\n" :: rest_str, wl, delim, dl, acc_str, _, acc_strl)
// The delimiter should not be applied to the first string.
delim = if listEmpty(acc_strl) then "" else delim;
str = delim +& stringAppendList(listReverse(acc_str));
acc_strl = str :: acc_strl;
stringWrap2(rest_str, wl, inDelimiter, dl, {}, 0, acc_strl);

// The string is empty, assemble the accumulated string and return the
// wrapped strings.
case ({}, _, delim, _, acc_str, _, acc_strl)
// The delimiter should not be applied to the first string.
delim = if listEmpty(acc_strl) then "" else delim;
str = delim +& stringAppendList(listReverse(acc_str));
acc_strl = str :: acc_strl;

// The length of the accumulated string is equal to the wrap length, time to
// assemble it and start accumulate a new string.
case (_, wl, delim, dl, acc_str, sl, acc_strl)
// The delimiter should not be applied to the first string.
((delim, dl)) = if listEmpty(acc_strl) then ("", 0) else (delim, dl);
true = sl + dl >= wl;
// Split the string at the first space (will be the last since the
// string is reversed). The first part before the space will be the new
// accumulated string, while the rest is added to the list of result
// strings.
pos = List.position(" ", acc_str)-1 "zero-based index needed" ;
(acc_str, rest_str) = List.split(acc_str, pos);
sl = listLength(acc_str);
str = delim +& stringAppendList(listReverse(rest_str));
stringWrap2(inString, wl, inDelimiter, inDelimiterLength, acc_str,
sl, str :: acc_strl);

// None of the above cases matches, add the first character to the
// accumulated string and continue with the rest of the string.
case (char :: rest_str, wl, delim, dl, acc_str, sl, acc_strl)
then stringWrap2(rest_str, wl, delim, dl, char :: acc_str, sl + 1, acc_strl);
Integer start_pos := 1, end_pos := inWrapLength;
Integer dlen, llen, next_start, next_end;
String str, delim := "";
list<String> lines;
// Check that the wrap length is larger than the delimiter and positive
// (stringLength is always >= 0).
true := inWrapLength > stringLength(inDelimiter);

// Split the string into lines delimited by newlines.
lines := System.strtok(inString, "\n");
dlen := stringLength(inDelimiter);
llen := inWrapLength - dlen - 1;

// Wrap each line separately.
for line in lines loop
while end_pos < stringLength(line) loop
// If the next character is not a space, then we need to back up to the
// previous space so we don't wrap in the middle of a word.
if not MetaModelica.Dangerous.stringGetNoBoundsChecking(line, end_pos + 1) == 32 then
next_end := end_pos;

// Search backwards until we find a space.
for i in end_pos:-1:start_pos loop
if MetaModelica.Dangerous.stringGetNoBoundsChecking(line, i) == 32 then
next_end := i - 1;
// Skip the space for the next segment.
next_start := i + 1;
end if;
end for;

// If we reached the start position it means that we have a word that's
// longer than the wrap length, so we have to break the word to respect
// the wrap length.
if next_end <= start_pos then
next_start := end_pos + 1;
// Otherwise, move the end position to the found wrap point.
end_pos := next_end;
end if;
// If the next character is a space we don't need to back up, but we set
// the start position of the next segment so that we skip the space.
next_start := end_pos + 2;
end if;

// Wrap the line at this point.
str := delim + substring(line, start_pos, end_pos);
outStrings := str :: outStrings;

// Continue with the remainder of the line.
start_pos := next_start;
end_pos := start_pos + llen;
delim := inDelimiter;
end while;

// Add the remainder of the line to the list.
str := delim + substring(line, start_pos, stringLength(line));
outStrings := str :: outStrings;

// Continue with the next line.
start_pos := 1;
end_pos := llen;
delim := inDelimiter;
end for;

end matchcontinue;
end stringWrap2;
outStrings := MetaModelica.Dangerous.listReverseInPlace(outStrings);
end stringWrap;

public function stringRest
"Returns all but the first character of a string."
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